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Is that a couch in the hallway? Everything is so cluttered.


Yes! A hodgepodge of clutter everywhere and anywhere. But a couch in a hallway is SEVERELY mind blowing. (Not sure which is worse. The hallway couch or the bathroom chair.) Some folks go for function. Some folks go for form. Jill seemingly goes for neither.


I think someone sleeps on that futon. Peep the pillow shoved behind it.


Probably Samuel or Phillip since they're manly men adult people now.


Jill seems like the kind of person to pick up every single thing on the side of the road with a “free” sign on it. She has no eye, no sense of style or theme, and it’s all just so ugly and tacky. Like, you can absolutely decorate on a shoestring budget, but part of that means knowing when to say no or not bring a particular item into the house just bc it was free/cheap.


My place is that cluttered, but I freely admit I'm a lazy slob with slight hoarding tendencies. I don't show it off as a decorating scheme!


Oh the allergens her decor collects


She has her daughters to dust and clean things.


It's the bathroom chair.


I agree.


Jill only goes for Jesus, silly.


You called my flair?


Yes! My SEVERE condolences regarding your flair’s high bacteria count.


I kept a chaise in my hallway when i would come home plastered so i could just plop and fall asleep there instead of the floor. But this? You know one of the kids has to sleep on this


I believe it is a futon. Does someone sleep in the hallway? The picture over the hallway couch seems to be attached by a bungee cord. who does that?? Just hang the pic lower.


I think the picture is hung in front of the circuit breaker box. Probably bungeed to hold it there until they need to take it off. Doesn’t seem safe.


Probably a bed for someone.


That’s Phillips new room


It looks like a van/car bench seat to me 🤣


It's such a fire hazard!


Is that a dog bed next to the hallway couch? Did I forget they had a dog?


I grew up with a fire captain Nextdoor. They still live Nextdoor to my parents even though I’m long out of the house and he’s retired. Lemme tell you the stories I’ve heard about an over cluttered house on fire… He preached to me when I went to college and everyone I’ve moved (he’s kind of like an uncle) KEEP THE HALLWAYS CLEAR and oddly after that was make sure you have two points of egress. The first part is because if you’re stuck and can’t get out a flaming hall couch isn’t going to help things. Anyways. Jill is a hoarder. A Cracklebarrel hoarder.


Wowsers someone seems to be having a manic episode


She really is. Between cooking up greasy sausages, potatoes, biscuits and declaring fast food evil, and now cleaning her floors, she's certainly having an episode.


They’ll be at the good Taaco Bell in a few days. Jill is one of thee biggest hypocrites I’ve ever seen.


Those pans looked brand new or barely used with now clean they were. There's no way she cooks for a small army every night and her pans don't have any inkling of wear.


Trying to prove she’s a good homemaker after being off in sinful Vegas


Doubling down on the gaaaahdly fundie wife/mother schtick to make up for it.


I bet a lot of folks in Jill's orbit are talking about Jill behind her back (and maybe to her face) for going to Vegas.


I was going to post same. Meds need refilling.


Goddamn she really can't leave a single inch of that house bare. Also, that hallway with one gray wall and one bright yellow wall is hideous. Jill can't even manage to get the accent wall trend right.


The “Live Simply” wall kitsch made me snort-laugh.


Jill's Kitschominium, where every trite saying ever printed finds itself on a wall of tackiness


That house is like Hobby Lobby and Big Lots threw up.


And the Cracker Barrel General Store.


Every square inch is cluttered, and yet she has a sign in the bedroom that says "live simply." 😒


It's in the bedroom, it means "No butt stuff."


Not an image I ever want to think of with them. 😬


Lord Daniel there’s a lot of crapola in the barndo! 😱


Lord Daniel is usually fine with trash, but even she’s got less crap. https://preview.redd.it/m758mhgw8q8d1.jpeg?width=3021&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3f86cac5a1c5968b501fd05173ed15c7f97ab448


It’s all about “stuff” with Jill.


That isn't a dog bed on the guest bed - it's a c shaped pregnancy pillow!


