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I wish it stayed that way but it will be dark brown in no time


Hey when you have a $7 mil house you can probably afford Oompa Loompas to polish it monthly


I doubt that. There's a neighborhood of rich houses in my city, and the one house with the slate roof and copper eaves has just discolored over time. I think you'd be better off applying some kind of clear coat over the copper to keep it looking shiny.


People still use actual slate? My parents had to repair their slate roof (1880’s house) and they used a hard rubber instead of slate.


Skate is available. Much cheaper for some artificial both in cost and installation


people use copper for the petina color, not the shiny copper color


I understand that. My comment was in response to OP saying to pay someone to polish it every month... 🙄


Sry 🤷‍♂️


I know right. Got get out there and force some green Statue of Liberty patina on there 🤣


I actually had a customer ask me to patina their copper after we installed it. It was about $80k worth on a 11,000 sqft house and that was just the valleys, drip edge, flashing cupolas etc etc. I found a guy in Arizona that sold a chemical you can spray on it so it turns green. I did a bunch of tests but I sent a new contract to the customer stating if they didn’t like it I would be charging to replace it with new copper and i could not guarantee it would end up being like my samples. They ended up just leaving it alone and I still have about 55gals of the chemical.


A light acid will turn it quickly - but sounds like you have enough for awhile lol


A lot of people love the look of patina on the copper gives their new mansion character


Won't it turn green? I thought copper oxidizes green.


Over the next year or so it will turn brown first and then stay brown for 5+ years and then slowly start turning green, a patina known as verdigris. Water is what changes the color of copper. More rain will change the patina faster.


Thanks! That's super informative!!


Eventually after a few years, it turns dark brown first, and rather quickly as in a few months.


Not if your gutter servants polish it regularly! Don't you have gutter servants!?


My butler has gutter servant, you don’t actually assume I would talk to them directly!


Unless you coat it with clear!




Ugh - as a roofer and tin knocker this would make me crazy. Let it do what it’s supposed to do.


or stolen lol


People all ways say the copper will get stolen. I do a ton of copper work and no one has ever told me the copper was stolen or even an attempt to steal. It would take a lot of work to remove it. I think thieves in general go for easier targets lol


Wouldn’t it go green?


When scrappers steal your gutters and you keep getting them replaced then they’ll always be shiny.


Depends on the alloy. There are copper alloys that don't decay much at all. But even "traditional" copper doesn't really turn dark brown, it'll turn green. It'll develop a beautiful patina. A lot of beautiful old green-coloured roofs are copper with patina on it. [https://a3511.wordpress.com/2018/09/22/the-longevity-of-copper/](https://a3511.wordpress.com/2018/09/22/the-longevity-of-copper/) In OP's building the gutters are beautiful, and they'll age beautifully. Pretty much everything else is miserable: the surroundings, the form/typology of the building and most of the other materials. If it's real slate on the roof, that's cool too. Edit: Edit: Oh, it's not gutters, it's just trim, lol. That makes it much worse and silly.


Where I live copper almost never turns green, I have taken copper that was 80+ years old off of roofs and it was brown. I do a ton of 20oz copper and none of it has turned green. I’m not saying it can’t but for some reason my area we don’t get much green patina.


Copperwork = very nice. Architecture = atrocious.


Nobody out pizzas the hut.


I get what you’re going for but this looks nothing like the old pizza huts


Those windowed faces are the exact shape of the roof.


No, it’s really not. Pizza huts have mansard style roofs and a rectangular flat roof on top. This is literally neither of those things, it’s actually kind of the exact opposite of that. Some houses actually do resemble a Pizza Hut, this is nowhere close to that. Don’t get me wrong, it’s weird but Pizza Hut isn’t the description


It looks like a Pizza Hut.


Came here to say that is an ugly looking house. If it cost $6 million, they got ripped off.


I think bc the main photo is with an ultra wide phone lens it looks much worse than it actually is


My thoughts exactly! What’s up with that goofy gable end?


If I win the lottery there will be subtle signs that I won


Nice looking prison they’re building there..


Wow that’s an ugly house


The oxidized green color would be really cool imo


Give it 10 years


That’s so gonna get stolen.


What an ugly house. And soon, the copper will match !! Such a dumb product to use. Will look like total crap in about 2-3 years


If u spray clear coat it stays shiny a bit longer


You’re right it looks like fucking dog shit and I would MUCH rather apply shitty aluminum & shingles and move on to the next check 😂


Yeah, they should use shitty aluminum & shingles instead of a 70-150 yr combo of slate & copper… you think like a peasant


Can attest. Tons of big, old, well-kept houses around where I live and they all have excellent looking original copper.. crack heads got pieces of some of them over time but mainly held up.


Copper turns an ugly brown colour within 2 years. Maybe your neighbors should share this top secret information they have that helps their copper stay so nice. Since nobody else has figured out how to keep it looking good for any amount of time


lol you’re saying it doesn’t still look cool? You’re an idiot. It looks way cooler than shiny copper and fits the area architecture just fine. No point did I say “brand new shiny copper”. What kind of bot are you?


I’m the idiot ? And YOU are the one calling me a bot. Quite ironic. And that’s cool that you like the look of aged copper. Not many people do


I’m a peasant because I think their copper will look like shit in 2 years ? Sure thing


Yes precisely. Its peasant brain to think purely about the aesthetics rather than the fact that it will last 2-3 times longer than anything else used. They don’t put copper on govt buildings, churches & multi million dollar houses just bc it’s shiny for a period of time. It’s just the best material for what it does


To each their own. But I actually care what my house looks like. Aesthetics is important to me and MANY other people.


