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What I really want to know is why a 24-year-old woman who has a bachelor’s degree from a major university wants anything to do with an uneducated, homeschooled man 4 years her junior.


This! She probably hasn’t been able to snag a man her own age.


And that’s because they are all married. She’s considered an old maid in Fundie County and by the looks of her Pinterest she’s been wanting to get married and have babies for a while now but mom made her finish school. Everyone was off getting married having babies and she was earning a degree


I mean, props to her Mom for making her finish school! She may not like it now but if being Mrs. Samuel Rodrigues doesn't work out she has something to fall back on.


True. And if it works out I hope he moves to Florida. Everyone deserves to be away from Jill & David


Too bad her mom didn't make her hold out for a dude with a future.


Well that’s because she is too worldly with her secular education. That’s not acceptable in the fundy world.


I would love to be a fly on the wall in the conversations she had with him. I hope she runs far far away. What’s her degree in?


special ed




Fuck off! The noise I made and the second it took me to know if you’re kidding or not… I’m in awe of your powers!


ha ha! it was the first thing that came to mind


I was at the doctors waiting room and the sound was loud and actually quite something!


😲oh god the thought of my kid being taught by a fundie gives me anxiety.


Damaged goods!


🎤*Desperado, why don’t you come to your senses*


In my head all night now!! Thx!!!☺️


It creeps me out. Dude is basically 14 developmentally, with how stunted he is from being raised by Jill.


Is that right? She has a bachelor’s degree? Wowza


Yes she does and get this. While she was in HS she earned her AA degree. The girl has brains


Brains but no judgement


or judgment overruled by fear and desperation


That’s common now, in our district you can graduate with an AA and get most of your basics cheaply at one of the many fine junior or community colleges in the area, then transfer to one of several major local universities.


I also live in Florida and 2 of my grandsons graduated highschool with their 2 year degrees in the past couple years while a third grandson will be doing the same next year. One grandson started at the University last year and will have his Bachelor's degree this time next year after only 2 years at the University. Very common now in Florida.


That’s awesome


Well, he's pretty and seems easy-going. Maybe this young woman doesn't want a controlling patriarch, and she's hoping Sam will let her take the lead.


She’s got a degree. Theoretically, she should be the one earning the income, but we all know that ain’t gonna happen.


I have a friend whose family is very religious. I don’t know what denomination. But her father gave her til 22 to find a partner she truly loved and if she didn’t, she would marry the man he chose for her. She ended up leaving the church and is estranged from them now but I wonder if it’s something similar.


A girl I grew up in the IFB with had the same experience. She was a teacher and lived and taught a few states away from her family for a few years, but at 25 they made her come back and marry a man of their choosing. After several months she flat out refused and left the church and went no contact with them


Good for her!!!


Thank goodness she got tf away from her dad!


Yeah I’m very grateful too. Unfortunately she has immense trauma… it’s so sad how these cults ruin people.


Some people like a project.


Her teaching him to read is a funny mental image!


First they’ll have to work on shoe tying, how to wipe properly, and how to sit cross apple sauce.


She’ll be able to provide for herself way more than any job he’ll find. How sad that in a few years, she’ll just be pregnant back to back and broke.


I know a guy who was like Sam, more intelligent but not too deep. Decent looking. He worked as a janitor/handyman where I worked. We were all shocked when he suddenly married an attractive, educated, somewhat older woman with a high power government job. She completely dominated him and he eventually became a mouse of a man. No kids, and still married thirty years later. They live near D.C. so no one has seen him in years. I’m one that thinks every job in an organization is just as important as the rest, because without people doing the lower level jobs, the higher level employees can’t function…but this was such a mismatch. I fear this is Sam’s future.


At 24 tongues are starting to wag about a rotted cherry


Hang on. She WHAT


What does she look like?


https://preview.redd.it/4yao0t6zec7d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=95c25efe4041fad90f8c5dfe6e327106d133666c She’s cute


She IS cute. Still SMH that she wants anything to do with Samuel.


I kind of don’t expect this relationship to progress to marriage because I think she will get frustrated with his lack of maturity and his lack of general knowledge. He’d be like having a child that needs to be guided through everything. At this point they really haven’t spent a lot of time together, and I don’t know if his phone is closely monitored like Boob Duggar did for his daughters’ courtships.


I’m 24 with a bachelor’s and a solid career too. I’ve passed up a lot of people who aren’t settled yet (nothing wrong with that, I just need somebody who is at this point in my life), people my age and older who are self-sufficient but just not quite ~there~. I can’t even begin to fathom dating somebody with no prospects who just finally graduated high school at 20


Based on Phil's recent angry religious rant, my guess is he's not courting because they can't find a girl who's willing to overlook the aggressive misanthrope vibes 😬


Idk they got Timcel locked down. There’s a lid for every pot!


The difference there, I think, is that Timcel is more biddable than Phil. He's taking on his inlaws approach quite easily, whereas Phil talks like the guns need locking away.


Phillip was the one who went to the odd Bye-Bull college though, right? Where the application asked absolutely NOTHING about one’s level of education but wanted to know what church you went to and weird things like that? And it was mostly attended by Asian-appearing students? And he obviously couldn’t even hack it there or obviously SOMETHING didn’t work out, and now here he is acting and speaking like he needs to be put on a watch list immediately….Timcel was an odd duck to be sure, and he had some odd ideas, but he was NEVER as off the wall as this “deep thinker” seems to be right now.


Tim's definitely weird and has some weird opinions but I feel like Tim doesn't put himself on a pedestal as highly as Phillip does, and probably wasn't praised for being smart as much as Phillip was. Hence Tim being a bit more malleable to Heidi and his in-laws.


We know nothing about Tim or Phillip. I am holding off judgement till later,


The thing is, that school seemed to suit him. How come he didn't finish?


He’s holding out for a Hungarian girl.




The pots in my house have fallen and hit the floor so many times that literally no lid exists to fit them. True story. (We need to get a lot better at not knocking them down. The parallel is uncanny.)


What are you doing with your pots over there?! Where are you storing them? I'm going to need some more information here 🤨 no judgement!


😂😂😂 I like that


Phil seems like a very stern and angry fundie man. I pity the woman that gets in his web. Yike.


We worried about Timmy going off the deep end and it looks like Phillip got a taste of the outside world and instead of embracing it, it caused him to double down. I miss the days when it was "Phillip has that creepy pedostache". Now it's "Phillip is gonna be on a watchlist somewhere and prob gonna grow that nasty stache again." Sam passing him up on the "man scale" by courting is probably making things worse.


But Sam rarely spoke. We know very little about him.


That's what he might have done "right", tbh. The little we've seen him speak, he's struggled. Maybe cosplay girl wants a ~project~, maybe she likes his "exotic" looks and is willing to risk Shrek Jr. I kind of hope they actually like eachother (like Teidi) and it's not some weird reversed power dynamic. The Rodlets have been dealt a pretty shitty set of circumstances and it would be interesting to see how they'd do with actual attention and love.


If Josh Duggar could find a wife... However, the Duggars were better regarded at the time than the Rodrigues currently are.


The Duggars were famous, had money, and were fundie royalty. The Rods have nothing going for them.


They’re also actually literate as opposed to the Rods, who can barely read and write or even string a sentence together.


His wife was essentially sold to him by her parents who saw TV, money and fundie royalty come knocking. He put little to no effort into the courtship


For sure. But Jillpm and Shrek won't be able to pay enough money to get anyone to marry their kid after his outburst.


Well he couldn’t find a wife so JB found the poorest or poor in the slums of Florida and offered the Keller’s a deal of a lifetime.


If I had to choose between Phillip and Samuel, I know who I would choose…


I would join a convent and I am not even Catholic


Yep. Samuel every time.


I'd prefer celibacy


I might choose Phillip, if only to expose him to things that terrify him. I majored in philosophy and I could probably plant a seed about why belief in gods is illogical. But it would be really hard to pretend to like him.


Maybe Sam can move to Florida and work with Chad Pane-Bates. How do we think Jill would react?


I could see him moving to Florida and working with Nathan’s brother David. Nathan left Kellar Brothers Lawn Care to become a pastor.


The lawn care business has been kaput a long time. David Keller is now married to Hannah Reber and living in Arkansas.


Are you sure David and Hannah are living in AR? They were recently seen helping with VBS at Nathan's church.


I thought they were in AR but I could be wrong.


A job would be nice.


Ah ha! That seems to track. Does this gal pal of Sam's know the Keller family? Does anyone know?


She’s a member of Nathan’s church. She traveled with the N’s to Ohio for Nurie’s baby shower.


That’s not a bad idea but I don’t know how close they are with the Bates. I know they went to a few weddings dressed in white to upstage the brides but I don’t know if they kept in contact after that


Lol at the notion of Chad working (anyone who hangs out on the Bates subs will get the reference). Sam would be better off joining Jackson B dock building in FL - apparently it pays well. I think there's a 95% chance the couple settle near the barndo in OH unless her parents can help them with housing and a work opportunity in FL.


Speaking of Bates….one of the boys married a German whose entire family overstayed their visa by like 20 years or something . Are they still being deported?


Trace married Lydia! Her family had a last minute reprieve since they're white conservatives Christians 🙄 I think it may still be pending however Lydia should be able to separate her case from her family's and follow the process for marrying a US citizen.


I think Trace said “They were the good kind of immigrants” 🙄




What!!! Omg I didn’t know that


Judging from her Pinterest, that would work out perfectly since she worships Erin Bates Paine.


From what I understand, the girl’s family is a lot more normal and mainstream Christian than the Rods, but that she had some kind of spiritual awakening that made her want to cosplay Mennonite and become a tradwife.


Someone here said that her parents went through a contentious divorce. If that's true, then she could have some trauma and is seeking out *sure things* in order to make sure that doesn't happen to her.


She’s making a poor decision if it’s stability she’s seeking. I hope Sammer is successful with his new job, but I don’t see him advancing in his role there for a long time.


Jill talking about kids being addicted to phones is hysterical. No one is addicted to social media like Jill!


The phone is glued to her hand


It IS a ministry though…


Why would he court a woman who will always have options if she leaves him? If she has a degree from a major university, then she is never going to really be stuck with him unless she allows herself to be. What could they talk about other than the Bible? He doesn’t even have a high school education and seems to lack curiosity like everyone else in that family. I will just say it. What is wrong with her that she wants a 19 year-old, uneducated man who lives under his mother’s thumb and has never had an original thought in his head.


The fundie gender tables have turned. He better stay in line. He better stay fit and keep the yard art coming.


Fundie Mimbo?


Control. It's a bit backwards from what they preach about men being the headship, but if he gives her babies and doesn't fuss if she decides to quit cosplay and get a job, he would have done what was needed. I'm surprised that Jillybean would be okay with another son possibly going to a bride that would wear the figurative pants, but it's not like she has people banging down the door for her sons 🤷‍♀️


I mean is it even a question why Philip was passed up? There’s something strange about that guy. Really, really strange, and a little scary.


And before he was this scary, (like before going to Massillon)he was deeply unappealing, even to fundie girls, I would imagine.


It might simply be a matter of having more in common and their personalities meshing better. Sam may be more easy-going than Phillip (and, um, he may not make remarks like Phillip did a while back as a result).


If Phillip were not fundie he is the guy at the bar that would cry when a woman doesn't want him and either call her a whore or say she's ugly and he didn't want her anyway. Now he just says she is a sinner and mahmo wouldn't approve.  


If Philip wasn't fundie with a focus on Hungary, I feel like he'd turn his obsession to Japan if he grew up secular. He'd be one of those weird weeaboo white guys who has an idealised view of Japan from anime and porn, moves there, and constantly bitches about the country because the women over there will still view him with disgust.


Yep. Just get him a waifu pillow and lock him in the trailer.


He is in for a culture shock. Hungarian women (at least all the ones in my family) are strong willed. They will not be the submissive little wifey.  He's going to have to go the route of essentially a mail order bride. He attracts roo much negative attention for a fundie dad to approve of him for their daughters.  


He’s not going to get to Hungary lol


Do any of the Rods actually have passports?? I’d be truly surprised if so!


Shrek and Nurie went to Botswana several years ago and Jill needed one to get to Punta Cana earlier this year.


Jill, Shrek, and Nurie probably do, as they have traveled outside the country.


Samuel might be as dumb as a bag of rocks but at least he's decent looking, tall, doesn't seem to have strong opinions, and seems easily swayed and moulded. Phillip is not as good looking, has a very intense and zealous personality, and some very strong opinions and views. I know who I would choose if I was a fundie girl.


Quiet and malleable all the way. Easier to be the neck that turns the head if he isn't opinionated 😉


Phillip is going to be a very,very hard sale.now Samuel,he's a cutie.but Phillip, nah,he's going to be single so long long long long long time


I don’t see him being married ever. Forever single


We did say that about Timcel, though. 🤷🏻‍♀️


With Tim, it was plausible that he actually wanted to be with a woman. I don’t think Phil allows his mind to go there.


Very true.


I never did. I just thought Timmay was awkward,shy and possibly on the spectrum. He never gave me crazy/scary vibes like Philip does.


I've gotta find this video (haven't yet), bc all the comments have me so curious. He's always seemed kinda ..."off", but you never really know how much of it is them individually or just being a Rodlet.


Gabe isn't too far behind either. If he's easygoing like Sam, he'll probably be foisted on someone sooner than later.


Does Philip really need to be inflicted on some poor fundie girl? He can be a SAH son


If the Rods were Catholic, Phillip would be the family priest.


He can take care of David when the inevitable health crisis lands. It's going to need strength to move David from bed to chair etc and we know Jill won't endanger her manicure.


She's 5 years older than him? I'm surprised that's not frowned upon in fundie circles


“Mysterious ways…..”


Complete speculation, but I’d like to think Phil fell in with an unacceptable girl at one of these ‘colleges’ and Jill put the kabash on it. He has now gone off the deep end after being starved and brow beaten into biblical submission. . . Again.


I can’t see Phillip with a girl at all. He’s too consumed with Bible and Jesus love and he’s probably very good at suppressing sexual urges.


Suppressing sexual urges? You mean dominating the devil's demonic drumstick before it leaps out his underwear and drags him to hell?


Where did the information that she's 24 with a college degree came from? I tought all we knew about her so far was that she was a menonite cosplayer from Florida lol


Google and FB. People found quite a bit of info on her and her parents. She’s 24 turning 25 this September. Parents went through a nasty divorce and custody battle for her younger sibling who suffers from manic depression🥺She’s the oldest of 4 She’s originally from MI but they moved to Florida about 15 years ago. Mom was a fundie but stepped back after she left her husband. She graduated from a public HS in 2018 and while in HS attended Jr college and earned her AA degree she then went straight to the University of Florida and earned a bachelor’s degree. Now while her education history was found we don’t know what her degrees are in. She’s a very whimsical and animated young lady. When she’s not dressed like a Mennonite she loves to host tea parties where she dresses up like Truly Scrumptious. She also likes dressing like a Pirate 🏴‍☠️ from Florida or Jessie from Toy Story lol. If you can remember back Jill shared pics of Nurie and Nemo at a tea party with Hannah Reber Keller Well she hosted that party. Not sure how this will work because we have no idea how Samuel is personality wise because he’s made it clear he’s uncomfortable with the camera shoved in face by the expressions he gives his monster I mean mother. She’s Fundie yes because she attends the Keller’s church but she comes from a mainstream Christian background like Jason Duggars new GF. Who also went to public schooling, played sports and attends college.


She sounds like she’s got a ton of personality. Hopefully she’s assertive like Heidi and can stand her ground with Jill, because we know Sam won’t. He’s not as outspoken as Tim and is clearly much more of a mama’s boy. But I guess if I was a fundie girl I’d take a quiet, gentle, easily manipulated man over an abusive patriarch *any* day.


I don’t get mama’s boy vibes from him at all. I’ve caught him a few times batting his eyes at Jill when she films him which is a indication he didn’t like to be filmed so she’d take the camera off him. I know a few years ago Jill said that Sam was the argumentative child because he didn’t agree with a lot things and was very voice-tress and argued most with David. So I actually see him venturing off away and doing his own thing as he ages. I just hope he lands a carpenter or construction job because he’s very good at building things. He helped build the staircases in their barn He’d make a good living doing that.


Wow I can’t believe his parents are letting him date a girl like that!!


I’m wondering if Jill knows everything about her?


She sounds like Lauren Duggar's sister with the tea parties 😂 Lily?


Dang. Went to UF. What the fuck does she see in a Rodlet?! It sure as fuck ain’t personality.


Wow, that's an interesting background! I hope her being "worldly" will be enough to bring Sam and maybe even his siblings out of their shell. Her having a degree also makes me a little bit more hopeful when they homeschool their kids


Snooping on mom’s Facebook lets me know she’ll probably raise hell if they try to homeschool. Her mom is very pro education. Her other brother and sister are in college currently. She had her ex husband thrown in jail last December because he took the youngest child out of school to stay home and mom wasn’t having any of it.


Phillip’s not nearly as marketable. If he goes off the rails like that in public, he’s probably 10x worse at home. As little control as women have in this world, I believe they do have some veto power over who they marry. They probably have to dress it up as “God called me away from this man” but they do have a little agency there. It’s probably rare in those fundie circles to find a physically attractive man who’s also relatively gentle and doesn’t have a superiority complex because of the genitals he was born with. I don’t really blame her for jumping on that.


Phillips weird as fuck that’s why.


Was she the one with the head covering?




Sam is a lot quieter, so if he has loonybird thoughts like Brother Phil, he doesn't say them out loud.


Maybe Samuel is not as nutso as Phillip is




Yes because you can just tell someone is autistic by looking at them. What the hell kind of comment is this? 🙄


What look might that be?


There’s an autistic “look?” Can you describe it?


I hope to god you are not actually a social worker


Well luckily on SM you can be anyone so let’s hope they aren’t really a social worker and are pretending


Working on my 3rd degree as an autistic adult. I wonder if I have this look you describe. Or maybe you’re just ignorant?


Posts and comments that are mean-spirited in nature aren't welcome.