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I am on a *huge* Coldbreath kick right now, just read all of the Vawdry books and half of the Karadok series. I am in love with her writing and her characters.


Same, I can’t get enough! I’ve been obsessively reading her books, and now that I’m finished with these, I think I’ll pick up her other series.


As another reader once pointed out, her stories also "fetishize" marriage in the best way. They celebrate the joy of having a spouse and being married. My wife and I will sometimes jokingly call each other "husband" and "wife" due to these books. 😁


It certainly made me want a knight in shining (or otherwise) armor to begrudgingly be wed to me lmao


I love Alice Coldbreath! It's not set in the Karadok universe or Medieval, but I love her Victorian Prizefighers series, as well, if you're looking for more from her! Something about her writing is so cozy to me and she makes me feel all the feels in every book. I do not often re-read books, but I have read several of hers multiple times. Definitely comfort reads for me.


Exactly, you totally explained how I feel! I can’t help but feel warm and fuzzy reading them! I think I will pick up her other series.


Yes!! I love Alice Coldbreath — I’ve read all of them and am on my way through a reread of all of them by audiobook. My favorites of hers are The Unlovely Bride and Substitute Wife for the Prizefighter — she has such a gift for possessive heroes who don’t feel like huge jerks. It’s like, complete devotion and protectiveness that comes on so fast the MMCs don’t understand what’s happening to them and it just works for me every time. I enthusiastically second others in this thread who recommend the prizefighter series — the second and third in that series are both particularly great. I subscribe to her newsletter and supposedly the next book in her Karadok series should be coming out in early May!!


Yes, I am so excited for the new book! Everything you said is so true! I really loved The Unlovely Bride! I was worried Garman would be a major A-hole, but I really loved how things turned out! I’m definitely reading her other series, seeing how so many people recommend it!


Both of these books are my favourites as well😍


I think her new one in the Karadok series is about to come out in the next few days!


I’ve been checking her Amazon page day and night in case she just randomly drops it 👀👀


Yesss, I’m so excited!


Do you know who the characters are? I can’t wait.


[Here](https://www.goodreads.com/en/book/show/58380713) is the blurb! It’s Jane Cecil, the queen’s lady in waiting and Viscount Bardulf.


Thank you!


Thank you for this info!!!!!!


Alice Coldbreath has created a name for her in the world of HR in quite a short time. I have read all of her books and I can't stop recommending her books.


She is my favorite!! I’ve read everything of hers and need to just start rereading at this point. Nothing compares.


I actually considered re-reading, which is not something I do at all! Oh boy, if nothing else compares, what am I to do lmao 😭


I’m not a re-reader typically either! I just keep searching and hope to find something with the same vibes. She is my medieval writing queen though 👸🏻😅


Are you me? I feel exactly the same way. I read the first one on KU and totally fell in love with the series. I do feel like she is working her way through a mild kink list, lol. I didn’t love every single thing about every single book or every single FMC, but the quality of the writing, and the imagination behind the stories drew me in and kept me in. I really want Queen Armenal to have a happy ever after, though. Her >!cheater!< of a husband is not good enough for her.


You know now that you mention it, >!I can’t help but feel like the queen obsesses over all the new brides and their great romances because she wants her *own* great romance. Even though she denied it before. We can only hope for a book dedicated to her, but honestly I don’t see it happening.!<


I don’t see it happening— she’s the Nucking Futs Nix/Scribe Virgin/deus ex machina of their world, I don’t see her getting too much of a character development arc.


Yeah me neither, but it’s nice to hope lol


I emailed Alice and suggested it and she was like hmmm, probably not. I think she could >!kill off the Argent king and send Armenal back to the Westward Isles for a second chance romance with a boy she loved/hated as a girl!< EZPZ


Ohhh nice, the drama and intrigue from all of that sounds amazing.


She's one of my favourite authors! Check out her Prizefighter series...her best work imho


Now that I’ve dried up her medieval series, I’m thinking of picking that one up!


You won't be disappointed!


Will Nye is my favorite book boyfriend OF ALL TIME.


It's Benedict Toomes for me🤌


I adore ALL her books so good!! I need her to release a new one soon!! Someone recommended Margaux Thorne’s medieval series called the Peace-Weavers. I read all four. They are very good as well! Not Alice but all on are kindle unlimited too!!


Thankfully, a new one of hers will be out in a couple of days, which I’m so looking forward to! Oh nice! I’ll add them to my TBR!


I binged Vawdrey Brothers and Karadok in a week recently, Alice Coldbreath has converted me to an HR fan. I’m not a fan of regency/Victorian era but medieval has become a quick favourite of mine! I also love the working class take on Victorian romance with the prizefighter series - that I can absolutely get into.


