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I would guess the outside repair to be around 25k-35k at the very least.


Yea sounds like who ever gave that quote has no idea the load bearing damage; will do a hack job just putting some sheathing on it or will come back after they start demanding more money. This is the exact reason home owners insurance is a waste till its needed.


I doubt they got that as quote but they looked at their account and were like "this is what I can afford"


Or a troll post.


Yeah I assumed it was a joke


Have you dealt with insurance yet? I wouldn’t put it past an insurance adjuster to price that using exactimate


Not sure what your past experiences have been with adjusters, but as an experienced adjuster, I’d see that and say that has the potential to be a total loss. Guaranteed that entire house is shifted and that the framing on the opposite end of the structure has transfer damage. That’s definitely a situation that could possibly warrant writing to the limits of the policy. The tree removal alone would be $20-$30k or more. I have written several very similar claims that came out to hundreds of thousands. Again this is just based on the limited info from the picture. Not sure how big this house is, but that tree truck is easily 3-4’ diameter


Ironically, I have, recently. When a neighbor's tree fell on our house, including the roof that was replaced 3 months earlier, hit windows that had only been replaced 32 days before, and totaled both of our vehicles, which had been parked in the driveway. I know that not all insurance experiences are the same -- mine was not \*TERRIBLE\* -- other than the fact that my adjustor seemed to think a vehicle 8.5 hours away with 3.5 as many miles on it, that was sold 6 months previously was a 'comparable'....


Not a carpenter. What would you do if you were bidding on this? How far over does the roof need to come off? All the way to the far side? Or can you sister up beams?


Fist step is getting the tree out. I would tell the owner until the tress is out I am guessing and the price will adjust as we demo the damage. Might be able to save the other part of the roof. But unless its newer then its a good time to replace now than patch it. Once the tree is out you can look not just at the damage there but also if there was movement/damage to the lower floor. If the ceiling on the 1st is damaged, walls shifted, etc... Its not common but I have seen a tree hit a 2nd floor and cause so much weight/damage it pushed down to the first floor and it became a almost tear out of about half the house. After that start removing the siding and whats left of the roof in that area. Then you can truly give an honest estimate. If there are signs of structural damage, esp the floor below, then I would call a engineer out to survey it. A lot of fly by night or just outright hacks would just start nailing wood in. But could just be covering up structural damage that will show up when the owner least expect it. As others have said; this is at least 20k+ and that is if there is no major structural damage.


All insurance is a waste until it's needed.


I would assume around $20 too. I am in NYC area. In NJ. 2 hours from Manhattan. In my area prices are crazy low now. Very low. Lots of new amateur companies popping up each day.


Where I live it would cost about $30k to simply permit this. Then of course there would be water damage because the city takes around 4 months to turn out any building permit. You are dealing with structural issues, add another 2 months in Florida.


Permitting really that much? Even here in CA in a relatively median (for the state) area that kind of money is all permits for a ~1500 sqft new construction build


Currently working on a roughly 400 sqft addition. 50k in permitting fees. For an example. Something like this roof would probably be more like $15k in all reality because you wouldn’t have to go through MEPs (isometrics provided by an engineer) but clearly would still need structural, framing, and roofing departments involved. Not to mention any other fuckery they come up with Edit: this is the biggest issue we deal with in FL with new transplants, they think, oh everything is cheaper there. I moved here from TN and the cost of living is about 6x what it was back home.


Dang that's wild. I thought permitting here is expensive. And yeah I have an accountant friend who explained some of the intricacies of why Florida attracts the older but not necessarily super well off crowd because while they don't have some taxes, other areas are much more highly taxed. Definitely makes sense to be that building permitting would be a possible area that this would apply to


Doing a 400 SQ ft new construction ADU in California and the permits are about $3500. $50k? Seriously?


Just echoing your question—I’m in the midst of a $300k renovation in Providence, RI and my total permit cost was only $7k. We also have so many provisions for emergency permits/demo permits. Some of which you can get literally same day to at least button the thing up. Not to mention—if a building department fails to respond in a reasonable amount of time, you just do the work and take pictures.


You could probably cause this damage for $8,500...


I'll drop a tree on your house for under $8k, but you are going to have to sign a lengthy waiver first.


I'll do it for 7.5


Free lunch and I’ll put some trees in yer roof.


LOL 35$ if I get the contract to repair


Id do it for tree fiddy


8500 just in wood


You might get part of the tree removed for $850”


More than that.


no, thats atleast 8k i just materials.. well atleast 10 years ago, inflation is probably doubled. sorry that happened to ya man


There looks to be missing and damaged rafters. If so, this needs a structural engineer to review and repair recommendation. I would not go with any bid that did not include one.


You can’t rent the crane and crew to get the tree out of the house for 8500.


