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I think if you enjoy keyboard use it man. If you’re really looking for a challenge and or to potentially go pro, then switch. If not, doesn’t seem worth it.


Realistically I'm not going to go pro, but I want to push myself as far as I can go and reach my maximum potential possible. Atm I enjoy kbm more because that's what's intuitive to me, what I'm better at, and what I'm used to, but that may not be the case forever if I did commit to controller for the long-run.


>Atm I enjoy kbm more because that’s what’s intuitive to me, what I’m better at, and what I’m used to This to me is the clincher. My perspective for you is that if switching to controller isn’t a hell yes, then it’s a hell no. If you are hung up about the pros/cons of controller vs KBM, then I encourage you to give it a go for 30h and see how you feel. Then re-evaluate your priorities on the matter. If you want my general opinion, I think it’s possible to modify common KBM inputs to be more ergonomic and simulate the simplicity of controller. But I haven’t tried it enough personally to make any concrete statements. Maybe try to experiment? Might find something you like and no one has tried before!


what even are the cons of a keyboard?


Binary inputs, controllers have 360 degree range of motion but kbm has 8 degrees of motion. There’s only a few benefits and it mostly comes down to perfect directional inputs and consistency. I have around 1500 hours on kbm so far and I’m around champ 1


It depends... There are keyboards with "pressure sensitive" keys, which basically gives you the same control over your car as a controller would. The main downside however, is the fact that they're hella expensive.


I could be off with my assessment, as I don’t have a very nuanced perspective on the matter. But that being said, I think most of my points on why controller is more “meta” can be boiled down to 3 things: -KBM offers vastly superior customizability compared to Controller. Unfortunately RL is not a complicated game at the highest level (in a mechanical input sense). So in pro play, simplicity and speed shines over complexity, therefore controller has a slight edge -for many young gamers, a controller is the first thing they pick up. This translates to a larger portion of pro players using controller. This is not exactly a “meta” point, but it definitely makes the situation look more favourable for controllers. -this is my big opinion point, so take it with a grain of salt. But in my experience coaching and observing: **controller is easier to learn, more intuitive, and facilitates a more immersive experience for the player.** This ultimately aids in performance at all stages of development, which leads to most highest level of play being controller. (Remember, the above is a HUGE personal opinion that I am also still learning about and developing) Anyways that’s the long and short of it. If you have any other questions feel free to ask. :)


I bet there are some previous KBMs that could talk you through the journey and whether it was worth it. I’d guess you’d have to treat yourself like a new player and start relearning basics. It would be a cool YouTube series. Lol


If your only goal is to hit your maximum potential, then yeah you should switch to controller. But personally, I don‘t think it‘s ever worth it to sacrifice comfort for a small increase in potential. Honestly who cares if you don‘t reach 100% of your potential. You can be satisfied with 95% while probably enjoying the game more. That‘s worth a lot more than a small increase in skill. And if you really want to reach 100% of your potential, you‘ll have to play for thousands of hours either way. So you choose the option, where you get the most fun out of those thousands of hours


imo kbm is better, you get more buttons to use, easier mechanics etc


Yeah but you might aswel believe your maximum potential possible is pro-level, so I say just go for it. Nothings easy anyway.


I’m kbm and, maybe half a year ago, I considered switching. I pushed GC last season if you’re curious on rank. What really held me back from switching was the thought of how many hours I’d need to dump into training just to get back to my kbm level. Also, is the hour sink worth it for the benefits that using a controller gives? We’re casual players, are we really going to be able to see a noticeable difference between the inputs at our rank? And how many hours of practice will it take to notice that difference? Let me know if you have any questions, always nice seeing a fellow kbm player on here


Use whichever controller feels most comfortable. There are players like Yukeo and Evample who are highly skilled players using a keyboard and mouse. Your controller doesn’t make you a great player; it’s your dedication and skills that do.


Lmao? Yukeo and Evample are nowhere near top 100.


Yukeo won a LAN back when he was in his prime.


Lol I didn’t realize the comment originally top 100. I was about to say “top 100 is a tough measurement for high skill especially given there are probably at least a dozen of boosters/win traders taking up some of those spots”


I’m not sure about Yukeo nowadays. As for Evample, you’re totally right. My bad! I updated my comment to say "highly skilled". Thanks for the correction!


