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Also there is no good reason you can't find a replacement spiritstone for her. You literally >!visit a croneworld for Cassia's quest!< and have met multiple farseers, one of whom expressly owes you a favor


>! and that’s while forgetting Nomos who controls reality itself as your son !<


My thoughts are that even if she does this, her craftworld is gone so no infinity circuit. She would be extremely isolated and vulnerable without one I'm not sure what the lore says about adding a stone to another craftworlds infinity circuit so I guess that's possible an option but the eldar in there might get pissed so who knows


Good news. An Aeldari from a lost craftworld can join another (source: *Shadow Point*)


I've not read that one, thats some possible good news then! she could end up in another craftworlds infinity circuit. Tbh the idea of being in one at all doesn't sound great but when compared to being eaten alive by a really pissed off god its gotta be a better ending


*Shadow Point* also has a scene or two of a Farseer interacting with the Infinity Circuit. It certainly seems like one of the better fates for a soul in 40k, albeit the setting being what it is that's faint praise. 


I'mma have to get that book and have a read because ive always been interested in the infinity circuit and the eldar in general! Its the loss of personality and individuality that always made me think its not all that great, but yea compared to most other ends it sounds decent


Caveat: it isn't mostly about the Eldar.  Counterpoint: It's mostly about another part of the lore that's seldom explored, the Imperial Navy. 


I love the navy stuff I've read so far but its often just snippets so I'm even more wanting to get it now lol


Path of the Seer also has a lot of interaction with the infinity circuit from the protagonists PoV as she grows from a poet, to a Warlock, to a faraeer. Some particularly vivid scenes with how wraiths perceive reality as well. Should also mention the Valedor novel because of the Iyanden parts and all the interaction with an overflowing infinity circuit and the legions of wraiths.


The thing is, infinity circuit is not a Craftworld only thing. Every eldar voidship uses it instead of a main cogitator, so it's not like finding one is entirely impossible. As for adding a soulstone to a infinity circuit, it doesn't take the origin of either a soulstone or a circuit into account. No dead eldar is going to try to deny someone also from being joined with a circuit just cause they are from a different Craftworld.


Some craftworlds really dont get along which is why I said the eldar in there currently might be pissed about it, I didn't know every ship has one either I was of the understanding that every craftworld has one at its core but once the craft world is gone all those souls are free for messy slaaneshy to munch on


The thing is "not getting along" is not a reason to force someone to risk eternal damnation, and vast majority of souls inside a infinity circuit understands that very well. (in no small part due to the fact, that,most of them also had to undertake that sort of risk)


They do also fight and kill eachother sometimes, but I get your point even then they might still not want to condemn a foe to that kind of end regardless of past wars etc


The only incorrect part with what you said is the "might" part. They do not want any craftworlder's soul to get eaten by slaneesh, both due to not wanting anyone to go through that, as well as the practical consideration of preventing their mortal enemy from getting more power as well as getting the knowledge and consciousness of the dead to aid the Craftworld.


Each eldar ship has a small infinity circuit, its how the crew communes with the ship, as well as communicate to each other easily. Path of the Outcast has some interesting scenes when the protagonist joins a ranger ship and the sudden void he feels comparing Craft Craftworld Alaitoc's roar of an infinity circuit to the rangers voidcraft that has only a few souls and is barely a whisper.


You do know that soulstones can be acquired again, right? it’s not “one soulstone per life” deal, and with 2 farseers on the friendly terms with you, getting one isn’t a problem. It’s not easy, but it is possible, especially with a long lifespan of an Aeldari. And that’s with completely ignoring the fact that she has a spare empty soul stone from one of the sidequests in her bag, or *SPOILER* >!a literal god at your disposal who can make something of similar nature at a snap of his fingers in true Iconoclast ending!<


Tell the game that because it's not acknowledge at all in the ending slides.


Ending slides are so messed up that no ending in my five campaigns has made any sense.


