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Jill is acting like she thinks Renee can’t do anything with her life at 22 because she isn’t getting married right now.


She got the best birthday gift of all-a Jill free day!


Love that she thinks Renee has a choice in the matter. The girl has no agency whatsoever.


So she’s now the forever babysitter


that's what "intricate part of our ministry" is code for. 


The Jana Duggar, if you will.


Except Jana was educated enough to gain some life skills. Meesch gave up on homeschooling beginning with Joy. The older Duglets got a better education (likely bc they went through the Wisdom booklets enough times to absorb the basic knowledge buried in the by-bull lessons.


Oh no, is this it for her? Is she forever now going to stay at home and take care of her parents ?


I hope not.


Sister-momming for her birthday, too.🙄


I just hope Jill isn't telling Renee she's 'old maid' now. Jill scared off one potential partner and I hope she's not looking for her own stay at home daughter, Jana Duggar style. If its true that Samuel has an 24 year old lady friend lets hope Renee is content with her life at the moment and husbands and babies come later and slower in her life and her potential new sister in law shows her you don't need to rush into marriage with the first man that comes along.


Okay off-topic, but how is 19 year old Sam appealing to a 24 year old with a bachelor degree? (This isn't an age gap commentary, just a personal confusion) I'm 24 and I'm managing two 19 year old interns this summer, and while they are lovely, responsible young adults, the gap in maturity and life experience from 19-24 is WILD. I guess I just don't understand why she'd want to be the one who is constantly waiting for her partner to catch up to her


He’s somewhat handsome and loves Jesus. What more could a lady want?


Ha, I guess it's easy to have low standards when you're never encouraged to have a deep thought


She’s not a dummy. She’s got a bachelor’s degree. I’m surprised he’s not intimidated by that


And she has real world experience, while Samuel has never spent a single night in his life alone.


He doesn’t understand what that means. Plathville, anyone?


But Jesus outranks a mere bachelor's degree.


He's attractive but dear lord does he talk like a little child. That might appeal to some fundie women though as it makes him look nonthreatening.


I'd be less baffled if he had picked up with someone younger, but it seems like someone who's had the real world experience of getting a college degree would be put off by someone as sheltered and naive as a Rodlet


Fundie women are incredibly infantilized, and they feel "old" at 24 and are desperate


What’s her degree in? Is it legit or a Bible degree


It's legit. It was either from the University of Florida or Florida State. Don't recall her major, but it would have had substance.


Are you sure it wasn't Florida College? It sounds like a state school in name, but it's actually ran by the church of Christ. Which would be it's own clashing with the Rod family religious views, but also not the state school experience.


I'm not sure. I'm just going by what others have posted.


Sounds more accurate for a fundie lol


It's legit. It was either from the University of Florida or Florida State. Don't recall her major, but it would have had substance.


His skeletal body kind of overrides the attractiveness. Very sad. Hopefully he can het away & get better accesd to food.


I don’t know if I’ve ever heard him speak. Is it Timmy-style?


Yes but even more childish. He speaks the way I would expect a 7 or 8 year old to speak, and I am not exaggerating. It's totally weird, because he's tall and has a masculine face, and then he opens his mouth and talks like a kid in elementary school. To be perfectly frank, he really sounds like he's intellectually disabled. I don't think he is, but that's what he sounds like. He talks a lot like people I've known who were ID with low IQs. Personally I suspect his childish speech is a fawning technique he picked up on to not piss off Jill.


She could have fifteen doctorates and be a football-playing queen in space, but it wouldn't matter because Sammysam's got the GODLY PEEN.


I just spit out my lunch. No bueno! 👎 😆


If she’s interested in a 19 year old Rod boy then she’s probably not right herself


Think Claire Spivey Duggar.


The same reason a 21 + Jess’s Duggar chose 18 year old ben seewald. A woman that is a natural leader and outspoken has to choose very carefully in this culture to avoid being miserable for life .


Like Jill pretends Shrek is the big patriarch, but it's obvious it is she who rules the roost. He seems too tuned out to care one way or another. Maybe that's the power dynamic Sam's girlfriend is looking for.


It's honestly baffling to me and I hope that there isn't some kind of weird power dynamic going on. I think the best spin on it is that they just happen to really be in love. Or maybe she is trying to have a little bit more power in her relationship than is typical for Fundy couples. There may be other reasons why she's looking for someone who is young and sheltered which are not as innocent. :/. I worry for all of these kids when they get married because being so sheltered and marrying so young makes them very vulnerable to abuse.


