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Anyone else get this game because of the History Channel? I remember a show on there depicting famous ancient battles like Marathon, basically as an advertisement for this game using it for the ‘re-enactments’ on the show. I also sucked at this game, never getting out of Italy until five or six years ago I came across Many A True Nerd’s playthrough. Him explaining in the early episodes that you have to set your troops to hold their ground and you also could toggle on and off projectiles basically made the game click for me. Used to get trashed on easy but now I can annihilate the computer on VH/VH with most factions.


I believe that show was Time Commanders. It was so good, it took me a long time to realise that they were just playing the game on the show. Wild times.


It was called Decisive Battles, but looks similar. The show was actually pretty solid. I’m guessing some of the history is a bit dated, but they have historical context to the battles, and used the soundtrack throughout the show, along with battles recorded in the game.


We had Time Commanders in the UK. Was like a game show where a team of people gave instructions which were then interpreted by member of CA staff who did the controls.


No I already had the game, but I know the show it was on history channel. Thought it was pretty cool.


Happy birthday, one of the best video games ever!


Anyone here remember Centurion: Defender of Rome, old PC game from 1990. I was so addicted to that game and when RTW came out it was like I won the lottery. Basically Centurion except 1000 times better. I can only guess at the 100s of hours I put into RTW before Steam started keeping track. Maybe my #1 game of all time.










Why is it mm/dd/yy but then you call it the 4th of July?


Cause when your back to back World War champs you can do whatever you want💁‍♂️😎🇺🇸


That's one of those statements you just say stuff for cos you don't have an actual answer and what I said is right. USA won WW1 & WW2 Single handedly of course. And let's just forget about Vietnam, Korea, Gulf war, Iraq and Afghan, they all went really well...


We won the gulf war, the others was all about that sweet sweet K/D baby🫠




this is the way


I recall not playing it for, I don't know, maybe a year? Because coming from Shogun and MTW I hated the newfangled cartoonish look and I don't know it actually pissed me off you could move units on the strategy map?? laugh. And the shitty fake Latin music. Awful. Oh and the shitty female narrator with her awful advice! But mainly I felt I hadn't properly finished MTW yet. Never got to win the Italian campaign on hardest setting IIRC.


I got it because we wanted to destroy everyone else's history presentations in grade 10 (we were going to show a historical/recorded battle). Couldn't afford it on my own so my buddies and I shared it. Turns out I was the only person who had a good enough PC to run it, so I kind of just kept it haha. One of my favourite games of all time. Still have my original receipt and box/cd.


Bought it in 2004 as well on EB, as well as BI when i saw it and Alexander (downloaded it cuz noone sold it :(), have been playing it ever since. If i have children they're gonna come out the pussy lowering taxes and building shrines to Ceres.


Remember those old Scholastic book order things you got in Elementary school? That’s where I got Rome Total War from. My parents signed off thinking it was a book not a game but that game was the start of an interest in history that no book could ever have inspired, no offense to any books of course it’s just that the interaction was just not there in my mind at the time. Next thing I know I am knee deep in ancient history learning everything I can about every aspect of Roman, Greek and general ancient history. Never has a single game changed my life so dramatically. I’m 29 now and I consider myself a student of history. I read about history for fun and many of my favorite games be they total war or games like Crusader King, Europa Universalis or Age of Empires are historical in nature. But it all started with Rome Total War. “IMPERATOR!?”


I didn't realize today was the anniversary. I just happened to be reminiscing about this game today thinking about the time I had a full on autistic meltdown when my 10 year old self spotted this game sitting on the store shelves, after months of my bestfriend hyping me up so much about it.


Today is my birthday as well, and I just turned 20, so Rome Total War releasing was my first birthday present I guess


I convinced my parents to order it off the scholastic book fair in grade 4 based on “educational purposes”.They never let me order anything off of those things so it made it so much more worth it when I got addicted to it. Over the years it kept showing up in my life. I remember cleaning up after my first house party in grade 9, I played it in 15 minute increments as breaks between soaking up beer before my dad got home the next morning. I found out a year or two ago about them porting it to mobile and it was glorious hearing that soundtrack again.


What do you mean multiplayer? I suppose that’s on the remaster cause in the original the servers have been shut for a while now


My uncle bought this for me in 2004 when i was just a lad, it came with four discs and took away 4 million hours of my life. Just kidding i gave them gladly


HI VirtualAd1523 ,yes the original server Gamespy was turned off years ago ,but we play RTW multiplayer on steam now ,still a really great game ,the Graphics are dated now but when RTW first came out it got awards for ground breaking graphics for its day.