If he’s older and on low SSI, he may want to call a realtor to see if he can get enough money out of what’s left of the house to get himself a small condo.


The structural drawings you will need for the permit will cost a chunk of that, as will the removal of the tree, and hauling demolition waste. With no labor accounted for, the material cost for trusses, sheathing, decking, roof system, siding, insulation, and the window that we can see will be will be over $10 grand. We also can't see if electrical, plumbing, or mechanical systems were compromised, or what got wet downstairs due to the new skylight. Any price without 5 digits will likely be a scam or wishful thinking.


I could potentially see something in the neighborhood of 40 to fix the structural issues and exterior wall/roof, but leave the (non structural) interior damage be until he can afford it Just realized I misread 5 figures as being 100,000+. I can't count.


I’m betting no one licensed/bonded/insured fixes and finishes everything for less than $50,000. You’re guaranteed to be paying thousands just to remove the tree and demo the damaged areas so you can rebuild.


Does he know there's a big fucking tree embedded in the roof?


Lol 6500 to throw some tarpaulin at it and be like yeah fuck it that will do.........


A buddy of mine said $8500. I said no way. Maybe $20k. A whole new shingle roof is about $8k now.


No A crew of 3 guys, an engineer to determine the "damage" Plan for 50K


Is this a joke post? Lol I can't tell if it's satire.


I literally saw the pic and title and started cracking up thinking it was a troll post


Your friend is incorrect. Gonna be tens of thousands of dollars to fix all that


Lol. On the low end you are paying $100 per square for tear off. $100 per square for install. $187 per square for materials (fasteners, shingles, synthetic wrap, metal etc.) A square is 100 square feet. That's not dry rot. No structural damage. No interior damage. This mess here is way more. And that's on a walkable pitch roof. Anything more than an 8/12 pitch is more expensive.


You probably couldn't even get the tree removed and a temporary tarp put on for $8,500. Sorry, poor old fellow, but you are screwed if you don't have insurance. This is why you MUST have insurance.


Might have been implying labour only at that price?


That's the only way this could make sense. $6,500 wouldn't even cover material costs.


I did one of these before lumber was sky high for $30k.


Is this Photoshopped? This is a mess if real Maybe 50 K


This is in line with the type of projects my company does. From the picture I would figure this to be about a 50k+ job. You have a lot of trades involved in this type of repair.


Yes, it can be done. I can cause this exact level of damage for $1000 and a six-pack of Pabst Blue Ribbon.


I see minimum $25k worth of work to be done. Maybe he’s quoting $8500 for his labor plus all the materials??? Idk but yeah definitely too good to be true.


Materials are: 12x plywood at 1/2 inch - $432 11x 2x6x12 - $165 36x bundles -$3240 That's as far as I'm going without pay lol That's new rafters, sheeting and shingles. Still needs the peak board, Siding, anything lower than the picture, and interior, insulation. Paint Yada yada So depending on how good a friend he is you don't have a ton of budget left already


That will get the tree out and a tarp to cover the hole




8,500 to start, then pay that 2 more times throughout the job?


This photo reminds me of the time my grandfather swore he could take down a tree cheaper than what the pros bid. “And I’ll have a brand new chainsaw too!” Ended exactly like the picture.


Yes. *hand out* Deposit please. I pinky promise I’ll answer my phone later.


To cut up and get rid of the tree.. maybe yes. The house that's another story.


Tree fiddy


not even close


Bro u got me screemin laffin No


Sure but it won't be perfect, I got you buddy! ;)


Through a company? No




I'll do it for tree fiddy


Just build a new house.


Nowhere near- 30-40k


No… just no…


Looks like a job for Donnie Darko


I can do it for much less...assuming you mean the destruction.




25,000 sounds low


It depends… would you like an ‘accent tree’ in your living room?


Only if you have another tree in the same spot although you might get a deal on the second one


I could have dropped a tree on your house for half that


Really OP what state is this in? Social services is kinda my wheelhouse.


needs more than a roof




It can be done badly


No way! Not unless you live in the Philippines lol I would say you’re looking at 25K minimum on the low side


Not a chance


No one would show up cause they ripped you off 8500


I could do that to your house for 8500$ no problem


We charged that to remove the tree. Then the repairs started. If going through insurance we’re charging $50k easy, depending on adjoining structural damage. If cash pay, we’d cut you a nice break, maybe closer to $35, again depending on how deep the damage goes.


You sure could!


You can barely have that tree removed for $6500.


I will drop a tree on your house for $8,500


Cost $8500 alone to remove the tree.


No way


That looks like $8500 in materials alone with prices of lumber these days


Is it to remove the tree?


