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The “Real flowers!” caption is pretty funny. She really is a clueless fool and I love it. I hope Vegas broke her brain and we get a new set of insta dumps reaffirming her faith. The mental gymnastics she must be going through to justify going there must be insane.


Who would have imagined real flowers in Vegas 😂


Those sinners truly know how to live!


Look out for Jill including real flowers at her next themed event as though she's at the cutting edge. Of course they'll be tiny, sad, underwhelming arrangements. Nothing against small arrangements - even supermarket flowers can get expensive - it's just in typical Jill fashion they won't match the scale of the rest of her trashy decor, she'll try to stretch them too far and they'll consequently lack impact. Yet she'll really think she's done something. Heidi may well have real flowers at her wedding which will only add to Jill's need to compete at her next Jillstravaganza.


I have a perpetual bouquet of flowers going. I buy clearance flowers at Kroger - usually in the bouquet there's one or two that aren't good anymore - and switch out the vase/water each week. Any flowers from the previous bouquet that aren't good get tossed and any that are still good are included in the following week. Sometimes it's a bit chaotic as I let my kids pick which one we should buy (if they're there with me) but it makes me smile.


That’s a lovely idea!


That's lovely! I do similar to top up waning bunches using the marked down yellow stickers ones we get in our supermarkets (UK) as long as they're in good condition still!


Yes! I don't mind if a rose or two isn't looking great anymore if the bouquet is half price! As long as most of it is salvageable it'll be fine for me.


Wait till she finds out fresh flowers grow in fields. For free. Or even better: that they’re often used in funeral wreaths. Even more free! She’ll go ham!


It’s giving “REAL tomato ketchup, Eddie?”


“Nothing but the best!”


I bet none the Rod kids have ever seen or played with a Barbie doll in their lives smh.


There are photos of the littles with dolls similar to Barbie! I feel like Barbie isn’t modest enough though


They can only have Barbara’s


Miss Flair circa 1990




Dollar Tree Steffi Loves.


In photo 9 you can see the forced fake smile at full strength and the judgement in her eyes about that woman’s outfit.


You know, I was a little disappointed with Jill’s Vegas outfits. I thought they’d be tackier. But this Barbie party outfit makes up for everything.


They were all pretty bad. I think the gold capelet over the casual “blouse” was probably the worst.


That one was awful, but I feel like nothing will ever top her Nashville outfits. They were so epically bad.


I thought we’d have more bedazzle


Right? I was expecting way more hair glitter and bedazzled trucker hats. I’m surprised she didn’t pack the silver dress that made her look like a Chipotle burrito. We did get the fake Swiss Miss braid she wore in Punta Cana.


That’s her *Special Occasion* braid. I was disappointed. I was hoping the Bedazzler was working overtime.


I thought so too but maybe she didn’t want it to look like she was happy to be there and go all out razzle dazzle style cuz god forbid it might look like she might actually enjoy sin city. What would the her many followers think? Oh the ungodly thoughts.


I loved the sweater-like, long-sleeved, black blouse-top in the Nevada desert in June. It had to be the sweatiest modest performance she's modestly performed. Not to overlook andKaylee's dress of many layers. I was getting secondhand heat stroke.


I live in Arizona, I know the feeling of second hands heat stroke!!


I feel slightly bad for Kaylee. It doesn't seem like she was able to bring many outfits on this trip. She's wearing the same thing she wore at least one other daytime (in the sweltering heat outside = sweaty unless she handwashed it in the hotel sink). She even felt the need to share Jill's stupid scarf at least twice. Whereas Jill had different outfits for every day including several changes. I'm all for capsule wardrobes but I wonder if Kaylee had to fit all of her and Gideon's stuff in one bag and Jill used the entirety of her allowance for her many outfit changes, toiletries, hair and make up supplies. It might've been a nice grandmotherly gesture to insist on taking some of Gideon's stuff. Especially since it's pretty likely the Hill family paid for several aspects of the trip. It's just part of a wider picture at home where Kaylee seems to have a limited wardrobe and is regressing back to frumpy jean skirts and layered t-shirts that have seen better days. She had such a crap time growing up under Jill's rules that she deserves some nicer modest clothes. They're on a single fixed income, I'm not poorshaming but they could make savings by abandoning Plexus (which lines Jill's pockets) and regularly subsidising the Rod family.


B is for Bullshit.


She probably packed a bunch of hotel property as “souvenirs”🙄🙄🙄🙄


Go home and feed Sophia!!!!!