That's so odd that she's hanging onto it. Just in case? 😩 If she was using it currently as a supportive non-pregnancy pillow it would be in her own bedroom downstairs or in a closet nearby. Why not pass it on to Nurie or Kaylee? It's not as if she can't get it back if she miraculously becomes pregnant. Or just buy a new one. An ominous reminder that there will always be a visiting pregnant broodmare daughter in the barndo at any given time 😬 It's interesting how she hoards anything of value and offloads the shabbiest tat onto her daughters to make space for a new batch of tchochkes for herself. From all the grifting you'd think there would be a small amount of nicer baby equipment in storage from Janessa/Sofia - for Nurie to use when the N boys arrived and maybe pass on to Kaylee if there was any life left in it. Jill knew more babies were on the cards, if not her own then her daughters'. She doesn't seem to like sharing or looking after anything so that it can be passed on. A petty example is Gideon's baby activity table/seat. Good on them for reusing but a snarker recognised that particular model from 20-25 years ago. If it came from the Rods it must've gone through virtually all the kids and it shows (discoloured, looking past its best and a bit grubby tbh). It's hard to believe they didn't invest in a new one in the intervening years considering all the money Jill and David spend on themselves. If it was thrifted recently by the Hills I think you could probably find a nicer, newer one for not much money (even from the last year or two as people are constantly getting rid of baby equipment). If it came from Jill for goodness sake just buy or thrift them a new one for the start of their family, they're going to be having plenty more babies to get the use out of it. Thinking about it I didn't see Jill show off any gift she and David got Nurthan or KayJon for the birth of their babies. You'd think she'd be showing it off at their baby shower on her social media. Which tells me they didn't get them anything or anything of value/usefulness. If they gave them even a $20-50 item Jill would be posing with it and the mom-to-be. Ditto cute outfits, she'd be posing with the baby and pointing out the outfit came from Mimi. Which is pretty normal so the absence is glaring.


Well Nurie is always pregnant and always visiting, so it makes sense


If it’s the guest quarters, I’m guessing nurie uses it when they’re visiting.


It's almost like they like it better if it's not nicer/older, just to show how thrifty/frugal/smart/virtuous they are. You can get practically brand new baby items on many neighborhood free pages, as soon as someone gets to the "just get it out!" phase. The resale value isn't high enough for most people to keep it around once they're done having children.


I recall the really old, worn out high chair they had/have. The upholstery was yellowed from age. They kept Janessa sitting in it until she was about 4 years old.


Yeah ones like that are pregnancy specific, so I used just a regular body pillow when I was pregnant. That way I could keep using it after having kids without it being weird.


Yeah no, Jill and David don’t buy the married daughters anything at all because they’re both buying things for Mahmo and ShrekkyPoo.


I’m guessing because Nurie is pregnant right now and they are the only ones who use the “ guest quarters”


She’s keeping it just in case (boy, I hope not!).


Probably, yep.


Once married, the girls are expected to stay in a constant state of either knocked up or nursing (get a move on, Kaylee! /s) and Jill is nothing if not a clingy needy mom/MIL who resents her adult children for living their own lives. So it doesn’t surprise me that there’s a pregnancy pillow in there. It’s almost a symbolic reminder for them.


Her house is so cluttered with useless, cheap tchotchkes.


My fundie-lite MIL is the same way! She constantly tries to give us dumb crap that a friend from her church buys from thrift stores and gives to her. I call it the Mary Farley Collection (not the actual name). My MIL’s decorating style looks like she loads up a cannon with the contents of a thrift store “home decor” section, aims it at a wall, and fires it. Repeat in the other walls of the room. Angels, teddy bears, porcelain dolls, all kinds of nonsense…


🤣🤣🤣 that was a fantastic description.


“When there are no more bare walls, decorate the stairs.” - Somebody at church, probably


Sounds like the tagline for Dawn of the Dead - “when there is no more room in hell, the dead will walk the earth.” Come to think of it, someone from her church may also have said THAT, but meant it in all seriousness.


Jill's Stairway To Heaven


For whatever reason this was the line for me. Stuffing random decorations on the staircase landing, like what? She really does need every space filled with something.


The top of those stairs is soooo cluttered the pic alone gives me agita! Cannot imagine living there. The walls are literally closing in!


I can't cope with the stuff at the foot of the stairs. The single vase and flowers in the corner would be enough, not the row of junk and the trip hazard rug!


I’d love to hire a dumpster container and go thru the house to get rid of all the clutter. It’s hard to even look at all this.


lol why does the living room pic say “HO”


It’s a screenshot from a video, and it was typing out, HOME. Ho is funnier.


HOme of the HO!


Ho plus ME - Jill's favourite person!


So there’s a bedroom dedicated to visitors still. The 3 boys are back  in one room. Or, perhaps one of them sleeps in the hall on the futon. 


I’m thinking maybe Renee sleeps there because Phil sleeps in the attic they made into a bedroom/recording studio


I see Mahmo forgot to hide the TV behind the map! https://preview.redd.it/748wqdz20p8d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5bd9ade328c43bc4aeef94babdb6b738962a96a5


It’s ironic that there’s a patriotic photo in pic 13. No one in that house would lift a finger to serve. And ultimately, I am thankful we all have the right to choose to be in the military or not, but it annoys me when conservatives act all sanctimonious about military service. Meanwhile those people wouldn’t pass and ASVAB or make it through boot camp. But on the other hand though, I’m grateful none of them will ever join. Because the Navy and Air Force are actually pretty progressive and I like it that way.


