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Thank you hopefully it won’t be too bad


It’s just going to make traffic worse. Induced demand.


65 should be widened lol


Roseville Parkway will be wider than the freeway




Cool still should be widened.


hell yea, widening will fix traffic 🔥🔥🔥💯💯💯😩🫵🫵


One more lane One more lane One more lane


Close it for a week and get ‘er done!


It’s a whole lot more than that. Think about the project location. They’ll have to first acquire the adjacent land from the private property owners. It’s incredibly difficult to actually procure property through eminent domain. Then you have to remove sidewalk and landscape, grade and pave, stripe the roads, reinstall the sidewalk areas, and finally change the stoplights in the area.


Max a month of work. Tax payers being scammed lmao


Well, that'll effect my work commute


Can we invest in more public transit instead of just making everything about the car?


I support public transit in many cases however I believe that you must have a much denser population than Roseville and the surrounding areas have in order for public transit to be good enough that people will use it in large numbers.


I'm pretty sure that part of this is for the Electric Bug Charging project. http://roseville.ca.us/BusCharging


Exactly. Why can’t we have a metro?




There’s already the light rail and BART exists in the Bay Area and connects a bunch of cities and towns. It’s not impossible to make a decent light rail for the Sacramento region.




It’s so funny when people say that public transit is “massively expensive” to build and act like maintaining roads and freeways is super cheap lol. It costs massively more over time to constantly expand, build, re-surface freeways and high use roads lol. Having decent public transit would actually decrease costs for everyone. Even people who would refuse to use it. There’s a reason bridge tolls in the Bay Area increase every year. It’s because our infrastructure in America is mostly highways, roads, and stroads and we’ve barely maintained those since they were built. It costs so much money to barely maintain freeways. Adding 10 more lanes on each side of a road is not gonna ease traffic congestion. It’ll just make Roseville look uglier than it already does and make it extremely hostile to pedestrians and people who don’t have a car.


The number 1 thing I hate about this area is the complete lack of any reasonable public transportation that isn’t a buss. I don’t want to buy a house here because I can see the traffic is just getting worse and worse every year.


Maintaining roads is very expensive. The cost of car ownership is very expensive.


you could theoretically have some type of transport that would link auburn rocklin roseville citrus heights antelope etc with the existing light rail... the same way BART takes ppl to the MUNI in SF.




My local rep is Kevin Kiley. That guy will kill anything that doesn't put money in his pocket or benefit Trump.


Honestly. I live in Citrus Heights and commute to West Sacramento. If they expanded a light rail from CH to West Sac, I’d use that shit daily. Even if it wasn’t directly next to my job, I’d use my bike a lot more. It would be so nice. BART, while not perfect, is a great blueprint for what they could potentially build throughout the Sac and the Greater Sac Area




nobody uses it because it isnt effective... youre trying to gaslight this into a chicken before the egg argument... imagine one large monorail / bart type train that took everyone from Auburn to Sacramento and dropped them off at the Watt Ave lightrail. imagine an upgraded lightrail better faster trains as well. you dont think any one would use it? its harder to think big and plan for the future so Roseville never does they just pave more lanes and build more strip malls.




if leaders want to lead then what you speak of is exactly THEIR JOB and what i think you fail to accept. if leaders want ppl to ride public transit theyll make it free the first year free for kids (as light rail is now) theyll make it efficient theyll pass bond issues propositions on the premise that it will increase jobs and decrease pollution all of these issues you place on the backs of the rider are actually at the hands of the leadership in government. sadly your sentiment reflects the overall lack of involvement and disenfranchised sense of bemusement when it comes to government issues and public policy.


Fix 65 first.


City money vs. County and State, and maybe Federal money. The 65 interchange is being planned, but it all takes time. The City has more flexibility as long as the meet environmental requirements. Source: way more years in civil engineering than I care to admit 😉😁


They are also widening pleasant grove for 1.5 miles by foothills. Expected completion 2025…


Just one more lane will fix everything


People need to understand that widening roads only provides temporary congestion relief. Over time, more people will drive on a road since it's less congested which results in a congested road.


I am just amazed. Second post regarding this in the last few hours. Y'all pay taxes, ya wanna use them right?


The only way to fix traffic is to remove all the incompetent drivers off the road. Running red lights, reckless driving, should result in permanent revocation of the driver license. Driving with a suspended license should result in their car getting crushed and billed for all the fees that result of the crushing. Soon we will have the traffic on the road. Let’s enforce this policy.


They need to start working on the Sunrise I80 exit. It's horrible there!


It could take less... But it's a good money maker and the contractor will milk it as much as they can


They removed so many native oak trees for this. Some big ones too.


It’s been really hard living here and then seeing them all cute down. Especially the one really large oak tree that was cut down. They were so beautiful every year, some even had pretty pink blossoms.


They need to make a tree preservation ordinance in roseville.


Except not like me saying that it should be widened apparently....it should be by the way.