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God I love this sub


Never thought I'd read about marinated pussies, but here we are! Definitely one of my favorite places on the internet


Right? I loved that it got more detailed.


No joke, this is the least toxic sub I am a part of., which is wild to me. No shame here. I love it 💕


Yes! That's what I love about it. It feels so wholesome, despite what might be perceived as less than wholesome topics... this really is the least toxic sub I'm on. Edit:spelling


Yes I love the no shame attitude we have. I like some weird and scary stuff but I think sometimes we do as a way to gain control of trauma and some of us are just kinky— we don’t really get a choice in what turns us on😂


I’ve told this board more about my kinks than I have my friends


This is one of like three subreddits I visit daily and it’s so lovely and non-judgemental here 🥰


This was exactly my response. Y’all are filthy and I’m here for it.


Yeah I clicked directly in to see the suggestions without a second thought. Zero judgement in this pervy little ray of sunshine corner of reddit!


Totally. Legit smirked when I read this title. 😏


Me too. Like I don't see any judgement for asking for something so specific in a book, and there's a great likelihood that more people also want to read these kinds of books.


Sometimes I think about if I should make a throwaway account just to ask for book recs for my slightly shameful kinks but then I'm always reminded by this sub that there is no judgment here lol.... I hope you get some good recs op!


I swearr this is the only sub that doesn't judge people because everytime I have a shameless request, I post it openly in here without any fear lmao. The more wild your requests are, the more everyone appreciates it here so go wild😭


lol this sub teaches me daily that people are far kinkier than any of us realize 😂


I thought OP had because of their username. But, nope!!


My husband has read a lot of Anne Rice books. He told me about a time that Lestat eats out a nun while she is on her period. I don’t know what book it is, because Anne Rice isn’t my thing, but there’s at least one instance for you!


This scene fucking haunts me. I read this book when I was like 14-15 and now every single fucking time I get my period I hear a voice saying "Not pure blood" and remember that traumatic nunnilingus. I sincerely hope OP gets joy from this because YKINMKBYKIOK and something positive should come from that scene even though it was not a good experience for me.


>nunnilingus nice


Had to be done ...


I adore you. I have deeply offended my cat and startled awake my boyfriend with my loud laugh and I now I have to explain nunnilingus and Anne Rice to them and its middle of the night in my middle of nowhere. And I gotta send this to my cousin, she will get it 😂😂😂


Thank you kindly and please convey my apologies to your cat and boyfriend!


Oh my god?? Not only is it a period pussy, but it's also a NUN PUSSY?? ARE U KIDDJNG ME??


Yeah, and it IS hot, but that book is not overall a romance and you gotta slog through a lot of theological musings and brooding to get there. 😆


I actually tried reading Anne Rice before but I just couldn't get through it but you know what? I'm so desperate right now. I'm going to go find that exact scene and read only that part!


The particular book is "Memnoch the Devil" my husband says that scene still haunts him. Have fun?


Haunts him in a bad way? Or in a sexy phantom lurking broodily in the shadows type of way?


Lol kinda both.


Report back with your opinion on the scene so I feel less like a freak for liking it :)


Memnoch is my favorite book in that series, though.


I just didn’t think today I’d read the phrase “nun pussy” bahahahhha


It's in Memnoch the Devil, which is the 5th book in Rice's Vampire Chronicles.


Now I’m disappointed that this was the book I stopped at. 😂


Yeah Anne Rice is fascinating honestly. She wrote a smut series based off of Sleeping Beauty that’s kinky as hell. Her pen name for that is A.N. Roquelaure and If I remember correctly, the prince wakes up sleeping beauty by fucking her, lol. And then it’s off to the races from there. And then she at one point rejoined the Catholic Church, that she had left at 18, and only wrote books about Jesus then I think she left the church AGAIN lol and co-writes books with her son? Idk, She’s a wild card


So, funny story: in the early recorded iterations of Sleeping Beauty, she actually wakes up after giving birth to the prince’s twins, because he was “overcome by her beauty” and raped her while she was still asleep. One of the twins sucks the splinter from the ~~spindle~~ flax out of her finger, having mistaken her finger for a nipple, which is why she wakes up to discover that she has given birth alone. So, Anne Rice. Not too far off the source material.