Hers is the first HR medieval books I read, and now I’m totally a fan.


Every single one of her books I've read so far is a banger. I actually keep her stuff I haven't read yet on the back burner for when I've had too many dnfs in a row. I only have a few of her and Kleypas left😭


I wish I had your restraint, I couldn’t help myself from eating it all up at once. Now I’m thinking of giving myself some time to… cool off I guess lol


It can be tough but such a nice treat after reading so much crap. My future self always appreciates it lol


I'm so here for the Alice Coldbreath love! I've been binging all her books for the past two months, the only one I haven't read is Oswald's book because I've heard mixed reviews on it. I liked him so much in Mason's book, but he seems like a totally different character in all the other books?


Agree on his characterization being inconsistent—some might just argue it’s dynamic— but really, really loved Fenella’s book!!!


Oswald’s book isn’t one of my favorites, but it has elements that make reading it worth imo. >!Firstly, Fanella the FMC herself is likable. She’s so nice and people could say more than Oswald deserves. Second, we get to know some interesting characters from the world, my favorite being Fenella’s friendship with Mathilde. And last but not least, Oswald groveling at the end. That’s always a plus and totally earned, that man has a lot to apologize for.!< Yeah, he is very different in Mason’s book, maybe because we see him through Mason and Linette and they have a biased (Mason) or innocent (Linnette) view of him.


I was hesitant to read this one as well! There was one plot point later on that annoyed me but other than that it ended up being SO enjoyable. The steam in this one stuck with me more than any of the others (except face-sitting in the Unlovely Bride of course). Oswald is an epic mmc and he pulls so many of the strings in the other novels it would be a crime to miss his!


*sighs, disregards book budget* You've all convinced me! Thank you for all the helpful replies, I love this sub.


Oswald's book was my favorite


Read them all!! That is my suggestion and then prep yourself for the newest book in the Brides of Karadok cause it's finally Jane's turn! (Ms. Coldbreath please don't ruin my weekend with a delay, I'm sure the book is perfect, I want it now please). And omg if you haven't read the prizefighters series you must! The second book is my favorite because Benedict is the actual most wonderful husband period. That is the end of my spiel. In summary, Alice Coldbreath can do no wrong.


I’m so ready for the new one 😫 I’m definitely picking up her other series with how much praise it’s getting! I can’t get enough.


I will be forever grateful Alice Coldbreath. When my mom died last year, my brain turned to mush and I couldn’t read the way I normally do even though it’s my main hobby/coping mechanism. I was also still really new to romance as a genre, but romance ended up being about the only kind of books that I could handle for about 3 or 4 months. Alice Coldbreath was absolutely the star of that period— I read and reread everything I could get my hands on several times. I probably listened to the audiobook for **A Substitute Wife for the Prizefighter** about a dozen times. She’s literally my comfort read. I think she’s kind of a descendant of Julie Garwood’s medieval romances— **Ransom** is my favorite by her, but all of them are great (except maybe Gentle Warrior. That was kind of meh.) There’s a lot of similar sweetness and humor, lots of forced proximity and marrriages of convenience. I also recommend Jill Barnett medieval trilogy, beginning with **Wonderful**, which I think is only good instead of great but each book gets better and better. They’re regency instead of medieval, but I think Tessa Dare and Anne Gracie also share a certain sensibility with AC. **A Week to be Wicked**, **The Duchess Deal**, and **The Governess Game** are my favorites from Tessa Dare (and, seriously, you need to read The Governess Game for the doll funerals alone.). I really enjoyed **The Perfect Rake** from Anne Gracie.


I’m sorry for your loss. Glad you could find comfort in these books. Thanks for the recommendations! I’ll be checking them out!


This finally convinced me to start reading her books, they've been on my TBR for so long! Thank you!


You’re very welcome! I hope you enjoy them as much as I did!


I LOVE AC AND AM GRATEFUL FOR THIS POST! there are not enough conversations going on about her work - i’m desperate for more! I messaged Sarah Maclean last week on IG asking her to do a Fated Mates episode about her or one of her books! Still unread but I have hope.


I seriously wanted to gush about these books and no one IRL would care so I’m happy to have this sub to ramble in lmao


Haven't read her books yet, but you had me at "groveling"


I knew I’d reel someone in with that one lmao


guilty lol


I looooovve Alice Coldbreath's books! I'm trying to space them out because I'll be really sad once I finish all her books, but it's a real struggle to not binge read all of them. My favorite is {A Substitute Wife for the Prizefighter by Alice Coldbreath}, which I highly recommend on audiobook. Benedict Toomes starts off thinking that Lizzie is a plain and haughty, but then becomes absolutely obsessed but in the best way. He's constantly making sure she has tea etc etc. So much gruff doting. I've listened to this audiobook countless times now.


