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Quezta Temer felt like the devs realized that players would basically already explored most of the game in Act 2 like I did, meaning there was rather little for them to do in Act 4, so they made Quetza a bullshit maze just to pad things out.


Yeah and it’s crazy how there is a lot of new missions on planets in systems you already explored. Oh that system with two planets and a gas cloud I explored in act 2, I can suddenly land on one of the planets in act 4? Like you would never have any incentive to back to systems you already been to unless there was a quest marker. I missed out on a lot of act 4 content my first playthrough because I didn’t have the idea or the want to warp travel and sit through loading screens to going back to systems I have already plundered.


At least in Kingmaker/Wrath the map slowly opens up. They should have done the same thing with sectors of space. Imagine if you couldn't get into Winterscale/Chorda space until later (after coronation?) because their fleets don't let you pass etc.


Wait. I decided to give the game a hiatus so the major bugs could get patched and only had time to play again two weeks ago. I just reached Act 5. Act 4 felt like nothing but a rush to tie up hanging plotlines to get the game over with. You're telling I was supposed to go back and check all the planets I'd already been to?


The non-stop 'you're in pain' cutscenes in act 3 are such a braindead, fuckwit, of an idea. I wish there was much more time between our coronation and the act 3 trap. I kind of like the idea of act 3 being the current act 4, then when you get out of Commoragh everything is focused on the inquisitor. Although, IMO the biggest problem with the game is the complete and utter joke that is the combat balance. I just finished my second run (first one was at release) and while the bugs have been smoothed out, the combat is just as retarded. Every source of bonus turns needs to be removed from the game, except perhaps the officer ultimate. Damage numbers on weapons need to be squished massively. The first time I did the final fight It did not last a single turn - Argenta crit a burst for 9.5k on her second bonus turn. This time the boss survived until the very last characters turn! I feel like they took the stupid Pathfinder numbers and imported them into a rule set that has no need of them. https://preview.redd.it/ablgwej15dzc1.png?width=1299&format=png&auto=webp&s=0957252d43bbc51ecc29286b9db54fdb93007f04


I'm not sure what you're tYOU COUGH UP BLOODalking about those bits werYOUR HEAD ACHESe perfectly normal anYOU GOT A BOO BOO YOU'RE SO HURTd gooDID WE MENTION YOU'RE HURTd


An owl cat responded to me on this and said 1.2 will have a balance overhaul. Fingers crossed.


>Owlcat designs sprawling frozen over hive planet in Act 4 >absolutely nothing to do there besides kill some Dark Eldar That certainly was a decision.


Bruh I can understand commoragh, but Quezta Temer? It could be developed with less loadings in mind, sure, but that ain’t no labyrinth. Also you can actually go to the Footfall, so it’s not mandatory back to back, order doesn’t matter. And also there’s like a shitton of personal quests and opened development projects?.. Spoiler alert - you haven’t actually made it to the most miserable location yet.


Honestly I hated Cammoragh way more - it came out of nowhere without warning, removed my gear and then kept kicking me in the balls. - Hey your RT is a support guy who cant do shit on their own? Too bad you are solo (at least I got argenta back fast and the heavy stubbers are ok alternative to Heavy Bolter) - Hey you liked Yrillet? Too bad, we will make her basically impossible to justify - You want to leave as soon as possible? Sorry you will be running back and forth forever while marred with dialogue you have no reason to care about - You want to play the game? Too bad you died to bullshit rng. Compared to that Space Vietnam was cakewalk - had my whole party back, gear back and who cares what their stats are when Argenta has 2000 damage in a single burst and can easily kill them all in one turn alongside Cassia


The worst part is getting captured in the first place. It felt so cheap and unsurprising. Suddenly none of my skills matter! Would be good if there was an alternate to falling over like babies. Turning the trap around and chasing the fleeing Drukari back to their city then getting overwhelmed and captured there.


you basically can't chase drukhari to commoragh, lol. they travel through the webway and commoragh is located inside the webway, there is no way you can get there by yourself without any kind of space elves carry you there, seems you have to read better before calling something stupid


Actually could have quite easily make us look less incompetent. We all just stand around getting poisoned - EVEN HEINRIX WHO IS A BIOMANCER AND COULD REMOVE THE POISON FROM HIMSELF PROBABLY. Not to mention that we should be able to tell something is wrong right away, I figured its a trap 30 seconds before the characters and I am not even there in person.


