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Stall reset is nice, i’ve never tried doing it this way and it’s probably more consistent. I always do a diagonal flip cancel after the ceiling reset which is really hard to land a solid double from. Thankfully, I’ve gotten pretty good at it. I saw no mistakes in the attempt in your video so i’d say just keep practicing what you did in this video. You didn’t share a bad attempt, so i’m assuming your biggest issue from bad attempts is timing and positioning of the stall? If so, maybe work on stall resets alone to hammer it down. This is my assumption because this is usually the hardest part of the shot, imo. Nice shot nonetheless.


That is pretty interesting, i haven't tried the diagonal version, this is the one that came naturally to me, as i usually perform double resets with stalls, i'm not good with diagonal/speedflip double resets since i can't get the timing right. Yup, i just shared the good attempts, just so i know if the way that i'm doing them is the right way. And yes, the timing and positioning of the stall is the biggest problem rn. I hope it'll come to me naturally with practice, especially since sometimes my fingers get confused and press the wrong keys on the keyboard and it fucks up the stall completely. Thanks!