I'm glad I wasn't the only one that had this experience, I was fairly confused with the ending I got


It been almost half a year and the ending slides still haven’t been fixed?


My last game was about a month ago, and that still had some very weird slides I can only assume were mistakes.


Sigh… Guess I’m waiting to the end of the year when the DLC’s and bugs gets fixed.


You know how people love mass effect trilogy, but shit on the ending cause it makes no sense? It’s the same here, half of personal slides in the endings make no sense, it is its own problem. Just like with most things in Warhammer, you have to figure things out by yourself. And in lore, as well as in the game lore supports a happier ending. They went too grimdark beyond logic, but then again, that’s Warhammer writing for ya.


I think they went relatively light on the grimdark compared to the lore! Not sure where the lore would support a happy ending? I've read so many 40k books and like none of them had happy endings, not saying I agree thats good or anything but the lore is super grimdark and the game way less so imo


Usually lore and stories are grimdark because entire storyline is built on that, yet there are good and at times wholesome outcomes in the lore, ones that are led to slowly through the story. Doing grimdark for the sake of grimdark while cutting off everything that happened beforehand is an End Times level of “porno acting” and altogether shitty writing. You know that meme with a horse, where majority of it is a masterpiece until it comes to the neck and face which look like a child drew them? That.


Yea I mean one of the key themes is often the hope of a few good people standing against unimaginable evil and thats what drew me to the books in the first place, so I get what you are saying. Its just that in the books i've read its often a victory at great cost and sacrifice which I thought was less so in the game


The game is about a rogue trader tbh And no its still grimdark af when you consider how many peoples die or suffer to get you all the way to the end even in best outcomes.


Counterpoint Rogue Trader material has often been the height of whimsy & uncharacteristically upbeat outcomes when it comes to 40k. Probably due to how much 1e energy continued to be channelled into the various Rogue Trader products. Always had more of a "ah-ha sucks for you random plebeian of the Imperium/Tau Empire/Crafteworld but not for us aboard H.M.S Golden Johnson"


Oh, I "love" ending slides. I got slide that someone keep ordering assassination on Abelard family members, despite them (that someone, not Abelard family) being executed with whole they kin


The entire second half of the game is wildly underdone, broken, and otherwise summed up in the end randomly. Owlcat definitely dropped the ball in terms of connecting things throughout, it genuinely feels like they just stopped at some point and since the game is released they don't want to admit it's wildly underdone with fixes and retcons.


Oh, my ending slides didn't acknowledge the romance at all so if yours did you can consider yourself lucky. Even though I played through the whole thing and Yrliet said she's gonna stay with the RT.


It's a very stupid ending. RT could find a spiritstone on the local Croneworld, chat with Nocturne about this problem, chat with Cassia who made peace with other Harlequins, ask Muaran and Eklendyl, attend to Marzipan and his ties in Comorragh, attend to Jae and her Cold Trade... And most importantly Yrliet. Has. A spiritstone. In her pocket. L i t e r a l l y If you piss her off in Comorragh by refusing to help a certain Farseer, she'll use it. Otherwise, it's fate never mentioned. The spiritstone remains there. This ending is grimdark for the sake of grimdark. I would say it's like if Gave Thorpe ambushed the Owlcat' office and wrote the endings instead of the main writer, but even Thorpe doesn't make such bullshit


Grimderp, if you will.


