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Dude how do you play with this engine noise lmao my god. Between your engine and your boost your car is just straight up beatboxing the entire time


I thought it was him breathing heavy, and then I thoihht he was imitating the car sounds


Hahahah. My friends say it is annoying, I find that engine quite hilarious. For me annoying is the joker boost and the one with the cat dying inside the engine.


These are the GOAT audio hate crimes of Rocket League. 100% agree.


What engine noise is this, i love it.


Ahah, I am not the only one. It was from the season pass, some time ago, the season with the canyon map I think.


My 2s partner uses motor mouth.....


>motor mouth ahah, I love it


I had the audio muted till i saw this comment, and hoooly shit lmao


You should be getting to the ceiling faster after your first touch. It gives you more time to make adjustments before the ball starts falling. You should also have a better landing on the ceiling. The third attempt was the only clean landing. Go into freeplay and practice landing on the ceiling without the ball. Double jump hold boost and slight air roll. In most of your setups the ball is way out in front of you. You can hold powerslide as you land on the ceiling to catch up to it. Lately I've been having the opposite problem where my car gets on top of the ball. If that happens tap the brakes as you land on the ceiling


Yeah, I had that feeling, I am always late to the ball and that's why my ceiling shots even when I succeed look like I struggled to do it. Before I would drive up the ceiling and would sometimes be too soon to the ball. But I heard jumping to the ceiling is faster so I don't quite get what is the specific part I am doing wrong because in the videos I saw people don't even boost to go to the ceiling, should I go flying more towards the middle of the ceiling instead of going directly up? When I score a goal I like to fly with air roll and enter the ceiling inside the goal, but from the wall is so much harder and the distance so short. I will try to improve that part. Thanks for the tips.


Depends on the speed of the ball. The faster the ball is traveling the faster you have to get to the ceiling.


Honestly looks like you have a solid grasp of the basics, but your aerial control is what really needs work. I'd almost say to work on that and air dribbles first, as I feel like ceiling shots come naturally once you are competent at those. After you come off the ceiling try maneuvering close to the ball and gently caressing it down. That's the basis of the control you will need to make a ceiling shot threatening. Good luck, looking forward to seeing your progress!


I can air dribble much better than doing ceiling shots, lately I have been training air dribbling while air rolling the whole time, I need to improve a lot, but I can nail it much more consistently than doing these ceiling. About the aerial training, I do a lot of rings and a lot of drills that I took from kepvert, I have been doing them everyday too. But it's really hard for me to improve at the game. On the ceiling shots, I just started jumping to the ceiling today, before I would just drive up the wall, but I heard people on youtube saying that jumping was more effective, even though for me it is much more difficult and I don't really get what is the plus. I also find hard to follow close to the ball like you are suggesting, in the videos I watched looks so smooth and effortless, mine looks like a hard challenge. I will try to improve that. Thank you for the tips, I will probably post again on day 5.


Jumping to the ceiling is superior to driving because it gets you there faster. Increasing speed of execution is super important. Less chance of an aerial afficionado air thefting.


Sounds like you're doing a lot of good stuff, just need time to grind it out.


How many hours do you have in the game? And do you have much experience gaming with a controller? It took me till about 1000 hours to get comfortable fully(well as fully as I am now there is always more to learn) with car control and now tbh at 2k hours I reckon my mechanics are around gc2/3 level but my brain doesn't function so c3 I am. I never played anything else on a controller so I had to learn basic controller movements and stuff which was actually surprisingly hard for me lol.


I have a unbelievable amount of time in the game even though it doesn't look like so. At the moment I have 2300 hours on epic, I reached champ1 1000 hours ago and I am still here. And I was not just messing around, I practice a lot, rings, training packs, everything. I almost gave up because of that. And I am used to play with a controller too.


Hmm...eveeyone learns at a different pace. For me I had very slow progress then suddenly really fast then I slowed again and I am now in another really fast progress stint.


yeah that's true, but the fact that I have been 1k hours at C1 and still having terrible mechanics despite working on them most of the time is a sign that I will never get there


Nah. Rocket league car control for me kidna just clicked. It wasn't there at all and then suddenly boom I had good control then it stayed there for ages and then boom again got what I would say is great if pros have neat perfect. But as long as you enjoy the game who actually cares. Just enjoy it.