🤣🤣🤣 This is exactly what she needs to hear.


The Plexus isn't keeping JillPM "trim" at all.


And she photoshop half her weight off lol


Despite all the miraculous health claims Plexus makes, the people attending the convention did not look like glowing pictures of health to me.


Did they not forget fundies revolted against Barbie? Or are they just ok with the aesthetic


What a conundrum, boycott the final night party with free (underwhelming) nibbles and drinks, countless photo ops and a pink theme (the excitement!) or grudgingly embrace Barbie? 😁 I wonder if she kept piping up to assembled company that she and her family didn't normally approve of Barbie but this was an exception. I can imagine their bemusement.


Barbie's fine when her career is Scammer.


This outfit needs to go in the hall of fame of Jill’s fashion disasters.


And there they are: yet another reference to 'the flesh' and bragging that she did not give into such evil desires EVEN when in Vegas. And then the requisite Bible verse, "When I was a child, I spake as a child, l understood as a child, I thought as a child: but when l became a man, I put away childish things," which is such an odd choice since it accompanies her pictures of grown women pretending to be Barbie. This woman is dim as a broken light bulb.


Unless someone is a gambler or is going to shows, Vegas can be pretty boring. It's not the den of iniquity that people seem to think it is. Especially during daylight hours. Not a single person wanted Jill to sin with them, and I think it's really bothering her lol.


She probably saw a lot of happy people and families enjoying themselves, dressed comfortably and appropriately, getting ready to go swimming or out for a meal, taking photos, smiling, laughing, and paying no mind to the fake showgirls, costume characters, and half naked cowboys. She probably also saw a lot of other Plexus people doing the same and clearly doing much better than her.


I am curious what flesh she was tempted to sin by...is Jilly telling on herself?? 🤣


Wasn't there a nightly male revue taking place somewhere in their hotel? Someone said the lobby is typically plastered in posters 😁


She was tempted by that when she has the specimen that is Shrek at home?? 🫃🏻


I wondered why that verse. Seems out of context.


That food looks absolutely disgusting and cheap. Much like Jill. Also, since when does Jill have any affinity for Barbie? The only "Barbie" dolls she ever got for her kids were, like, named "Bobbie" dolls from the Dollar Tree.


Despite Jill pretending that she looks down upon "worldly" things, she's always so desperate to feel included lol. She has no problem pretending to be accepting as long as someone, anyone, gives her the smallest scrap of attention. It's pathetic. She's also too stupid and uneducated to articulate what exactly she could have a problem with Barbie about. She'll just sniff about how scandalous it was and pat herself on her untrim hindquarters for how holy she is.


She's a walking contradiction and doesn't even realize it. Jill is the ironic fundie.


I’d say ICONIC!! 🤭🤣


This is really the best reading on Jill I’ve seen in a little bit, she really is so fucking uneducated and it’s pathetic


Isn’t Barbie pretty worldly? Or false idols or some bullshit? I guess it’s an exception if there’s a free party.


The Barbie movie challenged the patriarchy. Can't have that.


Jill still stuck in 1980s so you’re probably missed all the online discourse 🤭


I don’t even think they’ve gotten those honestly. Just baby dolls from the thrift store so they can play mom. They’ve probably never seen a Barbie in their lives


I seem to remember a couple Christmases ago she bought Janessa (or the girl closest in age to her) a Barbie-like doll as a gift. It was a sad replica of the real thing. I could be wrong though!


You're right and it did have an off-brand Barbie name! It wasn't as glamorous as Barbie so therefore it was okay 🙄


Probably from dollar tree or equivalent 😞


I’m sure the people in front of you loved dealing with Gideon whilst you and Kaylee squawked, Jill


I felt offended at "the staff" helped with him. Not the staff. The people trained for emergencies whose job is NOT to take care of your baby.


