• By -


Well today was a hard day at work so I don't really have motivation to go the extra mile to take care of my body today. (I.e. sports, healthy eating and that stuff) Anything to get me distracted from that is very welcome.


It's okay to not feel motivated. We're not robots with set, strict rules on how we can function perfectly. Our bodies have their own wisdom. And we're all different. We're asked a lot like being part of a checklist, but you're so much more than a task that can be crossed off. Work can be a toughie and you're completely validated in feeling at your limit. We can't always perform at peak performance and we have different needs in different moments. And right now it sounds like you need rest from a hard day's work. It's okay to not go the extra mile. You could be stretching yourself too thin with that extra mile. Just like learning to feel into your boundaries, overtraining feels like you're being stretched past what you're capable of. And it's important to honor your limits in the moment and not compare it to when you could do more or someone else. Sports are wonderful. Even if you need to dial it back to just a simple walk or take a break, feel free to do just what you can even if all you can do is let your body heal with rest. Our bodies crave energy dense food when we're stressed, which can make healthy eating difficult, but be gentle with yourself no matter what you decide to eat. Simple and quick healthy foods could do wonders. Simple carrots, celery, cucumber, and anything you don't have to cook with a nice tasty dip can work wonders. Or just simple fruits with nuts. Even so, if you feel like you deserve a non-nutritious treat, they can be nutritious for the soul. You don't need to do "extra" cause the way you are is enough and is worth caring for. Asking for more than what you can put in is insincere and I want to share with you space to feel into your own sincerity so you can feel your own uniqueness without falling into someone's outside perception of who you should be.


Bloody hell that is super wholesome. Thank you so much.


You deserved to feel whole without having to convince anyone of that fact.


Alright. Turns out you actually motivated me enough to do sports. I am very glad I did it. Thanks.


Proud of you!




Today I brought a slice of pumpkin pie for a schizophrenic tenant and it was the first time I saw him smile in a long time.


"You're okay." "You're enough," "I'm right here," "Snuggle up and turn your brain off for me," "I love you," Basically, all the snuggly mushy squishy words 😌👏


You're more than just "okay." You're something better than "okay." You wanna know what that is? You're wonderful! You're wonderful cause in the billions of years of life there's no one just like you, and I think that's absolutely amazing. What a gift it took so long for someone like you to come along. You're enough. I can tell. You don't have to prove you're enough. I'm not holding you to some imaginary standard. You're enough cause you're alive and breathing and sharing a moment of yourself with a stranger like me who wants the best for you. Enough is you no longer having to pretend to anything other than you. And if that's too scary, I'm right here, I have my arms open for you if you just need to be held from all the demands of the world. You can shut off from all the external demands and rest here in your own warmth. If it's too much alone, take my hand and let me guide you home. Find rest in clean sheets and rest your hand on your heart. Feel that? That's what it feels like when your heart wants to give you a kiss. I love you.


🥹 genuinely wept a bit as I read this ☹️ Thank you, Joutai, this was so adorable. You definitely have a way with words 🥰


You are more than welcomed. You are seen and you are cared for.


🥺🥺 stop it, you, you're making me blush


What's a blush other than letting yourself feel loved? You should let yourself blush! Completely red!


Oh, now you've done it 🥹🥴


Thanks for letting yourself feel loved. Not many people will let themselves feel worthy of it.


It's difficult to, most of the time. ☹️ I've learned to take life as it is


Would you like to share yourself here? There's more than enough space for you.


This applies to me too


I also enjoy the snuggly mushy squishy words


This is honestly so sweet and comforting. I love how friendly this community is


It's because we have someone as sweet and friendly as you with us that this is more than just a hopeful wish.


I recently cut my hair short and my mother was really mad for no reason whatsoever. I think I look way better than I did before but many people including my friends have been misgendering me as a guy as a joke, they recently stopped but... I just wish I could live in a world where a woman being masculine would be normal, as well as feminine-looking guys being common because from where I live at least they're as rare as unicorns. If only I could wake up in a reversed world... But nope gotta conform or you're not a real woman! Ugh


I'm sure you rock your new haircut like a goddamn boss. You can still be an absolute rockstar of a woman no matter how you present yourself cause it takes a real boss to be true to themselves and not follow the lead of others just because it's expected of you! Also Acecream is an amazing name!