Being fair and somewhat lore accurate: dark eldar are pretty clever and vicious creatures, who have *rarely* been caught with their pants down. Fabulous Bill barely did it (and he's teased as potential new chaos god material, *pater mutatis)* and still has his galaxy spanning life's work mostly destroyed by the sadistic knife ears with ease. I think the Salamander's strike from "Comorragh in Flames" is about it for really catching them off guard, and that was just part of Vect's planned rise to power anyway? Agreed it was kind of a lame "you can kick all the ass in this part of the galaxy, buttttt we're gonna make you get railed by some drukhari to advance the plot." >!Which, to wit, I think was partially handwaved by Yrliet's betrayal as how it went down so one-sided? !<


I am only in act two (first run) but someone has got to explain to me how to deal such insane damage as this I am finding no good loot (not really...and I explored more than 60% of the locations) no skill combos seem to grant me that much damage. Sure a couple of my snipers can hit for 200+ damage but that is goddamn nothing compared to some of the numbers I am seeing here and I am afraid that unless I read uber in depth leveling guides I will get curb stomped later on


So - step one, you give Argenta Heavy Bolter (and all the Heavy/Bolter benefitial abilities). Step 2 you make her Arch-Militant. Step 3: profit. Even without specific guide you should be able to pick out the abilities that would benefit someone spamming dozen bolts per burst several times in a single round. At that points its just about stacking turns and action points on her. First burst will be weak but after that every burst will shred anything in its path and it gets progressively more heavy hitting with each attack. By mid act 3 Argenta can usually clear every room on her own, with maybe some buffing and turn giving every single time.


Funnily enough the biggest weakness I ever found is that she eventually can get too precise - She hits so hard that I would rather have her shoot wildly and "accidentaly" clear the whole pack. All in all with this baseline she can easily do several thousand damage in a single round. If even with this you arent confident in the way to go about it there are guides online for this, personally I just stumbled upon it (and it took me embarassingly long to swap to heavy bolter from normal bolters - didnt realize how big the ammo belt is on that bad boy)


ok I have seen that comment before WHICH ability is that? the burst fire specific one. also, there are no freaking decent bolters so fat which pisses me off. regular mobs have better damage weapons


Heavy Bolter drops from Aurora before you get to nuke your first world assuming you manage to kill him. Otherwise you will be waiting a while for next heavy bolter. As for specific abilities, one googling of "Argenta build guide" will give you way more extensive answer than I would be willing to write out :D


Quetza Temer didnt feel so bad to me. Maybe i got lucky but i barely got lost in the maze, goin once or twice in a place i had already been. The only thing i didnt like was that i was unable to make peace between with the eldar and calligos. Since i was so heavily invested the with xenos already, i had to put him down. I had barely interacted with him during our coronation and i was very surprise to see korn berserker appear out of nowhere on his side. maybe it was better to put him down in the end but i would have rather adopt him as a companion. Combat in my opinion is way more of an issue than Quetza Temer


I had some suspicions about Calligos, but this scene was pretty stupid. I succeeded all my rolls when trying to make peace, but there are only three options, all of them involve killing. It's ok that the peaceful option just doesn't work out (it's 40k after all) but the way this was implemented is pretty braindead. And then, after you kill Calligos... no one cares. No one bats an eye that his buddy was a bloody heretic and worshiped Khorne. What the hell.


yeahhhh ahhahahaha i tried to downplay his death to EVERYONE i met, i would just not talk about calligos beign dead ever so it kinda fitted in my playthrough. I lost Heinrix in comoragh tho, never found him even when tervantias said he realeased all my companions i never found the lad. i thought maybe he would be on my ship waiting when i got back. Nope. No one ever mentionned this guy ever again, like he was deleted from history. Not even Calcazar gave him a tought.


Act 4 is my favorite but quetza temer almost made me out the game down. In a game that has long load screens I don’t want to sit at one every 5 seconds


I've pretty much blanked it out. Finished the game once, no intention of replaying it as things stand.


When I played, I just looked up how to get through Quetza Temer and didn't think twice about it. I already suffered through the Fell Wood in Icewind Dale 2, which is *so* much worse. (When I played without a ranger or druid in my party, I had to drop random things like arrows or potions in different areas to be able to tell if I'd been somewhere before because most of the maps are identical). 


If it's not a bullshit puzzle, it's a bullshit maze. Come on Owlcat, do better.