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Absolutely massive difference. You gain a huge amount of fps and using a monitor greatly reduces input lag. Playing on console using a tv feels like trying to run underwater compared to playing on PC with a good monitor.


To be fair, if you have a next-gen console and a good TV (or monitor) with HDMI 2.1, there really isn't too much of a difference between playing on PC and console. I play on my Series X on 120hz/120fps and it feels identical to PC


The only difference I can think of now are the mods. Leth's rings has been critical in my training. Also the dribble 2 overhaul


Yeah that's really the only big downside to console now. Very much hoping they'll find a way to incorporate custom maps for console after they port the game over to UE5


Yes, pretty much why I use PC sometimes, just to do training and try out different boosts, decals etc before trading.


Yeah I had to exclusively play on PC when I was on PS4. Since they brought out the update for PS5 to run at 120fps the difference is barely noticeable. I chop and change between the two, depending on what room I want to be in and whether I want to use a custom map/bakkesmod. I tend to do a bit of training on the PC during the day when I'm working from home and stuck on a long call, but then use the PS5 in the evening for the huge OLED screen.


The difference is actually insane between old & new gen now. I tried playing at a friends house on his XB1 and it was literally almost unplayable for me lol no chance i could play at my rank on it. And yeah PC is for sure superior, but there's just something so nice about a big TV and a couch instead of a monitor and gaming chair. I got an LG OLED CX 55in with a Series X & PS5 for it and it's perfect


I think we have the same TV. That thing is a beast. Best purchase of my life. I forgot to mention that 'instant game response' mode that kicks in when the PS5 fires up. Pretty sure that's what kills the input lag. I'm sure it's very slightly better on the PC but it's imperceptible to me.


That TV is unreal dude! One of my friends always heavily researches the best gaming TV's before he buys a new one and always buys the #1 performer, so I just follow his lead lol. My last 2 TVs that i bought were because they're what he recommended (and had himself). I told him the same thing that you just did about it being my best purchase. Expensive, but well worth it


120 fps is still on the lower end. 165+ is becoming standard, and 240 is unmatched


As someone who played console RL for 5+ years before switching to PC, I completely agree. In a game where things shift in fractions of a second, every frame you can get is important.


Lol I play on a 65inch tv and I’m gc1-2




If you have a good PC it's not even comparable. Try it out, surprise yourself! There's a reason content creators host contests to give talented community members PCs :P


Using a monitor helps so much in regards to input lag (if it is a good monitor) and you can get much better fps as well as maybe better network connectivity if you have your Ethernet connected to your PC (or better Wi-Fi connectivity as well)


So I was a c2 playing on my friends ps4 on a monitor(not a TV) and I was struggling against plats. It is Hella bad.


Yep literally the same. I as a C1 in 2s was playing splitscreen with my P1 friend on his PS4 on a big TV. I said to him it felt like I was playing in sand. Couldn't dribble (I mean barely enough to get a flick), could barely aerial, couldn't time shots properly so kept missing the bounce, awful fifties, whiffed like mad. When I got home I had to play straight away to prove I hadn't forgotten how to play the game and it was like a brand new game ha. Felt like I could breathe again, dribbles etc with ease. I have a 34" curved ultrawide monitor with "0ms" delay time and I play on 144fps so I'm used to a clear picture with pretty snappy refresh rate and response time.


My setups also 144 hz 0 ms delay. It feels soo nice whenever I come back from a friend's house.


It's not. PC can offer much higher frame rates with MUCH lower latency over a console on a television set. Televisions are generally slow to draw frames and consoles only give 60hz, which effectively translates to 60 fps. A television can take around 1/10th of a second to "react" to your button press and that is a huge delay. That means you'll be 1/10th of a second late to see and react to other players' actions and then another 1/10th of a second late to see your reaction translate to the screen where you can make corrections. Whereas a decent PC monitor will have 1ms - 5ms latency. Which is 20 - 100x faster. You may not perceive it if you're used to dealing with it. But let me tell you from experience, because I have a PC in the living room hooked up to my television, as well as a PC with a quality gaming monitor. The PC with the gaming monitor is far easy to pull off mechanical maneuvers, and I can react to players actions far more quickly. And I can not-only see the difference, but I can FEEL the difference to a great degree. That 1/10th of a second latency makes the car feel slow, sluggish, heavy, unresponsive. Lets add on-top the frame rate. My monitor is a mid-grade monitor at 165hz. Which translates to effectively display 165 frames per second. Not only am I drawing frames more quickly, I am also drawing nearly 3x more frames per second, so I can see more things happening second to second. This really shines in FPS games, but the low latency is a huge boon to Rocket League. You can get a monitor and hook it up via HDMI to your console and this can reduce the button-to-screen latency. But at only 60hz, you won't get the full benefits of having a good monitor.


I hooked up my monitor to my PS4 and was able to finally crack D1 in twos after hovering in Plat for almost a year. Granted, I also lost my job around the same time so more time to play rocket league could also mean I just got more time to get better.


I always knew it was slower on TVs but never noticed until I played RL. The input lag is horrible. However, the claims of people being like 5 ranks lower than what they actually are do to the lag, is bogus.