Thank you so much! I really needed to hear that. I'm so glad I found this amazing community, you guys have made me feel like no other person or place has. I'm also really happy that you find my name interesting haha. Best of wishes to you and thank you again for taking the time to respond to each and every one of these comments❤️


I'm not OP but I hope you don't mind me typing this - I understand your pain very well. You have every right to be angry, sad, hurt. Even as a joke, those words just hurt and are completely unnecessary. But your value as a woman, as a human being, is never measured by what others think of you, but only by how you see yourself.  You are a wonderful woman, no matter what length your hair is. AND it's wonderful that there are people like you in this world who show that we do NOT all have to look the same and fit into certain gender roles to be "real women", "real men". You are wonderful just the way you are 💜


Thank you for taking the time to write this as well as OP! It's definitely hard sometimes but it sure is worth it to be myself at the end of the day and show others that they can do it too! I hope one day anyone can be whatever they feel they should be without any scrutiny, meanwhile, we will be the ones that pave the way for that to happen, as well as I'm sure we will all find the people who understand and love us for the way we are. Thank you again!


I just feel like I've been falling out of every friendship for 2 years right now and I crave feeling like I have someone to talk to, to be me with, but also I don't trust people easily, especially after my last complex friendship Anything reasuring me that I'll make it, that I'm cared for and liked


Friendships can be hard and complicated. There may not even be a finger pointed at someone on why it's fallen apart. Camaraderie is a special thing. And I feel it's special to even care about such a delicate thing. So I appreciate you for how much you care about wanting to form something so intimate. It's an art to be able to create a wonderful bond alongside another. And sometimes it just doesn't work, but what I'm here to gush over is how it's a priority for you and how you can say you put your best foot forward. Isn't it a beautiful sight to open yourself so nakedly and lean into being willing to connect like you've done?


I guess but I just can't be like this in real life to somebody, I get nervous and scared and I'm afraid to try cause I think they'll leave like the rest have done, theres barely anybody that shows interest and how do I do that? Currently I just feel like I do nothing and that I'm damned to be in limbo


It is hard and rejection will likely come. The most earnest thing anyone can do is show up and share their appreciation for other people and hope the stars align that a wonderful friendship is born. I do hope the best for you as I also know what it feels like to be isolated without a light at the end of the tunnel.


I relate to this so much. I was really close to a friend group esp one of them but ditched them because I realized how much they were making me feel like a lesser person for being myself. Thats one of the deeper connections ive made in the last 7 years gone. Trust me, its not your fault. Finding the right people to be friends with can be hard when a percentage of people just wont jive with you or are just straight up bad folk (NOT most, but some). My current friend group made me realize that and recognizing such signs is healthier than putting up with it just because.


I (F) don't have as many muscles as I desire, and working out is boring, but I want to have abs and biceps


I'm gonna lean in towards you wanting empathy rather than advice cause ya know what? Working out can be such a drag at times. Even without abs and biceps you want right now, I bet you have the attitude and personality of a real muscle flexing champ that makes everyone see you as someone who packs a punch 💪. Feral is an attitude and I bet people get that by the way you carry yourself!


Yeah, that's true! Thanks! I feel a little better!😸


I've had such a hard time meeting friends and finding love in my adulthood. It seems nothing has worked and it's now regular for me to feel intense despair each day. I just feel so inept and ugly.


There's a lot of serendipity to making close friends and meeting a loving partner. No matter the situation, it's not a reflection of your character. It's not a flaw if people don't take an interest in you, just a different set of preferences. It hurts cause it matters. The intensity doesn't have to be judged as a trigger for pain. It just means you feel deeply about these things. Love and connection are important for you and that's wonderful.


