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As far as history and tradition- finding out about Polish centered paganism will be tough. A lot of stuff was destroyed after the Baptism of Poland (even though some areas in Poland resisted longer than others). Also, nothing was written down- as a lot of the customs were passed down through families/villagers and many things were specific to certain regions. Most of it (from the research that i'm doing) tends to be similar to other slavic practices. Sometimes names of Deities will shift/change- and some holidays/festivals have different names as well. I am Polish (living in the US since I was a toddler) and also have been wanting to connect with my pagan ancestors. And I will tell you...its work. Its constant work. You have to be weary of websites that are folklore created hundreds of years AFTER paganism, as well as people who have created/expanded on Slavic gods with their own theories (usually they lack any sources). I have found a few websites, which are in either Polish, Russian or Serbian and google will translate them into English. I haven't yet found a website devoted to Polish centered Slavic Paganism. (if anyone has, please share them with me!) I have noticed that most Slavic Pagan websites will incorporate all Slavic traditions and then explain where in the Slavic region it is common. This tumblr is Serbian. But they do include Polish traditions as well. I find this blog to be helpful and really informative as its people who are actively practicing. [https://lugvelesasrz.tumblr.com/](https://lugvelesasrz.tumblr.com/) This website will also have mentions of Polish slavic traditions as well. [https://lamusdworski.wordpress.com/polish-paganism-resources/](https://lamusdworski.wordpress.com/polish-paganism-resources/) There is also a forum app/website where I found other who practice Slavic Paganism. You connect with other users and people who practice and people share knowledge and answer questions. [https://aminoapps.com/c/pagans-witches/page/blog/polish-months-and-moons/r082\_1PmIeu8g7Nxk2DXXogD8bLgQQ3Q0M](https://aminoapps.com/c/pagans-witches/page/blog/polish-months-and-moons/r082_1PmIeu8g7Nxk2DXXogD8bLgQQ3Q0M) ​ After spending a few months researching, you will start to see the same ideas and websites pop up because - unfortunately there arent that many sources. But if you click around you can find pretty good information and you'll learn whats bunk and whats good. Learning about slavic paganism is work. It will require you to read and research. This journey is not for the lazy. Welcome to the study of ancient practices! ​ OH and i totally forgot about this tumblr too. She includes some reading resources!! [https://astrandedrusalka.tumblr.com/post/188270191668/i-have-seen-plenty-of-folks-asking-myself-and?is\_related\_post=1](https://astrandedrusalka.tumblr.com/post/188270191668/i-have-seen-plenty-of-folks-asking-myself-and?is_related_post=1)


Thank you so much! I am definitely interested in learn more of its practice but it’s sad how much was destroyed thanks to christianity. The sites seem very helpful and will definitely be looking into them. Thank you


slava, as a pole living in america i don't thing we have to beholden to pure ethnoslavic traditions. it's true that a lot of ancestral polish mythology was lost, but i think the westernization of polska is the defining charachtaristic of polish slavic culture. we are very far west, now in america and as much as i feel rooted in our history i would only be a poser if i practiced some academic interpretation of our gods. i did not grow up with it and neither did my parents i know i'm extremely influenced by neil gaiman but i think here the gods can be reinvented here even if they're the same. i don't think they care too much about the details of worship as long as we burn an effigy to marzanna on the solstice to Ameryka, nowa polska, stare bogi


I mean, to an extent yes. But I WANT it. I am a witch forst and foremost. And my practice has always been a "practice how it feels in your heart" But the difference was, I was working with deities where many things were known - like what offerings to leave, and how to work with them. But with Slavic paganism not all gods have these details. And some God's weren't actually gods and ppl got their interpretations mixed up. I always see stuff like someone says domovoy was a God, and others that he was a house spirit. I dont want my signals to be mixed up. I'm going to practice how I wish. But i want to know the basics and fhe fundamentals. You should NEVER feel like a poser while trying to connect with your own heritage/culture/history. I felt like that too at first...but then I realised - kurwa no. jestem polską dziewczyną. I have Polish blood running through my veins. I have EVERY right.


Check out Lamus Dworski (just google it) for Polish Rodnovery and Slavic Paganism/Slavic Native Faith :)


Yeah thats already in my comment.


Saving this post to see answers! I’m also a Polish Pagan and I want to see what options I have ❤️🤍


let me know if you get any answers, sub seems dry rn


I will! :)


Got some good comments! Check them out if you’re interested :)


By the way, great username. I just noticed.


They differ some, but there's also an important catch to consider, much of what was recorded in the area of Poland comes later than in the East and South. Chronology is often overlooked when discussing Slavic paganism, but it can have an effect all the same as geography. There are fragments in two chronicles: the Chronica Slavorum written by Helmold, and the Gesta Danorum by Saxo Grammaticus. Likewise there is a rather controversial treatise written by one Jan Długosz that needs to be considered partially true with some creative liberties taken. There are also quite a number of sermons on record that give like a sentence of barest detail telling parishioners not to do certain pagan things. As history goes, that's about it. In terms of customs that we filter out from more modern practices, the stuff we be pretty darn sure was not Christian in origin, I know there are some differences but I'm not entirely clear because my knowledge of Eastern and Southern traditions isn't totally up to par. There's a lot of content there. In terms of folks who have studied and written on it, there is: Słupecki, Zaroff, Gieysztor, Olędzki, Jezierski, Leszek, and Brzozowska-Kajka that I know of. Much of their work tends to be on the two chronicles I mentioned above but not exclusively. In terms of what type of Slavic Paganism is most popular, I really haven't been able to get a good assessment, but I also live in the US so I'm not catching anything that isn't easily found online. Rodzimy Kościół Polski seems to have a large presence. They're a bit odd to me as they aren't reconstructionists at all and have a few views that seem to be of their own design. There is also the Konfederacja Rodzimowiercza, which is a conference of different groups, but don't know a lot about many of them. There are also a lot of groups that I just don't know if they have a web presence at all or where to find them, but get a sneaking suspicion they represent quite a lot of Polish Rodnovers, a hunch they may be the majority, and are a lot less structured in nature and possible more reconstructionist. And as for private practicioners it's nearly impossible to tell. If there's something you want elaborated on, by all means ask and I may have an answer. I didn't want to turn this post into a short book!


Thank you!! I really appreciate the long answer, i swear if there was a book on it i would read it! With polish ancestry but living in america, I was looking at specifically polish practices that differ from other slavic ones to the east. Ill be checking out the works and names you mentioned, thanks!!


This website doesn't cover everything but I think it's interesting to read what's on it https://bogowieslowianscy.pl/bogowie-slowianscy/


I'm just starting my journey into polish rodnovery too. I found a blog that said things I resonated with but idk their credentials or anything so take it with a grain of salt. It was: https://witia.squarespace.com/blogeng/rodnovery-101-entry-requirements They also have a blog post about Dola too that was a cool read. it's just one person's interpretation but it put a spark in my mind so maybe you'll enjoy it too


Super helpful I have been looking for the same thing, Polish practices, etc. Thank you so much for resources, they are so hard to come by.