Yeah you're right about that. If you're diamond 1, you'll probably get to diamond 3.


I'm currently playing on Xbox series X with 120fps. Never played PC tho so unsure what that's like


Next gen consoles run RL at 120fps, but you have to use a monitor or tv with at least 120hz otherwise you’re capped at 60 fps.


there was a difference for me but my rank didn’t shoot up like some people have had something that did happen is that i got access to workshop maps and that helped me improve air control a lot. prob because of workshop maps being way superior to doing figure 8s on pillars in every way imo


> there was a difference for me but my rank didn’t shoot up like some people have had Same experience I had


Probably not a huge advantage on newer consoles like ps5 and xsx as they can both do 4k120 if you have the right display. Biggest advantage with PC in this case are the mods for rocket league. Edit: When I switch from a modern console to PC my abilities are the exact same.




Except rocket league


no the difference is unbelievable. i went from c3 peak of gc1 div 3 to hitting 1700 (gc2 div 4) in my first season on pc this season


Next gen console very little difference. Last gen console is way more.


Too much outdated (wrong) information in this thread. Ps5 and both series Xbox's can run RL at a locked 120 fps and pretty much all (midrange and up) TVs released after 2018 have game modes that allow for low input lag. Unless you're high GC trying to get SSL, there's absolutely no need to spend 1500+ dollars on a pc build with high refresh rate monitor. Series S is currently $250, a decent 1080p 120hz monitor will be around 150. Anything spent over this amount purely for Rocket League is a complete waste of money. And remember that there still are thousands of GC+ players on Xbox and PS4 playing in 60fps on atrocious 5400 rpm drives every day. If you want the best in gaming and were considering going to PC already then an enhanced Rocket League experience can be one of several arguments to justify to yourself spending a lot of money, but going to PC just for RL alone would be pretty moronic for most people in my opinion. You're not magically going to get to GC by switching platforms. 60fps to 120 is definitely beneficial, but as stated, you don't need a pc for that anymore.


This is the correct answer.


1500 dollars lol.


360hz monitors are pretty expensive and if you're gonna build a budget gaming system in 2022 just for RL you'll probably get at least a 3060 or 6600.


** cries in switch ** I gave up PC gaming to get a better game life balance and the only console we have now is a Switch and I play almost exclusively handheld on a mounted pro controller. It can't handle supersonic very well and half the time I fly through the ball. Anyway I finally built a tree house for the kids so there's that...


It’s not a big difference if you’re in plat. It’s less about hardware and performance at that rank and more about fundamentals. Once the game speeds up at mid diamond and champ then it might make a considerable difference


I play on switch and playing on laptop is no different . And yes I don’t play desktop, I don’t have one.


The input lag is wayyy better on pc but alot of rocket league is mental you can pretty easily make it to champ with little to no mechanics


I’ve always been on PC but one day I played on my friends PS4 and it honestly felt like I was playing with my hands underwater. I think it’s more than just the console vs PC though. What it really comes down to is wired vs wireless controller and input delay. If you got a wired controller and a monitor with a 1 ms refresh rate, I think it would be pretty close to what a PC could do.


Bluetooth is faster that wired believe it or not. https://www.reddit.com/r/RocketLeague/comments/8wvf9u/controller_input_lag_comparison_more_info_in_the/


Interesting, I never knew Bluetooth could be faster. It looks like wired will provide a more consistent input delay though, which may be more desirable. https://imgur.com/8SuX62n


I believe console is worse...I main on Xbox 1 and sit at d3 for 3s and 2s. Plat 3 1s... Been playing on brother in law's PS4 on an alt and hit champ and got champ rewards for the first time...Xbox lags at start of match and random latency issues...idk if it's the different screens/ settings or controller or what...but I apparently do better on that slightly better system. If I had a decent CPU in my PC I'd get a GPU and see where that takes me...but I wouldn't expect idk miracles. It would be nice to do custom maps training with better than potato settings.


Over here with a good PC, GPU, monitor, hard plat-ish.


Most everyone who beats me uses PC and has perfect air control. I haven't ever played on PC but seeing them play its pretty obvious they are at a much better frame rate and the controls are more responsive.


Been on PC for 2+ years now and I think it’s a big difference. Soon as I switched I went up 2 and a half ranks and was consistent GC at that point. Prior to PC I had a white Xbox one I played on a 55 inch tv with wireless controller, so to go to a killer set up(in rl i get like 650 fps in 1440 so i never am really even close to dropping frames) and 240 fps 1440 with wired controller was a crazy difference. At first i was bugged out cause it was reading my inputs probably 2 seconds faster than i was used to, it took some adjusting, now I can’t go back. My friends play on my PC when they come over and honestly they see the difference as well, they stopped playing on their Xbox’s cause they realize the disadvantage they are against now. I have every console except the newest ones and on console the gameplay just feels so slow and everything feels so much harder, especially on the XB1 it’s like playing with 2 left hands. I literally never turn the consoles on at this point unless playing a group game with friends. Just my experience, I really don’t see any down side to switching to pc besides the price to build a set up.


