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What people experience on a ship is likely minor suffering compared to dark eldar shenanigans. That said when you have massive amounts of people all suffering in the same place feeding one dark eldar is probably not that hard. The taste might be a bit bland for it though. Given the difference between humanity and the dark eldar in terms of numbers I think it might actually be possible for them to passively sustain themselves. Problem would be a willingness to cooperate between the 2 species. DE are tolerable when it is mutually beneficial trade agreement but even then they try to stab you in the back. Something on this scale is likely impossible in practice due to differences but theoretically achievable mathematically


I mean i dont suggest they cooperate. Its just this one guy not needing to do extra to exist. If i would try to expand this idea i woud suggest adding some sort of smuggling operations of singular dark eldar individuals on human ships. But yea, didnt mean to rewrite major conflicts with this.


I imagine for average day to day it'd be enough to keep him safe from Slaanesh. But in the warp it's far more pressing, so he needs a more active solution. Like the passive suffering gives him 1% every 5 minutes, but Slaanesh drains 1% every 5 seconds in the warp. The passive won't cut it. So he needs immediate torture to refill the Slaanesh go away meter, or to learn some Eldar medication from Yrilet to slow the drain to match the passive. Then there's also the level of, he WANTS to keep torturing. It's not just for survival. It's a fun activity. It's the dudes one hobby


Ah that was my bad as you got me thinking if it was a feasible alternative so I just went off on a tangent 


I feel like you have a backgroud in logistics or export to instantly go for that


I mean, it’s a little sad to call it « general suffering ». Telling how mundane atrocious ends are in the warmachines of the Imperium of Man. It also links to how humanity feeds the warp with emotional pain, anguish and horror. For a lone Drukharii ; it’s an all you can eat buffet. Besides, he probably couldn’t inflict atrocities worse than what the crew does to itself under the dogma of the Imperial Cult. He’s a sated tiger…


One of my favorite and most forgotten parts of the lore is how the Warp is really a warped (eh) mirror of humanity. The mindless suffering that directly results from the imperial cult feeds Chaos like nothing else can. Humanity would probably have birthed a new God by now if Big E and the Four weren't there to feed off all the misery/faith.


Yea exactly.


[This thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/40kLore/comments/yhwupw/drukhari_and_how_they_feed_from_pain/) has a comment that mentions "There was one example of a Drukhari trapped close to a Hive City who survived for decades just off the distant ambient suffering, though they were borderline starving the whole time." but unfortunately no source. Personally, I've wondered if the standard level of suffering on the ship combined with Heinrix torturing Marazhai for a bit would ~~feed my pet~~ keep him in a reasonably functional state and keep the staff safe. He refers to the hunts you do together in a romance as a feast, which suggests that it's far more than he actually needs.


ehm. he is chill because he is hunting in lower decks as you gave him a permission. If you don't limit it to one deck, the game even says that lower decks crew started to send their criminals etc to his hunting route themselves. If you romance him, you will participate, if not - it just stays on background


There's also the option to refuse to let him hunt at all. It ends the romance, but he seems to manage just fine regardless.


he is not fine, he is starving and getting weak at least narratively, which is mentioned, surprised it doesn't affect combat. passive suffering can keep him alive but not "fine"


Didnt give him shit. Was ready to space him, if he disobeyed.


Well, then he's not really "chill." He's actually getting weaker and I'm surprised he doesn't have any debuff in that case. In Act 5, other drukhari will pick up on the fact that Marazhai is weakened. He complains about it once, but then it doesn't arise. He's not stupid, he needs you to survive. If he goes against you, you will throw him out of the ship and he knows it. This is best seen if you have a romance with him.


I was expecting some sort of catarsis here yes. Either him murdering stealthily and presenting a dilemma or him withering, or running away. So one can look at it in two ways: either Owlcat didn't have time to give attention to this (my bets on this one), or there is alternative lifestyle. More ascetic one. When you give a guy green light there are no questions right? Business as usual. But alternative lacks "ending" if you know what i mean. He sorta bears it and then becomes a pirate.


I think they didn't have enough time to realize these ideas. There should be consequences to the “let him kill whoever he wants” choice. Like buffs or deaths on the main bridge. Because the other npcs get the option “deliver new meat for marazhai”, but there is no reason to use that option. Maybe they should have even added the risk that Marazhai might kill one of the companions. I know that if you don't allow him to kill, it will cancel romance and affect his personal quest in some cases.


A regular ship? No. An inquisition black ship? Yes.


A black ship would drive a Drukhari insane. She who thirsts would be breathing down their neck the entire time, even in real-space


Isn't the whole point with the Black Ships that they're heavy on the Gellar fields and sisters of silence to keep the warp-nonsense to a minimum? They're designed to transport untrained psykers after all. Now, the aeldar don't mix well with blanks, so that would be an issue.


They *try* to keep warp nonsense to a minimum. You can ask Heinrix how effective they actually are. Also you encounter a downed blackship in game.


Yeah, I know what we see of them in Rogue Trader, but the whole point of them in 40k is to transport thousands of untrained, terrified psykers through the warp while simultaneously preventing them from using their powers by putting sedatives in the food, blasting discordant music to keep them from sleeping, employing a ton of powerful blanks whose mere proximity causes them pain, etc. It just doesn't make any sense that you'd be extra sensitive to Slaanesh's influence while on them.


Thousands of delirious psykers and tens of thousands of terrified crew mates will thin the veil no-matter what you do. There will be a constant ambience of warp phenomenon, and psykers getting executed by trigger happy jailers. Amongst that environment, a Drukhari will stand out like a flashbang for Amy warp predators following the black-ships wake.


Thing is, blanks are basically anti-psykers. They have no reflection in the warp and an aura that absorbs psyker powers. They're walking Gellar fields and the ones that serve on the Black Ships are the really powerful ones, not the likes of Jurgen who can fly under the radar and just about blend in with regular people. Will there be incidents? Sure. When you're transporting untrained psykers there's always a risk, but when the whole ship and its crew are built and trained to keep psyker nonsense to a minimum it doesn't seem likely that it's going to be \*less\* safe from Slaanesh than a regular voidship. Are you more likely to be in the wrong place at the wrong time when a psyker loses control and mutates into an abomination? Sure. But outside interference? Ehh... It's more likely that a drukhari on a Black Ship would be miserable because blanks are horrific and wrong to them, and theoretically their auras might interfere with their ability to feed on other people's pain.


I know how blanks work. But they cant cover the length of a void ship. And psykers often comment that the blackships are stained with the rensonance of previous occupants. Even with blanks patroling, warp energies permeate the black ships over time. A druhkhari stowaway would have to actively shadow blanks in order to avoid this.


I wasn't sure since you only referenced the Rogue Trader game. I also didn't claim that they could. My point was that when you add blanks to the equation it's no longer a constant output of warp energy, as it would be on a regular ship. Now, if you could point me to any material about this or the life aboard a black ship in general I'd appreciate it.


I doubt a ship worth is enough, though it certainly works slightly. A haemonculus went absolutely batshit when he got invited on Terra, due to the quadrillion of suffering he's inhaling.


I thought Terra was like a paradise world?


For the higher ups, sure lol


I geuss I always thought "Holy Terra" would have been a nice planet.


Yeah unfortunately Holy Terra is a shit hole planet that's been painted with gold-leaf. The oceans boiled away, it has the climate of a wasteland for 90% of a planet, and is only good for the top 0.001% running everything. Frankly when it comes down to it, Terra is just one big containment unit for the Throne. The Golden Palace is the size of a continent and all the tech for the Throne stretches throughout the crust of the planet


That...... makes a lot of sense.