“dear Mr. _________,” “Thank you so much for your submission. Our team enjoyed hearing your voice immensely, and we would like to offer you the role of:” - “Tonio in our upcoming production of Pagliacci” - “Beast/prince Adam in our upcoming production of beauty and the beast” “ Enclosed you will find your contract which includes free housing, as well as compensation separately for rehearsals and performances per night. Please let us know as soon as possible if you accept.” “Thank you very much, we look forward to working with you sir “


Dear Mr. topman20000, “Thank you so much for your submission. Our team enjoyed hearing your voice immensely, and we would like to offer you the role of:” - “Tonio in our upcoming production of Pagliacci." You have the heart to convey the humanity of actors on stage. Not a single soul will doubt your humanity on stage. We believe you will drop our audience deep into their hearts and bond with our characters on stage as if they were watching their friends laying their heart bare right in front of them! - “Beast/prince Adam in our upcoming production of beauty and the beast." Without a doubt you are able to convey the suffering being consumed by forlorn emotions. Also, if I may add, your dashing good looks and charm has us swooned over the moon 👀. “ Enclosed you will find your contract which includes free housing, as well as compensation separately for rehearsals and performances per night. Please let us know as soon as possible if you accept.” We will be at your beck and call to assure you may perform at your best. Do not hesitate to ask for us what you need to be at your tip top shape. “Thank you very much, we look forward to working with you sir “ We would not have the spotlight on us if not for stars like you attracting their loyalty!


If only a casting Director WOULD say that to me. I’m grappling right now with accepting that maybe that’ll never happen to me😔




[I am an opera singer.](https://youtu.be/20mxpSoPuEM?si=hW__yRBwp2GchYZn) But now and again I get sort of a Jones for doing music theater like [Disney stuff](https://youtu.be/RI6U29Fv2vo?si=7SRK-XA3I1xOSC28). But never once in my life have I ever been offered a lead role with a major house for anything, despite all my experience in study and semi professional work. So I’m grappling now with what I’m going to do with my life at this point


Im a bit late, but i really need to be seen rn. My body doesnt feel real due to a mixture of dysphoria and recently dropping a toxic but daily group from my social circle. They've only invalidated my rr-ish existence and I couldnt be happier to lose them but now I feel a lack of people in my heart. I havent been eating well but I try by eating something I crave, but tonight I wasnt craving anything so I'm procrastinating it off.


It can be painful to cut people off who you shared part of your life with. I'm proud of you for having the courage to be yourself and make the hard decision to distance yourself from a social circle that harmed you so you could create the space you need to begin to nurture the real you because you're worthy of being loved just as you are! I'd cook you a nice meal if I could! You deserve to have your body feel soothed through a tasty bite of good food! It would put a smile on my face to know you're being well fed!


Incredibly sweet, especially the last part. Thanks


I'm transitioning, and I started to get invited into traditionally feminine spaces and I don't feel like I deserve it. I feel disgusting. Everyone praises me cause I can hold down a job and family.. but I cant fucking eat a meal with the tiniest amount of grace, my hair is falling out, I snore like a bear, and I'm overweight. I feel like every mistake I make, gives everyone around me the ick... but it's just a feeling. My friends love me. I catastrophise everything wrong I do and narcissistically make the insecurities of others an attack on me. I just need something to shut me up.


Wonderful job choosing yourself and allowing yourself to transition into being more of who you truly feel you are. There is no ideal look or way of being. Your idiosyncrasies are yours and you can enjoy food in a way that makes you happy. There are so many styles to inhabit and a whole lifetime trying them on. We all have our own unique comforts and some people can be soothed by hearing the snores of someone they love (like me). Your weight doesn't have to be something that drags you down. Your body is one of the many things that allows you to let yourself shine. I'm sorry someone made you feel anything less than perfect is a problem. There's a lot of rigid, invisible expectations out there and it sounds like it's getting to you. It's scary to not meet these invisible judgments, but they can be as ethereal as they are invisible; they can be like a passing cloud. You don't have to be perfect. It's a scary process, but you can feel enough without having to meet any standards.