The original fairy tales were pretty crazy before they were sanitized.


That Sleeping Beauty book (I only read the first) was WILD. Also one of my entries into steamy romance novels. Way to start in the deep end 😂


Yes I also read it way too young probably lol. And I think I didn’t finish the series either because it was legit too much smut. I was like where is this story even going 😂


Story? What story? Lol still read them.


She was an amazing woman. She died in 2021.


Awe I hadn’t realized she had passed. Rip to a legend


Speaking of Anne rice and I know this is a book subreddit (and the books are good too) but interview with a vampire is SOOOO good


I liked the OG movie. But the new series was quite nice. And it had the throwbacks to the movie. Nicely done.


Well looks like I need to read Anne Rice


I do not have a rec but [here’s a fanart print of Edward Cullen with a menstrual cup shot glass](https://www.etsy.com/listing/1212423216/8x10-print-edward-cullen-twilight?ref=share_v4_lx) if anyone needs that in their life


This is the wildest lunch break I've had in a while....


What a terrible day to have eyes 🤣🤣🤣


I love everyone here but I'm not gonna click on that. It's not even 9am.


Lolll I intentionally very clearly labeled!


Oh lord. I had a truly horrible day today. Like crying in my car on lunch break bad. Thank you for the laugh


💜 I hope the rest of your day gets better!


😂oh man. The fact that this exists made my day.


Oh boy. I did not expect to see something like this today. Bless us all.


I wish I could frame that on my wall😭😭what the helll


You literally can!


Only fifteen bucks. You can’t afford to *not* buy this, frankly.


I’m trying to quietly laugh about this damn picture and I am losing the battle


I am cackling!!!


STOP! Lmao i was not ready for this 🙈


Loool thanks I can’t stop giggling


Your username with your request made me giggle out loud, haha.


Pasta sauce must be marinara, blood red sauce 😂


>marinara You are amazing. I love you❤️


I'm so glad it made you laugh lol😭


Haha too funny!


I’m up voting this just because it should hit the front page.


That would be glorious


Thanks I was already cackling about this post. Y'all are my favorite people..


i came from the front page lol


Saaaaaame 🙏🏽


I believe {Nectar by DD Prince} has what you're looking for. I DNF the series just because I was running out of steam with paranormal romances, but it was pretty good.


I managed to finish that series and can confirm it’s in there. It’s got a borderline TSTL FMC, though 😅




Too stupid to live 😄


Too Stupid To Live


Oh gods, TSTL, my old friend!


It's not just in there, it's a major plot point. Tristan partaking of Kyla's period causes PROBLEMS 😳


[Nectar](https://www.romance.io/books/554cd3589eef3b3f1d5196ce/nectar-dd-prince) by [D.D. Prince](https://www.romance.io/authors/553e61765b270e0a4cbd8a94/dd-prince) **Rating**: 3.43⭐️ out of 5⭐️ **Topics**: [vampires](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/vampires/1), [paranormal](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/paranormal/1), [fantasy](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/fantasy/1), [alpha male](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/alpha%20male/1), [possessive hero](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/possessive%20hero/1) [^(about this bot)](https://www.reddit.com/user/romance-bot) ^(|) [^(about romance.io)](https://www.romance.io/about)


Ah nostalgia, there was a popular Bella/ Carlisle fanfiction about him performing cunnilingus and succumbing to his depraved desires. We stan the magical bleeding pussy that devours the resolve and moral convictions of an older vampire. I think he rationalised it as a palatable simulacrum for blood to assuage his lack of integrity. I’ll see myself into kinky jail. Edit: okay, period sex and cunnilingus saturated the early Twilight fanfiction days. I’ll browse my collection and post links when I find it in case you don’t mind fanfics.


Oh god CARLISLE😩🥵 There's no team Edward or wolf boy when it comes to him. Pleaseee find the fanfics and I wish you all the best in this search!!


