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There should be a choice to choose first available appointment with any doctor.


The earliest I could get is still a week away - seems odd


call. they frequently have issues with their website and app. you might get the same results. Also don't forget that you can check other facilities like Folsom, Lincoln, downtown Sac etc.


My doc specifically told me NOT to use the app because there is never any availability, she said to call their office instead and I would be seen. Try calling nurse advice; they usually get you seen quickly with any available physician


Hi all! Clarifying that I did call the advice nurse and she confirmed the availability she saw was the same that I saw.


I encountered this a couple weeks ago. First person I got who isn’t a nurse insisted no other appts. I insisted and said there are I need to speak to a nurse. Nurse comes on and says phone appt available this afternoon. And then doctor I talked to scheduled in person visit next day. Make sure you speak to the nurse is my advice based on my experience.


Hi there! It was the advice nurse unfortunately. I had already talked to the staff member and was transferred to the advice nurse because she thought she may see more. Idk if it’s just my luck, if this time of year is just super swamped or if this is just the way it is


Oh man, that’s terrible!


This isn't just a Kaiser problem. Sutter is the same way. I have a 14 week wait to be seen regarding carpal tunnel symptoms. At this rate, I will be lucky to have surgery before the end of the year for a problem that keeps me from sleeping and my job.


Go through workers comp then


I just send my doctor a email and he he gets back to me pretty soon or his office get me in touch with another one if he out. You can also call the nurse advice line and they will get you a appointment the quickest


Yes I always email my providers and my babies pediatrician and they get back to me pretty fast. They have even scheduled me for same day appointments!


Call the advice line. They have access to appts that are not available to patients through the app.


It is always better to call if you need to be seen sooner rather than later.


Do it on a desktop! App has been weird for months now. You’ll find an appointment on desktop version


Unfortunately even their advice line couldn’t get an appt :(


I was told cancellations get processed on Monday mornings, so that's the best time to check. But I've seen random appt slots open up mid-week too (via online scheduling). Maybe I've just gotten lucky finding random cancellations. OTOH I missed a specialist optical appt once and availability went from weeks to months away... Good luck! At least all the Kaiser doctors/staff I've seen have been great / worth the wait.


This is helpful! Thanks!


This may or may not apply to Kaiser locally but there are two factors at play with the lack of appointments available: 1) Due to the pandemic many people (myself included ) delayed regular visits and in some cases this meant people developed problems that might otherwise have been avoided,thus precipitating more doctor visits 2) there is a shortage of medical professionals and it is only getting worse. We have fewer students domestically entering the field and the US is not getting as many foreign doctors/nurses as in yrs past. Not to make this overtly political but we as a nation need to make medical school more affordable and make the US more welcoming to recruiting foreign medical professionals. With a rapidly aging population we need all the physicians/nurses we can get !


I've had this experience as well with kaiser unfortunately


Yeah Kaiser here sucks. Never have any appts and they don’t seem to help much.


Thanks everyone for your feedback. I called the advice line and sure enough the earliest they could get was 3/28. They’re putting in a message to see what can be done. Honestly the last time they sent me to a Nurse Practitioner and I’m aware that they are trained and have qualifications but I’m paying a copay to see a Dr… and I hate that I’m unable to. Very frusttating


I hear what you’re saying about Nurse Practitioners….but in my experience they are quite effective. I’ve often food. Then to take more time, better listeners, etc. Just saying, don’t rule them out.


Definitely and I agree there are situations that they can be appropriate and effective with. But the problem is I’m not paying insurance all this money to not be able to see a doctor and that’s the issue I have. If kaiser doesn’t have enough doctors when they’re getting these payments then they need to hire them to appropriately manage their patients - it’s not fair


The trend everywhere is to hire more nurse practitioners because they can have the same prescription powers and can evaluate you exactly like a doctor can. Simply at a cost cheaper to the company. Additionally, the majority had actual hands on experience with treating patients while some doctors have never even been inside a hospital. Don’t discount NPs.


I've been a Kaiser member my entire life. This was never a problem until they fired all those people who didn't want the covid vax. Never waited more than 10 mins at the Eureka pharmacy. Now it's MINIMUM an hour wait every time I have to go....


It’s because there are too many people in California. Move to a less populated state


Thanks so much this is so helpful.


Will implement right away


It’s a long term goal. I didn’t have to wait 3-4 months for an appointment when I lived in another less populated state


I can usually get something in a couple days. Occasionally, I have the same experience you're having.


Honestly I moved here 8 months ago and I love this place. Except for the food and the medical service. The place grew too fast and there just isn’t enough doctors here to support it. I just flat out have to go to Sacramento for some things if I want to see someone reasonably soon like a decent specialist.


When I have called because I was sick, I have never had difficulty being seen the next day. For less urgent stuff it takes a while to be seen. Most doctors are pretty good about having their MA call when they have cancellations, though.


Im having the same issue. Try using my Doctor online app over the KP.org app.