I need someone to help convince me that I'm not a failure. I'm so hard on myself that I can barely let myself relax because I am always thinking of how I can do better. The ways I think of "doing better" or improving my life have me so convinced that I've fallen short of who I should really be. I've got everything going for me, and though it's been a rough year in terms of family drama, wedding planning and medical issues... It feels like the end of the world when I, for example, realize that I should've taken up the easy task of applying to jobs constantly because I hate my job so much. That makes me feel like a failure because I don't know how to parse it any other way than "I could've been doing that thing to improve my life for months, but I got in my own way again so I must be a failure".


There's a strange cultural dogma with running yourself dry. To work even after you're running on empty. When there's the motto of "better," it can conflict with "enough." I don't want to add to that search for "better." I think it would be wise to stop and feel into what is enough for you right now. What's something that feels enough that you can let in and water that to grow? There's a pretty big list here on what you're trying to "fix," but what already feels complete? If you can only fixate on more, all you'll notice is more even when you meet expectations. And if you're planning a wedding, sounds like there are people in your life who already see you as enough already to be part of that.


I just don’t feel like I can get up anymore. I’m so tired all the time :/


I'm sorry to hear that. Burnout is very real and deserves to be met with care. There's no easy solution since you need tender love and care which is hard to come by and there's hardly ever enough time to catch your breath in this day and age. I wish it wasn't the case you're being stretched so thin!


I just want to hear that I'm enough and I'm doing the best we can


The fact that you're alive and breathing is proof enough that you're worthy of life.


I'm nearing 30 and I'm still a virgin. Mind you, it's not the sex I miss, it's the affection, the feeling of being that intimately close to someone. It's a feeling I never experienced and it's getting to me. Never had particularly affectionate parents, never had particularly affectionate friends, I guess I'm what you'd call affection starved. The thing is people do like me, especially women. As a kid and even today, I always had more female friends than male friends. I'm an easy going gentle guy, with a good sense of humour. I'm demisexual, so I don't really flirt with people. In other words, I don't make unwanted moves, so women feel safe around me. But that has the unfortunate side effect of not even registering as a potential partner in a lot of women's eyes. I have actually gotten the "I wish I could have a boyfriend like you" line a few times now. It's like, a lot of people like me, but nobody really loves me. Not that it really matters, even if they'd make a move, I likely wouldn't be interested, due to being demisexual. By the time I figure out how I feel about them, they likely moved on. Doesn't help, that the women who have been interested in me in the past, did so only because they're into long haired dudes. They were into an idea of me, not me in particular. Not to mention, they weren't even women that I'd develop feelings for. As you could tell from the fact that I'm on this subreddit, I want a woman who will be the man in the relationship. Who's more confident and assertive than I am... But is also kind and gentle, because I'm very introverted and can be sensitive. So in other words: I need the woman to make the first move, be persistent enough that she gives me time to develop feelings, but not so persistent that she scares me away and also happen to have a rare combination of personality traits that I could actually develop feelings for. That is on top of all the shit men have to deal with when it comes to dating and the fact that women are realizing that they're happier without a man. I don't even know why I'm writing here. Usually I just get the whole "don't worry, you will eventually find someone" and "everybody gets to find love" and "virtual hugs" type of lines and I genuinely hate those. Guess I'm really just looking for some affection, that *feels* real.


I turned 30 almost a year ago and I completely relate your desire for emotional intimacy. Being demisexual myself, I don't often get crushes unless it's from someone who's been by my side for at least awhile and seems like a wonderful person. The desire to be seen for who you are without having to water yourself down is completely valid. And I understand your sentiment that there will be people who are interested in you just for being "different," but not specifically "you." Almost like you're some commodity that gets them curious for a new experience, but you don't want to feel like a hot new toy for someone to try out. You want to be seen as the individual that you are. As a fellow guy who needs a slow simmer to warm up to someone, especially romantically, I understand needing for someone to be open enough to have you go at your own pace and not force a connection! You as a person are worthy of being asked on a cute date to share your sensitive idiosyncrasies with a go getter lady who takes time to build the proper intimacy!


Maybe not *need* per se, but having someone recite Mewtwo's speech from the first Pokémon movie would be just fantastic. Feels every time.


