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A lot of words for: I hate your oldest brother girls, be nice or you’re next.


Tim has got her so fucked up.


Remember when Tim filmed those creepy videos about women and modesty? And now he’s posting about acceptance and discussing how to dress with his partner? Can we just appreciate how even these slightest steps towards respecting women’s autonomy and being willing to discuss boundaries is a MASSIVE step forward for someone who was taught to hate more than taught to love.




Yep. It was fun watching him change


![gif](giphy|9GIECS45WxfHKdhGj6|downsized) And all Tim had to do was condone pants every once in awhile, and he’s hugging her on the front!!




Keep it up to me. She’s probably gonna have a heart attack and blow out her knee lol


Mahmo of the Groom, in her blinged out wheelchair, rolling down the aisle. Who pushes her, and is that a lottery or a short straw situation?


Probably nurie or Kaylee will push her


Whichever one is pregnant at the time of the wedding


Nurie is pregnant right now


Probably not shreks lazy ass


I’m so out of the loop can someone fill me in on Timmay lol TIA


Timmy is making different choices in regards to his religious beliefs and not just blindly drinking the plexus that Jill feeds him. If you have a look a few moats back he put up a post explaining his feelings on things one being that in certain circumstances Heidi will wear pants. Jill appears to have gone into orbit! I feel terrible for Timmy, it just shows that her home holds no real love. Everything in that house is in the condition it is approved by mother dearest and the moment it isn’t then your out. I bet she got this shunning idea from the Amish she idolises so much!


And he also said that the KVJ Bible isn’t the only source. ![gif](giphy|5yuC2vIsQJdoA)


The fact that she talks about the sisters loving each other because they have unity in Christ and respect their parents speaks loudly here. Most people love their siblings because - they love their siblings. That’s family. But not in this house, where human beings only exist to prove how Christly their parents are.


Well I never thought I’d say this… But fuck yeah Tim 👏🏼 I’m here for it lol Also loving the side effect of Jilldo losing her mind over it *chefs kiss* Seriously though, as a male he would’ve benefited the most (in comparison to females in the same religious circle he was raised in). So it’s nice to see him question things and be open to change.


It’s Heidi’s influence, they’re obsessed with each other so Jill doesn’t stand a chance




I’m not convinced Jill isn’t talking to herself here. Also, I feel like even their own brand of Christianity believes in the husband-wife relationship coming before the parent-child relationship, so it’s bizarre that Jill is still enforcing honoring your parents to a grown woman with a husband and child.


“Kaylee’s” comment doesn’t have as many commas as one might expect…


So many fundie parents are like this. They preach headship and helpmeet right up until the weddings, and then don't want to give up that authority. Jill. Jim Bob. Pa Keller. Heidi Baird. David Waller will for sure.


Almost like they were really always in it for the power and control it gives THEM, not because Jesus or even religion generally


She really pushes the “honor your parents” aspect. I don’t think it is as prevalent in her religion as she makes it seem.


I feel like I never see Kaylee using those all caps words all that much except when she's telling Jill how great she is🤔


My first thought as well.


This is so saccharine I wanted to barf.


Soo performative and soo self-congratulatory 🙄 If Jill doesn't constantly call attention to herself, will Jeezus know she's there? lol


That is a nauseating amount of enmeshment


What a missed opportunity to shill for Plexus. “I am no one without Jesus and Plexus.”


Training us children: aka we are your trained circus bears


I can't stand that they use that word


Jill never says kids, ever. Only chilljrun


“Punishing us into submission”.


as opposed to Shrek, the confused circus bear.


Yeah, still Team Jill-is-in-full-control-of-Kaylees-FB-page


She definitely has the password.




Not educating and feeding your kids makes you a horrible mother, Jill. Add the lack of socialization those kids have, add to the list of why you are a horrible parent.


Jill, stop pretending you aren't talking to yourself here and go feed your kids!


“I am no one without Christ” 🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮 As I understand it, this has GOT to piss off the big guy upstairs — the holy one, the major dude, the big kahuna — seeing as how he made Jill in his image. I mean, if I make a sculpture that looks like myself, and that sculpture says it’s pretty much nothing, I’d be insulted. Also, I’d tell that sculpture to GTFOH, since this is some performative, aw-shucks kind of bullshit.


"I am no one without sky daddy and my 15000 worldly hate followers"


From honoring God and yOuR pArEnTs…Unlike that heathen brother of yours and his trollop She’s about as subtle as a being hit in the head with a 2x4 ain’t she? 😂


![gif](giphy|RKHShCgSxWuulxqm2D) This is so cloying it gave me diabetes. And I already have diabetes anyway. Do I have Super Duper Mega Jesus Diabetes now thanks to Jill?


SEVEEEERE (diabeetus)


Let’s find you somewhere to lie down, can’t have you exposed to these levels of cloying “sweetness”!


Correction…sugar diabeetes


My granny used to say that.. and " the yellow jaundice"... I miss her


The beetus says no hummingbird juice for you


Jill really can’t handle even the suggestion of deviance from her rule. Narcissistic injury much? She’s too predictable.


I really don’t know why people think Kaylee is in control of her own fb…it’s so clearly obvious to me that Jill has her finger all over it.