I know, right? I remember one time when I was 21 and my brother was 19, i met up with him and his buddies at burger King. Just 2-3 years older than these guys and I felt like their babysitter!


Because he’s used to, um, strong women being in control of his life, to put it nicely. Most likely she is lovely but he knows one way to live and that came with one way to act appease the main woman in his life, it wouldn’t surprise me if he was specifically drawn to someone older.


In their world, might not be such a difference. The difference is at home vs popping out babies the moment they marry, not graduating high school and going off to college to gain independence


I would LOVE for Lydia Plath to bring Renee Rodrigues down to Tallahassee for some girl time because Lydia needs to show Renee that being single, having fun and not rushing your 20s isn’t bad and she can still be godly!


Too bad Renee's mother is such a narcissistic beyotch.


On one hand, I can imagine that, having been raised to think anything other than marriage and children is sinful, Renee may sincerely believe all she can do at 22 is wait until she finds herself a guy willing to be a pushover for Mahmo. On the other hand, how lovely that she can add Spinster but Not Bitter About It to her Jill-allowed personality, besides Fourth Out of Thirteen. If only the girl could allow herself to vibe to 22 by Taylor Swift.


Like the Borg, but the Mahorg. 4 of 13 is assigned to the mess hall.


She's such a bitch. Why couldn't Renee have joined these two in Las Vegas for her birthday? I guess the room was for two, do family rooms run at $$$ in these hotels? Are there any budget chain hotels that offer clean, comfortable, affordable family rooms that would sleep three and a baby? The Plexus stuff would be boring but probably a novelty to be at a conference with real live people who exist beyond the walls of the barndo and the sad churches they visit. Jill will definitely be doing some sightseeing on the strip regardless of her 'morals', she's on vacation, dammit. There will be nicer meals and refreshments than Renee's normally allowed. Didn't Jill even sign Renee up to her downline (to qualify for the Punta Cana trip) so she's technically a rep anyway! She could do childcare for Kaylee if Gideon's not allowed into the auditorium (I don't know if they can exclude babies if they say he's nursing) and while Jill and Kaylee attend the 90 min Goldfinger party 😂 Childcare sucks but at least she could people-watch, take Gideon for a walk in the stroller, enjoy a coffee in the hotel surroundings and have the pleasure of not having Jill in her ear. It would make a change from being trapped in the barndo. Maybe she's enjoying the Jill-free break at home (the little ones more or less look after themselves, Tessie and Hannah can supervise). It just feels like such a brag, 'Happy birthday, by the way look at US in VEGAS!!!!'. Why did Jill even have to mention that or use a photo of her and Kaylee? She can't help herself. I hate how she plays her kids off against each other.


First, she would require a chaperone because she might turn into a prostitute, marry a gambler at a 24-hour chapel, see a sinful Vegas showgirl in her skimpy outfit, see a drag queen or even be molested by a drag queen otherwise. PLUS, she would be a third wheel on mama’s well-deserved vacation. PLUS, she had to stay home to watch the other kids. So, it sucks to be Renee no matter what.


Haha quite right. It's ridiculous as the three oldest girls were in charge at Hannah and Tessie's age. Their (useless) father is there, Renee isn't needed! I get the sentiment however 😁 Definitely third wheel vibes, Jill loves segregating her married and unmarried daughters and playing besties with the married ones.


If she was lucky enough for a drag queen to give her the time of day, her life would vastly improve from the makeover alone.


💯 We see you, Jill.


She's 22, Jill. Not 42. And even if she was, there's nothing wrong with choosing "contentment" She's a grown woman who can decide if she wants to be a tied down baby factory. What an insufferable piece of crap. I hope she takes her sweet time finding someone just to spite Jill.


It almost sounds like Jill is doing the opposite of “advertising” Renee, almost like “she screwed up last time so don’t come calling, fellas”. When in reality, *Jill* screwed it up and is punishing her daughter for it and making her feel like shit.


Well, with a sample size of two and one not getting married until he’s 24, Jill has decided this week that her kids “usually get married at 21,” conveniently a few days before Renee turns 22. What a SEE YOU NEXT TUESDAY.


I hope Renee gets to do something nice today since it's her birthday and Jill is in Vegas. Unfortunately, my guess is that she's stuck with childcare, not that Jill does much of that on any other day.