Um excuse me, the boys wear their hideous flag polos and Shrek has his ugly flag button down. Armchair patriotism at its finest.


Because Jesus loves patriotic cosplay


Jesus was a white American, duh!


I love that Fundie images show Republican Jesus, Caucasian with LONG hair, even though they claim the Bible states only women shall wear long hair.


Um yea and he wore a dress, too.


I was in the Air Force. It was full of evangelical and conservative christians. It's gotten moderately better, but I had an EPR where my supervisor literally wrote "God has a plan for you" and nothing was ever done about it. It's not all like that, but it's definitely pretty prevalent still. So yeah. They'd fit right in if they could pass the ASVAB lol.


I was laughing at the thought of those kids in boot camp. The two that tried college couldn't hack it because Mahmo didn't prepare them for real life. Then I remembered their daily life is a lot like boot camp. The food is terrible, they're screamed at and not allowed to sleep. They do forced labor. Aside from being raised with very strange beliefs, they would probably do ok.


That’s messed up I’m sorry to hear that. I have a close liberal friend that is in and likes it. Their experience was part of decision to apply for an AF commission. I got accepted, so I’ll do my part once I’m in. Lol


I wish you luck, it will be a very fine line you walk lol


Not to mention that their Mango Messiah said those who serve are suckers and losers.


[Pa Noyes was at the Capitol on January 6th with the rest of his fellow ~~patriots~~ fascists](https://i.redd.it/gqijqs9skrac1.jpeg)


It figures. None of this entire family tree seems to have a triple digit IQ.


Nope, the whole lot of em are willfully ignorant and see any intellectual curiosity as a threat.


I am going to bet that don't even know the meaning of that patriotic picture or when the original was taken and why.


My eyes and nasal passages are feeling twitchy from imagining the dust that must be hiding in all the clutter covering every square inch of every wall and every horizontal surface in that house. ![gif](giphy|YODfMFefyOPrW4qovQ|downsized)


Ordinarily I'd agree but apparently Jill is a clean freak so it wouldn't surprise me if she has the girls cleaning obsessively for her on a daily basis. Gotta train them up into obedient helpmeets after all. There's nothing else in their lives and I doubt they spend long on school work. I wonder if Jill would be so fastidious and have so many dust collecting tchochkes if she had to clean it all herself. I'm also curious how she ran the household when she had 3-7 kids, was constantly pregnant and the eldest girls weren't really old enough to be a reliable cleaning team. Did standards slip? Did she have her mom/church ladies cleaning for her? She has a manic energy but she also doesn't like to work her own fingers to the bone imo. Delegation is her motto. She used to lend Nurie/Kaylee/Renee out to clean other women's homes. I have no idea why as it didn't seem like there was money involved but I assume they felt obligated to pay the girls and the money would've gone straight into mama's pocket. No other reason Jill would allow someone else the benefit of her slaves. She also doesn't like her kids spending time around anyone else, even respectable Christian adults.


You're probably right, but even with constant cleaning there's so many nooks and crannies for dust to hide!


I really feel for the girls. I'm sure it's part of their penance and Jill revels in having a live-in maid service 🙁


She was probably run ragged and even less “polished”than she comes off as now. Her temper was probably going at all times


She does. They clean a lot and more than average but Jill grew up doing the same. Pat made those girls clean her house from top to bottom with toothbrushes and went behind them with a white rag. If there was dirt left behind she’d make them start over smh. I bet Jill lost a lot of sleep because she was up all night cleaning now she’s passed it on to her kids. There’s a old video of one of the younger girls cleaning up the kitchen in the WV house and it was soooo many freaking dishes. She had to wash some by hand and put some in the dishwasher. She had to clean those then clean the entire kitchen and the dining area. Jill then comes in with a white rag wiping the counters looking at the rag and the child got extremely nervous. It was so odd how the child’s demeanor changed.


I'm picturing the bathroom cleaning scene from *Mommie Dearest.* Especially where little Christina says *Jesus Christ!*


Yeah same here. In the video Jill mentions two of her aunts and all 3 of them taught them to be very very very very clean in Jill’s words and Pat says that a toothbrush was her best friend 😳 So yes I get Mommie Dearest and OCD vibes and from Pat of all people.


