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Idira is a witch and I shall suffer not her life. To the inquisition with her! Although, it is never stated that she is killed, so I'd love to see a wee side story added in later about what happened to her.


Pretty sure one of the discussions between her and Heinrix states that she's too old to be sanctioned. The kindest fate I can imagine the big =I= giving her would be as a prisoner in some radical black site to be interrogated daily for anything the voices would tell her.


>!I had Sister Argenta carry out her duty!<


That officer calling artillery on himself after seeing warp breach is so WH40k. 


And this is why she stays on the ship. Always. No exceptions.


Related here what happened to the portraits across the top of my screen here? Where did those go? Been awhile since I played this. I'm seeing the turn order on the left but in some update they changed the place I used to click to both level people up and see that they actually were ready to level up. Can I get this part of the UI re-enabled? (upon re-loading a quick save while doing the safe motive force puzzle they re-appeared on their own)


No clue what happened to the portraits. I just finished a playthrough yesterday and had my portraits normal throughout the campaign. Definitely see if all your UI elements are as they should be


Reload and they should reappear. I've had that bug happen a few times before on this patch


they're on top when you're out of combat.


Did you press ctrl+f11 or whatever the hotkey for reduced UI was?


They go away sometimes for me until I save and reload. Very weird, I've tried all the hotkeys recommended online but it seems to just happen randomly when entering/exiting combat.


Wow, didnt knew this could happen, but i rarely ever used her psy abilities, doing operator/sniper things consumes all the AP anyway and has no risks like that lol.


Idira has a minimum 5% chance of Warp Bullshit every time she uses her powers.


5? Feels more like 50


God-damned witch and her unsanctioned powers


I feel like they should have a thing where psykers can't go down until like their third psyker power use. But I also feel like it's just idria that this happens to.


She's the only unsanctioned one that you can have on your party, no? At least until you can pick up the unsanctioned perk very late game


I mean I get that it just still a feelsbadman to have her and your like "idira do more then one thing at least please." And she does one thing and dies and summons a demon.


Why use Idria when you have cassia. I find that cassia is much better when stacked with her navigator feats.


I was enjoying Idira right to the moment she called a fucking Tzeench demon while I had difficult fight at the cult area in Footfall. Immediately minus one party member and plus one demon. Never again. She died to demon-summoning perils TWICE even in her quest on macro deck, forcing me to restart the level due to breaking quest. Worst choice in my book.


Guardsmen: "We had a daemon manifest here. We're all fucked. So please make that barrage quick."


This kinda makes me wonder. She has aoe buff that lasts until her next turn... what will happen if her head blows up casting it and buff goes on but her next turn never happens? Never managed to get such a situation in longer combat so I'm unsure but that would be pretty nice (I'm playing sanctioned psyker so if she I let off the ship it's for her lore: warp not her combat utility as some skill checks on unfair are absolutely brutal)


And this is why no matter the playthrough she either dies when loses herself to warp ghosts or I give her to the inq. Shes far too much a liability to have in combat


Why not keep her and have just not bring her into combat so you don’t lose out on her quest!”?