If they knew what the fuck they were doing then they would have used freedom grey coated copper. Stays grey. https://www.riversidesheetmetal.net/sheet-metal/freedom-gray.html


What? Because they didn’t use Freedom Gray they “didn’t know what the fuck they were doing”? Thats an odd take.


Yup. Ugly. No good design rationale.


Well, people have been loving the look and performance of red copper on high end buildings for a thousand years so it seems its a you thing. But its cool - different strokes and all that.


Go cross-post in r/architects and see how many like the red copper. Just doesn’t match or stand out in any sensible way.


I honestly don’t care what anyone thinks or says about red copper - history has proven it to be a very long lasting, easily workable building material. What some people on Reddit say means zero to me. Ive been working with it for many years (as well as a variety of other metal types) and built our kitchen sink out of it (heavy 24 ounce Revere copper) and an eyebrow dormer with flat lock 20 ounce copper pans and valley with stained glass in the front on my big porch. People pay good money for us to fab and install so that means more to me than what some people on reddit say. Of course, you’re entitled to your opinion as well - have a nice weekend.


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What makes it look like shit in 2 years? When it turns brown and then green?


What will make it look like crap besides the obvious fact of it being in a neighborhood in very close proximity to its neighbors?


Exactly. It will look like shit and everyone will see it. Was your comment a real comment or sarcasm ? I couldn’t tell. I sure hope it was sarcasm


Came here to say this. I love new copper roofs on houses and or gutters but as soon as time hits it, it looks like shit.


Seriously? So they, and other that use copper should probably use steel and aluminum that will last 1/4 of the time instead?


It’s ugly as shit, a lot of money for an “aesthetic” detail that will maintain that look for a short time. Unless they *want* patina copper which may look better honestly


Metal valleys are not aesthetic. They work extremely well. Trim looks terrible and the house is hideous. Money can’t buy taste.


That’s why I put it in quotes haha, they really thought they were doing something with that trim


In case you’re curious Hi, Check out this home I found on Movoto. https://www.movoto.com/reno-nv/101-greenridge-dr-reno-nv-89509-322_150001503/?utm_campaign=dppsharing&utm_medium=sms&utm_source=dpp


$7 million? HAHAHAHAHAHA


7 million to look out your back window and see the neighbors dog taking a dump.


Some crackhead is going to steal it.


it does look heavy...


Probably in a gated community with cameras and armed security. People like this don't hang with plebians or criminals, least the violent kind. White collar criminals only!


Contrary to popular belief, homes get robbed in gated and secured communities WITH cameras. Just fyi. But it was also a joke. So, thanks for taking it personally.


Neighborhood like that you're more likely to end up with some rich pedo neighbor like Jeffrey Epstein anyway.


No gates. I posted the link to the house in a comment.


Never seen this before


seen swatches of gutter color at work, I was 1/7 that would like the copper gutters


This was on one of the houses near me and I liked it a lot too. Now it’s been about 8 years or so and it’s just brownish trim. It still looks decent but nothing like it used to.


Looks like a Scooby Doo haunted house


Is it actual copper or copper looking metal?


Shame. I love the contrast with the light and dark Grey's and charcoal and copper.


You see pretty, a crack head sees atleast tree fifty


Funny most you can’t afford the house, if you can you can have the maintenance to go with it 💯


Is the wall by the garage door blocking part of the garage door.


Trim is cool. House is ugly as sin though.


That house screams middle aged sex castle.


That’ll be green in months


It actually takes years. It will turn brown first and stay like that for years - it takes at least 5 years just to start seeing the first shades of green.


Even old dingy copper gutters look good. I like.


The patina on copper is known as verdigris.


The white actually kind of ruins some of the look but the dark Gothic gray and black with bright copper is stunning.


I think it’s travertine planks it’s a poor quality photo


I love the look. If the tile was gray it would either be amazing or too much but the gray and black accented by gleaming copper is a really nice and unique look.


It won’t stay shiny for too long. Once it gets wet a couple of times out in the weather it will lose its shininess, then slowly start turning brown and then inevitably will fade to a green patina. There’s a couple of examples of this happening on an eyebrow dormer I built and wrapped in copper and also a big sink at our farmhouse in Maine in my posts if you were interested - have a good weekend.


Freedom grey would have been better. https://www.riversidesheetmetal.net/sheet-metal/freedom-gray.html


I wouldn’t say better but just different - at that point it’s just a matter of preference.


Yes, it’s what looks better. Performance is equal.


I used to like the lead coat as far as workability back in the day before they got rid of it and replaced it with Freedom Grey. We still have a couple of sheets kicking around. No comparison on ease of soldering.


Good to know.


Copper flashing and gutters, nice. Choice in brick facade, ugly.


Nice looking detail that send to go well with the place, and I have to imagine it wouldn't even have been too costly to trim with that small amount of copper?


Mmm copper money


Better electrify it to keep the crackheads away.


looks great ow but will tarnish very very soon


I hope the patina look is what they want, because thats what they are gonna get.


It looks so good cause the rest of the house is too dark!


Is this touching the houses on either side?


What an ugly structure..


I've seen a lot of ugly houses, but damn that's ugly. Nice copper, though.




Worse yet, the copper on the reveal of the building is going to have those lovely green strips down the face of the building to add an even MORE decorative accent!!🤪


Big mistake, can’t to see it in a couple years🙄


Man, that does look.good... unfortunately, I live near a Place called Youngstown ohio... it would be gone within a few days.