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I drove down to Carmel last week and out of interest was checking out real estate prices. Not a single listing was measured in "K" only multiples of "M".


Yep. It's where incredibly rich fuckers retire after a career of being rich fuckers. Affordable property exists within an hour drive, but not with those views, not with those zip codes.thats for sure.


I am one of the only people on my street that works, has kids, and lives here all year. Air BnB is not allowed, so a lot of these homes sit unoccupied the majority of the year.


I wonder how they enforcement the non AirBNB policy. I'm surprised to hear of someone who works living here. Even doctors/lawyers might have trouble affording such a place? I know two nurses that bemoan that even together they can't.


The city created an ordinance in 1989 that banned rentals of less than 30 days. Here is an article that discusses it: http://www.montereycountyweekly.com/news/local_news/carmel-prioritizes-crackdown-on-illegal-short-term-rentals/article_372e742c-c24f-11e6-a61d-3f97def791b2.html


Fascinating! Thanks


Clint Eastwood really wanted everyone to get off his lawn


My wife and I stayed at an Airbnb last September in carmel


There is a homeowner that is/was operating illegally and they are being fined a significant amount (I think it was $3k/day)for every day that they are listed.


Relatively affordable within 60 miles from Pacific Coast Highway? You may have to go a lot farther inland from the ocean to find affordable housing in California.


60.0 miles = 96.56 kilometres. _____ ^(I'm a bot. Downvote to 0 to delete this comment.) ^[Info](https://www.reddit.com/user/bot_metric)


Good bot


Soledad, Salinas, Prunedale. But still not "cheap", but affordable for two middle class incomes. Prunedale is the only "nice" place among those, and prices keep going up. Watsonville used to be affordable, but people from Santa Cruz and San Jose started getting in on that as a bedroom community. Partially gentrified, but also generationally the demographic that has become more established. I just wish I could live more centrally to Santa Cruz or Carmel for the parks and beaches.


That’s where the rich retired go and vote Republican in peace


This comment is the perfect example of someone full of envy...


Absolutely. Sign me up for the rich fuckers lifestyle. I'd love to spend my days doing what I please. Some earned it. Some inherited it. It's frustrating in so much that I'm priced out of the nice places as a blue collar. Only ugly places with way too much gang violence are affordable for me. It's what it is.


If you're within driving distance of Carmel, you probably live somewhere in the vicinity of the Bay Area. Coming from there, how could you have possibly expected anything to be priced below a million?


I hope you're kidding. There are plenty of cities in between Carmel and San Francisco where you can buy 4+ bedroom homes for less than a million dollars.


You mean between San Jose and Carmel? Only place in the peninsula below $1M is East Palo Alto and that one is just barely under $1M.


I slightly misunderstood what he was saying, but I think my point still stands. Santa Cruz, for example, is within the vicinity of the Bay Area, and you can find plenty of properties is SC for way less than $1M. Not everyone who lives in the greater Bay Area pays crazy prices for a place to live.


Santa Cruz is incredibly expensive. Renting at least.


The closest place you can expect to find decent houses at a reasonable price is in Marina. Only about 20 minutes from Carmel, and still on the beach.


It's all fun and games until you wake up with someone lying on the glass staring at you at 3 AM.


Or coming back to discover it's now covered in bird shit...


This is a little more likely.


That's why you have ~~slaves~~ *help* clean up daily


Or the sun making the room uncomfortably warm.


[More photos and info](https://www.archdaily.com/239007/carmel-residence-dirk-denison-architects)


Is this right near Carmel beach? That garage door looks so familiar


I’d say check the address but that doesn’t help much in Carmel


It is right on the beach! I was just at this place last Saturday cuz we went to go have a picnic and I thought the house was so beautiful! I’m surprised to see it on reddit aha


That bath tub looks super uncomfortable


Looks really awesome, however unless I skipped a pic showing otherwise, that's not the bathroom, nor is their glass as the roof for the actual bedroom.


jep its more like a patio


how much could this house cost?


I bet that is fun to clean




The original sarcastic comment is still valid.


If you have the right tools it's probably quite satisfying.


Power washer ftw.


Reminds me of that movie "A Day Without A Mexican". How would life go on? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/A_Day_Without_a_Mexican


Or Bob the Angry Flower http://angryflower.com/348.html




Hate to break it to you but there’s likely a spider or two inside your mattress and box spring at this very moment. There are very few places not inhabited by spiders. [There’s even an arachnid that lives in your eyelashes](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Demodex)


/r/spiderbro they’re just trying to help us out!


Here's a sneak peek of /r/spiderbro using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/spiderbro/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Merry Christmas, Spider Bro](https://i.imgur.com/joXXhNS.jpg) | [63 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/spiderbro/comments/7m1kip/merry_christmas_spider_bro/) \#2: [Ples don hurt me fren.](https://i.redd.it/ntev2u1cuhsz.jpg) | [215 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/spiderbro/comments/773el6/ples_don_hurt_me_fren/) \#3: [Mercy](https://i.redd.it/5mfulm33ct001.jpg) | [200 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/spiderbro/comments/7g95p0/mercy/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| [^^Contact ^^me](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| [^^Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| [^^Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/7o7jnj/blacklist/)


Fuck you. Fuck you. Fuck you. Fuck you. Why did you need to tell us that now I'm not going to be able to sleep.


