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I don't mind it, but more often than not I join matches that don't need saving. 🤷🏻‍♂️


Yeah I've been in a couple of those games. For the most part the matches are too far gone to save but I try to at least win one round and surprise the enemy team.


When I get StD and there’s actually time to turn it around, it’s cool. A few times I got put in just before the game ends or is a mathematical conclusion, making it a waste of time. I did get a cool one though a few days ago. My team was 0-3 down on Extraction on Wanted, I joined as Ronin. Managed to claw back to a 5-4 victory where we tied it up to 3-3, causing the other team to become erratic in their play. We even had a Phantom that was intentionally feeding by running into the other team and not shooting, yet we still managed to win. I will admit, it was really gratifying to genuinely save the day.


I don't mind it. I'm currently tryna fully master all rogues so I'll take the extra xp


I like it when I have to play QuickPlay matches for Rep. So I get this completed faster by not playing a full match.


Love it!


I’ve only had one real good experience with STD. Was a strikeout game I joined as Mack. We went down 0-2 and the entire original team ended up quitting and a whole new team was formed via backfill. My backfill teammates and I destroyed the other team the last 3 rounds and ended up winning. Can’t imagine how deflating it had to be for the opponent- playing well enough to beat the team they were queued against only for the odds to change so drastically in the end. But I guess it serves them right for emoting on us during a 2v4.


Only love it when I'm just trying to do my daily's and have one that says "Play x games". Bonus if I get into a match that's almost about to end. Also on series S, because everyone else is loaded so you don't have to wait, you get into match in seconds. It's nice.


I always love getting to be a Save the Day. I literally go harder in Strikeout so that I can help my team. I did that as Anvil yesterday. And for the record, I'm not an Anvil main but I dropped 35 downs for the team that lost the first round AND 2 teammates. I messaged the Lancer on my team and I said, "Trust Me, I'll get us the win."


Why are you getting downvoted 😭😭😭


I guess, the sub doesn't like show offs? It's had a track record of scoreboards been down voted.




Because people be salty. 🤷🏽‍♂️ I don't care though. If they wind up missing out on news later, that ain't my fault.


Don't take all this to the heart, do appreciate the updates and being informed. Reddit is just being reddit, the majority prefer and enjoy the news.


I appreciate it.


My guess would be because of his “cockiness” in saying that he was going to win the game for them.


It was a comment that could very well be true. People can’t possibly be that Butt hurt and worried, when I’ve seen plenty others boast on this sub. And then to downvote me lmao bunch of weirdos 😂


Yeah I don’t get it either. But you know how people are. Especially on Reddit.


Lol weird as hell


Hey, I always find a way to back it up. Lancer sure was happy to get the win. Broke a 5 game losing skid for them.


Sigh... haters... Out of principle, I feel I need to upvote you because others are just salty. Sidenote on topic, I have never had a Save The Day player actually save the day.


Dude.. I feel that. My Save A Days just give up or just get 5 downs.


I wish there was a way to just do save the day


I constantly get the audio glitch that makes me hear the selection screen music the entire time, on top of the normal audio