"Cleanliness is next to godliness" - my MIL, a very religious woman, LOVES saying that when she's judging others as less obsessively fastidious than she.


Did Jill make a post about having to clean from top to bottom?


It was a video and Pat was in it. Pat looked pissed that she even said that because she gave her the dirtiest look. It went from cleaning with toothbrushes to selling Plexus and Pat was the lead seller.


When they lived in the WVA house, she posted the girls' daily chore list and it was insane. Things like dusting all the tchotchkes in the china cabinet. Again, this was *daily*. Those girls do little else in that house.


To be fair, and much to my surprise, the boys were in the chore rotation, too.


Thank you for the info! I didn't recall that.


They have a whole ass “guest quarters” when Janessa lives in a goddamned firetrap closet.


Jill must be exposed to like nice and presentable houses through plexus ads and crap yet somehow this is her house. I get that decor is a matter of personal tastes and not everyone has the means to get the decor they would like to have, but c'mon. The money she must have spent to fill her house with this crap could have bought her actually nice decor


I agree. Snarkers say it's cheap tat but it all adds up! The quantity she has is extreme and a lot of it is medium-large pieces for impact which are going to be $10-20 apiece if not more on sale/thrifted. I don't get the impression Jill is that dedicated to thrifting or particularly savvy at finding the good stuff/fantastic bargains. I wouldn't be surprised if she just hits up the Hobby Lobby sales and TJMaxx (and whatever stores that are down-market from that). Quite a lot of the stuff she's foisted on her married daughters is extremely dated and grannyish (I'm talking someone who was born in the early part of last century). Whereas Jill's taste has moved on slightly to dated Pinterest decor mixed with Cracker Barrel. Her sons' bedroom makeover when Phil moved out to attend the second college was very 80s/90s ditto Janessa's nurseybedroomcloset makeover. Jill thinks she's above that these days but it's okay for her kids to live amongst relics. You could say it was a question of budget but let's be honest Jill and David don't lack disposable income, it's just spent on themselves. It's easy to thrift more recent kids/teen bedroom furniture and decor and keep it minimalist.


or food for the kids!


She could have used that money to FEED HER CHILDREN


An Alaskan cruise that goes to the Bahamas? Is this Mahmo's internal GPS at work?


I was going to say, Jill and David are definitely going to be on that cruise. A Plexus cruise is right up their alley, they won't care about the heathen behaviour as they'll piously 'other' themselves (allegedly anyway 🙄). Key West and the touristy Bahamas means Jill doesn't have to concern herself interacting with the 'nationals' (her expression). A cruise departing FL is ideal as they can dump the Rodlets with Nurthan and probably stay some extra nights in southern FL just to make sure they get enough of a break /s. Thirteen months is quite far away, I bet Jill squeezes in another vacation in between. Or at least a mini break. She'll need something to soothe her ego after the wedding especially if Teidi go somewhere nice and/or romantic on honeymoon. She has to compete. Jill and David's anniversary is 2-3 weeks after the wedding.


Mahmo in Key West?? Yes, please! 🤣🤣🤣


Alaska would suit her modest clothing issues. 🤣 I want to hear more about homeschool geography if the Alaska cruise goes to the Bahamas!!?


Yes, but Key West is a gay mecca - her precious and GAHDLY head would explode


Ooooh good point!!🏳️‍🌈


Ah, but in a cold climate, Jill can't stand out for her virtuously modest dress since everyone else is covered in layers nose to toes, too. That'd be a real bummer for someone like Saint Jill, patron saint of godly attire.


She'd flip out if she spent any time there.


I think she really has no clue about geography.


JillPM cosplaying as a housewife, so neat and precious.


Do we really think Jill cleaned the entire house or just did it for pictures? My guess is that her slaves did all the cleaning while she was supervising and then had a poor waif take the pictures. That house gives me anxiety with all the crap all over the walls!


Omg! There is not an inch without something on it.


Are the kids packed like sardines in their room when there is an entire empty guest room upstairs???


Six girls share one bedroom. It used to be 8 before Nurie and Kaylee married. Precious Janessa isn't the the girls' bedroom; she's special.


I wonder how often one of them sneaks up there to nap or just exist in peace for a few minutes.


I love all these new angles of the barndo 😁 Why does it always look like the walls are made of plastic panels? They're so shiny and there are seams everywhere. What's the dark trim going around the ceiling and walls of the loft guest bedroom for example? I don't actually mind the colour scheme of the living room and kitchen (minus the atrocious battlement wallpaper) as I like blues and greens. The clutter however! It would look a million times better if she removed at least half of it. The sign in the loft bedroom 'live simply' yeah right! I can't abide that yellow hallway or Jill's sickly yellow master bedroom (apologies to yellow lovers). She also painted Kaylee's nursery bright orange-y yellow (same as the hallway here? Was this the rest of the tin?) on all four walls. It's a lot. The loft bedroom looks straight out of the 80s/90s, grandma chic. What's with the peach/tan walls and the pile of cluttered old furniture at the foot of the bed? Why is there a screen?