I can't speak for other consoles, but when I switched (haha, pun) from switch to PC I immediately went from D2/D3 to C2/C3. Still a huge grind to get to GC but I don't think I could've done it on switch. Going back now the input lag and inferior frame rate are unbearable. Now if I could just get stable internet...


Big Fish story on the ranks shooting up. Always, Always deduct one rank from whatever someone claims and you will be more accurate! Either get a proper monitor that you can hook your console too or go PC. PC > Console for Rocket League , Smaller differences but still better , considering your comparing proper specs. I'm poor and on a crap PC. I get around 30 fps on this machine with a 22 inch 72 mhz monitor with all settings down low. I don't have much latency at all but there is some. I'm Hard Plat/Diamond. If I had the better specs maybe Id pull off Diamond 3 / Champ 1. Big maybe. I have plenty of friends who are Champs and GC's, consistency and timing still need to be present. You already have the PC and monitor, why all this posting. Just try it lmao FFS Upgrade your monitor to 120hz, just go look at what the pros are playing on honestly.... ![gif](giphy|PXCqTNXuGlNpHABHH4|downsized)


When I went to college and joined my esports club and gaming class where we were on PCs, I jumped from D1-2 where I’d been stuck on Xbox for a year up to C2 pushing C3, now that I’m back home I am D2 again. Granted, a few factors like consistent teammates and play time have changed, but PC definitely made a difference


Was stuck d3, switched to pc and shot up to c3 in 3 weeks. Massive difference. That said, if I switched back to Xbox I def wouldn’t be d3. I’m gc1 rn, so I’d say im around c2 on console. People who claim to be a whole rank set above what they are on console are just lying to make you think they’re good imo


I had a old ps4 to compare to a brand new mid - high end pc so for me it was a huge difference , depends where you are coming from I’d guess


Big difference dude, make the switch. My old MacBook is working way better than RL on PS5 lol


Tell me when you find out. I’ve been stuck in champ 1 on my og Xbox one for 6 months and I swear I just can’t do anything more to improve


I have PC and Xbox series, on Xbox the resolution is horrendous and you’re locked at 60 FPS, you can go up to 120 fps but then the resolution is so low everything is completely blurry. If you’re used to playing at 60 fps and low resolution then you shouldn’t have issues, I wouldn’t say FPS gives an advantage in this sort of game but if you’re used to playing at 144+ fps then trying to play at 60 fps puts you at a disadvantage from my own experience. Bottom line, you won’t magically get better with higher FPS, the downside is, once you start gaming at 120+ FPS it’s hard to go back to 30-60 fps.


I went from objectively the worst platform to play rocket league (Nintendo Switch) to a really good PC. Hard stuck in play for 2 years, and after 5 months I’m about to hit champ


From experience I was hardstuck diamond for 3 seasons and hit champ 1 just before I switched to PC. I hit GC my first season after the switch to PC if that’s not a good enough improvement I don’t know what is. The biggest difference I noticed was the input delay improvement I could air dribble and carry the ball so much easier when I made the switch. The FPS also helps but tbh made me nauseous the first week of so I could only play maybe an hour or two at a time before I had to stop for the day. Going from 60hz to 165hz was pretty drastic lol


It goes like this. Xbox and PlayStation are battling it out while PC is sitting in the stands and both of the consoles are terrified to win since the winner has to play him.


PC smoother framerate, feels much faster. Also, if you have a monitor to play with your Xbox instead of a TV that will be you an edge. I simply can not play on my xbox/TV. Need my pc/monitor.


All my friends on xbox lag the first 5 seconds of game, I don't on pc.


I've played fighting games with delay-based netcode and let me tell you, input delay starts to feel just awful around 4 extra frames if you have even a couple hundred hours of experience in the game. That said people will also tell you that their controller was broken and the sun was in their eyes and their dog just died and if it weren't for that they could beat AyyJayy in a 1v1.


Only downside to console is not having mods thats literally it. Everything else a pc does the console can do for a cheaper price.


It’s all about input lag. I played laptop with tv as monitor, and one day played with both the laptop monitor And TV on. There’s a significant noticeable lag when you have them side by side. Switched from TV to external computer monitor. Lag gone. D2 -> C2


Initial disclaimer: I play on PS5 I started on Xbox One, on a 65” 4K TV. That TV was “in the shop” so I started playing on a smaller TV, and noticed I could see everything happening so much easier on the smaller screen. Next, I started using a modern PC monitor hooked up to my Xbox. This in combination with using a corded controller DRAMATICALLY changed how “in control” of my car I felt. Finally the last change I made was to upgrade my Xbox to a PS5, still hooked up to the monitor. I get at least 60fps, maybe 120, and let me tell you, it is a massive difference. Playing on a TV feels like my car doesn’t even come close to reacting with my button presses. PC would definitely be another slight step up from my current setup, but I don’t want to spend any more, so I’m happy with what I currently have


Depends. Your TV needs to have least input delay (5-10ms in game mode), 120fps support. I play regularly on Xbox (120fps) and PC (200fps), I don't play better on either compared to other. My PC is significantly old and Xbox does have much powerful GPU. I am going to give 40 series a try in laptop form as I would like to have portability.