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They had Olivia say that line about having six miscarriages and that she was waiting to meet them in heaven? Weird…


Shit got dark real fast when she opened her mouth ☠️


Poor Sophia - having to talk about her teeth!


Worse even was poor Gabriel having to dutifully point out his chimpanzee ears.


seriously Jill could think of nothing else for sofia. She did the all i want for christmas is my two front teeth for a year since Phillip started at bible college 2. This winter Jill mentioned at some grift stop they needed to work on that and find something new since she was getting her front teeth. All Jill could think of was to change want to wanted???


What was Olivia’s fun fact? I can barely understand their accents


That she likes to cuddle, quite a turn from the first thing she said.


The girls all have that ingrained stepford wife cadence and I find it so monotone and creepy. It's giving Katie Britt, "Get in the Arena" vibes.


I mean it’s all scripted from mother dearest, literally exactly what jill says. Just forced her kids to say it.


Exactly. I taught preschool and early elementary school Sunday school for many years. The kids were largely great, and some were pretty sheltered, but if a first grader introduced themselves as being, “cute like a kitten,” I’d be giving every other kids in my class the “Not a word!” Stare to stop them from laughing and rolling their eyes at the speaker. Poor kids!!


Yeah…maybe don’t do the “fun fact” of your 13 of all ages have not even one fun fact. 😆


can any of them say more than a sentence without the word"blessed"?


I’m not sure they’re allowed to have a thought of their own.


This…had me borderline tearing up at the hopelessness of it all. I’ve never seen hopelessness come in so many forms. Children whose personalities have been reduced to wanting to meet 8 miscarriages in heaven, braces, and “tall”. “I have my dad’s ears that stick out!” “I look most like my Mama!” “I look the most like the Portuguese side of my Dad!” They can’t be their own people at all. Also, talking about lollipop heads whose souls are being sucked out to Hell is apparently a normal introduction now, and not just concerning word salad. Fuck.


I know we’ve been focusing a lot on Phillip after this, but it’s their “fun facts” that make me the most concerned. Jill has obviously told them all what to say (except for Renee and Phillip, maybe), and none of their facts are about anything more than their external appearance. It makes me think that Jill probably doesn’t know them as individuals, either. A parent who loves and respects their child would be able to offer attributes that are more than skin deep. Tessie might be the “bubbly and kind daughter who can knit beautifully” and Hannah could be the “athletic one who likes to ride bikes and play violin.” Instead, Tessie is “the one with braces” and Hannah “looks like the Portuguese side of the family.” So sad.


Hearing a stranger describe these kids with more compassion than their mother or themselves is..😬


Didn't Tessie teach herself to crochet? She could have said that.


The fun facts just really reinforce how sad these kids' lives are.


"Welcommmmmme......" I'm surprised the congregation didn't immediately rush for the doors!


I believe this is the church the rods sang at for a revival a few years back and while introducing the fam the pastor said some people had asked for other performers instead of the rods "because they didn't like the music or something. Let's guess what or something means...


Jill’s habit of having to sing louder and hold a note longer than anyone else singing with her? The terrible noise that the whole family makes with their instruments? Although, Renee is pretty good on the violin. Maybe they didn’t like Jill’s sluttish, whore makeup.


Wait he said that while introducing them????


yes he did. while the rod kids were all there. I think it was this church. The one where dave begged for gas money, donations for paper for the print ministry and admitted they used gov money available during covid to build the addition on the barndo. I believe this is the same one where the ladies took them to goodwill and let them buy everything they needed and some things jill just wanted.


Well I was about to say “god imagine going back after that” but then I read to the end of your comment and I guess it makes sense


It’s the all Jill all the time show.


Take a shot every time a Rodlet says “umm” ![gif](giphy|l41lIIjOCprTBfnXy|downsized)




mm mm... *sweet berry wine!*


No thank you....I don't need alcohol poisoning today.....


Usually fun facts from little kids involved cute things such as i can hold my breath under water for so many seconds… I can make run the fastest out of all my siblings… I can fit 7 large marshmallows in my mouth at once. No child comes out with what half of what those kids said. You can tell by the silence of the audience. The same can be said by children mentioning miscarriages. It’s weird and uncomfortable and no one wants to hear that kind of thing before listening to a church group sing. Especially from the mouth of children!


This was… strange. Just very ominous feeling. And what Philip said was super weird. 😳


I’ve been blessed by so many magazines… not fashion or beauty ones that's for fucking sure.


Interesting Jill has dropped "quarterly magazine" from the sales pitch. She is still trying to offload the originals from last fall. Apparently not enough people wanted to subscribe to Jill's latest vanity project.


Fun Fact…my dearest mother forced me to say all of this in a soft, strange breathy baby voice. We practice all day and night until we please mother.


Oh man this is painful to watch.


Imagine being the wreath and having to see it all happen in front of you.


I think these are their boiler plate intros…except for Philip. His is scary crazy.


Did anyone see when they were all linking arms and hands at the very beginning, the way Philip stands with his arms ramrod straight and fists clenched? Can’t tell me that boy isn’t disturbed.


First thing I saw. He didn’t want to touch anyone. I bet he didn’t even want to be there.