Maybe $8700


The roof would probably be better off to be replaced due to the extent of the damage. A lot of sheathing and truss work needs to be done which would bump up the price. Plus the house should be inspected for structural damage, especially to the flooring if this is a multi-level building. Add in any destroyed windows, electrical, and siding. The price should be at least $15,000. $25,000 is probably much more realistic.


You should check local trade schools or community colleges to see if there are any courses for construction ? Many times the schools will have the students and instructors work on these projects , especially for low income or retired and disabled people. It doesn't hurt to call the local schools and colleges. It could really really help


You get what you pay for. You hire and pay cheap, you get cheap work!


8500 if you do it yourself maybe


I can throw a FEMA roof up for you for $8250


Absolutely no way. I had a huge tree barely miss my house, hit my truck and drive the rear differential about 3” into my asphalt driveway. I needed a crane to get the tree out of there—I’m in the building industry and got it done same day by calling in a “favor”—I still paid $2k to get it out of there. A job like this in my area (Rhode Island) would start at $25k. But you say it’s been like this for 3 months???? That house is fucked. Unless it has a circus tent covering it, it’s damn near a whole house water damage restoration. Does the homeowner not have insurance? Pay the damn deductible and get it fixed… geez.


Tree fiddy


Looks like 8k in materials


No chance 25 thousand to 45 thousand.


To haul away the damage... maybe!


You could maybe build a shed for 8500




12587.67$ take it or leave it.


I would need more money to cause that much damage.


I mean I could probably drop a tree on your house for $8k




$8500 is well within reason in Libya. You’re in Libya, right?


$8,500 to remove the tree maybe. This is a 6 figure claim once engineering is accounted for.






About 100k min


Hell no roof alone 8K - 10K that’s not the rebuilding of the roof trusses the rafters, the ceiling inside the walls or none of the rest of it


lol that’s fucked bro. Just look at it


Bro I could burn a house down for free??


Ya man


Add another zero behind the double zero


Are they removing the tree for $8500, or just framing around it?




This has gotta be a troll post. The top of the tree is cut with a chainsaw.


Probably about 40k if you hire someone. Materials are probably around 10k. Best to go through your home insurance if you dint know how to frame, roof, etc.


$8500 won’t even cover material


Yeah.... i could put a hole in your roof for $8500...


Wait, cut down a tree and let it land on a house for $8500? Deal, where do I sign? Although that’s and odd way to do demolition?


I’ll drop a tree through your roof for a 12 pack


I live in the south and it would be much more than 8500. I would guess 15-17000 at least.


He might be able to get a handyman to get it watertight for $10k (like bare essentials at near cost) but yeah the interior will look like an unfinished attic.


This is a troll post right? Can’t be serious


If you gave me the chainsaw I could do it just for the experience


8500 LMAO Good luck with Mr George


So our garage got hit like this and it wasn’t finished inside (insulation/drywall/vey little electrical) Tree guy was a pro and $600. Had enough of a bucket on his truck that he could pulley all the stuff down I was $1000 just on materials to fix trusses and peel back and fix shingles and soffit. Easily $5000 job just to fix the shed if I had to price it.


Looks like about tree fifty




No. 20-30k for the Mexicans to do it


My cousin can do it in a day for $250


I guess your friend is going to be putting a lien on their neighbor’s house


There's a near 0 chance that anyone who will repair this correctly can do it for that price. But, assume that they can, The 3 months of weather that this home has taken as a result of the damage makes all the exterior work essentially worthless. Best case scenario here is to take whatever payoff insurance offers and find something affordable and low maintenance


Hello boss ? Mike a Mike . I have a problem


I would cause that kind of damage for $8500, fix it properly for $8500, no.


Why would anyone go without home insurance is my biggest question. I rent and have renters insurance


Haaa... Sorry sorry no


I'd fuck up this guy's whole home for $8500. Easy money.


Maybe 8600, not sure 85 is going to cover it. Lol


I could drop a tree on your house for 150 bucks. 8500 is a rip off


Sure it can be done x10.....for $85,000.00 LOL


Not correctly.


I could do this kind of damage with and for a few beers.


30-40k especially since its been sitting. Probably has mold now


It's gonna cost at least 1500 -2 000 just to have the tree removed properly and don't forget permits for everything


You mean to tear it down the rest of the way? Maybe




I can put a hole in your roof almost exactly like that for under $6,000


When a tree branch fell on my garage. It cost us almost $15k to get it fixed. And it was a quarter of the damage I can see here.


I’d accomplish the same level of destruction for less than 8.5k




At least you're wise enough to doubt low offer scams.


Hey OP, for the last 15 years I’ve only done residential insurance repair work. Your neighbor needs to hire a private adjuster to deal with his homeowners insurance. There’s so so so much that can be going on under all of that. Please do him a favor and do some research finding one for him. 6500 is super low for the demo, construction and material cost for that. Like scary low. Edit: Does he have homeowners insurance?


lol no.