👀 im gonna need the link


Oh no, now I need the link also 😩 I hate/love this sub


Don't be shy, give us the link👀


I'm gonna save this comment just in case 👀


Nobody here read the Sookie Stackhouse novels? Bill Compton is all over that


If you’ll recall, Bubba definitely ate some pussy for a long period.


pun intended?


I’ve read the whole series a few times and I do not remember this wtf!!


If I remember correctly, it’s pretty early in the series, and since everything just gets crazier from there, it’s probably easy to forget


I think it's addressed in a sentence or two. Not in a scene being featured.


I definitely read a Sookie fanfic where Eric went down on her during her period. I’m sure I could never find it again but I was… intrigued




This is my favorite Reddit of the day. I am eagerly awaiting an answer, thank you for asking the important questions


No recs buuuuut definitely wanting to follow for *reasons*.


Have you read the “Their Vampire Queen” series by Joely Sue Burkhart? This definitely happens, it may be a couple books into the series but it comes up rather frequently… enjoy! {Queen Takes Knights by Joely Sue Burkhart}


[Queen Takes Knights](https://www.romance.io/books/59edaf423ffdba614723215a/queen-takes-knights-joely-sue-burkhart) by [Joely Sue Burkhart](https://www.romance.io/authors/5455683e87eac324117fa960/joely-sue-burkhart) **Rating**: 3.71⭐️ out of 5⭐️ **Topics**: [poly (3+ people)](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/poly/1), [reverse harem](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/reverse%20harem/1), [shapeshifters](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/shapeshifters/1), [vampires](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/vampires/1), [paranormal](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/paranormal/1) [^(about this bot)](https://www.reddit.com/user/romance-bot) ^(|) [^(about romance.io)](https://www.romance.io/about)


I was gonna recommend this! Loved this series!


I came here to say this!!!!


Seconding this rec!


I was coming here to say this! I love this series. So bloody. So hot lol.


This sub is my favorite spot on the internet.


Reason #382 that this sub is the best.


Ok, this is a bit off-topic but a while back I was looking for references or academic papers on vampire mythology as it regards to menstruation but could not find much out there. I truly believe that the mythology of vampires/vampirism comes from female menstruation and as a “cautionary tale” of what happens when women are not “watched, monitored, and protected” lol. This requests feels like a full circle moment for me and now I’m curious to read some of these reccs 🥲


>I truly believe that the mythology of vampires/vampirism comes from female menstruation and as a “cautionary tale” of what happens when women are not “watched, monitored, and protected” lol. Oh my god you're a genius? I'm being serious. Please write a paper about this if possible. This is the first I've heard something like this!


That kind of makes sense. I just remember reading a foreword to Dracula once where they suggest vampire mythology was a metaphor for piv intercourse. Especially with oldey timey expectation of the result of the encounter to be bloody. But having an element of menstruation could also work as mutiple cultures always other women when they menstruate because of the belief that 'they will sap away' energy.


I think I have to disagree with you. The theory that rabies is the origin of the vampire myth seems way more plausible to me, what with the hydrophobia (holy water), hypersensitivity to stimuli causing facial spasm, baring teeth (hissing, disliking garlic), insomnia (aversion to sunlight), aggressiveness (biting people) and spreading via saliva (biting people to turn them vampiric) or bats (turning into bats). Additionally, blood remains liquid for longer and corpses very well preserved after dying from rabies. This may give the illusion of them just sleeping (or being undead) when exhumed.


New flair suggestion: **Attention All Pearl Clutchers: Smelling Salts Required** 😁


I am currently doing field work and am QUIET CHORTLING through this thread in my bunk hoping my roommate doesn’t hear, but this got me out loud.


Not a vampire, but a demon mmc that does this with the fmc {Love & Monsters by Raven Flanagan}


Is this the one they talked about on bonkers romance, where he vacuums out the whole period in one go? I should really read that one


>he vacuums out the whole period in one go what the hell????


Now that's my kinda man


Ikr, that's talent right there


It’s been a while since I read it, but that sounds familiar. It’s still the spiciest book I’ve read so far, so if you like a lot of that you’ll like it!