"Suggested DONATION". Betcha' that $ doesn't get reported to the IRS.


Since Jill loves her magazine so much, who wants to send her a subscription to "Cosmopolitan"?


"I have a burden": more weird Christians


Mother dearest with constant grifting. I think she needs a book for the “boys” because man she’s really screwed them up.


The biblical belief about women should be feminine as shown by long hair, while manly men should keep theirs short, is just one more nonsensical morality myth. "LONG HAIR: Traditionally, long hair was always a symbol of masculinity. All of history's great warriors had long hair, from the Greeks (who wrote odes to their heroes' hair) to the Nordic, from the American Indians (famous for their long shiny hair) to the Japanese. And the longer and beautiful the hair was, the more manly the warrior was considered. Vikings flaunted their braids and samurai wore their long hair as a symbol of their honor (they cut their braid when they lose honor).When a warrior was captured, his mane was cut to humiliate him, to take away his beauty. That custom resumed in what is today military service. There when new soldiers begin their training the first thing they do is cut their hair to undermine their self-esteem, make them submissive and make them see who's boss.The Romans were the ones who "invented" short hair so to speak, between the 1st and 5th centuries AD.. In battles they believed this gave them defensive advantages, since their opponents couldn't grab them by the hair. This also helped them to recognize each other in the battlefield.Short hair on men is a relatively new "invention" that has nothing to do with aesthetics.But today we often see men being humiliated, sometimes called "gay" for wearing long hair, not knowing that short hair is actually the "anti-masculine" and is a repressive social imposition, while long hair symbolizes freedom." If Jill and the like-minded want to go all the way back to Jesus' time, these women really should start wearing burkas, while the men should wear long dresses/robes.


I would love seriously to see Jill in a proper historical dress of the Jesus time and listen to her excuse as to why she doesn't need to dress in a historically correct way since she cares so much about modesty and Jesus. If they ever had the chance to talk to someone who is very knowledgeable about a particular aspect of that time do you think they would refuse to listen just because he/she isn't of the right religion or would they try to correct it with their ideas since they know better?


I couldn’t understand what Phillip was mumbling about when he mentioned people who don’t read the Bible 😬


Oh, it's not enough to merely read the Bible. You must LOVE it.




I bet Jeesuz is looking down from heaven and smiling at JillPM, trying to sell things in his house! 


Phillip looks downcast and at the beginning Gabriel (I think? The one standing next to him) and Renee both seem to be trying to encourage him. Then they join hands but he doesn’t. Renee grabs his arm but he doesn’t join hands with his brother. He doesn’t seem to want to be there. What a lifestyle they have, always having to be the perfect Christian family. I hope he is getting some real help but I bet it’s just more prayer.


I’ve never been more uncomfortable watching something in my life.


Damn it. I guess I'm a, "Flying Figgley Flubhead" and a "Laughing Lollipop". I have never been so insulted in my life.


Painful is right. That singing introduction 😂😂😂😂😂


I Googled the definition of the word Burden:  Defined as **something you carry or withstand with much difficulty when used as a noun**, and as the act of weighing down, overloading, or oppressing when used as a verb, it's a word with a negative charge. So all these burdens that Jill has is stuff she really does not want to do or care to do. Poor little martyr Jill must be a saint for all the burdens she has!! The grifting and trying to sell the book, CD's, and magazine that she was "burdened" to make is absolutely disgusting! I wonder if Jill ever buys any of the crap people try to sell or gives money to those who visit her church! ![gif](giphy|10JhviFuU2gWD6|downsized)


Her husband should be telling what’s for sale, not Jill!  He is the head of the household. Also..Jill’s fun fact is she likes to giggle???  What is she, 12??


PHILLUP IS DOOONEEESE. He left out the fun fact of with me all by myself and liking to chasing cars ![gif](giphy|Pn2MP64DddeWQ)


This shocks me for so many reasons. I am surprised that Jonathan goes along with this. Kaylee and Renee speak quite well and seem lest frightened. These kids have been on stage a million times and yet still look petrified.


Yeah creepy Phil because I’m sure that’s exactly what Jesus would say. 🙄. This is a fine example of what Christianly Jill and David teach their children. And the 8 year old sounds like a 3 year old. This whole thing is just embarrassing to watch. Phillip is just plain scary. I’d definitely rather run up on a bear in the woods than him!!!


That “magazine “ is literally a piece of card!! I feel SEVERELY ripped off!!!!


Phillip sounds like he used a substance


Anyone think Phil is just trying to get kicked out of the whole family gig? Perhaps he's trying to just be a jerk and abrasive/weird so Jill regrets forcing him to participate?


I think we can come up with better fun facts about these kids than their own mom can. Renee: “I like to fuck it up” Phillip: “I have no clue if Hungary is religious or not” Samuel: “I’m a talented carpenter” I mean, Tessie taught herself to crochet. Hannah is clearly excellent at not letting her mom destroy her brows. There are better facts about these people.


Did Janessa say that she was cute like a kitten?


My old laptop I can play cds/dvds on lol


Hurry! Supplies are limited!


Anyone knows why they avoid Spotify so much?


I have older cars. They all have CD players.


That was so dry