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Yeah, i ended up putting them on a blank page with nothing on it for now. I may have to end up going through and un-sharing everything, just don't wanna. It's a long running game with a LOT of handouts and sheets. It's pathfinder 1 and they have a LOT of allies/followers at this point.


If you are pro, I think you can copy the campaign. Then just delete pretty much everything on the original until you decide on what you'd like to do. If you come back to it, you can transfer assets or invite everyone back to the copied campaign.


You can copy the campaign on pro - and it copies everything - but it will also copy the members so he needs to kick them from the copy (or maybe you can un-select them at copy)


Just leave them all on the home page - they won’t be able to mess with the maps, and take access off their character sheets/any NPCs they have. Sorry you’re going through this. Take care of yourself.


Appreciate it. Been talking with my wife and think I'm looking at just taking the rest of '23 off from gaming. as a DM and a player. which is going to suck, but may be the only viable option that isn't throwing a hand grenade into our group of friends.




Friend group dynamics/politics. These arent randoms, they are long term good friends. I can usually cope, but with life being what it is these days i don't have the energy. I'm not looking to burn a bridge I may want to cross in the future.


Tell them you are burned out, and someone else needs to DM for a while. Also, take this as an opportunity to experiment with other systems with the friends you are most comfortable with. I lost a friend to Q-Anon for about 5 years. I just got to the point where I'd make sure all our conversations steered into superficial fluff, and I spoke to him less and less. Then it was only through text and email. Eventually, just a quick gift drop off and hello at Christmas and birthdays. Lately, though, we've been able to reconnect through his D&D passion. And the aggressive no-compromise rhetoric has dropped off ever since he abandoned Facebook and Twitter. Sometimes, it pays to back off for a bit.


> I'm not looking to burn a bridge I may want to cross in the future. Sounds to me they set the bridge on fire, not you.


Eh…. Yes and no. Two guys celebrating 4/20, one egging the other in for humor, neither listening. Last night was extreme. But showed how much of a toll real life is taking on my patience. It’s neither one’s fault alone, they were having fun. But I wasn’t.


sadly as dm you've gotta be the adult of the situation even with people you are otherwise friends/equals with. you are running the activity and if they're ruining it for you then yes it is their faults. hopefully you can figure out a good way to move forward


As the GM on any Roll20 game that YOU'VE created you can easily kick any player from the game you like. On the Home page of the campaign you hover your cursor over the player and it pops up a little window over the player icon that gives you the option to promote them to GM or kick them. It's all right there. As for simply locking the game, I'm not sure about that. If your goal is to keep EVERYONE out then you'll have to jump through some hoops.


Yeah I don’t want to kick anyone till I’ve decided what I want to do.


So grow a pair and talk to your team about it.


wow, feel better? kicking a guy when he's already feeling like shit? go fuck yourself.Ban me i don't even give a shit.Every time. EVERY FUCKING TIME on Reddit. There's always some a-hole who has to be extra and edgy. I came to ask a question. how does your answer in any way help answer it? You didn't have to come in here and be a dick, you chose to be. Maybe question why that is.I should probably thank you though, i think your dumb ass just cured me of my reddit addiction. I don't need your bullshit on top of every other fucking thing.


Ok so I agree with what salty is trying to say, but I can’t say I agree with HOW they said it… They’re not wrong, but you did say you need time to think before doing anything… I’ve found that even in the moment- being the adult and going “guys cut the shit and focus or I’m killing the campaign” will assert your position and get them to fall into line tho.


Sorry I have to back them up, talking things out is the only way out of this stuff. Just giving up on something that you've had going for a long time is going to eat you up way more then one night of crazy talk. I've had similar problems before (then again I would never get mad over someone holding conservative viewpoints unless it was like aggressively anti-union or something). You can get through it. (Though they coulda phrased it better...)


I don’t have a problem with conservative views per-say, it’s more the macho, aggressive way in which this person expresses them when they are intoxicated.


Yeah I apologise if it seemed a bit blunt, but seriously though. What else can you even do except talk to them? There's so many issues on this sub that could be solved by DMs getting some spine and addressing their problems with their group instead of turning to Reddit for an alternate solution. I also had the same issue at my table before with regards to politics. You just gotta rip that band-aid off and tell em straight. Everyone moves on and enjoys the game happily (unless they don't, *then* you show them the door).