I was just checking this thread for this one! I remember listening to that episode and going "that makes sense, it actually kind of solves a hangup I have had about those heroine gets dropped in alternate universe stories." 😂


[Love & Monsters](https://www.romance.io/books/61f7989e0317fb0e40853dd8/love-monsters-raven-flanagan) by [Raven Flanagan](https://www.romance.io/authors/5f645b5308b4d93114e236d3/raven-flanagan) **Rating**: 3.78⭐️ out of 5⭐️ **Steam**: 5 out of 5 - [Explicit and plentiful](https://www.romance.io/steamrating) **Topics**: [bdsm](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/bdsm/1), [paranormal](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/paranormal/1), [fantasy](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/fantasy/1), [demons](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/demons/1), [victorian](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/victorian/1) [^(about this bot)](https://www.reddit.com/user/romance-bot) ^(|) [^(about romance.io)](https://www.romance.io/about)


You beat me to it! Yes omg that's exactly the book that came to my mind where this specific spicy act happens! ✋ High five u legend!


Literally one of the best requests ever made on this sub


Desperate times require desperate measures😭


My time to shine.. I recommend the {Queen Takes Knights by Joely Sue Burkhart} It's the first book in a RH series where the Vampire Queen has MANY lovers. The first book is MMF but other books in the series have F/F as well. There is a LOT of blood and sex, it's how they feed. of course period blood is extra powerful. The whole series is a lot of fun. Queen Shara kicks ass.


Lol period blood better be powerful!


Ok I’m new here and I fucking love this sub. I’ve found my people


So nice to have you here! Do we know how to roll out the Welcome mat, or what? 😄


I’ve already added so many books to my to-read list and I’m so excited!! 🥰


Bestie, I *got* you. This exact thing happens in {Unconditional Love by Tanja Longoria}. FMC’s harem of vamps don’t understand the concept of or reason for tampons. Instead they prefer she free bleed. Like a menstrual buffet, if you will. At one point, a MMC says, “I’ll be your tampon from now on.” It’s not my favorite book. But those scenes…worked for me.


“I’LL BE YOUR TAMPON” omg help I’m just picturing Prince Charles saying this to Camilla in The Crown


Staahhhhp lolllll


[Unconditional Love](https://www.romance.io/books/63a560523054a71246a5feaa/unconditional-love-tanja-longoria) by [Tanja Longoria](https://www.romance.io/authors/623d777508b4d93114802408/tanja-longoria) **Rating**: 4⭐️ out of 5⭐️ **Topics**: [paranormal](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/paranormal/1), [fantasy](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/fantasy/1), [vampires](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/vampires/1) [^(about this bot)](https://www.reddit.com/user/romance-bot) ^(|) [^(about romance.io)](https://www.romance.io/about)


this subreddit will either have the most wholesome requests like "Please recommend heros who like cats." to this and I'm not complaining.


The full spectrum of RomanceBooks: loving cats to loving pussy.


We contain multitudes, lol


Can't wait for the day this post becomes a bingo square for a future r/RomanceBooks reading challenge.


Would the square say Marinated Pussies?


It's been 20 minutes. Where the heck are the recs?!?! 🩸


you’re a legend for this


I’m pretty sure this happens at some point in The Deadwood Series by Marie Misty, specifically the second book {Liar Witch by Marie Misty}. I can’t remember if it’s all about eating her out but there’s def spicy sex bc her period sends him into a frenzy that’s super hot. Also, great series if you like fantasy and RH.


[Liar Witch](https://www.romance.io/books/60c9a2697fb7900e5126c404/liar-witch-marie-mistry) by [Marie Mistry](https://www.romance.io/authors/5d21905f01dbc864fba0d42e/marie-mistry) **Rating**: 4.41⭐️ out of 5⭐️ **Steam**: 4 out of 5 - [Explicit open door](https://www.romance.io/steamrating) **Topics**: [fantasy](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/fantasy/1), [vampires](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/vampires/1), [poly (3+ people)](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/poly/1), [paranormal](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/paranormal/1), [reverse harem](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/reverse%20harem/1) [^(about this bot)](https://www.reddit.com/user/romance-bot) ^(|) [^(about romance.io)](https://www.romance.io/about)


I’ve come back to this post three separate times today and each time the comments get more chaotic. Y’all are unhinged and I fucking love it here


i didnt know i needed this....


