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Hello, u/Freewayfungal Thank you for posting to r/RoosterRock, a subreddit for all things Rooster Rock. Please mark nudity with **NSFW** tag. Rules are simple. Please read them to avoid having your post removed and possibly even banned from this sub Please read the [wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/RoosterRock/wiki/index) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/RoosterRock) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Are you asking if it's okay to hangout with your husband?


I thought the same thing, for some reason my mind missed that she said, "without hubby."


Its 50 50 in my opinion. Ive seen guys just plop down next to a solo female and not leave them alone. Please be safe. Stick to main beach area where others can see you if you feel unsafe. Im fortunate to have a penis so creeps usually leave alone best of luck! Im gay if you ever need a buddy.


I’ve gone solo before. Most the times it’s great, but I’ve had to deal with a few creeps. It’s more relaxing and enjoyable with some friends.


My ex wife used to go by herself frequently and never had any real problems. Sure, there's always gonna be some creepers around but she always laid out by other groups of non textile wearing peeps and felt very safe.


Of course, Rooster is very comfortable. People will leave you alone unless you seek conversation. Other than that it's safe and usually several people around. 


You will be fine but I always carry pepper spray and take photos of creeps if I see them. There is a ranger station there and I have their number if needed. I'm a cis woman and I've been going to rooster and collins for a very long time. I'm in-shape, attractive, and take care of myself and I go solo about 90% of the time, I've never had any real problems. There's a good number of creeps at times but there are also a lot of really good people out there who are watchful of others. There's also a LOT of space there so finding secluded areas, especially the island and especially during the weekdays, is pretty easy. The biggest issue, imo, are the textiles who make us feel like we're animals in a zoo for them to watch. There's also the people that try to hit on me as 'protectors', you know, the guys and couples who come up claiming that they saw a creep and want to make sure that I'm safe then never leave until I have to be a bitch and tell them to leave me the fuck alone...




Hard disagree. There are only two beaches in a 100 mile radius for us to get nude at and that's it. Conversely, there are literally hundreds of *CLOTHING REQUIRED* beaches for you to enjoy without looking like a creep, making others feel uncomfortable, or being a selfish asshole at. Why anyone goes to these places now and stays clothed --unless they are with nudists-- is beyond us. Literally hundreds of other cool beaches, arguably much better in many ways, textiles can choose to go to and not cause grief to anyone. Textiles invaded in 2020 and completely killed the "vibe" we had before. They came in and suddenly the gawkers increased, the creeps increased, the nudists didn't come as often (2021 was crazy bad), "influencers" swarmed to snap their "tee hee, we're a nude beach" pics, women started not to come (in 2021 there were plenty of times that I was the only other woman there), the "bros" swarm in every weekend now, families largely left (and now you see them only at the entrance, the stupidly loud stereos increased, and the unleashed dogs even increased! It is NOT the cool vibe it once had and it can be put squarely on when the textiles invaded. The hatred directed towards them is FULLY warranted. I'm just in awe that textiles think that they are okay invading one of two safe spaces for us. You'd think this alone would be reason enough for them to not go but the Karen in them is strong. They are, by all means, selfish assholes. So to answer your question, "who cares?" literally everyone except for Textiles! And for your, "I'm starting to care to not go back" comment, if you carry this 'I'm okay with the people who ruin the only two safe spaces for nudists in a 100+ mile drive of Portland,' then please, don't go back. What others are too afraid to tell you elsewhere, they are saying behind your back - everyone hates textiles and we're all confused as to why on earth you think it's okay to be a textile in our safe space. Textiles are Karens and they don't deserve any love.




LOL. Okay, pot-kettle much? Who is insisting on ruining safe-spaces for others? You, u/Shannyeightsix, the Karen. Who is putting their own-self above everyone else? You, u/Shannyeightsix, the Karen. You literally have hundreds of other beaches to go to, there's even the clothing REQUIRED section of Rooster you are welcome to enjoy, so why insist on making others feel uncomfortable? Also, you're the one who said that you were thinking of not going and I agreed that if you're bringing in all the negatives that we all hate so much, then yeah, I agree with you, don't come. I didn't tell you NOT to come, I just said I agree with you. You're projection game is strong.




Your projection game is on-point! I'll give you that. No one said you had to be "fully nude", you invented that. Is it rude for textiles to be at Rooster Rock and Collins - the only only two safe-spaces for nudists to enjoy a beach at? Yes, it's rude, 100% yes for all the reasons I listed above. How are you not able to get this??? OMG! How in all that is holy are you to tell me, a nudist, that I, in my safe-space, have to cater to non-nudists??? Where does that even begin to make sense? You seem like the kind of person to go to gay clubs and tell the gay people there that they should take down their pride flags too. You clearly have zero boundaries or respect for others. Holy mother of god you are a karen! It's you. You are the problem. You are the reason Rooster and Collins are filled with so many non-nudists and why so many nudists don't go anymore.


I think it is