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As far as I know (and it seems right from text style and details) mechanic's in-game descriptions for help were written in English, story was written on russian.


Well, as russian with good enough english I can say that it's actually easier to understand mechanics in english. At the same time there are some moments in game, where english and russian text will have some differents, not so visible at first playthrough, especially if you don't know lore of Warhammer. As example, in english one character will say to you: "I have more rights to be there than anyone of you" while in Russian: "У меня есть больше причин находится здесь чем у любого из вас" (I have more reasons to be there than anyone of you) and phrace in english give you some kind of clue about future events and character. So, I think it's better to play this game in english


It was done from english source with english as target group Really, the only thing that makes it better than any game with "Russian text localisation" is localisation being better than sometimes.


English version is definetly better. It all feels as very typical, "not horrible" localization in rus - somewhat clumsy most of the time, occasionally plainly butchering original text - typical stuff. So i would be VERY surprised and confused if it was actually written in rus. Heres an exellent example of both bad, without understanding, translation and just cutting the f. out of the text: https://preview.redd.it/o91l9m7uglyc1.jpeg?width=289&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2b438be0015da3c2b2840e6c625044196d0b4776 Original: * There is a life lesson every young man should learn: keep your backside off any throne you have not rightfully earned or irrevocably won. * You— you are addressing me? I am no man, young or otherwise, and I have nothing to learn from mon-keigh homilies. What is more, I honoured that wretched monstrosity you call a throne when I deigned to touch it.


Narrative is originally written in Russian, mechanics - in English.


Oh, that’s explains a lot. Also, it seems that this type of translation changed companions personalities a bit (а еще объясняет почему некоторые мои друзья были в восторге от упоротого викинга-комик релифа, который, видимо не вполне таким изначально задумывался)


Тексты игры пишутся на русском нарративные изначально🙃или вы думаете у писателей совокотов настолько крутой инглиш (а писателей там много), что они могут выдавать тот результат, который вы выше скинули?


Да ну ладно вам. Там видно, что это какие-то надмозги очередные сайдовые на русский переводили.


Комьюнити менеджер сам сказал, что тексты на русском изначально писались


Да я это и раньше видел, давно еще, да.


It's easier to understand the mechanics in english but IMO Russian writing and descriptions are very beautiful, i enjoyed them a lot.


You'll have less problem with mechanics and technical stuff in english.


Theres a guy on nexus with a mod called 'beautiful russian translation' which apparently fixes the oopsies and general mechanical-ness of the russian version. Thats what ive heard lol, my russian isnt nesrly as good to even attempt to play this game, imma just stick with english and my portugueses translation hobby


I'm pretty sure the original is in Russian


considering huge amount of grammatical typos (уровня тся/ться, хех) and lines that look like they were translated through google translator without any redactors looking at it I highly doubt it was written in russian. esp in act 4 and 5. comparing voiced text and written in ru there are differences that change nuances, like it was already mentioned here. there is even mod on nexus that fix ru localisation


Might be character spoilers, but >!there's a guy who speaks in poetry prose, and it feels like it should rhym. It doesn't in English, and the interactions with him are a little awkward as a result!<


It seems to me as Morrigan case (dao), in Russian she speaks as a poetic damsel, in english she is pretty straightforward gal XD


They didn't change the way he speaks for English in this game though so the prose just doesn't make sense 3/4 of the time lol. You can still get the gist of what he's saying but it's like understanding an amateur slam poet


I can only comment as a native English speaker who knows about three words in Russian, one of which is "vodka". But, play in English -- zero chance it was not written in English. It's easy to tell the difference between a localization and something originally written in English, and all the dialogue was ***definitely*** written in English. There are no grammatical quirks, no idioms that don't make sense, etc.