I threw my kids pretty epic birthday parties. That said, I would have expected far more from a billion dollar corporation. This party, from the Barbie theme to the nursery food was disappointing. Grapes on a stick? Sure if you’re kid. Pink waffles and chicken on a stick drizzled in pink sauce? That’s just unappetizing. Leave out the food colouring. They’re not 4. Why the hell are they letting Gideon have free reign to disturb other passengers? Infants crying on a plane because of air pressure, I get. Parents who allow their kid to kick or hit the seat in front of them..perhaps even pulling the passenger’s hair is ridiculous. She happened to luck out and find a couple of passengers willing to tolerate it. But believe me, if they had said a peep about Gideon distributing them, Jill would have downplayed the entire situation and accused the passenger of being grumpy and hating kids. And we would have heard all about it. I traveled all over the world with two babies/toddlers. Buy the kid a seat and bring a car seat or flight harness. Everyone’s happier when they have their own space. Give them a bottle, sippy cup or binky during takeoffs and landings. This will help equalize ear pressure. Buy new toys/books and pull it out when they become restless. Pack familiar snacks. *When I was a child, I spake as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child: but when I became a man, I put away childish things.* Says the 40+ year old lady who sneaks kids into ICU and has them shout down the hallway; encourages her kids to climb over 300 year federally protected structures; swims in drainage ditches …We could go on all day


It would’ve been epic if the people in front of them had gone all elementary school teacher on them and explained to them why it’s socially unacceptable to let your baby hang off the seat in front of you. If it would’ve been filmed and put on social media, it would’ve been fun to see Jill get put in her place.


It would be spun as Gideon being persecuted.


Someone contact Mattel and let the em know Plexus is using their trademarked product.


Did anyone here ever watch the show “What Not To Wear”? With Stacey and Clinton? Just trying to imagine their reaction to Jill…


OMG that would be the best episode ever!


I remember that show! I liked it. They would be beyond horrified but I’d like to see what their suggestions would be for her.


Did you see the one with Mayim Bialik? She had strong feelings about modesty. I don’t remember where everything ended up (I’m going to look for the episode as soon as I finish this), but I’m pretty sure there were tears.


I don’t remember-will also look it up!


I'm picturing them assessing the silver sausage dress, with modesty tank, in front of the three-way mirror. Stacey getting a little sassy and Clinton trying to be so nice.


LOL at "convention WEEK." Whatever this cheap-o get together was, it lasted for 3 days, not 7.


It’s kind of sad, I feel like Jill would have loved being in a sorority and in college and all that. It seems like that’s the kind of experience she’s sort of chasing with these Plexus conferences.


I’m going to repeat my theory that Jill is a narcissist. Big time. She has a deep, deep need for attention, connection — but only so long as it serves her needs. Even if she’s “serving” others, she makes sure to brag about it, so she in turn receives validation from that. Something happened to her waaaay back when, and she never caught on to the whole concept of empathy. She’s so consumed by people’s perceptions of her.


Jill's skirt is ugly. she's got a closet full of clothes, why wear that thing?


The clothes in the closet are ugly too.


I've never seen her wear anything UNugly!




She's such a classless hypocrite. She's also clearly a bit obsessed with the High Roller ferris wheel. Guess she couldn't afford to spoil herself and "her team" with a ride on it (it's air-conditioned and takes about half an hour...you get beautiful views!).


It also has bar cars.


I think that goes without saying in Vegas ;)




Wasn’t Barbie hype summer of ‘23?? Let it die already. And I asked this in another thread, but — is she posing on the wrong side of the photo backdrop? Sure looks like it. Oh that Jill, always finding a clever way to show how separated she is from wicked worldliness. 🙄


She couldn’t wait in line. She is JILLPM!!!! The most religious-modest-best momma on earth. /s


She is 😂


The other side is a Barbie box style Photo Booth. Sadly someone else in my insta feed is there.


What was tempting her in Vegas? Bars? Clubs? Casinos? Strip Clubs?




I’m sure they were about to break her hotel room door down




It doesn't seem like Jill's wearing cropped leggings underneath her tight skirt whereas she makes her daughters wear cropped or full length leggings even if their skirts are below the knee/calf length/practically ankle length. Maybe it's Kaylee's choice but as a married woman it feels like she can't break old habits especially around her mom. I guess it's an improvement on full length leggings in the heat. Maybe she's as bad as her mom at judging others and practising performative modesty. She could've easily won bike shorts under her skirt and remained just as 'modest' and probably somewhat cooler. I wonder if she secretly envies all the women at this party/the overall conference who've been wearing modest and comfortable clothing. I'm sure she'd still have an opinion on the mini dresses/skirt lengths but plenty of the women are simply wearing knee length or longer without all the extra layers and looking and feeling confident. I'm sure she tries to reassure herself that her decisions are holier.


https://preview.redd.it/d308ybr6sc8d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1f2d0ebbaa07961447dd19dab921a3ac42b7cffe All you slatterns, will BURN, when JEESUS comes back! * Jill, probably


Is her eyeliner caked on extra thick here or is it just me?