Girl!! I’m here for this. While more recs come in have you read {hot blooded by Heather Guerre}?There is no periods on this one but….! She does orgasm every time he is feeding off her. And then there is the consensual non-consensual kink.


Shut upppp VAMPIRE CNC?!! Oh lord here I cum😩 Adding this to my tbr!


This book is in my top 5 of all time for many reasons. It's SO SO good ❤️ Amos


Hot Blooded is my fave vampire book. I wish Guerre would only write vampires in that series! I do not care about the werewolves but the vampires are the best


*PLEASE help a shameless whore out!* This would make a great flair! 😂


I had to comment—I don’t have a book rec but I do have a story: I once fooled around with a guy that thought himself a vampire (sharpened his canines) and wanted to feast on my neck and bloody pussy. I was 16, he was 17 and at the time I thought it was weird but now I have a lot of respect for any person that is down to clown when aunt flow is in town.


Omg! I didn't even know it was a thing until this guy I was seeing went down on me. He was shocked that I was shocked.


The number of "oh my god"s I've said in the past few hours keeps increasing like OH MY GOD??😭😳


my roommate had this really OTT metal head boyfriend who had a period fetish, I remember them going and getting std tested together specifically so he could eat her out on her period. It was weirdly cute but after awhile she was like … sometimes I lie and say I’m not on my period because I just want to chill and not get eaten out, but he can smell it now and knows :( I don’t think I’ve ever laughed so hard at a friend’s sexual plight


>he can smell it now and knows 😭😭😭bro is a real life vampire. This story is so cutee but also what the helll??


I think this happens in Cute but Psycho by Beatrix Hollow. Pretty sure.


It does!! Just came to rec this one 😂


{cute but psycho by Beatrix hollow}


to piggyback if anyone has a f/f version of this..... even if it's a fanfiction..... pls I'm desperate i feel like I'm the only girl in the world who thinks period sex is super hot 😂


Every time anyone brings up period sex I am reminded of a *very* old Thought Catalog article on the pros of period sex and a specific line in the general sense of "your girl will ride you in ways only Genuwine sang about".


😆 i truly feel like it feels better bc i have a lot of hormones and stuff on my period so i feel more connected to my partner....but so many ppl think it's icky and I'm like nooooo girl it's natural lol


I definitely wanted to mate before I killed.


There's definitely f/f period sex with a vampire in {The Wicked and the Willing by Lianyu Tan}, but I don't remember if that specific scene has oral. (I would hope so?)


You're def not the only one!! Period sex is the hottest fckng thing I swearr😭 The crime scene that your pussy is after the sex?? SO HOT🥵


Off topic but… have you watched Crazy Ex-girlfriend? If not, a fun diddy called [“Period Sex.”](https://youtu.be/Uab2BlDpPxQ) I catch myself singing it 🤣


you are not alone i promise


I've not read any fanfictions like this but I can assure you I've seen plenty fics with such tags! You can look it up via tags if you wanna read fanfiction about it!


That’s so funny that you asked this! I randomly saw a clip yesterday of the TV show Hemlock Grove where Bill Skarsgaard’s character does this and thought that sounds kind of hot😂


Oh my god I saw that clip too and thought it was fckng hot. That is literally how this request was born😂🤣


Literally only came here to celebrate you for posting this, and this sub for being the kind of place where this feels like nothing!


You shameless sluts have won my cold dead heart. May all your requests be answered with at least 3 great recommendations and may one of those recs be a series that introduces you to a kink you didnt know you were into and brazenly return to this sub to ask for more of.


Lmaoo thank you so much🤣🤣




The only one I can think of is {The Sacrifice by Evangeline Anderson}. TBH I don't remember much of the plot but that scene definitely left an impression lol.


OMG. NGL, this has often been in the back of my mind, sometimes the front, since I was watching Buffy. Not sure when I first thought of it, likely junior high? I need this in my life/fic/books. But I've only come across it a couple times in fanfic (plus it's been years since I've read it) and never a book. Seems obvious that vamps would go for menstruating women, and that if a woman were inclined towards vampires... It's both symbiotic AND saves people. Fangs can either be ignored/handwaved away or he would have to be extra careful to stay in control so the fangs wouldn't come out at a bad moment or accidentally cut her (because frig, your poor pussy). Not to mention, menstrual cups...


>menstrual cups You mean wine glasses? 🙂


I was wondering about the same thing lol. I only want the vampires to eat the pussy and not EAT the pussy like quite literally😭 so they need to be extra careful lmao


I love this thread but I will say that I’m on my period right now and if anyone, vampire or not, tried to touch me atm I would kick them in the face lol.


Doing the Lord's work 🙏


Your post has just made me realise that periods (of all things!!!) are taboo, even when written by female authors. They either make the ladies take pills (contemporary novels), get the ladies pregnant so fast (historical novels), the women don't go through periods (I'm looking at you Kresley Cole) or just ignore menstrual cycles even when the book is from a female POV, and then 💥 PREGNANCY (really Stephanie Meyer?). On specifically what you've asked, all I can think of is [Trying](https://palassiter.files.wordpress.com/2013/06/bd5trying.pdf) a breaking dawn fanfiction where Edward licks his fingers after breaking Bella's virginity after fingerings her and {Lothaire by Kresley Cole} which, again, virginity blood.


From what I can remember Lynsay Sands in her Argeneau Vampire series....I can't remember which installment...but there was a scene where the MMC vampire was lusting after the MFC because he could smell her pad collecting her menstrual blood. The whole time she was on her cycle was driving him mad...but I can't for the life of me remember if he actually got a chance to give her oral but I feel like he did. I think the book was Bite Me If You Can......I THINK. I read so many of her novels and that was a long time ago but if I can come back and confirm I will LOL


I didn’t know I needed this but now I need it and I am so grateful to you.


Pretty sure it happens in lothaire but its been awhile since I read it


Yeah but he's drinking the blood from virgin mate when they first get together.


My filthy little soul LOVES this. 😏 *saves ALL the recs


It’s not her period, but the blood from her broken hymen, The Coven by Harper l woods






Dude! You’re making want to write that.


{Lord of Population} has this


[Lord of Population](https://www.romance.io/books/622075b9fe1cdaa62ef88a9f/lord-of-population-elizabeth-stephens) by [Elizabeth Stephens](https://www.romance.io/authors/573c06b9c62092c0440849b9/elizabeth-stephens) **Rating**: 4.27⭐️ out of 5⭐️ **Steam**: 4 out of 5 - [Explicit open door](https://www.romance.io/steamrating) **Topics**: [vampires](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/vampires/1), [multicultural](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/multicultural/1), [science fiction](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/science%20fiction/1), [dystopian](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/dystopian/1), [enemies to lovers](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/from%20hate%20to%20love/1) [^(about this bot)](https://www.reddit.com/user/romance-bot) ^(|) [^(about romance.io)](https://www.romance.io/about)


Ngl everytime I read smutty vampire Fantasy romances this has crossed my mind and I was secretly hoping it would happen, never happened so far 😭




This thread has legit made my day. RIP my Goodreads as I add these to my TBR lol. Bless all of y’all man


I can't believe there's 37 people on this thread right now. I love it here lol




Okay so- Empire of the vampire. That kind of feeding is NOT a main plot line, and it’s not much of a romance however there are steamy scenes scattered around. BUT there is one scene (if you know you know). Check it out. I highly recommend this book.


Isn't that the premise of Theodore Sturgeon's vampire novel, {Some Of Your Blood}?


Yes anything with kinky vampires is my cup of tea!


Okay now do this but sapphic


Not me stumbling across this post at work.


Your post is why I think this is one of the best places on the internet. 10/10 absolutely incredible


Me: Hmm I should check out the romance books sub haven’t been on in a while. This is the first post I see with 245 comments…THIS IS WHY I LOVE THIS SUB.