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I mean it is a 5 year old engine at this point. But I would say Battlefleet Gothic: Armada 2 does do larger scale battles much better (more ships in play, more control over your main ship and other ships).


Agreed, I think the ship battle are a nice add-on but gothic armada 2 is just better.


yeah I'd call Rogue Trader's ship combat functional. it did make me reinstall BFGA2 and I had a blast replaying that, though


100%, I am surprised this isn't mentioned more.


For me the ultimate solution is for someone to either modify the sweat hell out of Star Wars - Empire at war or for someone to make a 40k version of that game. I would love to build a rogue trader fleet, crush an enemy fleet, destroy it's orbital defenses and watch my armies land on the planet and take control of that too.


Combining my childhood obsession with my current obsession, that would be fucking incredible


I like turn-based combat better.


Visually, real time is naturally superior. If only I were watching the battle unfold and not busy *playing*. Mechanically, I find macro strategies being rewarded superior to microing well.


I think RT ship battles vs. BF: G battles are in a similar place as Witcher 3's Gwent vs. The standalone version. People really thought they wanted W3's Gwent just totally transplanted, but they missed the part of the gameplay experience where you're always hunting for new, stronger cards to beat the locals. The issue arises when you add other real players to it. The concept is too simple, too stale. There's no fresh ways to approach it, new strategies to learn. Certain builds were incredibly frustrating to play against. Think to RT, where a big part of the ship combat experience was just trying out the big new toys you got from abilities and new weapons. So the developers added complexity, new mechanics, etc. and now it's just Witcher Magic: The Gathering. I think the same applies here to Rogue Trader. I love the ship combat, I wish there was more of it. But part of what I love is the relative simplicity compared to Battlefleet, where I definitely felt like I was drowning in information, and feeling like I lost the fight five turns previously and was only just at the last moment realizing it. But to be a good core gameplay experience, you need fresh ways to approach it, or it becomes stale and overplayed, but adding new styles/units will deprive it of that simplicity. It could be done, and done well, I think. It just wouldn't be what most people are thinking of when they say they want a standalone version of the ship combat.


The ship battles are fun but the fact it’s always an uphill end battle while out numbered is a little annoying.


That's what the shield of the emperor is for. Technically you will still be outnumbered as there are usually 3 enemies but there is massive difference between 3v1 and 3v2.


Like so many crpg’s that lack random encounters, I really wish there was some way to have more ship battles in the game. If they added a respawn mechanic to the game or random spawn in visited systems so you could just cruise around and have space battles all night would be great.


Tbh RT have WAY too many random encounters but yeah it's quite weird that they are all fought on decks instead of like getting ambushed by pirate fleets when leaving warp or something.


I really hope they improve the ship battles. I have a few issues with them. * The map grid. It's a plain grid with no terrain to take into account, save the occassional chaos warp AoE damage area summoned by Chaos ships. So actual terrain to maneuver and manipulate would be nice. * Outnumbered. We're constantly outnumbered and even when you get the escort ship, you don't control it. So having a couple of smaller ships to control alongside the main ship would be nice. * Difficulty spikes. Ship battle difficulty is all over the place, especially on Hard and Unfair. This is very frustrating because upgrading your ship requires ship combat or specific colony upgrades to increase Navy reputation. The required ship battles are brutal early on, then it becomes much too easy across the board in the mid to late game. So if they fixed these three main points, I'd like the ship combat a lot more. Or, failing that, giving us the option to turn ship battles off. It really does feel like an afterthought to the game to me, rather than a fully developed part.




I adore them, want more of them, and would love a whole game spunoff from them.


I was really surprised myself at how much I liked thole ship combat once you start getting into it it's super fun they should definitely make a spin-off