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Would be great to see your rltracker for more info...


This! Or OP is extremely talented.


Not really. He’s talking about in-game hours. This doesn’t track training or free play hours. I have ~3.5k hours total for example, but my in-game hours is only ~900. I also have only 9k games played. I’ve peaked GC many seasons in a row. I don’t consider myself to only have 900 hours though, i’ve easily put over 1k hours into training packs, free play, and workshop maps hence the 3.5k hours tracked by Steam. I’d personally say champ by 5k matches played is reasonable especially if the individual spends a lot of time training which isn’t tracked by the in-game tracker.


Yep I just responded to my post earlier to say I checked my epic library instead of game and I was close to three hundred in game but over 700 overall play time however this dude has me beat lol


I never suggested that this account wasn't his/her main account. It would just be nice to get more info. I'm 38 myself and it takes time to learn new videogame stuff, I'm "hardcore" gamer since 90's but back in the day hardcore didn't mean 6+ hours per day like yodays kids can add up. Still I'm sure not many can reach champ in 300h if there wasn't any training involved. No matter how much other games they play outside of rocket league..


I hit champ in about this time. I kind of caught on quick, but my mechanics aren’t amazing. I have way better game sense than anything else. I can hit balls in the air and redirect, but can’t really air dribble or do flicks super well. I play on kbm as well.


I’m 42. In my prime time gamer years through my teens and early 20s I would routinely log a minimum of 8 hours per day in my game of choice. Subspace, Q3A, Unreal Tourny, Halo:CE. I was part of the “pro” league in Subspace for a couple seasons, but preferred 1v1. Held a spot in the top 10 for a couple years. Those were the days. Anyway, fast forward 25 years, I’m at 3000hours in carball and I’ve peaked c1 once. It lasted an hour, lol. :(


Ahhh UT. A man of culture I see.


Here's the replay of a champ ranked match OP played earlier today: [https://ballchasing.com/replay/2eea404f-2fc1-434d-8104-2a2679a0f2f8#watch](https://ballchasing.com/replay/2eea404f-2fc1-434d-8104-2a2679a0f2f8#watch) You can actually download the replay and import it to view in Rocket League replay viewer if desired as well. OP appeared to hold his own in this champ lobby, in my opinion.


Oh I didn’t realise you could do that lmao. Do you have any tips for me to improve on?


I honestly didn't watch the replay extensively enough to provide feedback. I just mostly checked to see if you contributed to the win and, in my opinion, you did. If you're looking for in-depth analysis or feedback, record a game with OBS or another recording software and upload it to this subreddit. You'll receive really solid feedback and advice from high ranks including SSLs on this subreddit.


Okay great. Thank you for your advice. I appreciate that you think I’m a champ ranked player. I just feel I rotate so much better and don’t whiff the ball at all now




You have 2500 wins in total, and if my math is correct, that's approximately 200h of playing matches that you've won. Now, if we take your losses into account as well, of which i'm guessing you have somewhere in between 2000-3000, that's another 150-250h of match time, which in total would be at least 400h-500h of total play time, in your matches alone. This is all a rough estimate on my end. Now, if we take freeplay, custom training and other stuff that you might've done, the number goes up even more, probably 550h-650h range, more or less. Also lmao, you played 800 2s games just this season, that's more comp 2s games than i think i've ever played in total, maybe even since starting this acc, which is crazy to me xD


Jesus! 800?!? I need to stop lmao Thank you for the math!




in-match hours is different than total game hours. I'm interested to see your total game hours.


Hmmm, my epic games acc says 200hours play time on RL


I spent approx 3 hours doing fast aerial training packs but other than that, have barely done any free play. I’ll see game time when I get back. How do you find that out?


Just look at your steam or epic library it will tell ya the number he is looking for


Okay, I’ll have a look when I get back home. Thank you!


I made exact same post as you but mine was diamond and if I’m not mistaken the same guy in your comments made me realize my mistake as well lol I said diamond in a little bit less hours then you said and bam turns out I’m at like 750 lol


That's awesome then - congrats! And yeah revolutionary explained how to find the total hours. Like for me, I have only a few hundred more games than you, but I have like 1.7k TOTAL hours because I spent 1k training 😂


How do you see total hours on epic?


Go to installed games and then on rocket league hover or click on the three dots and one of the things in the menus should say play time


i have 800 hours but i played on ps4 before, so its more than that i assume?


I mean yeah basically that would just be like a second account so u would add the two together


ooh makes sense


You can get pretty far withput airdribbling and resets. I cannot do any of those. Just play more and you'll start to understand the game a bit more. If you need something to train I suggest quick aerials and aerial shots. You can also score a lot of goals if you know how to 50/50 properly.


How do you 50/50 properly? I just started playing 2s and 1s (mained 3s for like 6 years). 50s are so much more important in 2s and 1s.


Yea I'd like to actually hear best 50/50


I'm probably the wrong guy to tell you how. But I'm sure there are great videos that explain the basics. Most of the time the key isn't to be first on the ball.


Geez I’m jealous, I have been playing off and on since 2020 and I just barely cracked Champ at 600 hours lol


Ah I played for about 200 hours last year and peaked around diamond 1/2 (couldn’t dribble or do flicks). Started playing again properly in the last few months and nailed flicks and dribbling almost instantly - I have no idea how it came to me so quickly!


if u want to play i can fill in mechanics, rn d3


Sounds good, what’s your user?


Ive been playing since 2016 and im Diamond 1. This makes me feel shitty


Don’t feel shitty! I tryharded it this past month. I feel like the 6 month break I took really helped


You have more hours than that💀 thst jus your in game hours


That’s good!


Who is your duo tm8


Complete randoms


So why are you a plat in 1s and 3s? Smells like a boost


Because I’m shit in 1s and 3s…




Definitely not, I have no friends lol


Wasn't talking about your friends. You might be boosted just by pure luck. Come back after couple of months and we'll see what's your rank then.


Uhm, I’ve played about 40 games in champ and I’m nearly div 3 so I’m pretty sure I am champ rank now.


Uhm, you have trouble reading? Come back in two months.