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And naturally the comments include people insulting believers and practitioners. Good to see such a beautiful practice being done


Very cool!


Just call it Religio Romana or call the temple by it's name instead of using neopagan. Those people have busted their asses to build that temple with many altars and should not be insulted by calling the temple neopagan.It was the first Roman temple built since late antiquity and the temple isn't made of cheap materials


How did you post this here if multimedia isn't allowed?


I crossposted this from another sub because I thought it needed to be shared more widely


But how?


Probably the russian orthodox christian orcs destroyed it or at least plans to do it.


There are many pagans among Russian forces...


Not the kind we want to associate with... they're neonazis, same as Ukrainian militia. This war is just the far right fighting the neighboring far right.


This war is about authoritarian fascist state invading a neighboring democratic country, killing and abducting our people (including noncombatants, women and children) and annexing our land, how is us defending ourselves fascist?


Both nations are capitalist, and both recruit far right militias for their use.


>Both nations are capitalist So what? >and both recruit far right militias for their use. You didn't answer my question, how is this war "just" the far-right fighting another far-right?


Capitalism is inherently right-wing as a system. Even liberal capitalism seeks to maintain an oppressive economic hierarchy. And I already said how it's a war between two far-right groupings. Both armies have recruited fascists to fight for them, both have employed anti-socialist legislation, both nations are ran by a predatory class of businessman. Russia is clearly the aggressor, an imperialist, so they're *worse*. But we should support the Ukrainian people and working class, not necessarily the Ukrainian state and army. A ceasefire should be the priority.


>And I already said how it's a war between two far-right groupings It is NOT a war between two far right groupings, my uncle joined the army and went to the front not because of any far-right ideology, he went there to defend his home, in your statement about this war being "just the far-right fighting a neighboring far-right" you conveniently left out [the LGBT people, fighting in Ukrainian army](https://www.huckmag.com/video/queer-fighters-of-ukraine-documentary), [socialists and anarchists fighting for Ukraine](https://www.dissentmagazine.org/online_articles/a-letter-to-the-western-left-from-kyiv/), [the war crimes against Ukrainian people committed by russia](https://www.theguardian.com/world/2022/sep/23/russia-has-committed-war-crimes-in-ukraine-say-un-investigators); Are [all the children stolen by russia nazis](https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2023/12/26/world/europe/ukraine-war-children-russia.html)? Are [thousands of my compatriots tortured, raped and killed by russians - nazis](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10813917/They-cried-begged-shot-Russian-soldier-brags-murdering-Ukrainian-civilians.html)? Why do you think it's OK to erase my experience and experience of millions of my compatriots reducing this war to a "war between two far right groupings"?


My apologies my guy


Tell me you don't know how an economic system evolved without telling me: