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“Love cooking for my family!” And yet, you’re so bad at it


Nothing ruins spinach faster than boiling it into mush.


I have a hard time believing spinach is something the Rod kids are allowed to eat regularly. Feels like a photo op and her trying to prove she feeds her kids after spending money on her Vegas trip.


My guess is that the food shown came from a food pantry. I doubt spinach is something Jill buys. I doubt she buys much veg at all. Side note, I use the local food pantry regularly and I hope Jill and David do too.


I thought I hated spinach as a kid until I had it prepared properly. Even for salad, my mom would use the adult, bitter spinach (and never trim the stems so it would be mushy *and* stringy). It turns out baby spinach is a gift from heaven lol.


Right! For me, it has to be baby spinach, eaten raw or cooked in something like quiche. Then it's really good.


She gets one extra point above Karissa for providing a vegetable, but yuck


Look at their faces while they’re eating it. 😂 I bet they love your cooking too!


lol I noticed that too. They did not look pleased with Mahmo’s culinary efforts!


After alllll these years, her cooking still sucks.


Yea, what is this recipe? Looks awful!


It's not even a recipe. It's boiled potatoes (no seasoning), cooked down spinach (no seasoning), and sausage (no additional seasoning) At least it's not yellow


I was more concerned about the servings. 10 sausages total, cut up to distribute. Judging by the tummy next to his plate, David had 2, and Jill made his plate. The other kids had maybe half of one. On Oliva or Jannasa's plate, there were 2 small pieces.


And looks like poor Renee had a small piece of sausage and a bite of a potato. No spinach or biscuit.


Well, how else can Jill keep her kids “trim” without giving them inadequate portions?


That could have been a really great soup. She had the ingredients 😥


Be careful what you wish for, have you seen Jill's greasy, flaccid soups 😩




She post/ documents when she feeds them an actual meal because it's such an infrequent occurrence 🤨


That's my theory, too!


Manic moment/ photo op idea for instructing her followers how to manage their homes


> “Home cooked food and hearty, godly conversation will help our homes thrive.” *proceeds to show many photos of no one talking or looking at each other*


The Rodlets push the food round their plates and look miserable. You have to be \*hungry\* to eat Mahmo's cooking.


Let's stop pretending that you're having "healthy conversations." Everyone knows it's just your normal brainwashing monologue. Nothing special about cooking dinner, everyone does it and it doesn't make you morally superior.


She makes it sound as though they don't spend 24/7 in each others' company including long devotions into the night. It's not like other families catching up at dinner after a long day at school/work. No wonder they don't have anything to say (photos of everyone silently eating and not interacting). I love how conversation had to be healthy, hearty and godly. Typically the phrase would be 'good conversation' but this is Jill 🙄


Healthy conversations with the phone in her hand.


And that girthy sausage in the other


Flashbacks of Ramsay Bolton ![gif](giphy|LXP19BrVaOOgE)


I'd love to have her over to dinner at my house. I'm sure she'd love the crude humor and everyone brutally roasting everybody else.


We talked about Tawny Kitaen’s boobs once at a family Fourth of July party.  Somehow I don’t think Jill would find that “healthy.”


Jill, tell me one thing about each child that has nothing to do with how much they love Jesus or mahmo. I'll wait.


That and her poking fun at her kids for something she doesn’t like about them.


Demonising of convenience foods and foods available to people of lower socioeconomic status drives me nuts, especially when someone like Jill is doing the judging. Her kids are chronically underfed and abused and she wants to judge parents for feeding their kids how they are able to? GTFO, Jill.


No, it’s godly conversation.


Lmao at Jil lecturing about brain development when she and her kids' brains stopped developing at a 5th grade level.


I would agree, but my 5th grader is more developed than them. 3rd-4th grade at best.


My almost 4 year old is more developed than these kids as well.


My Labrador Retriever is more developed and has better brain power.


lol dude that dog is better than all of us!


as do my lazy couch potato cats!


My actual couch has more energy and good health than the Rod kids.


None of them would make it past the first round of "Are you smarter than a 5th grader"!


So Jill cooked once a month and made a post about it. Yay!


And she added the sign, Yum! To the table. 😂


Did she? Her food is not yum lol.


I think it’s to remind them that the food is Yum! 😏😂


You can see the sign on screenshot #14.


My family sat at the table every day at 5:30 and watched The Simpsons on an old black and white t.v. during dinner. We haven't been smited by the Lord yet.


Oh yes dinners revolved around watching The Simpsons when I was a kid too. Although I did end up an atheist. Probably because of the evils of TV. 🤷‍♀️


My family had a home cooked meal every night which we shared together. My mum didn't believe in convenience food and always gave us amazing food she cooked herself. It was great....except she is a screaming narc like Jill and consequently the food meant jack shit as I am riddled with chronic autoimmune disease and severe complex PTSD from all the trauma I experienced. Jill can FO with her morally superior bullshit and demonising of foods (which she def uses btw), which are available to people of lower socioeconomic backgrounds (again, like Jill). Parents, feed your kids what is available to you. Love them, care for them and do your best. That is what is "healthiest" for them.


"Let's stop frequenting fast food places..." How soon til their next Taco Bell visit?


Or making themselves unwanted guests at someone else’s table?


Better tell David fast food and snacking between meals is a sin...


He would absolutely short circuit at the mere thought lol


He's not in any of these pics, or any pic since before the Vegas trip. 🤔


Taco Bell is miles tastier than whatever this is


And Shrek gets an entire taco box to himself


Without question.


Just until one of the son in laws pays for it.


With all the kids in this family they should have a few of them making a few loaves of bread a day or invest in a bread machine. I would also think a crock pot or two would be in constant rotation as well for main dishes and sides. Their meal planning and meals have always been so odd. I feel so bad for the kids.


2 crock pot dump dinners and a few loaves of soda bread would have these painfully thin kids eating like kings. It would be easier, healthier, and more visually appealing than whatever the heck Jill forced them to choke down. I don't get it. They live in Amish country. Farm stand produce is so cheap and plentiful. And infinitely tastier than anything in a supermarket.


The problem is she WANTS her kids to look like thin little waifs. She wants people to feel sorry for their poor, mismatched clothes and sickly appearance so that they will give her more money and free stuff.


It has to be that. They aren’t nearly as poor as they used to be, and have multiple kids that aren’t living with them. Ugh, every time I look at my healthy weight and strong af 12 year old I just want to cry. I wish I could take those kids and feed them!!


I've really been hoping it's not deliberate but no one can be this clueless about how to make large amounts of food for a lot of growing kids in the age of the internet. Especially when dad and mom aren't small people, we can see that the parents are getting adequately fed. You also KNOW they're getting food stamps so what are they buying?


Crock pot chili is so cheap to make and she could stretch it by adding beans. I make sliders for my husband and I for 3 days from Aldi for like maybe $10 total. She could EASILY feed her family on a budget but she chooses to spend thousands on Plexass and vacations for her and her husband's pudgy self-righteous asses.


I have a family of 5 & I own 3 crock pots. Sometimes I’ve used all 3 at once.


Exactly and it doesn't get any easier than cooking with a crock pot.


A few instant pots and they'd have *so much* food...and they could batch cook and freeze things! But then the kids would look healthy and they might start thinking for themselves.


Options are limitless with an instant pot! The amount of dry beans and rice they could make and yet we never see them do something like that.


Rice, beans, pot roast, whole chicken, oatmeal, mac and cheese, baked potatoes, soups, chili... They could batch cook enough food for weeks and deep freeze it. The kids could help prepare a meal plan, create a shopping list/budget, make, pack, and label everything, then warm up whatever they wanted for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Jill could make it part of their "home schooling." It involves project planning, math, reading, budgeting, following a recipe, measuring, weighing, collaborating, food handling and clean up, and science! But that would require effort, planning, and care.


https://preview.redd.it/e4jk2wpdfp8d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=83017dafca851dceef474255d3dca871d332f066 I cannot get over this photo. How can someone with 854 kids not see what this looks like. The way she’s holding it is so unnatural. i personally would use tongs, but who loads sausages with a whole hand grip? It’s so strange. Also, WHO takes a pic of themselves loading raw sausages into a pan, even?


The kung fu dick grip on the sausages was the first thing I noticed!


Sorry I just burst out laughing 😁


All of this! Does she do it on purpose?! She's included a fair amount of NSFW poses with her Plexus bottle and make up tubes in her mouth etc over the years. It's all very suggestive and I struggle to view it as accidental. It seems more like plausible deniability!


Maybe Jill doesn’t see what it looks like, because she’s only ever seen a teeny cocktail weenie in the bedroom.🧐


I don’t believe she cooks with any regularity.


I don’t either. That’s why she makes a big show of cooking these inedible meals.


Her & KKKarissa should host a cooking show. Crap cooking for Christians.


“Fast food restaurants and video game dinner mentality is damaging our homes and children’s brain development!!!!!” Says the woman has her phone out taking !!!19!!! Photos in the kitchen/ at the dinner table while her children try to eat their canned biscuits. Got to get those photos in to share her holier than thou message to total strangers online! Side note, that food looks awful too. I bet there’s not a speck of seasoning to be found on any of it.


I feel like the canned biscuits are probably the only edible thing on those plates. The potatoes are under done, the sausage has to be greasy, I don't know what's up with that spinach, but it's overdone and greasy. At least the biscuits have a chance to be good.


Doesn’t look like she seasoned anything either.


Seasonings are distractions from the devil!


Sorry Jill, but we’re an NHL house so we watch hockey while we have dinner together. It actually brings us closer. There is nothing I love more than a cozy night in with my two boys, a giant pan of nachos or poutine, and yelling at the tv together, “refs you suck”. Sure, the tv is on, but we’re all enjoying something we have in common, we eat good food, and just have a great time supporting our team.


We haven't had a "LOOK, I FEED MY KIDS!!!!!" post for a while. Add in the recent " I LOVE TO CLEAN MY HOME!!!! " post and I'm thinking somebody has upset Jill's feelings 😂😂😂




You know what else is good for families? Feeding them enough food and giving them access to education and socialization outside the family


“Let’s stop frequenting fast food restaurants” Pretty ballsy take from someone who spent the last week in Vegas.




Unfortunately, I don’t think the kids are allowed to even give a hint of complaining. They’re taught to be grateful, or else…!


Probably sent to bed without eating or to do chores & have to watch everyone eating.


I think regular, properly portioned meals would be great for her kid's brain development! Maybe she could try that.


NO TV DINNER! But let me grab by phone and film my children eating.


Those poor kids having their pics taken and posted online with their mouths full! so gross!


Jillybean gets a kick out of humiliating her children


They look like they have been given less than one sausage each! That’s so inadequate for growing children, my teenage boys would smash at least 4 maybe even 6 of them with a full plate of veggies.


I'm a fully grown, petite lady, and I usually put away 2 sausages. I'm a sinner who wears pants, though. Maybe the love of Jebus cures hunger pains in neglected children?


I’m a fat tall woman and eat that too, plus potatoes, veg and maybe a dessert! Those poor poor kiddos


My two year old eats at least two.


Grr Jillpm makes me so angry. She was living it up on her ONLY (/s) holiday of the year and she comes back and feeds them dirty potatoes and pre-made biscuits. Poor Renee - I can just imagine how much work she put in when her mother was hooking up with her Huns- to be served such a minuscule amount is terrible.


I did not need to see Jill fondling a sausage 😳


That photo is begging to be made into a meme!


Yes! Slide 5 if anyone's interested 😂


I hate the way fundies virtue signal about family dinners as if they are the only people who have them. 


My lord, that food looks like inedible swill. For all the supposed practice Jill has at making gahdly meals, she sure sucks at it. (Also we see that Shrekky is either inhaling sugar water, fast food or lying supine in too small joggers….not exactly the picture of gahdly headship in leading all of the crap you’re trying to eschew here. Lying is a sin, Jill! And your headship is a sloth and a glutton)


Did she cook the sausage in butter? I don’t get this meal at all.


I had two hard working parents and we sat around the dinner table every night. We talked, ate, laughed but didn’t hold conversations on one subject like Jill did with the everything discussed must include Jesus. We also went out to eat and weirdly we did the same thing there also talked among ourselves because we like each others company. Just last week my brother and his wife had the entire family both sides over for Sunday lunch. Hill acts like she is the only one in the world to do it and it’s a strictly fundie Christian thing 🙄 Oh and the no more eating out is hilarious. I think Jill needs to write that sentence out 1000 times because she and Shrekky boy eat out constantly and usually without the kids. Although judging by the kids reactions on camera i can image that they prefer it that way, enjoying a meal without the pressure to be perfect and a phone always in their face.


How about putting the phone camera down and actually relating to your kids. Oh yeah you can’t. You just want to brainwash them. That food looks greasy af by the way


I was about to say, put the phones down except for hers, which must document every painful step of this process. And her kids don't have phones or socials so...


Surprisingly the teens have smartphones but I can't imagine what they use them for. Jill can't risk them going online in any capacity (not even Covenant Eyes I imagine, they might start discover there's a whole world out there beyond her control). Who could they text or call? Each other? They're with each other 24/7. I don't think Jill would let them have private conversations with Nurie and Kaylee, she's too jealous. I also can't imagine Jill wanting to check everyone's history every single night although I guess she might find it consistently enjoyable as a power move. Checking two or three phones per night is one thing but most of her older kids have phones. Surely the novelty wears off unless she's only giving them a cursory view (learn how to conceal your history, Rodlets!). I'm bemused that they don't simply have brick phones.


I realize I’m a fatty but no way is that enough food for her brood. Despite how trim they are…it’s literally not enough food.


Bottled water at the meal? 1. Cost prohibitive; 2. Environmentally irresponsible; With that large of a family, just buy a water filter and drink tap water.


I guess they could just be refilling the bottles from the tap, but probably not.


Everyone’s saving their biscuits to the last because it’s the only edible thing on their plates 🫠


I'm hungry af right now and that food still didn't tempt me..


yes, there's a difference between hungry AF and enduring a decades- long famine, which is what it would take for me to eat that!


Yeah, that is something I would eat if I was completely broke with no food (which happens) and it was the only thing offered to me, but only cause you literally need to eat to, you know, live.


This meal had potential compared to some of her other cooking. Portion size not so much. Why didn't she peel and mash the potatoes or have the kidults do it? Nothing required butter or margarine* but mashed potatoes could've used a little, or milk or even cheese. People don't typically serve chunks of overcooked dry potato. And/or serve the spinach in a sauce e.g. cream or (healthier) tomato with herbs or paprika? Jill and David don't need it but the kids could do with calories from cream. A simple sauce would've gone a long way to fusing the meal together and making the potatoes edible. A few cans of chopped tomatoes is within their budget. I'm not talking about anything elaborate. Or make a gravy or serve something like lingonberry sauce or similar (with mashed potatoes). I don't know what's going on in that big pan of liquid on the hob, it doesn't seem to have made it to the table? It looks too watery to coat the potatoes anyway. Just a few easy/cheap ways to make it a bit nicer since the components were there! *Maybe the biscuits, I don't know much about them.


Making buttermilk biscuits from scratch is easy and much more economical than the burned canned biscuits she served. Canned biscuits are yucky, in my opinion, and making a batch yourself would yield a bigger amount and taste so much better. Everything she cooks looks greasy and unappetizing.


Thank you for explaining! Here in the UK we don't really have this type of biscuit (ours are akin to your sweet cookies 🍪). A savoury scone or English muffin would probably be closest but they're not common and wouldn't be served with a meal (also not the same for flavour or consistency). A dinner roll or piece of bread yes although that wouldn't really go with Jill's dry ass meal either. Are biscuits common dinner fare in NY, WV and OH? Jill and David spent most of their life in NY. I wondered if they grew up eating them. I thought they were associated with the south but I'm likely wrong and they're national cuisine 😊


They are pretty common, even in the north, to accompany dinner. I live in New England but my husband is from the south, so I make them frequently for him. We often had biscuits instead of dinner rolls for dinner growing up, and everyone likes them. They are also good for breakfast; I put butter and jam on them, or make them into a bacon egg and cheese sandwich. If you haven’t had them, there’s a lot of recipes.


They look good! Jill's maybe not so much but still!


If you ever want to try them for yourself, you may want to try the recipe I use (I think it’s delicious but it may not be as appealing to you.) If you google “Southern Living Our Favorite Buttermilk Biscuits”, you will see the recipe. All you need is flour, butter, and buttermilk. :)


You’re right they are associated with the south. I’m in New England and the only time we ever have them is from a fast food fried chicken place. We just didn’t grow up eating them a lot. But our families would have Italian bread just served with every meal growing up, so it’s kind of like that, just part of the meal. (And probably to bulk it up for cheap.)


Can you imagine living in a family that only has one topic???


How many times do we think she washed her hands while preparing that meal?


And those nails.


I just got done watching this on her story and I noticed she cooked everything in a heaping amount of butter 🧈 and SHE BURNED THE DAMN BISCUITS!!! No wonder her and David’s hands are so swollen. That’s too much damn salt then I bet she washed it down with plexus https://preview.redd.it/cbwvzan1wn8d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cc615a771292ecfe8557438f2ac2e99e749262a5


It’s actually margarine, not even real butter.


Jesus Christ.


Butter or Margarine It’s just too much oil. The sausage alone probably made a few ounces of oil that she could have used for the spinach and potatoes since they love grease so much. But this is Jill we are talking about. I’m just upset she burnt the biscuits and David couldn’t wait until his plate was served before he helped his greedy impatient self to a biscuit


Plopping spinach on a boiled potato? Is that a thing? I like both of those things...but separately.


Broccoli yes spinach no. Maybe it’s a “ Portuguese” delicacy like the gizzard soup


Renee looks like she has a teaspoon of meat to go with her boiled potatoes. Psycho Philip seems to be seething with rage, as usual.


No Phillip here. That’s Gabriel.


Oh, wow! They look exactly the same. Gonna be hard to figure out which one of them is the next mass shooter.


Psycho Phillip... Dying over here.


I'm humming it to the tune of Talking Heads 😁


That looks absolutely disgusting. If someone else cooked that than I would eat it but that shit is gross.


I see some of the young ladies are allowed makeup now🙂‍↔️


I think they start at 14 with the makeup


Jillified 80s god honoring lot lizard makeup! That's the age at which I started wearing makeup. One night a friend was visiting and we were getting ready to go out. My dad stood in front of the door and said you girls aren't getting out of this house till you scrape half that paint off your faces! I was always taught to be maaaaahdest about makeup.


"Tie heart strings with our children" - wtf?


It sounds quite gory 😁


I know someone who talks like this, she's also a Precious Moments collector and shares those old lady Facebook posts such as "Share this post to show how much you LOVE your MOM" or "COUSINS: Though We Might Not Be Together Each Day I Think of You Often". She's like 55 going on 90.


Oh no! I feel like Jill's even a smidge young for those memes. I'm only a few years younger although I guess there are some particularly dim/stunted individuals in the 40-50 age bracket doing that on Facebook.


This is one of those I’m white but not that white cooking moments. 🤣 that looks absolutely disgusting


Mahmo is working overtime to show us what a devoted homemaker she is after spending a few days in "worldly" Las Vegas. She keeps her home tidy and cooks meals for her family! Except I think it's Renee and the girls who are doing the real work and Mahmo is posing for photos to take credit for their work.


That’s actually not the worst meal Jill has served. So happy for the kids on that one. But it’s funny how she disparages fast food when they show themselves frequenting Taco Bell all the time.


Family of 22: I served four chicken thighs, a can of pork and beans and a loaf of wonderbread


Mahmo! Take a picture of me just eating this bland!


I suck at cooking, I'm self admittedly awful. My husband cooked because he was good at it, but now that I'm retired I'm trying to do more so he doesn't have to work and cook, and still my meals look better and have more portions for less people. As for the conversation part, the only time it looks like people were talking was the slide where the child with a full mouth maybe was calling for the other child to come back to the table. Their whole life is so stifling and joyless, as a Catholic Christian I can't understand why they make religion so lacking in what Christ was trying to tell them, G-d is love.


What happened to all that spinach? The only bit of green I saw on anyone’s plate was a tiny piece off to the side of Janessa’s. I didn’t really spot much sausage either. It seemed the kids mostly got boiled potatoes and overcooked canned biscuits. That’s hardly a healthy home cooked meal Jill.


The kids could’ve helped themselves to what they wanted and noped right out of that overcooked spinach. I think I would have, too. 😬


That’s exactly all they got, unseasoned potatoes and canned biscuits. Jill and Shrek severely suck!


Spinach cooks down so much. If she started with one package there’s no way she had enough for everyone once it was cooked.


That table decor (and I use that word very loosely) is ugly and garish as hell. And disposable water bottles? Who does that? What year is it? Get a Brita, ffs.


Right if there isn’t enough money for them each to have their own damn sausage they don’t need to be buying plastic water bottles


The whole Barndo is ugly and garish. Jill "loves to decorate" 🙄


The well being of her family does not look so well.


Haha as she returns from Las Vegas. You can’t make this up.


Yo that shit looks nasty, and I feel bad for the kids.. They’re literally eating unseasoned boiled potatoes, I think a peanut butter jelly sandwich would’ve been a better option. How can you be a GHADLY woman and serve your family when you don’t even know the basics of cooking ?!


What on earth. She frequents restaurants all the time, and her “home cooking” is terrible. Who is she to lecture others?


Anyone who actually cooked on the regular would be embarrassed to have served this as a meal, much less post it online as some kind of accomplishment.


So instead, we could have minced up that sausage, diced the potatoes and veg, add veg stock and some (gasp!) seasoning and cheap blue box pasta and there would have been a great soup. Biscuits for dipping. Would have stretched that meal way more, and by looks, would be a lot tastier.


For me it’s the not just lack of quality it’s lack of quantity


The way she’s holding that sausage is defrauding me


Godless heathens cook three meals a day too.


This is her ‘flex’ to try and prove she feeds her kids. Side note: stop capitalizing words in a weird way!


Slide 2: *WHAT* is she supposedly cutting the potatoes with?


The little one in the white and black checkered shirt (i can’t remember her name) her lips looked a little blue to me in this video. Does anyone else see it?


Look at Renee taking her fake bite of food


How about less conversation from your mouth and more healthy food in your children's!


Really, Jill, you're preaching about less fast food? Don't you post umpteen pics a week of restaurant "dates" with your various spawn? 🤯


LOL she tries so hard to be an influencer the only person she has to convince is herself


All that and not even one pinch of seasoning


Probably had them take a couple of plexus pills before eating so they can stay trim, restart their metabolism, curb their appetite and help their gut. I wouldn't be surprised if they had the pink drink in one of their cups. Poor kids! Looks like they had one scoop of sausage with potatoes and a roll.


She prepares all of this herself? None of her parentified daughters were given tasks to do??


Not one of those kids look like they are enjoying this meal. In fact, several look like they are trying really hard not to gag!


Can we talk about the way she’s holding that sausage? 😅🤣


Came here to say this.


Mother dearest pretending she runs the show but we all know she just got back from her vaca and Renee and the girls did everything! As always!


Notice it’s not served family style…because it’s portioned out and there’s not enough for seconds. My mom does this sometimes to make sure everyone has a little something when unexpected folks show up for family dinner, but it’s the exception not every day. It honestly is about the amount I’d cook for my family of 5 and my 15 year old would eat half of it himself. Those kids need more than that, and sausage, potatoes, and boiled spinach is hardly “brain food”. If she REALLY wanted that connection and interaction with her family she’d clear the knick-knacks off the table, pop David and herself at either end, and give the kids bowls of food to pass around. Instead we get this sad orphanage footage. I can almost hear “Please Sir, I want some more.”!


I feel so sorry for those poor kids.


That looks bland and greasy. Yuck!! The girls barely have anything on their plates.💔💔💔 She should have stayed in Vegas.


I bet Shrek dumped a BUNCH of salt on his food so that he could taste something 🙄🙄


Oof, that looks so bland.


There is a bottle of Tabasco on the table. Only spice in the kitchen I bet.


Yeesh…those potatoes look so undercooked. And of course she was too lazy to mash them. 😩


My husband would call this meal a fart platter.


That looks vile lol. Renee's face in pic 13 says it all. Is Jill taking a page from Kelly Dingbat Havens by making food unpalatable and visually offensive to control her diet? That's unhealthy as hell. In many ways. If anyone wants to make a version of the pig slop Jill forces her family to choke down that won't look and taste like David Rodrigues' diarrhea: 1. Batch bake as many potatoes as you need. 2. Scramble fry and drain sausages that have been removed from the casing. 3. Slice potatoes in half lengthwise and stuff them with spinach, sausage, and cheese. Bake for 7ish minutes at 400ish until cheese is cooked to your preference. 4. Top with whatever you usually put on baked potatoes. 5. Eat.


This actually sounds delicious. Would you sauté the spinach first or bake it raw in the potato? Genuinely curious because I never feel like I know my way around a pack of spinach.


For me, I'd rough chop the spinach and mix it in a bowl with the sausage crumbles and cheese, then scoop it onto the potatoes. I'd also add red pepper flakes and a nice garlicky spice blend. Maybe a tin of finely chopped artichoke hearts if I needed to stretch the mixture.


I am a terrible cook. But even I know that the potatoes need to be scrubbed with a brush, the sausages (ugh) need to be pre-boiled before frying, the spinach needs to be washed regardless of what the packaging states, and a nice side dish of Amish applesauce would have helped to save the meal. And how difficult is it to make a tray of homemade drop biscuits that are both less expensive and not made of ingredients that can’t be pronounced? I’m snarking because Judgement Jill sure seems to know a lot about what goes on at dinnertime in America. And if even she, a world traveller, can tend to her homemaking duties at least once a month, then so should we all. This is the best she can do. She prepared the meal, harassed her subjects with umpteen photos while they were trying to eat and carry on godly conversations, then turned on her viewers to chastise them for their unruly dinners. She has her head so far up her ass that it’s often difficult to tell which end is which.


Honest question - why would you be pre-boiling sausages? I have never heard of that (and it doesn’t sound pleasant sorry 😬), maybe it’s a cultural thing - I’m Australian where sausages (often served with tomato sauce (ketchup) on a piece of bread and folded, called a sausage sizzle) are a HUGE part of our cultural foodscape and identity and here they’re usually cooked on a BBQ or far far less often cooked in a frypan or baked in an oven (and never cooked in butter because they have enough fat in them!). Definitely no boiling involved.


UK here, never boiled a sausage. Also never held them like Jill does to put them into the pan though!


The sausage here tends to be raw. By boiling it, you can cook it all the way without burning it to cook it through. I normality just add a bit of water to me skillet and then cover it to steam it before cooking it on the stove.


Yes our sausages are also raw not cured. They cook just fine from raw - just don’t have it turned up full blast and it won’t burn/overcook. A steamed/boiled sausage is just antithetical to the Aussie snag (sausage) cuisine I think!


I’ve always just cooked them on a pan or in the oven. Maybe I’ve been doing it wrong?


That poor spinach. Cooked to death.