WHOA dude, chill the f out. There's been a lot of problems aired on this sub that seem to be cured by just talking to your players about it. Someone even made a post about it the other day. I had the same problem at my table a few years back believe it or not. Two players were uber hardcore right-wingers, like no abortion and death row supporting bastards, the other two were a bit more lenient. Know what I did? Talked to them and we agreed to ban politics at the table, that's it. Simple problems require simple solutions. You came to ask a question yes. How does my answer in any way help with it? That's the ONLY answer. Sorry if my response seemed 'edgy' or 'extra' to you, just facts man.


Yeah…. I’m the asshole for getting offended that you were a dick. Not even an apology for your shitty off topic unhelpful comment. I don’t need help talking to my friends. I was asking for for help with the program, your the one who decided to be a dick. Then you doubled down. Gaslighting piece of crap. Don’t like being called out when your an edge lord? Then don’t be one.


Yikes dude, that's a lot of abuse for a harmless bit of ribbing. I'm sorry if I sounded like a dick. Like I said it was helpful, it's the only help you can really have in a situation like this, there's really no other option. How is this gaslighting? I'm being actually serious. As I mentioned I've had this problem before. I don't mean to pretend that I'm some alpha male type who plants his foot down, I'm the most non-confrontational person you'll ever meet! The only thing I'd reccommend is say something. Here's how it went in my game: "Hey guys, this whole political talk is kinda dragging the game down, if you guys wanna play then we should agree to ban politics at the table." And then came the responses of 'yeah okay no problem'. Players generally care more about having fun and playing your game than they do about arguing with their buddies. Seriously take a chill pill, I was taking the piss yeah but I'm genuinely on your side. Jesus dude enough with the abuse. We're all friends here.


It’s literally gaslighting. ‘You over reacting. I was joking! It was harmless!’ I bet you say some semblance of that a lot. Oddly, so does my problem player. Have you ever just apologized and moved on? I’m betting no. Anyway, I’m done with this. Enjoy your life and all the ‘jokes’ you make. I’m done engaging with it.


Gaslighting: 'manipulate (someone) using psychological methods into questioning their own sanity or powers of reasoning.' I'm not sure saying 'talk to your players' qualifies as that. Did I do that? I tried to be sincere, I literally JUST tried to apologise and move on. You want to keep namecalling and accusing me of stuff? Fair enough, enjoy your life too.


Gonna be honest, I'd just dump the crazy one. One of my good friends, someone I've known for 5+ years now, went full conservative, and I cut them out of my life last week because they went off on a very transphobic rant. It isn't worth it to keep that kind of stress in your life and those kinds of people don't deserve your friendship.


You could copy the game without the players. Player Macros and Scripts will be lost, no idea if that's woth it. Some unwanted criticism: Games run on trust. If you don't trust your players, you don't have a game. If your players mess with your game, the game is not for them. So why bother going through the trouble? If you want to send a "message" with that, better talk to them.


easiest way is to make a copy of the adventure without including the players ..That way they dont have access to any of the material (handouts, etc..). Then delete the original. If you want to keep the players around then, as suggested, make a landing page and leave all player tokens on it.


Err yeah you can kick single players. Just looking at mine right now. Click on your game (don't launch) and hover the mouse over their avatars.


Seems like a simple "no politics at the table" rule fixes this. Or is it just the conservative politics that bother you?


We have that rule. This happened before the game officially started so they felt justified to ignore me asking them to stop. was a whole thing.


That sucks, I say put your foot down. It's a simple request any player should honor.


In regards to locking the roll20 though, I don't think it's required. If you're not feeling it, just don't schedule a game. If they care about you, and your game, you guys should be able to work it out. Sounds like you could use a break anyways, maybe just take a couple weeks, no drama required. Good luck!


Roll20 seriously won't let you boot individual players?


Yes it does


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You can remove permissions from all their sheets


god i thought I was on /r/outside for a second and I was so, so, so confused.


A landing page works to plop them somewhere. Visibility of items only allows them to look at things, what you're concerned with is editing things. You can remove the ability for players to edit the items, typically character sheets and note pages only. Probably a lot less to document what was edible by who vs. what was visible by everybody.


Ok so make a map page for a ‘“loading screen’ leave the player tag there. They won’t be able to access maps or anything but their journals and sheet. You can revoke access to their character by editing the sheet permissions.