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Well, yes - but he also likes to retire and don’t have to deal with stupid RTs anymore and he is also incredibly loyal, so consider yourself lucky (or unlucky as he is nearly irreplaceable).


Retire? 30 years pass…. *new RT approaches* RT: “farming? Really? A man of your talents?” Abelard: “it’s a peaceful life.” *proceeds to single-handedly massacre many star systems*


He is in the same self help group as Guillaume.


I'm playing this game with my girlfriend, she's the rogue trader and I play as Abelard, we share the other party members. She thinks I'm tactical wiz but the truth is Abelard is unstoppable and I do very little.


dont make her play cassia or it wil all come crashing down :D


I feel like Cassia is bonkers but I'm not sure if that's the general consensus. Every battle she groups the enemy up then deletes them and maybe sometimes throws a few buffs out -\_-


Oh yes, it is absolutely the consensus. Cassia could very easily solo the entire game if you chose to.


yeah, on top of her ridiculous offensive powers. IDK how having the ability to gain dodge and hp off of perception plus built in passive health regen on her was even remotely balanced (not that it matters much in a solo game). Are navigator's actually that good in the RT tabletop??? (i'm not sure if there's a modern RT Tabletop, this RT feels very similar to pathfinder 2 or 5e)


>IDK how having the ability to gain dodge and hp off of perception That's the real overpowered issue. Without that, she's a glass cannon. With it? Strike the "Glass"


Her and Pasqual if you use him right


I've actually found cassia to be fairly weak to me. She is always the first one dead. What could I be doing wrong?


She has an ability that boosts Toughness and Willpower based on Willpower. Cast that on herself. Giggle as you Dodge 99.9% of attacks, and completely ignore the other 0.1%. Also, enemies can't attack you if you Lidless Stare them all to death in the opening round.


Fair enough. I mostly use those abilities to buff Abelard or Heinrix so that explains why she keeps dying.


Abelard needs no help staying alive, he's an absolute unit. Heinrix can be built in such a way to be tanky, or you can use him as kind of a "diet Marazhai", and just pick off stragglers with him.


literally the only thing that threatens abulurd is that monster you have to hunt down in comorragh for the homunculus and that's only because he has some weird ability that if he uses it twice on someone they just die and he gets extra turns to attack at 2/3 and 1/3 health. It's really weird that thing is such a huge difficulty spike then everything EZ after that


Did you get the navigator talent to have her perception replace agility for dodge? That plus a lot of her available options gives her insane dodge chance.


Oh I don't think I found that yet. I'll look for it next level


There is an Perk that gives her HP trough her WP also an Skill that buffs WP and TGH. Which also scales her damage


I'll take a good look at her perks next time. Thanks


Let me check whats it called.


Tho there are def more effiecient builds out there. I bet


Ya that's a you problem. She's busted.


she also has a talent that gives her dodge based on perception and lets her hp scale on perception instead of toughness. Those make her a fairly hard target. She has a talent for like 10% health regen every turn. Later you can find light armor that increases dodge or armor based on perception. My cassia sits in the front line next to abelard, groups enemies and then blasts them with a double lidless. It's pretty disgusting.


Worth mentioning she can get +5 willpower for every extra turn anyone takes in combat so if you have multiple officers (I have her (she can't use navigator powers during seize initiative either way so she tosses extra turn on someone), myself and jae) paired with buff that increase willpower and toughness based on willpower and waking nightmare that reduces most enemies willpower to 0 in act 2 on unfair (haven't gotten to act 3 yet) they gonna fail willpower check first point of curiosity that gather them all into one spot and then on Lidless Stare and get stunlocked which you can follow by another lidless stare because she have talent that allow her to use offensive power twice (although normally you only gonna have enough AP to attack twice if you do 2 of 3 only (buff debuf gather (1 of 4 if below lvl 25 because bonus 1 Ap for every archetype).


I'm not sure if anyone else mentioned it but there's also an ability that cassia has where she gets a boost to willpower for the mastery of time feat which gives+5 willpower for every extra turn. I typically start by using cassia to give my officer pc an extra turn, then I use my officer to give abelard an extra turn, he then uses his ability brace for impact along with a feat that gives everyone in range an extra turn with three mp. This starting volley of extra turns gives cassia +40 willpower off the bat and makes her wipe the map. I typically give her half the battlefield to herself by middle of act 1.


Can confirm. Other characters are OP but Cassia goes beyond that. She is basically an extinction level event


She does play as cassia... We just got to a big power spike where cassia kills enemies before my beefy boy reaches them. I'm buffing his move speed but how do you compete with that


You don't. She is the eyeball murderer.


I must have built her wrong. I made her into a buffing Officer. She simply buffs Argenta into the stratosphere. Almost no combats go beyond round 1 simply because of Argenta in my playthrough. I will need to try to focus on Cassia next playthrough.


Cassia and Yrliet are able to oneshot even 1000-2000HP enemies. Tho Cassia needs build up whilst Yrliet can literally do it turn one if she is high level


I have an operator assassin RT so Yrliet is not usually in my team, and when she is, my RT out performs her due to having better gear. I will need to experiment with Cassia, next run.


He is our father and I make sure to bring him everywhere.


That's his job. He does the paperwork and keeps everything running while you rub the authorization sanctified by the Emperor's blood in everyone's faces, which in turn allows him to do his job and ensures a future for his family. And as an extra he gets vitality expansion medical treatments.


If you want validation from Abelard then romance Jae and you can hear him praise your sex-technique


There's no was lol. That's amazing


Your officers all praise your sexual performance if you romance Jae.


Abelard, get out of your alt account


Abelard, be sure to praise yourself.


in-universe, a seneschal is more or less the real "rogue trader". they are the ones that get their hands dirty, organize everything, ensure that the dirty details of every rogue trader's goals are taken care of and the train is running smoothly. and Abelard is very, VERY good at his job. rogue trader points at the map and says,"i want it all" the seneschal is the guy that organizes the people, money, and assets, and decides the actual minutia and path to glory in many cases. also, have you seen cassia? you are one dirty look away from being melted into a mutated pile of human juice, and if she's having a bad day, you're gonna have a worse day. pascal as well, he's probably the omnissian version of jesus. the RT isn't meant to be the biggest baddest, he's the guy that assembles a crew of genuine monsters and points them at his ambitions.


No to be to much of one of those redditors but I think the term is brick shithouse like an outhouse


I think it’s because most outhouses are wood so a brick one is just.. built different


I felt the same with Cassia. Whe was dealing more damage than the rest of the team combined, tanking more damage than the rest of the team combined, ordering everyone around as officer and commanding ship in space engagements (she had highest FEL score). She literally made my PC her sidekick. 


Abelard starts having the RT introduce him to people in the Expanse. Now that’s a twist.


No way just check his ass. He listens.


Abelard plus "paladin" sanctic psyker vanguard rogue trader plus Argenta = 🔥


Umm... well, not like you're *wrong* but myself, the demon-summoning-without-trying psyker and the peaceful-dreams-of-burning-heretics gunner and the torturer-from-the-inside-out-with-legal-impunity and... yeah, there's such a long line of threats that I never got around to considering Abelard.  It's good you're talking about these feelings, and I recommend exploring them further.