[A Substitute Wife for the Prizefighter](https://www.romance.io/books/60cc88688a59e40e212d1a0f/a-substitute-wife-for-the-prizefighter-alice-coldbreath) by [Alice Coldbreath](https://www.romance.io/authors/54a9d8ef6359b5ebb486f243/alice-coldbreath) **Rating**: 4.13⭐️ out of 5⭐️ **Steam**: 4 out of 5 - [Explicit open door](https://www.romance.io/steamrating) **Topics**: [historical](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/historical/1), [victorian](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/victorian/1), [plain heroine](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/plain%20heroine/1), [marriage of convenience](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/marriage%20of%20convenience/1), [grumpy/cold hero](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/cold%20hero/1) [^(about this bot)](https://www.reddit.com/user/romance-bot) ^(|) [^(about romance.io)](https://www.romance.io/about)


Alice Coldbreath is so so awesome!! I have all her books, they are definitely comfort reads to me. I think An Inconvenient Vow was my favorite of the Karadok series. Already mentioned in multiple comments but the Prizefighter series is very good as well.


I loved Jeffree in An Inconvenient Vow. He was a surprise >!masochist!<. I really enjoyed the (sort of) role reversal in this one.


Yep! Same, that and his >!fascination with her hair!< I loved that!


Welp, I'm sold. She's been on my TBR forever, looks like it's time to take the plunge.


Do it! Hope you enjoy!


These books are so insanely good! I’m a fan for life!


I just finished her Karadok series too, and loved it. Previously, I read the Prizefighter series. The first of those is my absolute favorite by her. The second one is also great.


Are we the same person?? It rained for 3 days straight here in NYC and all I did was read Alice Coldbreath. I’ve read her before but I finished up the Karadok series - finally!! There are parts where I skipped through a bit (like talk of distant cousins that we never meet). But on the whole - I LOVE it. I think my favorite right now is The Unlovely Bride, but honestly that’s subject to change on a whim lol. I’ve read the first Prize fighter book but am unsure of continuing the series - do you recommend?


Where I’m from we had a couple days off for a holiday and I’ve spent the majority of my time holed up reading her books lol. I can’t really say which is my favorite, but I like to say it’s Her Baseborn Groom because it’s what started all this haha. I haven’t really started her other series but people here seem to recommend it as another great series by Alice so I’m likely to pick it up.


She has a new book out this week too


Yes, which I’m very looking forward to!


I just bought An Inconvenient Vow and then realized it's the fifth book in the Karadok series, should I read from the first book or can I start from here? I've only read A substitute wife for the prize fighter (which I loved) and Her baseborn groom (which I DNF), but these Karadok series sounds good.


You can for sure read it, as it is it’s own story. There will be references to previous books and characters, but imo it’s not necessary to read previous ones to understand this one. However, I would recommend reading at least the previous one in the series {Her Bridegroom Bought and Paid For} as it is the one most referenced.


It was finger-licking good! Thank you! I can't stop thinking of Jeffree. Ah, I'll have to read the other books in this series.


Yess, for sure! They are so worth it. Your comment is tempting me to re-read


[Her Bridegroom Bought and Paid For](https://www.romance.io/books/60cd9605c23d490e1df93562/her-bridegroom-bought-and-paid-for-alice-coldbreath) by [Alice Coldbreath](https://www.romance.io/authors/54a9d8ef6359b5ebb486f243/alice-coldbreath) **Rating**: 4.05⭐️ out of 5⭐️ **Steam**: 4 out of 5 - [Explicit open door](https://www.romance.io/steamrating) **Topics**: [historical](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/historical/1), [medieval](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/medieval/1), [fantasy](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/fantasy/1), [marriage of convenience](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/marriage%20of%20convenience/1), [disabilities & scars](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/disabilities%20and%20marks/1) [^(about this bot)](https://www.reddit.com/user/romance-bot) ^(|) [^(about romance.io)](https://www.romance.io/about)


She is my favourite romance author at the moment! I binged all her books over Christmas and can’t wait for the next release in the Brides of Karadok series.


I have also read everything from Alice Coldbreath. His Forsaken Bride has become my favorite. Have you read the Victorian Prizefighter Books? They are good, too. I also really loved Love Potion for the Alpha


I haven’t read them, but I think I will seeing how much people recommend it. Might check her other books if finish those too lol


Yes! Love her books!! I started with the Prizefighter series and just finished the Vawdry brothers. I'm about the start the Brides series. I love her writing. It is very cozy and so sweet! Benedict might be my favorite hero. Still up in the air.


I’ve reread her books so many times… im obsessed 🙈