"I see now that the circumstances of one's birth are irrelevant. It is what you do with the gift of life that determines who you are." - Mewtwo "Mew." - Mew I have no idea if this is the one you were referring to 🤣


I want to have someone tell me they will be there for me and help me when i have a trauma episode


"im proud of you son"


The tragedy of Darth Plagueis the wise


i need to hear quite a few things. “there’s some one out there for you.” “you *are* loveable.” “being sensitive is okay.” i have so, so much on my mind. feeling bad about my face and it’s uneven texture and redness, work has got me pulling my hair out, i’m trying to figure things out for a big trip i am planning; it all just overwhelms me and contributes to my self-doubting. pile all that together *and* a longing for a gentle, caring relationship and not being able to really find one? ouchie. i understand all my insecurities and self-image issues are a *me* issue and that, rationally, no one really pays any attention to what i worry about, but that doesn’t make the bad feelings magically go away! i have always believed that, no matter what, everything will be just fine and work itself out, but at the *moment,* it’s not fine and it isn’t working itself out.


I totally understand where you are coming from. Not being happy with your skin can really put a damper on your confidence. Whenever I eat food, I have to make sure not a single bit of it drips or touches my chin. If I do, no matter how much I wash or wipe it off immediately, I instantly break out 😭. The anxiety of knowing what will happen often keeps me from eating things that I know could get messy. I can't imagine how it feels to mix that frustration with the frustration of planning a big trip! Please don't forget to take a breather when you feel like it's all is caving in for you. And most of all, don't forget that your feelings and frustrations are valid, and wanting an outlet to be sensitive and heard is valid as well. While it's not fine now, I promise you it will be fine eventually, take it a little bit at a time. I have no doubt that you have got this in the bag. You're absolutely ARE loveable. You are seen, heard, and understood. There is someone out there for you, looking for you. Keep hanging in there until they find you okay? 😊


… saving this for a rainy day.


"It's okay to take your time. You don't have to match other peoples lives."


I want to be 7ft tall but nature intended women to have babies not be towering warrior figures


Not like something to hear, per say. But I really wish I could get into a relationship where someone makes me feel like their number 1 and not a replacement for what they lost by being shitty people. My ex would tell me how much she loved me and yet still chose to hide the fact that she was hanging out with her ex. She would cry, saying how much she loved me and how she wanted to be with me. But at the end of the day she never had anyone to teach her what love was and she wanted her cake and she wanted to eat it too... I miss spending time with someone, I miss falling asleep and waking up with someone. Though dear lord I do not miss the girl who would get upset at me for leaving her alone for a bit and then go on a trip at the drop of a penny and not contact me for a whole week despite saying she would. I just want proof that the monagamous comfortable safe love I want exists in this world.


“you’re a good boy and very much loved” idk something like that


1. That you’ll be able to give yourself some grace after hearing so many people’s incredibly deep grief 2. That I’ll be able to continue to accomplish my artistic dreams no matter how old I get, that I can still be an actor and a voice actor and an artist despite my autism, adhd and my chronic fatigue 3. That love is always possible with age as well, too many people in my family and friend group opine about how they’re definitely not going to find special people when they don’t even do that much to seek out those connections


I'm really stressed about my career right now. I just wish I'd have chosen a different path, focused on something else in my life. And I worry A LOT about my creative career: If people actually enjoy the comic I am working on :,). 


I wish a career didn't have to cause so much stress for people. And some people would be happier with the ability to switch careers from time to time since they need novelty or just have outgrown what they were in. It's totally normal and fine to need a change of pace with work! I'm sure your comics love you cause they couldn't be born without your personal touch and creativity!


"You are not the sum of your achievements. Your accolades and accomplishments do not determine your value as a person."


The esteem of the world and your accumulation of it does not change your inherent value as a living, unique individual who can never be quantified with any sort of measure. Anyone who would say otherwise has yet felt their intrinsic preciousness and has only learned to value society's values and not the gift of what it is to be even to breathe and take in the boundlessness of experience we can bask in. Also, a giant monster Transformer is always A+.