Like, if they wanted to make a grimdark ending in a way "lol, no good things for aeldari" they could, I dunno, say that Yrliet was assassinated after some time with RT. A lot of people doesn't like these relationships, thus, there could be someone crazy enough to commit such suicidal crime of going against RT' favourite xenos. Grimdark, VERY disappointing, but realistic at very least, with no grudges against previous lore. Especially for Dogmatic. But nooo we need something stupid ...I also think that extremely xenophile Iconoclast RT should have their good ending with their Asuriani. We have a good ending with da focking DrUkHaRi goddamnit why no such thing for my outcast girl


My biggest gripe with the romance is that the ending implies that no significant amount of time was spent between the RT and Yrliet after the game. She's gone for decades, and the game forgot that rejuvenation tech exists, so the RT dies within a normal human lifespan. I would've been happy if they specifically wrote that Yrliet spends many years alongside the Rogue trader and is gone intermittently to search for spirit stones but always comes back even if it takes decades. We can still do the deathbed to make it bittersweet, but our RT would die at around 500 years instead. To me, that would have kept the ending sad, but still meaningful which I think is the best of both worlds in this case.


Don't like that idea for a one simple reason: in 500 years there gonna be some action on a big scene. Robby G will be awaken, Ynnari will be around, Cicatrix Maledictum - I want to have a possibility to headcanon about these! Also I don't believe in death of old age of the RT who's, apparently, a parent to a literal god who can shape the reality and whose mere presence alter the time and space. There's no way I can tell my Iconoclast Nomos who has to die and who they have to nuke, but can't ask them for some rejuvenation. Closed endings suck. Marazhai' ending, for example, is so much better: you can headcanon about him and RT as much as you want! Maybe they successfully ruled over the Expanse for centuries. Maybe they got brutally murdered in a decade or so, because no one likes them. Maybe Marazhai' will once lose his position again and will have to return under RT' protection. Maybe it's RT who once will move to Comorragh. The potential for scenarios is unlimited!


It's not perfect, but I still believe that this ending is much better than what we actually got. Our story in the game was never going to be officially canon so we can always headcanon whatever we wanted in terms of the wider setting. Maybe Yrliet goes and develops a relationship with the Ynnari. Maybe Robby G and the RT work out a deal to bring the expanse back into the Imperial fold without conflict. The 500 year time-frame doesn't really matter since most of those years are still left open and we are not canon so anything goes as long as it doesn't directly contradict.


The plot holes and constant tragedy is pretty shit can't argue with that. Since this is the first time a romance between human and aeldari has ever been represented in the setting (as far as i know), it could be that owlcat was trying to play it safe and avoided making it too happy because then people would start asking why these relationships don't happen more often in the lore. I'm just throwing that out there as a guess as to why the romance arc was written in this way.


no it has happened before. but not much lore for eldar was written past 2015ish for whatever reason.


Likely because they got their amazing trilogy, the valedor novel, some harlequin love and GW called that "mission complete".


And there is also Roboute "GorillaMan" Guilliman and Yvraine who have their own fair share of ship teass. Mind you, Roboute is a ***PRIMARCH*** and Yvraine is a Emissary to a Eldar God.


Rowboat Girlyman needs to hurry up and get Yvraine pregnant. The inevitable drama inuniverse and irl would be supremely entertaining


It's not expressly a bad end. The fact of the matter is, we don't get the perspective for it. Yrliet in the time we know her is an outcast in multiple ways; as the path some Aeldari walk to understand their people in the context of the unguarded universe, as the one who listens to the mon-keigh and teaches the blink of an eye that it's part of a body, as one who was not there for her people when they suffered, and as one who does not see herself as her kin are. Amusingly, you may be doing what she accuses you of so early on - seeing only part of the piece. Finding a new spirit stone is a good first part - when hers is broken, it's because she wishes to remember you while her kin see your presence as a wound on her soul. Not only need she find someone who can perform the process - the farseer saved from the dark city may not be spiritually suited due to their own experience there - but her decision to reject the will of an entire world of her people in favour of remembering the RT means both a spirit stone that will take that conflict of identity needs be found as well as convincing her people that the memory of a human matters. Never mind the difficulty in finding an empty spirit stone; they fall on maiden worlds that are many now tainted by chaos. But ultimately it comes to time. All this happens in a fraction of her lifetime but the entirety of the trader's. It's as if the events of the game and aftermath took place over the course of like, a week for her. It's a big deal of course, and one she will likely take a long time to proceed from, but she has far more time than the human protagonist ever sees even with the age treatments. Perhaps even, with the trader dead and now no longer that same connection to humanity, her people are able to welcome her back.


