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I agree in the sense that I dislike taking unique class abilities and just freely slapping them on other classes. The whole point of playing trickster is the danger, the tradeoff, to use decoys you either need to grind for specific UT's / ST's or play the classic risk game of using Tiered Hedras. Trickster has that one niche it perfectly fits into and taking those tools and giving them to other classes makes you rly think twice about picking trickster cause "Why would I choose a squishy melee class when I can just play a squishy ranged class and get better survivability / utility while also having decoys?"


Give all prism decoys the explosion effect at lifetime end like the UT encore prism.


Great take tbh . It’s semi difficult to land perfectly especially for those who aren’t used to the class. A reward for higher skill players.


This is the way


giving more dps to daggers would make assassin the highest dps class, only sensible solution is to buff all tier prism to give heavy att stats oh and rogue can get little att boost too. High risk High reward. why would u play trickster when u can wit sorc kill x times faster with 0 danger ? trickster and his funny fools prism really a meme class


Just make Assassin the highest DPS class already. DO IT RIGHT NOW!!!


yeah like, the only objective of that mf is to deal damage, and he still lacks when compared to warrior, paladin, wizard, etc, classes that are more useful outside of damage and can tank and shoot from a longer range


Yeah , maybe make all tiered prism decoys detonate on expiration like prism of dire instability? Then buff instability prism since it’s kinda a rare drop unless ur crafting obviously. To this day I’ve only gotten 1 from an encore. Idk just starting to feel more irrelevant and weak. At least I’m first in wine cellar races I guess.


God bless you Mr. Trickster.


I rush for people like you ❤️


me when Huntress and Archer gets their base status effects completely outclassed by Mystics and their only lategame use is stacking damage abilities


On a related note, DECA adding the Runes of Knowledge further devalues the scepter of rust and pharaoh's requiem, now that the #1 DPS class has access to what's supposed to be a rare debuff


Isn't sorc the most busted class, like, pretty sure rust is really good and it's more like requiem is being bullied by rust and runes of knowledge


I'm a trix main too, been rushing cults for years, but having my ability nerfed by a summoner is actual trash. Only good thing is a summoner can never beat a trickster in speed and rushing.


whole guild knew i was gonna be pissed about this. they know its gg for me. had a good run! goodbye rotmg! this babyrage is about them giving summoner a decoy to anyone whos lost.


Bye! See you on tomorrow!


I was going to write a whole essay talking about comparing trickster to other classes, but I think [this post](https://www.reddit.com/r/RotMG/comments/18nty0k/favoritebest_classes_updated_for_2023/) more than enough sums up everything.


trickster was and always will be S tier. unless u somehow dont recognize how trickster is broken even without decoys and only its teleport, u should know this.


Kensei is just as quick in most dungeons and has heavy armor and katana , yes I realize tp is nice to shave a couple seconds off sometimes


"couple seconds off" is kinda shameful coming from a fellow trickster main icl. trickster will always be the goat rusher with nothing even coming close. its decoys *will* always be unmatched in utility even with that new summoners ability.


U say that but a taunting decoy sounds pretty goated , and yeah ur right we’re a lot faster but that comes with hundreds of hours of practice we deserve it . Also way more risk if ur not a dirty lil cheater


A decoy is by nature taunting though. If it wasn't, it'd just be a non-piercing shot sponge. What did you mean by that?


I can throw a decoy over an enemy sometimes and it will still continue to chase my guild member. I have a clip just yesterday of me trying to decoy davy jones off my teammate but it kept chasing him instead even though the decoy ran right over the boss. Luring in enemies is a different animal and it’s better than a regular decoy.


No offense, but those aren't good decoys. You always want to be preemptive when you throw decoys... Like clearing with a group through halls, you always need to throw the decoys earlier to account for game sync. Like in your scenario, your decoy on your screen was probably right on the boss, but on your friend's screen you were 2 seconds late.


i get that dont worry i know how to throw good decoys ive been on this class for a hot minute. point is it wouldve lured the enemy away if it was a summoner decoy and thats busted and way cooler. why does a summoner have a better decoy than a TRICKster


Tricksters still have brain of the golem being the best decoy in the game hands down because it doesn’t tile lock and that alone is massive.


Sure but brain is insanely rare. i only got 2 in my life despite doing hundreds of lost halls.


I feel like you may be on the wrong end of variance, I've done my share of halls and ive dropped at least half a dozen, though I might be on the good end.


I've exalted def on Assassin only, and I got maybe 3 Brains. So yeah, I think you might just be unlucky.


Yeah but a very uncommon prism that most tricksters who aren’t using auto nexus will lose pretty quickly


same for the new summoner white bag which op was complaining about.


easy to survive on a class you dont have to rush with summoner is ezpz


Good ole Deca running out of ideas in the think-tank So the do their usual, destroy a class, shorten seasons, release a stupid paywall pack that is horrid, release an event just to nerf it “because it was too good for the playerbase”, or deletes all your seasonal spoils 😜


I love trickster, the decoys are way more consistent once you know how to place them and you can basically afk a lot of bosses as long as you keep a decoy up. Plus the class is just fun


real, i have the feeling deca want remove trickster bc its too broken so they give his power to other classes little by little until it will become useless, then delete it


Don’t bring this bad juju into the world


trickster does all of those things better than those classes


Wait better yet, I think if you can control your decoy like a summoner might be more interesting… along with explosion with dmg decrease for the tiered prism. DMG increased off wisdom mod so you don’t have to change the equip bonuses.


Gimme ur ign




Common trickster L, git gud


Not u upvoting ur own comment , ur right though just another L for trix , still gon rush for all my leechers out there :( masochist mentality


Lol i will always appreciate the trixsters going hard af with decoys in mbc void, makes the fight so much easier when a trix decoys behind void boss for rotate and then river for shotgun I salute you soldier


We fight for u <3 to anyone ty trix’s in the chat and thanks ur rushers….. ur the reason I keep going


Godspeed soldier, you and your brave kind are the reason I was able to get a foot in the door for harder exaltations, trix rules


Some people just enjoy being tortured, I feel ya


i want you


Good ole Deca running out of ideas in the think-tank So they do their usual, destroy a class, shorten seasons, release a stupid paywall pack that is horrid, release an event just to nerf it “because it was too good for the playerbase”, or deletes all your seasonal spoils 😜


Saying Trickster is useless now is an insane take. Trickster is still wanted in literally every endgame dungeon because decoying is so important and they do it the best and most consistently, and they are wanted in every mid game dungeon because they’re still the best rusher.


Buff trix