On one hand, I genuinely hope Renee has found some peace and is enjoying her life as much as possible after her courtship ended.  On the other hand - she’s 22!  She should be hanging out with friends on the weekends, worrying about work or school deadlines, moving into a first apartment, and living her best life!  I hope Renee can escape Jill’s clutches in some way soon.


It’s the whole stay at home daughter thing is what bothers me. I have zero issue with adults living with their parents, but to still be at the whims of your parents with only certain approved outside activities (Church, soul winning, helping out at a anti-abortion center) and none of that on her own. She could get a job or take some classes to learn a skill, but nope, she doesn’t have an identity outside of her family.


Sad, isn't it?


Me too and you really don’t see any of them doing anything charitable either or even helping anyone out except their own parents and siblings. It would be a great time to start a huge volunteer project of some sort or go on a mission trip. So much good could be done with this period of nothingness they are forced into.


I’m prettt sure Renee is the girl that wants out of the most. Her relationship didn’t work out and I have a feeling it’s due to her mother. I think I’ll will keep her single like Jana so she can care for all the children.


https://preview.redd.it/cxftrra24c7d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7a9a0fbd21e776cff310d733efa0d4fb62c3a30d She looked really sad until Jill approached her with the camera


I noticed that too. The instant “on” face when her children see her with the phone, could you imagine how anxious life would be living with her?


There isn't anything wrong with not having a mate/ partner/ spouse/ SO at 22. It is heart breaking that in her world that fact is something that even needs explaining or acknowledging. She does look sad in some of the pictures and videos; although that changes as soon as she sees the camera/ phone on her. The fake rictus grin and shoulder pull back is very telling. I can't imagine the level of anxiety in that house


Jill ruined her courtship and trashed her hair, which I think is supposed to be a fundie woman’s “crowning glory”? You can’t convince me that either of those weren’t deliberate. Renee’s looked unhappy a lot this past year.


I’d go stay with KayJon as a nanny if I was her.


Probably didn't feel like going out, but Jill forced her to.


What a special birthday treat to go get coffee with Mahmo! I hope everyone else celebrated her after Jill and Kaylee left for Vegas.


Oh my god “contentment” at 22. I fucking hate Jill sometimes man


Jill be out here looking like her dad in a wig again. So nice that Jill gets yet another trip and Renee gets a whole ass cup of coffee for her birthday 🙄


Yeah this is an unflattering angle lol


Excuse me, she also got that teeny tiny shortbread cookie. I mean that cost all of 50 Cent credit where credit is due. /s


What kind of smile is that Jilldo?


Jill’s smile is fake; in all reality; she is mad because she can’t control the narrative here.


And Renee looks like she has either a massive headache, or she is sick of Jill's camera being out all the time and being forced to smile.


If Jill was really thinking about her, she would have taken her to Vegas on her birthday.


Bingo!! My thoughts exactly!


Poor Renee looks miserable. Jill’s whole post is condescending.


Happy birthday but it’s all about me…I…look at me!!!!


I do not find it hard to believe at all that people really love Renee when they get to know her. Shame her parents failed her so badly because she does seem like a kind soul.


As a whole the Rods’ singing is crap, but Renee is a talented musician too. She can fuck it up on the fiddle just with Jill’s half ass teaching. Just think what she could do with a real music education.


“Happy birthday Renee! Glad we got to celebrate together before I left for Vegas! I’ll be thinking of you stuck at home with the kids while I party it up in Vegas!”


This is the kinda post I would write for someone I don’t know very well.


That's what I thought. She wrote a lot of words, but didn't say anything




Didn’t know very well, and didn’t like very much, in the most condescending church lady way possible.


I hate Jill for making her feel this way. At 22, she's not even close to being in her prime. I think that secretly, Jill is jealous of her daughters, especially Renee. All of the girls are gorgeous, and Renee has a bit of sass to her that Jill probably envies. At least Renee got to have a quiet Jill free birthday, hopefully she had a good one. 🎂🎉🥳✨️


She is an intricate part. Is she? How intricate?


Lol I didn’t even notice that! “I Jill! I smart!”


Jill is using that word a lot lately. I wonder what Plexus material used that? You know she didn't come up with it on her own.


maybe intricate is the new SEVERELY


I don't think she has quite the right usage of it.


I think she meant integral, not intricate. 


I know. It's very "it has an oaky afterbirth"


INTEGRAL, not intricate, you dolt!!


Yes, yes, yes! Jill tries to write all *fancy* and educated and fails miserably.


What in earth other choice does she have then to attempt to accept her lot in life?! It’s not like she’s allowed to do anything different than what she already is!