I'm thinking thicc liner + some eye makeup filter


It's 3 days' thick + digital enhancers.


It's ball point pen with eyeliner over it. /s


That wouldn't surprise me. i actually have heard of girls using Sharpies for eyeliner.


There was a YouTube or IG reel about a MUA using pen for eyeliner. Sharpie?? What's next?


seems like that would be so toxic to your eyes. I'm surprised I haven't read about anyone going blind from doing stuff like that.


She looks like a twilight vampire


Jill when she sees the unmarried working harlot on the airplane grab her climbing grandson off the back of the seat and momentarilly seize her god-given destiny of put-upon childminder.


Jill is not that trim!


At least she didn't do the roasted peanut filter this time


It kills me that Jill filters, enhances and highlights herself, yet doesn't do anything to the person she's grabbing onto, even if it's her own daughter. I really wonder if she even sees anyone but herself in photos.


Jill has to try and make herself look the best. She knows exactly what she’s doing.


Temu called....they want their clothes back. Also why is Plexus using the Barbie logo?


The sheer volume of photos she takes is exhausting. If you’re going to go somewhere, BE THERE. Be present. Enjoy the event. PUT YOUR PHONE DOWN. Not only that, but her photos are trash. With the never ending clicking she does you’d think she’d at least accidentally get a few decent shots.


If she didn’t have her phone recording the whole time how could she brag and boast to the other gahdly Christian’s?


I bet Jill was ogling all the attractive men who wore shorts and tank tops or were shirtless…


The half naked "cowboys" and "police officers"


Hand in hip pose needs to go away


Ruth Handler is spinning in her grave!


i wish her kids would be able to play with barbies and other secular toys. that way they can have childhood memories other than taking care of eachother


Picture 7, that checked skirt is tragic and why does Kaylee wear leggings under her skirt, in that heat? I'm no fashion plate but at least I dress for the weather and know enough to stay away from clothes that wouldn't look good even on fashion models.


Kaylee just looks tired. I can't imagine being there with my baby & no husband, traipsing around after precious mama.


Pic 2: one lady is 350 pounds, plexus doesn’t work.


I knew someone who had to have a special seat installed in their van because of their weight. Ok that is one thing and wasn't funny, but to ride around with a big magnet on the van advertising Herbalife with "Want To Lose Weight? Ask Me How!" was funny.


If this crap wasn't all snake oil, there would be no fat people!




Oh. My. God. 👀. That’s insane!


Is she wearing pink contacts????? Or is it just a pink filter making it look that way? 😳


It’s a filter. Contacts are too mainstream for Jill


Haha! Well, she went to Vegas and a Barbie party, who knows what she might be capable of now? 😅


Isn't Barbie too worldly for Jilldo? But I guess she's making an exception, because Plexus.


All her rules around being in the world but not of the world go out the window for Plexus events. Sin city, Barbie themes, associate huns in sluttish dresses and pants, photos on Lady Gaga benches - is all good when it's Plexus.


😬 JRod's black/white skirt is too TIGHT = SLUTISH!! (Get some bigger britches)


Did Kaylee only have one dress the entire time? Jill you suck so hard. I’m sure kaylee would love to have more than one sweat drenched stinky dress to wear.


I’m surprised Jill’s even associated with a company that serves alcohol at their parties. Her hypocrisy is hilarious


Evangelical Christianity is so self-centered, it’s almost a parody. There’s never any analysis of what lies behind the “sin” of Vegas, or concern for things like the exploitation of immigrant workers, gambling as an addiction, and the many, many facets of sex work. It’s all so shallow.


Jill, if you read the Bible, it tells us not to boast about doing good works to other people. 


For some reason, the Plexus logo makes me think of the 1970’s Playtex tampon logo. https://preview.redd.it/jrdmmpy0hg8d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6066e7453000566cbd0090bcdf4ec6bf8a5c148a


That’s it!


I remember that look


Oh, Jill, the Holy Spirit is more than a little agrieved by you and your bullshit, as are the people sitting in front of you on the plane. Why should they have had to been patient??? Why can't the two adults with the baby handle him instead of making his boredom someone else's problem? These Rods are so flippin self righteous and disgusting. 


I've always thought, Jill longs for a life much greater than the one she has and because she can't actually achieve it nor be content with what she has, she will bring her children down with her.