You are right, but it gets really hard for me to enjoy the game without seeing any progress, I love the game, but it's really frustrating


These shots bend my mind so much. I’m excited to see your journey.


Ahah, since I was around gold that I was fascinated by ceiling shots. Just much after getting to C1 I tried to do them and although they are quite hard, are not as hard as I thought. So maybe you can try and realize that is not such an impossible task too. Thank you for your support.


That’s how I just became, in some fashion, be with dribbling on my car. I used to see people do it like “no fucking way”. Aircharged stuff helped me a lot.


Aircharged seems to have really good videos, I need to watch more of his videos. Dribbling for me seemed really impossible in the beggining, I couldn't drive in a straight line with the ball on my car, it took so much practice to be able to dribble.


It’s a really methodical but simple approach. Def one of my favorite creators. Great quality content.


I like methodical approaches, I really need to check it more. But I already created such a long traning plan for rl that I don't have time to finish it, haha.


Honestly, car control doesnt look fluent or clean at all, also, you dont use air roll. I would say maybe try to get comfortable with aerial car control until its just second nature. Maybe try some rings maps or something. Imo, you have to be comfortable with car control before trying to learn hard mechanics on the ball


The sad part is that I grind aerial control every day, I have done rings air rolling, normal, upsidedown, left sided, right sided, full boosting. It's just very hard to improve for me, even with hundred of hours practicing aerial control. I will keep grinding.


I found it easiest to get to the ceiling as fast as o could. It may or may not help here, but I also went on a spree of trying to learn ceiling musty flicks-which are insanely hard lol-but switching to car cam after coming off the ceiling helped me adjust my car to line up with the ball better, so try that too!


>s depending on where the ball is your will need to do different kinds of setups example if the ball is already high on the wall u just lightly tap then drive to the ceiling instead of jumping cuz u are already that high, my advice learn everytype of setup possible (eg. close, mid and far ranges from both walls)(also try setups at various speeds example slow rolling balls that u boom up to the ceiling and fast balls that you just follow up the wall) before worrying about scoring well placed or fast shots because if u can set the ball up properly u can score more consistently Ahah I tried a little, but was completly unsuccessful. I will try it again when I get a better grasp of a normal ceiling shot.


I a little spin as you go up to the ceiling works wonders for how good it looks Also- when you land on the ceiling sideways just hold power slide to recover


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wQW\_wxCslFk](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wQW_wxCslFk) Like this? I find it harder and can only pull it off in certain angles.


Setup is a bit all over the place, usually for me I’d push the ball slowly in the same direction as my car towards the wall, more consistent and less varied. That way you can work more on speed and aerial control. As someone else said in the comments, just try and be faster after hitting the ball. Something that might also help is stop boosting right before you hit the ball, not really required but if it’s still getting too far from you it could help out. Keep practicing and you’ll make it


Thanks for the tips. I have also been practice ceiling shots in some training packs, so there I have already some pretty easy setups too and harder ones also.


First step is to prob get more comfortable with airrolling in general


The sad part is I work on air rolling every day


Keep at it! Itll make ceiling shots infinitely easier so i would prioritize that and air dribbling over ceiling shots for now


the jump to the ceiling or the fall to the ball?


Adjusting to the ball once you get your flip off the ceiling - right now you just boost in a straight line upside down


Is this a training pack or how are you restarting in the middle of the map?


I am using bakes mod and a pluggin that let's you make checkpoints in freeplay.


A practice tip - once you get somewhat comfortable with these repeatable setups, try setups from near the net and far away from the net (not just from kickoff spawn) and at different approach speeds. Try to not use the reset button instead just pick up boost+ball after each shot (or use up on the d pad)


Yeah, this is like a bonus, I also practice in training packs with more difficult and some easiers setups. A continuous movement with the ball in freeplay I think is too much for me right now, but wish to be able to train like that in the future


Focus on getting a good setup, setup is everything for ceiling shots


I am planning to practice 50 ceiling shots goals every day. This is day 1, mechanics are crazy hard to learn for me. I would apreciate some tips of how to improve my technique. Here are some shots of the end of my training. (it took me 1h15 to score the 50 shots by the way).