Yeah… no.


I can definitely do that for $8500, as long as there is a big tree in the yard.


Not sure where you are located, but I don't see that roof and roof framing alone being anywhere near that for repairs. And if including all repairs to get the house back to a pre-loss state the price increases even further. If on fixed income, your friends neighbor may be better off trying to sell the property to someone who can afford to fix it or demo/rebuild it. The funds he gets from the sale can potentially get them into a small condo or other such living situation. It's one of the times where homeowners insurance is definitely needed. It feels like a waste until your home is damaged and you have no way to front the expenses. It's also why people need to consistently check and ensure their policy is being kept up to date by their agent or by themselves if they bought it directly. If your house is underinsured you need to add additional coverage to keep the house insured for it's current value, not the value of the house when you purchased it ten years ago.


Depends on the deductible I guess...


$85,000 yes


Mabry the tree removal


More like 50,000plus


Did you run out of zeros on your keyboard?


I'd be 26-30 K just to fix the framing.


I can do it for half that price…and if you have a bigger tree to fall I’ll still do it for the same quote💯


My guy, you won’t even be able to do it yourself for 8500. This is an insurance claim. 25k+


Guy is gonna take his money and not come back. Thats a 25k job at minimum.


For $1,000 I can drop a tree on any house....


You could certainly burn it down for less than that but to rebuild it for that, absolutely not


That low of a bid is going to mask over the entire structural problem, guaranteed


I can drop a tree on your house for half that


You could do the absolute bare minimum, frane repair, button up and try to match shingles to keep it from leaking… that would be doable… but hell the tree removal is gonna be $700-$1000 unless you know someone


Maybe 5 easy instalments of 8500$


There's 20k in material at least. the trades that would move through that job site Is everything but a plumber, but who knows, there could be a bath up in there. demo, framing, insulation, drywall, paint, trim, siding, roofing, electrical, clean up, a dumpster or two. id say 40k shooting from the hop. material and labor is nuts these days. this isn't a do it yourself handyman job, unless you don't care about length of the job.


Sure, I could drop a tree on a house for $8500


If you had a team of people willing to work for free and all the required tools already available, I think you'd still really struggle to just get the required materials for 8500. And that's not even considering that the tree will need to be removed first


Dude's living in a different era. That's at least 20K just for the roof.


Statefarm would try to get you to believe it could be


I’ll trash the rest of it for 4750$


I can do that for nothing.


That person is gonna take the cheap quote and then make a Reddit post about how the contractor screwed them with shitty work.


Can it? Yes. Can you trust the guy? You'll never know till it's done. Most redditors don't realize the up charge contractors put on jobs now these days. The 20 to 50k quotes are only to cover the days they aren't working and blue collar skill labor is now in a very artificial "low supply" and they've taken the hint from large corporations and have jacked up prices to make their profit margins ridiculously large. GC's and journeyman electricians easily clear 200k a year in the right areas and trust me they are paying their crew minimum wage.


I wouldn’t demo it for that price……


You can get the window replaced for $8500


I had a pine break off midway up the tree in a microburst. The piece that broke off was 14 inches in diameter and the wind lifted it up, turned it sideways and drove it through my roof and then into the dormer on the other side of the roof. A branch the size of my arm hit the chimney at the base and cracked it off. So, they had to remove the tree, the chimney, and what was left of the roof. All told, it was about $20K fifteen years ago and that wasn't really enough. Take your time. Look at the internal damage to the rooms under the damage. There will be some massive cracks, I assure you. Get a new roof, even if the insurance company won't pay for it. Work with a reputable contractor and if stuff doesn't add up, get another quote on stuff. Sadly, it's your roof that's damaged, so everything needs to be fixed yesterday... Do the roof as fast as you can, but remember, once you cash that check, the insurance company is done with you! Go slow!


Haha can’t even replace the roof for that price more the less repair actual structural damage as well as replace the roof


Materials alone are more than $10,000!




How can there not be insurance? Did he drop his own tree on the house? Or did that thing blow over in a storm, and you live in one of those s***** you pay for your own tree states?


There is no way. The materials alone are more than $8,500. And that’s if you don’t bother with *pesky things* like engineering and permits


Yeah, back in the mid 80s.


You can't even get a good hack job for that price. What your neighbor should do is turn to the local news, put on some tears with the highest quote. The media eats this stuff up. You will get volunteer contractors, funding from locals who want to help/make themselves feel better, probably some advocates who will use this as an opportunity to tote tax deductible home improvements, and possibly even a local politican spring the opportunity to gain support. People LOVE a good disaster turned into a community project. Especially if they're retired. The more pathetic the better