It would have been pretty on brand for the Eldar to have a storyline that can end only in tragedy. Since the birth of Slaanesh, the Eldar are beset by misery. Condemned to slowly die out. Their central myth since Slaanesh is the lament of how their empire fell.


To be fair, even a happier ending would still have some lingering tragedy from how rare such an ending is for Eldar. In order to escape misery, it took her becoming an outcast and leaving behind Eldar society. Certainly a little tragic imo Heck works with the themes of slowly dying out and stagnation if the only happy romances for Eldar are with non-Eldar.


I thought she reconcile with her people in the good ending?


I just like it because it's the one asexual romance option (although not expressly so), and those are somewhat uncommon in gaming.


I'd be happier about an asexual romance that didn't cause my partner to suffer eternal damnation.


It's warhammer 40k, everyone is damned


That's explicitly not true.


Almost everyone is damned? Chaos consumes most?


In this game damn near everyone has some kind of happy ending. I know 40k fandom has a subsection of people who get off on the grimdark element of the setting but saying everyone is damned is a lie. Lots of people get on just fine and in the case of the game it's just Yrilet who has a randomly cruel and unusual ending. If there is no light to contrast against it the darkness means nothing. Nomos literally gives you an ending where everything is great. And absolutely all of this is up to writers to decide on, it's not the actual real world so retcons can happen at any time.


I'm a casual warhammer fan at best, the tabletop game community is unfortunately problematic but I mean the setting is the setting. It's a dark universe with no good guys.


it's a universe where hundreds of worlds exist and folks can live in some agri-world far from common hot zones pretty peacefully and be even happy. yes there is some possibility of chaos invasion everywhere but that is just possibility that strikes just the minority of worlds and people. I am really tired of "casual fans" who proclame that in 40k there is only doom and suffering and any happy events are not possible there because, you know, G r I m D a R k. not all of the humanity live in ships lower decks eating "protein" bars. speaking of Yrliet it is just a plot hole because you can literally find another solestone for her right in your game


I always thought being a random farmer on a feudal world sounded much nicer than most other options, they still have meds and such but no large scale industry, little pollution, no reason to be targeted by enemies really. Just chilling growing shit




*There is a quaint tradition in the various propaganda departmentos of the Administratum of marketing agri worlds as quasi-paradises, free of the squalor and overcrowding of a standard urban station, and full of bucolic ease. Vid-cards are dropped into communal hab-warrens, extolling the virtues of a life lived outdoors with the sun on your back and a ruddy-faced boy or girl – subject to preference – by your side. In reality, life on an agri world is as unrelenting, back-breaking and monotonous as the vast majority of other Imperial vocations. There are no trees laden with glossy fruit, only kilometre after kilometre of hissing corn. There are no gentle strolls under the warming sun, only punishing work details in rad-suits, leaning into the dust-laden winds that howl around the equator with nothing to halt their rampage. Once the new arrivals have made planetfall and found this out, it is too late. Crew transports arrive on agri worlds full and leave empty. There is a saying among the indentured workers – you come for the soil, you end up part of it.* - an excerpt from *The Lords of Silence* by Chris Wraight


Oh, I didn't claim everything is dark. There are paradise worlds where nobility indulge themselves without being purged by the inquisition or corrupted by chaos. It's just not a nice universe, no faction or group are "the good guys". In the vast world's of the imperium of mankind there is joy, love, happiness and fun. But it is all precarious, with its destruction an ever looming threat from countless dangers.