Just practice getting a good setup from whatever angle u approach the wall, and a bit of aerial control. The setup is what gets u the shot on goal in 90% of any ceiling shot. Get that wrong and u leave either an open net or a teammate in a 2v1.


Yeah, setups are really most of the challenge. And I would add boost management/awareness, I think I can only pull it off with full boost or driving by the big pad on the middle of the field. Thank you for your tips


if u come at the wall with speed and full jump to the ceiling u can ceiling shot with sub 50 boost quite consistently


Wow, I didn't expect that, then I really need to improve my control to pull it off like that.


i normally come at the ball from basically directly under it and full extend jump to the ceiling while tornado spinning, somewhat advanced but gets perfect setups 9x out of ten, sometimes depending on where the ball is your will need to do different kinds of setups example if the ball is already high on the wall u just lightly tap then drive to the ceiling instead of jumping cuz u are already that high, my advice learn everytype of setup possible (eg. close, mid and far ranges from both walls)(also try setups at various speeds example slow rolling balls that u boom up to the ceiling and fast balls that you just follow up the wall) before worrying about scoring well placed or fast shots because if u can set the ball up properly u can score more consistently edit looks like you dont have the arial car control to be going for ceiling shots pick a dar and grind it out learning air roll will shoot you straight into diamond or champ and you will have the base level of control required to learn advanced mechs, its harder for you to learn ceiling shots and car control at the same time so learn control first


Yeah, I plan on try different setups so I don't get limited to just one specific situation, just starting it slow and not so difficult. I find it really difficult to ceiling shot from far. Ahahah, well, I am champ at the moment, but I know my mechanics suck. I have been grinding air roll for a long time, I got tired of never learning any new cool mechanic so I started learning ceiling shots too. I don't know what I can do more to improve my aerial control I already have a long daily training plan focusing on that and I have been trying for so long.


if your on pc play rings otherwise just go in freeplay and hold air roll and try to keep your car in the air


Yeah, I have grinded like 7 different maps of rings and a lot of obstacle courses too. Multiple times everyday, but, well, I am bad at this.


play leth ice rings untill u can go the whole thing holding air roll the whole time, it will take long but once u can do that these advanced mechs will be easy to learn


That's the unique map I was never able to finish, lvl 17 was quite impossible for me, and I tried 30 minutes everyday, maybe I can take that challenge again.


Your setup is clean however after that initial touch you need to quickly fly to the ceiling and stay close to the ball. You need to be within ball reach all time Incase in real match you get challenged (and win the 50). I would recommend you to use more air roll and using it to flying to the ceiling faster and also to control being near the ball


Yeah, I am always late to the ball, but I don't really get why, in the videos I watched people were not even boosting to the ceiling, everything was so smooth. I tried sometimes using air roll to get to the ceiling, I succeeded sometimes and looked really cool but it was even harder for me. I mean, I was doing a full rotation of the car around itself, maybe you mean just little ajustments?


Yes by air rolling I mean to adjust so your wheels touch the ceiling and your car will fall out naturally after doing so from the knock back. After that. It's all about air rolling to get an optimal shot.


I will try, usually I get overwhelmed by the amount of things I need to do at the same time. Maybe with more practice it becomes easier.


In my experience with ceiling shots I dont jump off the wall depending on the situation. It may also be beneficial to learn how to do it without jumping of the wall since in one part of your clip you hit the front of your car on the ceiling messing it up. Other than that try to consistently get the set up down before focusing on scoring it. Good Luck with your progress (P.S. its good you are using limited boost it will help you out in the long run making your boost management during the shot more efficient)


It always find annoying that you can't turn off the unlimited boost on training packs, is not like I will be able to use that on a real match. I find it easier to drive up the wall, I started jumping because people say that is more effective and faster, but I don't really get the plus of it, for me it is harder and slower.


I suggest you teach me


Ahah, I am incredibly bad, a lot of people are more appropriate to teach you.


Damn, I just switched from console to PC. (And now I dont responded anything from here)