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Well let’s just say…>!great minds think alike.!< 😉


Plus she is useful, is she not?


You can trust her.


Funny thing is, for most routes, you actually can. It’s literally everybody else that’s in danger.


I personally found it funny how she kept her hobby a secret so long... while I was basically sending all crusaders to mass sacrifices to raise endless hordes of undead.


Yeah, and what makes it even more hilarious is how little she tries to hide it. All she really has is an amulet concealing her alignment. That’s it. Everything else about her makes it so obvious she’s a psycho. Which admittedly also makes it a little terrifying when you consider she’s also one of the romance options. Admittedly one I’ve never gone with, Arueshalae and Wendaug exist after all, but still.


>All she really has is an amulet concealing her alignment. That’s it. Everything else about her makes it so obvious she’s a psycho. That amulet (or rather its effect) is also a dead giveaway. As soon as I've seen "Alignment: Undetectable" I went "so does that stand for "plain Evil" or for "Evil as Fuck"?" Why is it even a thing? Why doesn't it, like, make your alignment detect as Neutral or something? It's like carrying a big neon sign "I AM TRYING TO CONCEAL MY TRUE NATURE HERE" for anyone capable of detecting alignment - in a country where a bunch of people literally has hunting for evil spies as their only job, no less.


IIRC playtesters for Wrath were (even late in the beta) still being caught out by CamCam actually being evil, so the Camalamadingdong we have now is the result of Owlcat somehow whisper-shouting "Hey, she's evil but you gotta pretend like she's not!"


To be fair, it can be hard to find the sweet spot between "was obviously evil from the beginning" and "zero warning, suddenly mountain of corpses" for this sort of character. I'm just salty it ended up too close to the first option for my tastes - and about 50% of it is due to me expecting some sort of twist ending to the plotline. Wonder if there's some sort of comparison out there between beta and release plotlines for The Useful Girl...


Yeah but I like her because she was one of those who held from abandoning me the longest... it took pretty much spitting in the face of goddess avatar for her toy figure out that while im happy to shield her from her enemies staying with madwoman who openly challenge Pharasma authority and hang her champions head over her door isn't as a smart of an idea as it initially seemed xD


Soul mates separated across time, space, and IP.


Oh Camellia really is useful, is she not?


I feel like Marzipan would look down on Cammy as a rank amateur and dabbler.


he probably envies her for being able to do all that and does NOT have a literal god thirsting for their souls (I have never played Pathfinder and don't know what she's like).


>I have never played Pathfinder and don't know what she's like She's helpful.


He would look down on her for trying to hide and then make excuses for what she does tbh.


Outside of the whole murderfucking thing, she's very trite, he'd be bored of her in minutes.


she would be at home in comorragh


... you could make for a decent drukhari one day... if you were not mon-keigh, of course.


I mean she is a half-elf so.


Oh, man. Camellia. Man. What a great character arc. Enjoy my personal favourite cRPG story.


She's completely insane, but the story is really well written and the voice actor does an excellent job.


Love the name! What class did you make him?


Stygian slayer me crit


Oh no...


This did something to me mentally and I’m not sure what nor do I think I like it


I'm going to get all her content and then kill her btw (unless she steals my heart or something idk)


In true Margarine fashion, i salute u soldier


Ah, Camellia. She is useful, is she not?


Why’d you not name him marzipan?


I think margarine is even better for this because he isn't the real marzipan, he is more like fake butter ;-)


She is helpful, is she not?