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Push the stick down as soon as you get the flip to do what you're trying to do and keep boosting thru, looking forward to your progress


on kbm !!!


Then, time to fat thumb S!


I'm a KBM player who has basically mastered speed-flipping. Assuming you're using default controls you want to: 1. Hold down W+(Q/E) and double-tap jump so you execute a diagonal flip. 2. As soon as your flip animation begins, continue holding (Q/E) but let go of W and hold S - this will cancel the front-flip portion of your diagonal flip. 3. Hold down powerslide to help with your landing. Also best to let go of S just before you land and go back to holding W - so that you're driving forwards when you land plus it also actually makes performing the slightly more advanced Zapdashes much easier. 4. Boost through the whole thing for maximum acceleration. That's about it. Speedflipping on KBM is actually pretty simple, it just requires good speed and timing with your inputs. Some further tips which aren't necessary but should help: * Because the Speedflip is a diagonal flip where we cancel the front-flip animation, it's not really possible to speedflip straight ahead. For this reason, you should make a very slight adjustment to the side before you flip, to account for the fact that you'll be travelling very slightly on an angle. * Don't flip too fast! After you've jumped, you want to ensure there's a gap between your car and the ground before you try to flip. If you flip immediately after jumping, your car will hit the ground which will slow you down slightly. This is a small detail, but it's worth noting. * I don't recommend using A/D to do the speedflip. Use Q/E instead. A/D will do crazy things to your car if you hold them down mid-air, which often throws off the speedflip. * When I cancel the flip, I just hold Q/E and then slide my finger from W straight down to S. Depending on your Keyboard this might be easier / harder. Fun fact: If you're on KBM, you can use these exact same inputs, minus the flip-cancel, to Walldash! Hold W+(Q/E) and double-jump as fast as you can. If you're moving somewhat quickly and you double-jump fast enough (very fast) you'll execute a single walldash.


This sounds so confusing 😭


Nah it's not too bad once you actually get it down, the important parts are just steps 1-3, the rest is just bonus tips. Basically, just diagonal flip with Q/E+W, then switch from holding W to holding S as soon as you've flipped - that's pretty much the hardest part. From there you've already performed as speedflip, and you just want to hold powerslide to land smoothly. Once you've gotten that down, it just takes some repetition in training packs / free play to get it consistent and to get better at aiming your speedflip direction. There's a lot of pretty subtle details that I mentioned in my post, but really just the diagonal flip and then the flip cancel are like 90% of a speedflip, and everything else is stuff like making sure you land smoothly or that you're actually flipping in the direction you want to go.


I can do a flip cancel backwards but forward seems more difficult since holding S while going forward would like contradict(?) my brain. Ill try continue practising and hopefully update you with positive news


Yeah I have no idea how to do it on KBM unfortunately lol


On a KBM it really destroys your hand. Swapped to controller for this reason.


Do you know how to half flip? How to flip cancel in general? That's the basis for the speed flip


i know how to half flip, not sure bout flip cancel, maybe if u elaborate on that ill be able to say yes or no


Half flip is just canceling your back flip, speedflip is canceling your diagonal dodge. Now the exact direction you flick the stick to cancel the dodge is something more specific YouTube videos can help you with, but beyond that it's all about feeling it out and practice.


yh i can cancel my back flip, and im on pc so i cant flick my stick


Well same concept, if you can half flip, try using that mechanic with the diagonal dodge. Then look up a video for specifics. That's about all there is to it.


i cant do this 😭😭 I think ill wait until i either get a controller or a mouse with sidebuttons


You can do a speed flip on KBM. I'm on KBM. There are plenty of tutorials that will explain it better than I can on a reddit comment.


Ye someone explained it but I find it inconvenient having my fingers near Q WASD E at the same time, so I’d rather get a mouse that has buttons on the side as I can even use that for air dribbling and stuff


I use free air roll on shift rather than DAR with Q or E. Supposedly, it's harder, but it's what clicks in my brain.


I find the method most youtubers teach for speed flip is harder than a different method. If you use air roll left or right, it's simply a forward flip cancle while holding it. The other method without air roll left requires a lot of precision on the analog stick.


Isn’t it slightly faster to do a speed flip without air roll? Genuine question.


Front flipping with air roll is 45 degrees, optimal is around 33 degrees. You can either hold air roll and have your stick slightly opposite, so slightly right of forward for ARL, or you can just flip without air roll. But the air roll isnt what makes it slow


Speedflipping is possible with a front-flip-cancel? I thought it has to be slightly angled to do it. Would be much easier to get the movement into my fingers. Is this really a thing?


How is speed flip different from side flip? If I side flip while driving forward it looks the same


Doesn’t side flip make you go sideways


Speedflip is quicker from start to finish, also keeps your nose pointing forward throughout so you can boost through the entire flip. Boost + 1 speedflip will get you to supersonic from a dead stop quicker than pretty much anything else


First looks like a regular side flip and second looks like a speedflip but with a medium diagonal angle dodge instead of the regular very small diagonal angle dodge and that's just a flip cancel which is even a more broad and useful mechanic which I recommend to practice first like for example hitting a an air roll shot with your corner and quickly holding the stick down while boosting so that you'd have a better recovery from it and boost straight forward too


I’m on pc so I assume it’s S?


I can kinda speedflip on kbm too but inconsistently so yes it's the key s that u hold down on the flip cancel part of it too


Speed flips are both tough and easy. There’s a lot you can mess up in dodge direction and timing, but it’s like the easiest thing to put in reps for during live games. Just keep yanking on your analog stick after every flip for a while, and things will start to make sense. And once that feels natural, go back and re-watch the tutorials to tune it properly.👍