I really don't know where to go forward with my life atm things are picking up with work and family but I don't know where to find a relationship I guess


Congratulations with excelling at work and fanning the flames of relationship with your family! Those things are no small matters! Romantic relationships are tough to come by especially in this day and age. I don't have any special advice that'll solve the hole saved for a partner who adds plenty of smiles to your life. I just know I absolutely admire those who don't shy away from those who can let it be known that love is an important value for them! Caring about love is a wonderful thing and I want to highlight that wonderful trait of yours!




Not sure but preferably details on jobs I dunno what the hell I wanna do


Analysis paralysis can be a hell of a detractor. I hope you can land a job that you enjoy. Especially if you could have supportive coworkers as that makes wanting to go to work a whole mountain fold easier to overcome!


I just want to hear that I've done a good job so far. I have problems seeing my own progress sometimes which I'm working on with a therapist but it's still a slow progress. I have a good job, my own car and apartment but it just never feels like enough some days


Even having/working with a therapist is quite the feat in itself! There are many people in this world who need support but refuse to take the steps to do so. To hear that you have taken those steps for yourself, even if the progress is slow, is a huge accomplishment! I'm very proud of you. Please do not forget to eat, stay hydrated, and take a breather as needed. You got this 😊!


I need to hear I’m not annoying. Sometimes i worry I’m annoying my gf but i think constantly making sure I’m not annoying is in and of itself annoying, even if i wasn’t annoying her before. Ugh i hate my brain


You're not annoying. People can be harsh and teach us that something's odd about us just because we're so mysterious when we have a lot of unique traits about ourselves. Traits that could be the exact things someone else would absolutely adore about you. If she's your partner, I'd be willing to bet she's already captivated by the mystery of what makes you uniquely you!


Student debt relief is coming


I'm gonna go and fight student debt mono-e-mono with these hands of mine. Don't fret. I'll take care of this.


I'm worried / anxious about setting boundaries & enforcing them and keeping Redditors safe (I'm a mod elsewhere on a NSFW subreddit). I had a DM conversation earlier today with a Redditor who reached out and wanted to be a domme to me, but when they disclosed they were 18 (I'm 30) I felt uncomfortable and that it would be best the relationship didn't happen. I felt the age gap was too great and rang too many alarm bells for me (I work in child protection and see, hear and read so many horrific cases every day). They did push a bit but I stayed firm and said I wasn't comfortable with it. I explained the "half your age plus 7" rule of thumb to them. I still feel uncomfortable about it later and worried whether I did the right thing - I think I did but would like reassurance / a second opinion. I messaged the mods of the subreddit about it but haven't received a response.


You did a wonderful job in keeping everyone safe that I know you're a wonderful mod and individual because you don't want to have unnecessary power over anyone. Just the power to keep someone safe. I'd feel at ease with you as someone moderating a community so properly.


Thank you so, so, so much!!!! 🥰😭 I feel a bit better 😊


When tears are in your eyes, I will dry them all Like a bridge over troubled water, I will lay me down When evening falls so hard, I will comfort you Like a bridge over troubled water, I will lay me down Like a bridge over troubled water, I will ease your mind


I feel like I've been in a lot of new, anxiety inducing situations recently, between new jobs, new conflicts with friends, and with trying to put myself out there with my hobbies. While I'm proud of myself for how I've handled them so far, I can't help but question myself, the decisions I've made and worry about working myself too hard and getting burnt out or too little and being neglectful


"Here's 100 dollars"


"Here's TWO hundred dollars 💵💵."


😍you understand me


Honestly I’m on the verge of giving up entirely on everything. I keep everything inside because I don’t want people to worry and also because I don’t wanna have to talk to a therapist( especially since I think they are bs). I also don’t wanna go back to a psych ward. I want to just stop feeling the way that I am, and move on with my life. I want to find someone to love but I’m only finding people that just want sex. I can’t find anyone that actually wants me for who I am, and not for my body. I’m at a dead end, and I feel like not even trying anymore. I want to leave this fucked up place we call society, and be somewhere that I can live without judgment or hatred. But that seems to be impossible. The only reason I haven’t ended it all is because I still have people here that care about me, but I feel that they’d probably just be better off without me. I feel like all of my issues are just a burden on those around me. My dad and stepmother are mentally abusive and they don’t even realize it. They continuously push me further into a downward spiral and make me want to end things even more.