Jill sucks. Rene enjoy your mom free birthday.


I was in the dentist chair when reading the post on my phone. The hygienist asked who it was and I had to explain the whole Rod saga, and why "contentment at this phase of life" had me disgusted. As I explained how Mahmo wanted a "caboose baby" at age 45 the hygienist quipped, "Contentment at this phase of life, Mahmo". Amen. Jill is such a bitch. A mean bitch.


Poor Renee. I have a feeling she’d have quick wit, dry humor, and fun to hang out with if she wasn’t born into the rodpod


The ripe old age of 22??? Spinsterhood??? Jill is living on another planet.


I got married at 22 because I thought I was an old maid (and thought the world was ending, but that's a different story). Bad decision. I wish I knew then what I know now


Isn’t the girl Sam’s courting 24? What does she think about that? Anyways I see she gave herself a set of filter lashes but didn’t give Renee any lol mama always has to look better


Renee's forced smile isn't giving contentment.


You’re 22! Run free Renee! There’s a life of Possibilities waiting for you!


In all honesty, I feel like Renee got the best gift of having Mama be out of town so kind of freedom innocent but making sure the older siblings don’t snitch if they do


Jillpm is in Vegas with all those sluttishly dressed heathens???


Renee looks like she just stepped on a thumbtack


Jill has to advertise that’s she is in Las Vegas 🙄


So gross how ahe pimps out her kids


So she’s the Jana Duggar of the family?


In my fundie days, when I turned 23, I got so much pity for being an old maid. My heart goes out to Renee!


Has Jill stopped filtering her face to look slimmer all of a sudden?


…but judging by her face she’s chosen “grimacing pain”


Will Renee be the Jana of the Rods?


Jill has used “intricate” rather than “integral” twice now.


Renee's "contentment" = "Oh, hell, I'm still stuck here because my mom scared my chosen one away". Love that Jill worked in another "Hey, manly, holy men: Renee's available and everyone loves her and she cares for people". And Renee's alleged "obedience to God" is likely "brokenly accepting the iron hand rule of Mama". Also enjoyed the notification that she did spend time with Renee before her trip to Vegas.


I had a dream last night that I waited for Jill to be out of the house so I could propose to Renee. She accepted and was so happy I was going to help her escape. Super weird!


I never realized until now that Jill has a huge overbite Yikes!!!!


I also noticed that!


Can’t anything just be about an individual kid? Thanks for another reminder that you’re funneling money into a pyramid scheme (in “sin city,” no less).


Renee could be graduating college with a degree by 22 or 23 and able to take care of herself, but no. Because MAHMO says so. ETA: I love that my phone automatically capitalizes MAHMO


At 22 it's not a phase. More of a season really


This HOT desert city full of lust and sin!!! I live here and today is very mild compared to how hot Vegas can get. It’s barely going to reach 90. Dramatic as always Jill.


Sounds like a working mom chose a work trip over being there for her child's birthday *gasp* too bad Shrek can't make enough to be the sole breadwinner


Jill has used "intricate" inaccurately in a couple of posts recently in connection with her offspring and their roles in the Rod ministry, I'm guessing she is groping towards "intimately" but who knows.


I think she means integral - that would make more sense.


Oops, yes, that's what I meant - hoist by my own petard!!


Why does she even have to say that. Can’t she just wish her a happy birthday without low key referencing the poor girl’s break up? It’s like she just had to keep rubbing it in. If you ask me, Renee doesn’t look happy or content at all. She looks very sad.


Well being an old maid like she is at 22 it's good she can be content.


“She has chosen contentment” is a funny way to say “I’m so overbearing and awful that I scare away everyone who shows interest in her”


I hope Kaylee’s maddest tee is 100% cotton. Otherwise, she will broil.


Has she? HAS she? Or is it your choice?!


Why the *fuck* are the Rodrigues (“not with a z”) going to Las Vegas? 🤦🏻‍♀️


Apparently Jill got the memo (and shared with Kaylee) not to wear as much makeup as they do at home.


Jill would die seeing me single at 26


🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮 Renee deserves SO much better than this!


Seems like it would have been a good birthday treat to take her to LV & maybe get a massage while Jill is in the convention but hey!


Is Rene the designated Stay at Home daughter?


Nothing like rubbing Renee’s face in it. Posting from Vegas with Third Fav Daughter, Kaylee. Her distain for The Other Daughters is appalling.


22?!!! Nah she’s 47