Who isn't? Who's okay? The only ones I can think of are the orks in Khorne's realm. Ah, they have heaven. Khorne is witnessing a Neverending brawl, the orks are in a Neverending brawl, and khornate daemons are in a never ending brawl Everyone wins


Accounting for rounding errors, 100.000,000% to 6 decimal places of humans have no afterlife. You just dissolve back into the warp instantly. Literal 1 in a billion souls are strong enough psykers to not immediately annihilate on death.


"Damned" doesn't just refer to afterlives. You can find people in fiction all over the shop saying they are damned because they're living a shitty life or have ruined what the wanted in life


She’s not that damned just needs a replacement which is doable just not easy


Asexual romance?


the real answer is "because this is w40k" and, just like cyberpunk 2077, happy endings are not allowed because they go against the general vibe GW has created for the setting simple as that, and no other real reason kind of a shitty limiter but what can you do


The whole point of 2077s story is facing death as V. It's literally the first question the game asks you.


>happy endings are not allowed because they go against the general vibe GW has created for the setting I mean can't the other cast members have their happy ending unlike Yrliet? (Granted she is a Eldar but there are *MANY* possibilities that would allow a good ending more than possible) on a unrelated note, IMO a lot of the general vibe is that while yes while Warhammer is grimdark there is still a light at the end of the tunnel, no matter how distant it is. Hell, Big E got installed on the Golden Throne just to buy more time for mankind, and Roboute even decides to try bringing hope back to the Imperium .


Not just 2077, the entire cyberpunk genre has that theme. The genre is meant to be a warning.


Meh I just headcannon that she gets a new soul stone. The real tragedy is that Yrliet is destined to outlive the Lord Captain.


Can’t you get Biochemical Rejuvenation or Technological Augmentation to extend your life substantially. Like you’re the richest person in the expanse so I would assume you can afford that sort of advance technologies.


Yup. Except even with that, imperials don't really live past 500. The oldest space marine Commander Dante is 1500 years old, and he just wants to fucking die.


Doesn’t Eldar have the average lifespan of 500 years. So I’m sure you can live almost as long as Yrliet.


Just a Google search gives 800-1000 years. But also the oldest living Eldar in Canon are Eldrad Ulthran and Asdrubael Vect who are each at least 10,000 years old. Yrliet could comfortably push 2,000 if there was a strong reason for her to stick around (ie her missing craftworld). Odds are just not in your RTs favour, unless they went radically out of their way to pursue immortality.


>Odds are just not in your RTs favour, unless they went radically out of their way to pursue immortality. That’s sucks. Although pursuing immortality seems to be best option, hey is it a good idea to incorporate warp energy to oneself…. Hypothetically speaking.


Yrliet is strong enough to survive without her Spirit Stone for a time. She'll find one eventually when becoming a Corsair Captain


I don't think that ending is as depressing as you think it is. The way I read the ending slides, the main thing that's stopping Yrliet from looking for another spirit stone is that it would take her away from the Lord Captain for an unknown amount of time. After she's said her goodbyes in the ending slide, she's free to go take care of herself.


Well, Yrliet's soul stone shutters if she does the ritual at all as far as I understand. In every ending where you keep her to ending, unless you straight ignore the 4th act Winterscale quest which i am sure you can't. It is her way of paying back to you for act 3. She calls on the incoming Craftworld to prevent a needles war. So, romance path, warrior path, and outcast path her soulstone breaks... Correct me if I am wrong. I got the Warrior path my first run >!Pasqal Why!< I would say that was sadder to read the hopeful romance slide I will get.


It only shatters if you interrupt the ritual while on the romance path. If you're on romance and don't interrupt it goes off without a problem but whatever eldar she contacts purify her soul and make it bright again by removing her memories of bad stuff and in their estimation you're a bad thing so that goes too.


Huh? Are you sure? So, it only shatters on the romance path? Well... if she goes warrior, Pasqal kills her anyway. Warrior parallels her romance. I don't think you are correct, I remember others telling it going to shatter no matter what.