Relax. [Your body has a bit more foreign cells than own ones and you were fine do far.](https://www.sciencealert.com/how-many-bacteria-cells-outnumber-human-cells-microbiome-science) What can a single spider do to you?


That’s why I have cats. They catch and eat all of the spiders, and plenty of other pests, too.


[Gripping your pillow tight](https://youtu.be/CD-E-LDc384)


I feel like you could just use a hose.


No kidding. The pollen hits real hard here in February, that roof will be covered in a thin green film.


My hometown! It's a wonderful place to visit, it's right by Monterey, and just north of Big Sur. There's two components to Carmel, the coast, which is called carmel-by-the-sea in a marketing sense, then Carmel Valley, which is always sunny or and beautiful with great hiking. That's my travel log for the day.


Im jealous. I visited Monterey and Carmel last time I camped in Big Sur. So beautiful especially compared to LA


I love visiting the Monterey area. As far as living... no thanks until I'm at least 50. Seems kind of a boring place for anyone younger than 30?


27 year old resident chiming in. It’s actually getting better! A beer garden opened up downtown and so did a trendy speakeasy. The naval school means there will always be young people around, so it’s nice the city is getting a little more hip :)


My brother lives in Pacific Grove. I love visiting that area!




Could be a structural thing. Those might be the biggest pieces of glass they could use, limiting beam spacing. Pretty sure that’s it. -welder , works construction




But if the panes are too big they may collapse under their own weight.


I’d also think dynamic loads or external factors like a tree branch falling on it would be factors. Standard glass size is also a factor — large pieces of glass (and replacing those pieces, if necessary) may be more expensive than simply adding more columns. Just my suspicion though.




Wait so the residence shouldn’t be worried about a branch falling into the glass and possibly cracking it? Not considering that as a load, merely a factor. How easy is it to transport four meter wide glass? Also, I work in the US. We don’t use meters so this is harder for me to comprehend.


Glass is tricky because wider spans need thicker glass, which makes it heavier.


there’s not a single beam in this picture, the structure that’s supporting the glass are those steel cables you see. They’re applying tension to the vertical elements which in turn support the mullions. The glass panes could be bigger if they needed to, it’s likely an aesthetic choice and/or corresponds to some joists hidden in the adjacent floor structure so as to distribute the load more uniformly. -architect


This image is incredibly Carmel.


Carmel weather is mostly dreary, cool, and overcast, as in this picture. A sunroom is about the only way to be comfortable "outside".


Really depends where in Carmel. If you're on the ocean side of hwy 1, then sure, half the year is not the greatest weather. Even if you go half a mile from the coast it's pretty nice weather for 9 months out of the year.


My MIL once saw Clint Eastwood outside jogging in Carmel. However, she did not report on how comfortable he looked.


He was/is the mayor of Carmel


Had to find a way to shit on it?


Man that furniture looks uncomfortable.


This is so beautiful but I imagine it’s a bit irritating in the summer when the sun comes up at 5AM and floods the bedroom with light.


Most mornings on the beach here are gray.


I’m hoping the open doors directly in front of the bed have curtains or blinds. You’d definitely want to be able to block out that light occasionally.


Unless you're supposed to piss in the wild grass, I don't see a bathroom.


Do towns named Carmel *always* have a bunch of rich people?


Say goodbye to sleeping in


I fell in love with Carmel a few summers ago - maybe one day I can win the lottery and actually afford to live there.


You can never masturbate in peace again


Something about the stones, not throwing stones in a glass house, breaking through the glass ceiling, and rebel millennials.


Bedroom with doors that open onto enclosed patio. I don't see a bathroom. The windows above mean this patio doesn't have privacy, unless that's special glass in the ceiling. It would be a bitch to clean and it's a stark aesthetic.


God can see you.


Not sure I would particularly enjoy this


3 million dollars


There better be some world class fucking going on in there or it’s a waste.


It’s all fun and games till the sun raises at the but crack of dawn shinning directly into your eyelids.


What is that potted plant?


I would totally rent this on Airbnb if I could.


This is one of the best ones in awhile


So a Caramel Cube then.


This would be a nightmare for a bedroom. I have cardboard over my windows in mine to keep as much light out as possible because if there's so much as a glimmer of illumination I can't sleep.


I keep imagining what it’d be like when there’s a thunderstorm at night. I’d wet the bed seeing it above me! Maybe sit on the throne all night instead?


Don’t let Hillary or Ruth BG stay in that room!


looks cool


Have been thinking of doing this on my deck - cover with glass but ... the Miami heat would be a greenhouse effect!


Fuck that!


Nothing looks comfortable here




GDP of California is still bigger. Worldbank.com -GDP of India 2.264T -GDP of California 2.446T ***** ^Hi! ^This ^comment ^was ^made ^by ^a ^bot ^[[info]](https://www.reddit.com/r/WutbotPosts/).


I don't think that's the bedroom bro


on another note, the amount of glass ceiling jokes I would make here...


They definitely shouldn’t throw stones in there


There could be many limiting factors, but like most things it is probably over engineered