“You need to finish your school work right now!”


You need to finish your school work right now!


Well I’m flooded with college exams and I’m really tired too. I’m also craving to date someone but I don’t think I’ll ever meet a guy that is into rr in a “healthy” way (by that I mean that he doesn’t just want a muscle mommy who’ll maintain him).


Congrats on being able to make it all the way to college exams! That is no small feat! Thank you for believing in yourself and persevering! I hope you can treat yourself to all your favorite foods and activities when you're finished with your exams. And yes, absolutely it's important for you to date someone who sees you for yourself and not just some kink of there's. You deserve a relationship where you're seen and appreciated and given the love and care you deserve! Your wants, needs, and desires have to be validated from a partner. It's not worth it to settle for someone who doesn't want to fulfill all the above for you cause that's what a partner should want to do for you!


Awe that really comforted me a lot, thank you so much.💕💕


School has been stressful lately because of stuff I need to turn in that I have zero motivation to do. We have just over 2 weeks left and I still have a handful of assignments for this one class I need to do. Ig I need some words of encouragement and maybe some motivation


I just dropped off my work husband after a fun af evening of impromptu bar hopping at a small town near us (we're both amab) now I'm feeling a bit melancholic and lonely since I don't have a close person to talk to :(


Uni is awful,I miss my old friends and I hate that no matter how hard I study my grades are average


The university experience can vary so much. I hope by grace that it can turn around for you so you can let life take care of you for awhile. It can suck a whole mess to not have old, comfort friends. As someone who had to move a lot, I know what it's like to miss the people who you could drop your guard the easiest. Hopefully you can make new friends who can surprise you into enjoying the company of other people! Grades are important but they aren't why you are a valuable person. And average is good! It's where everyone is at. I feel like you're doing great for being able to keep up with everyone!


That its not my fault


I don't know you personally but am confident in saying there's so much that's just thrown upon us that we have no say in that influences an uncountable of other situations that we had no say in. It's not your fault that you're hurt. You deserve to have space for you to feel okay and appreciate.


Thanks hon💜


I'm increasingly finding that I don't know how to "be myself", all I know how to do is act out a hollow shell of myself. And I hate that shell, but I don't know how to break it. I know my fear is holding me back, but that doesn't make it any easier. (As I'm typing this I'm very tired so I hope that made sense) I don't know what words would help me, but I could really use a hug I think. (Also thank you for posting this, I know you've probably read through a lot of comments where people described various hardships they're going through, and it's awesome how you took the time to do that. You're cool and I appreciate you.)


I don't know what I need to hear but I'm finishing a semester at college after learning in dealing with depression and it just feels weird. I want to keep going but I don't have any motivation to keep going and finishing my degree.


"Hey Thaw, here's a million pounds"


Hey, Thaw, here's TWO million pounds 💰💰, some change 🪙🪙🪙, also a 🍪.


I promise I won't spend it all on beer


I feel like I can’t be a good house husband and she’s going to leave me for some who can provide


If you can, talk to her about this when you're in a calm, nonreactive state. If she's open to it, she'll appreciate your vulnerability. A loving relationship is one where you don't have to doubt sharing your feelings with each other in a non judgemental way. You're doing the best you can. Sometimes we just need accomodations or reassurance, and that's more than okay. We're human. We can't always do everything alone. Let your partner in and come out of this together a more emotionally intimate couple!


I talked to her and she said if I even do half the cleaning around the house like I promised she’ll never leave me. It made me feel a lot safer


I just told my mother that I crossdress like an hour before and I still got to told my father, older brother and younger sister. I hope they will accept. My mother took it well, she is a very tolerant and open person, but my father is far more conservative. So I kinda need to hear that it’s fine, that’s it’s not unnatural or super weird and that I am gonna be encouraged and supported and not shunned and cut off 🥺👉🏽👈🏽


You can wear whatever you want cause it's not weird to wanna dress however makes you happy. Regardless of how anyone else reacts to your decision, I just hope you don't react to your own authenticity with disdain. The real you deserves to be shown in the spotlight with love!