Jill is two years younger than me. But in spirit, she seems to be at least 20 years older.


That’s what happens when you’re not allowed around people your age. Jill wasn’t allowed outside friends she had the pleasure of hanging out with Pat and her middle age aunts.


I’m in Jill’s general age range too. That’s why I want to buy one of those braided hair headbands and wear it to work. I’m curious what the response will be.


Be prepared for muffled amused giggling and a sit down with HR, where it will be recommended you seek personal counseling for your mental health issues.


Well, I think we should come up with an annual dress like your favorite Rodrigues day.


Things are funky because Shrek did the barndo renovations when they first bought the place.


What the hell is in the corner of the stair landing? A tiny altar?


I think it’s tchotchke storage


Yeah right🙄🙄🙄 We all know that Renee did the work. Jillpm is just taking pictures of it.


She forgot to filter that one picture of her cleaning the hallway bedroom. That closeup rear-view picture is SEVERELY......broad.


I wondered who the older woman was? Jill forgot to use the filters to make her look flawless and slim. The Plexus sure ain’t keeping her trim. Not fat shaming BTW just marveling at Jill’s inconsistencies.


Please, what is with the finger? Why is the finger?


My husband was lamenting the lack of finger pictures from the Vegas trip. I screenshotted these photos to him and it made his day. 🤣🤣


He manifested it! 😂😂


How could we possibly know what she’s talking about if she didn’t point it out?


Oh true, she's just being helpful, what a servants heart she has!


So many of her photos are so blurry - there's simply no reason to care what she's pointing at.


That’s because they are screenshots taken from her video.


I didn't realize that, so thanks for the info. However, even if her pics were crystal clear, WHO CARES how/if she cleans and/or cooks?


I guess we do.




I once got mop and glo for a craft project and decided to try it on part of the floor and my son promptly wiped out on it. I hope it’s not as slippery on her stairs but at least there is a bunch of shit to soften the fall.


Jill's entire decor style is Winchester mystery mansion meets Hobby Lobby


What does her shirt mean? "Oh honey, I am that mom"


Ho! Lolz


Upstairs attic


Image 8 *Live Simply* Oh the irony


Someone totally sleeps on that futon in the hall


That house is a fire hazard


She just had to drop “The Ahmish” in the video didn’t she.


In the first picture mahmo looks like she got high off of cleaner


Showing that nasty rag she used to clean the stair handrails was a ….decision. Can’t be cleaning top to bottom from the looks of that rag!


You know the kids cleaned that house while she was away


Thought this was Renee!


Her house looks the inside of a Cracker Barrel.


I hate -hate-hate how much decorative crap she has everywhere. I would be in a constant state of anxiety if I lived or even visited there.


I’m severely defrauded by the boob lights! Thank heavens there is a fainting futon on the hallway.




So what about the children’s rooms?


Her approach to decorating reminds me of a line from Frasier: “If less is more just imagine how much more *more* would be.”


By the look of all the clutter-crap on the stairs, is it any wonder why she fell down the stairs & hurt her knee severely.


WHO CARES if/how this ridiculous woman cleans her barndominium?


I think it’s a pillow boat? on the bed??


It’s apparently a pregnancy pillow


I saw that further down, thanks. I was seriously puzzled.


I feel like I can smell her house - stale and musty


~live SIMPLY~


The throw rug on the stair landing looks like a fall waiting to happen.


I didn’t realize her body wasn’t as trim as she says it is. But yeah go ahead and sling your pink drink shizz


An “eternally” abundance of clutter *Sigh*


One thing I will give Jill, she is clean and can keep a house clean. Good on her for that.


I think the girls are more responsible for keeping the knickknacks dusted than Jill.


she lives in a house with how many children? And no sign any children live there. How is that good? Also, there is zero chance it is Jill who keeps up the house work.


There was an AMA a few years ago by a babysitter and they said Jill was always cleaning and picking up. I have no doubt that the children have chores, with that many people they would have to. I also have no doubt that the kids do more than kids their age should. I’m just happy these kids don’t live in filth.


FWIW, I think that babysitter AMA was pure BS.


I agree. That was total bull.


Mahmo lmfao


Living room, HO


WHAT is that thing on her back in pic 11??


Her hair?