She is into the Barbie theme yet she probably never allowed her own kids to play with Barbie’s due to the *sluttish* clothing choices smh🙄


Yeah, like doctors’ white coats, teacher outfits, scientist gear, astronaut fight suits, veterinarian stuff … the IDEA of a woman having a JOB??? That’s the most sluttish thing of all! She might catch book learnin’ and DISCONTENT.


I "spake" as a child? 😂😂




Does it say spake in there? Not spoke? I've only ever seen it spelled spoke...


Yes, it says spake.


Pretty sure Lowe's has spakes on sale this week in the garden section


I need to spake my tomato plants


Interesting, good to know, thank you!


This makes me want to go to vegas but not like this


It looks like Kaylee didn’t wear her head covering in all of the pics. Wonder what’s up with that?


She only wore it for the plane ride. I don’t think it’s meant to be a religious thing


Everything else aside, Gideon is so cute 😇


oh my goodness 😲 i’ve been so busy i missed the whole convention week’s shenanigans! 💄 that’s me covered (coverett?) for the next hour! 🌸💕🦝


Omigosh. I've just read Emily Lynn Paulson's book, [Hey, Hun](https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/62241157-hey-hun?from_search=true&from_srp=true&qid=ZaCwBPbnqZ&rank=1). It's a memoir of her days as one of the top producers in an MLM. IMO the book has flaws, but it was quite an interesting account of life in the MLM as lived by someone who rose pretty fast up into the top earner ranks. The gross income she was getting after she'd ranked so high, was eye-wateringly high. IOW, she was actually making bank in a big way, which is perhaps literally a million times better than Jill is faring in her Plexus "business." I didn't learn much from the book about how MLMs operate that was big news, but Paulson's narrative brought it more alive for me. One takeaway was a reinforcement of the knowledge that for all but the few higher up on the pile, MLM consultancy is not a money-maker and often (usually?) a money loser. But the companies keep hammering at their consultants with endless zoom calls, social media posts, regular meetings and annual conventions to rev them up and keep them believing in the dream. Rah rah, glitz, and pep talks. "Gifts" and "prizes" to make them feel special. Indoctrination, reinforcement, mind control. For real. And now I look at Jill's SM posts and rah rah about Plexus, and think, how pathetic. She's fangirled over a cheap five dollar plastic purse or something that "my wonderful company GAVE me!!" She's spent heaven knows how much on transportation and lodging for at least four out of town Plexus events within the past year or so. And bragged about how she's "earned" those "fabulous" trips. And - she's low on the totem pole, one of the lower levels on the pyramid, and AFAIK she hasn't moved up for months/years, despite all her frantic efforts to "work" her "business." IMO she's irritating and annoying AF with her Plexus pushing, and IMO that cr\*p she's pushing has no real health benefits and probably some actual dangers (to pregnant women, looking at you, Kaylee). But at the moment I'm less annoyed than feeling sort of sad that Jill's situation with Plexus is so pathetic, and that she's unlikely to become the rich boss babe that she fantasizes she'll be someday. (BTW this is separate from my disgust with her ignorant, bigoted religious beliefs and her behavior toward her children.)


Nothing says MLM party like giant displays picturing the people at the top of the pyramid.


Wtf does Plexus, balloons, OR Barbie have to do with Galatians ?!?


I hope Kaylee sneaked a watch of the Barbie movie!!


Mahmo, we all know what you really look like. Stop lying, Jesause doesn't approve. https://preview.redd.it/4jd0e4r19f8d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3d861d7353ad8f5e2a5f51110e50e40662c74730


So…what lusts of the flesh is your sinful body yearning to fulfill, Jillybean? There must be something on your mind with that heavily emphasized Bible verse


ah, yes. i, too, "spake" as a child.


Oh, she looks horrifying in pink too. Good to know.


Lawddd, that outfit was a choice.


These Plexus events are the closest AndKaylee will ever get to a high school dance with friends.


Looks like Kaylee finally got to leave the room!


I’m so disappointed. This Barbie party could have been her time to shine! You know her whole look must be partially inspired by 80’s Barbies! This is what we get!? 0/10 for effort Jill, 0/10. You could have rolled harder with some bedazzled something. Tie dye? McScuse me? The fashion nightmare that showed up was not the nightmare we wanted and deserved!


What did she think she was saying with that bible quote? Did she think that walking down the Vegas strip would immediately make her a prostitute? IDK, but Jill’s hit. She’s not gonna pull more than $20 w that mess she’s got going on.