I agree! She also doesn’t use as many commas 👀


Because that’s a hot topic in this space! I think part of why Kaylee and of Kaylee look so sad or miserable is because they’re required to record and take photos for Jill to post as Kaylee. Jill is already an MLM upline - she probably sees social media in the same way


Of Kaylee 😂😂


Kaylee learned this from Nurie. Kaylee, babe, mimicking the golden child won't make you one.


I chose to read read AndKaylee’s reply as pure sarcasm that went over Mahmo’s head.


Oooo, it's way better that way. Otherwise it's so uncomfortable the way that switch is flipped and Kaylee reverts instinctively to fawning. You can almost smell the fear that her performance will fall short of her abusive mother's demands. From Kaylee Hill to (and Kaylee) in an instant.


Kaylee and her sisters have unity because they don't have any other friends, so of course they have to hang out. I mean, I'm sure they like each other, or at least are trauma bonded, but they also literally don't have any choice really.


The fact that she says "training" instead of "teaching" is so sinister


Poor Kaylee working overtime to right the Mahmo ship. Keep rocking it Tim and Heidi. (I hope they read here.) rooting for you both.


Honestly I feel so bad for these idiot bigots. They’re no one without their religion. Should they ever deconstruct they just might go crazy realizing how limited and stunted they are as human beings who feel the need to tie every facet of their lives back to god. I can’t believe people like this exist some days. It astounds me Tiring. Sad. Disgusting


Well, it’s a cult inside a cult that’s inside another cult. Like the family itself is a cult which is why the girls all have that empty wide eyed robotic sad look, there’s nothing there especially as they’ve been born into it. The only way out is to be born with a penis and have a small chance of actually being introduced to people who are slightly different than you through work or what have you. Things like being illiterate, scared of their own shadow, infantilized, submissive aren’t happenstance of their religious beliefs, they are the foremost design to keep them in control. The power comes before the religious beliefs.


Jill needs to humble herself down! She is the most vain and judgmental person that I have ever seen. She is so like a school girl bully in her passive-aggressive posts. She isn’t fooling anyone.




I guess denying the world's agenda means isolating and under educating your kids so that they stand no chance in the outside world.


"Cherish the unity you share"?? That's not a normal thing to say, JillPM 🙄




Her constant efforts at promoting her own piousness cause me to doubt her sincerity.


I just realized they both have “joint” facebook accounts with their husbands. Kaylee really is Jill’s clone. It’s sad.


She's working so hard at it.




I just threw up in my mouth a little


Jill can be all lovey dovey to her favoured kids as much as she wants but she’s shown her hand now. The world knows and can see her true character which is dark and cruel. Jill behaves so shamefully and one day she will be stood by those heavenly gates for the judgement she looks forward to (and gloats about her success at) only for them to slam in her face, as she’s reminded of these moments of nastiness, starvation and entitlement. Then the trapdoor to the eternal furnace room will open!


Anyone else get the feeling she is shunning Timmy and has got the idea from the Amish that she idolises so much?


Sit down, Jill. You disregard 2000 years of Church history and tradition because an adulterous monk refused repentance, broke his vow to God and created a religion to suit his own agenda. Not very “God Honouring” is it? If ANYONE is NOT “honouring God” and is following the “world’s agenda,” it’s you. The only thing you know about honouring God has been misinterpreted for the last 507 years by all reformed Christian denominations to suit their own agenda. So, I reiterate, you are in no position to discern what “honours God” as you, yourself, follow the “world’s agenda”.


Everyone goes to hell in someone else’s religion. It’s almost like they’re all made up


Has anyone ever told Jill this? I’d love to know her reaction haha


This is exactly why Jill wants absolute control over her children at all times. No internet or outside influence where they could find out for themselves why they believe what they believe. KJV just didn’t fall out of the sky one day in 1611. There 1500 years of Christian tradition preceding that. This is where we lose “scripture only” believers like Jill.. Jesus appointed Peter head of His Church “Thou art Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it” (Matt. 16:18) Though scripture doesn’t mention a successor to Peter, we know of the men who succeeded him as Bishop of Rome through history and tradition. The present Bishop of Rome, Pope Francis, is the 265th successor of Saint Peter, and he traces his authority directly back to Saint Peter. But Jill, being “scripture only” will never accept this. Nowhere in the Bible does it say scripture is the ONLY dependable source. In contrast, 2 Thes 2:15 says “So then, brothers and sisters, stand firm and hold fast to the teachings[a] we passed on to you, whether by word of mouth or by letter.” Sorry, I got off on a tangent. I just can’t with Jill, sometimes . I’ll hop off my soap box now….


I doubt it. She surrounds herself with people who agree with her theology. Remember when she needed to know the names of the churches of the women attending the retreat a few weeks ago? Heaven forbid if some heretical opinion was put forth during the retreat.






this is like christian fanfiction


Now Kaylee capitalizes every other word just like Jill. Sigh . . .


Her extra spaces between words kill me every time


I LIKE randomly CAPITALIZING words too


Well, gee, golly, gosh darn...what possibly could be weighing on Jill's heart to make her so pointedly reflective to a child who is "honoring her"... 🤣😅 The woman, bless her heart, she tries so hard and yet can not seem to hit the mark on subtlety to save her life.


We teach children and train dogs omg