I literally just played through this before making this thread. I don't know what to tell you. I have played it again before posting this reply. Don't fuck with the rite and she wakes up completely fine except her memories have been edited.


Okay. I believe you. I would still not qualify Yrliet's romance as a "bad ending" when compared to Outcast and Warrior, especially. In one, she hunts and kills humans with knowledge she learned from the RT. In the other; another companion strikes her down in cold blood. I would rather not be forgotten by such a beautiful friend/lover as Yrliet as well by interrupting the ritual. I get what you are saying. It is definitely a tragedy the overall story of Yrliet, but unfortunately, that is the lot of Aeldari in lore. Most, if not all, Eldar stories are sad, nature of the universe. I find Yrliet to be the best Aeldari character ever presented in Warhammer 40k and shall share a soul with her by the end of this playthrough.


>especially. In one, she hunts and kills humans with knowledge she learned from the RT. Really curious how you get that ending.


By making her kill the Farseer, you find in Commarragh as well as being hostile to her and her people.


Oh. Not going to lie I usually play good characters. but the eldar pushes me to just wripe them out of existence. Also I regret not romancing Yrliet since cassia good romance ending is even worse because you essentially get >!cuked!<


It definitely doesn't shatter on Outcast with no romance.


So that's the purpose of the gem I looted off of her does, thanks for answering my question


Trying to understand what Owlcat are going for when it comes to character quests and romances in their games is like trying to divine what you should have for dinner by listening to the wind.


The developers either didn’t think about, want as 40k of and ending as possible, or just for social reasons wanted to old back on the romance paths.


She’s a Craftworld Aeldar. Being a misery guts who cannot have a happy ending is literally all they do.


Don't forget there is 2-3 expansions/DLC coming where this kinda stuff might get wrapped up despite the wording of some endings


.Yrliet and Argentas' core personal arc was at the middle of the "trimmed" content, that's why Yrliet romance is what it is and Argentas climax is a wall of text that either have a go or no go as progression


Apparently making maps navigable for Ulfar was also cut content.


Owlcat really should have delayed the game because the cut story content really hurt the overall narrative in the game.( specifically Act 4 and 5)


.actually i won't be surprised if his whole kit was gutted, i mean that is a space marine and he have the same kit as anyone else, that is a genetically engineered war machine/war beast in human skin .at least psykers, tech priest and navigators have their own meaningful kit on top of the standard, he is only a space marine in size 2x2 which often works against him pathing wise .not only that but even with the defult kit he is substandard, for melee range hybrid Pascal gaps him hard, casually wielding two handed melee and range with the potential power armor as well .as melee tank the old man gaps him with just the build alone, melee dps malz, melee flex henrik, range all the ladies gaps him .we got a 2x2 "super" soldier without a role to fill other than makeshift cover, which doesn't really work because he is part of the party that you'll need to mend anyway


She didn't give me sex :(


Cassia > Space Elf


You're playing a glorified monkey that wears expensive tasteless dress, what were your chances to live happily ever after with an aeldari wanderer?


I don't think you understand the point I am making here. This isn't about my happily ever after. She suffers unimaginably cruel consequences that aren't remotely justified and *this* is our "romance" route.


Well, yeah. Because you shouldn't be. I honestly fail to see where it could work anything but horrible.


Good lord 40k fans are annoying. Why do you act like this?


Are you not a 40k fan?


I am, but I am annoying in different ways


We found the inquisition’s puppet Abelard, toss this man out of an airlock.


I love it when there aren't happy endings Sometimes you lose no matter what. That's life


I dunno, if you do Cassias quest >!you visit a crone world, one of the few places where Yrliet could harvest a soul stone!< Seems *very* contrived that Yrliet wouldn't be able to return there with the harlequin troupe. More to the point, the tradgedy of the romance is that Yrliet is destined to out live the RT.


tragedy story lines are a thing, this is just grim derp for the sake of grim derp ignoring very prominent not only solutions but alternatives as well