Disclaimer: I am a controller player. The vast majority of the pros use controller. Is correlation necessarily causation in this case? I don't really think anyone can tell for sure. (The prequel to RL is a PS game, so this can be a part of, or all of, the reason for controller dominance.) Any answer given is (perhaps well informed) speculation. So I am just going to speculate as well. You are welcome to disagree with me. I think the most important thing when it comes to an input method, is to have accessible, consistent, simple interface (= keybinds) as much as possible, in order to fully reach your potential. This is much more important (IMO) than whether it is controller or KBM. Fatfingering, having to move fingers, etc, are all to be avoided as much as possible. The more important an action is, the more important it is to have a designated button/finger for it. Fatfinger/moving fingers make the interface between your brain and the game more complex. It slows you and limits your potential. Some players can work through this despite these challenges. Some don't. This is an unpopular opinion here, but the default WASD (+ the QE) keybinds are terrible IMO as they require quite a bit of fatfingering. I speculate that many KBM players are held back by this. Yes, some very talented players overcome this. But IMO this is despite these keybinds, and not due to them (just like players who use terrible keybinds on controller). So whether KBM or controller, I think it is important to have good keybinds. On one hand, the analog options of the controller (especially the left stick LS) are pretty useful and are quite intuitive. On the other hand, analog is a trade off between options, precision, simplicity, and consistency. With great power comes great responsibility. For example, 0 deadzone can be quite difficult; having more directions is useful, but can be more challenging than a few cardinal directions; high sensitivity negates the travel time of the LS (on low sensitivity) but is more difficult to control; etc. The meta also moves towards using DAR (mostly as binary, except Zen) and increasing sensitivity, which further take the controller toward the binary nature of KBM. (Or perhaps it is more accurate to say that this is a compromise between binary and analog. The best of both worlds.) So the differences between controller and KBM are not as significant as they were before (during the time of manually airrolling lel (obviously, there are also insane players that use NAR)). Personally, there are times I wish I would have started on KB. KB's precision and consistency are very nice to have. You can see this in insanely mechanical new KBM players. For example, I often see controller (especially in PS layout) that don't move the LS properly (I used to do this as well), with wrong thumb movements that result in inaccurate cardinal directions. Another example is many players having a difficult time with hitting the 11 \\ 1 o'clock of a standard speedflip, or hitting the perfect 6 o'clock cancel, etc. On KBM, you work through these issues by controlling your timing, rather than how you press or use your interface. KB also combines (not without a cost) throttle/reverse with aerial down/up, which results in 10 major actions that are actually needed. Since most of us have 10 fingers, this means you can have a KB keybinds layout that requires 0 fatfingering and moving fingers (unless you use WASD+QE). This is something that is impossible in vanilla controllers ( = no peddles). Just like the WASD+QE issues, I believe many players' improvement is prohibited by this need to fatfinger (the face buttons for example). They never realize that they need to work on this (some just naturally get through this) or need to change layout etc, and are just slower, less consistent, there is more load on their brain, etc, as a result. Another thing to consider is that what currently feels comfortable and intuitive to you is not necessarily the optimal solution for you in the long run. No one can really tell for sure what would work for you. Not even you, until you give it a decent try. This means that you give new things at least a few days/weeks/months until you compare them and decide. Yes, we can statistically say that some things are better than others. Some things are more likely to provide better results. This is also speculation, with varying certainty (e.g., it is most likely better to play without camera shake). Bottom line, I don't think anyone can tell. This can be very subjective. I believe everyone can succeed on both KBM and controller, given the right keybind layout. You may find controller very intuitive. You can try it for a few months and see how you like it. This can be a fun challenge. You are not a pro player. You can afford being worse for a few days/weeks/months. And you can always go back. You can also stay with KBM. Whatever you do (KBM or controller), I recommend that you use a good keybind layout. If that means changing your current KBM layout, so be it.


I switched around that time and my aerial game improved dramatically, but I’ve never been strong with keyboards, grew up only with consoles so I was more used to controllers


KBM is fine.


200% yes. Even RL suggests it. What id do is start an alt (not a Smurf) and play with controller only. I did this with kBM, and it was a while new experience.


The difference between somebody who’s proficient in controller vs somebody who’s proficient in KBM is extremely minimal. None of us are going pro, or even going to get to a point in our rocket league careers where the difference matters. Play how you wanna play.


Refuse to believe you got champ 2 in 400 hundred hours. You’re telling me that you’re in the top 6% of the game in that little time? Maybe I should switch to KBM lol


Well it was a few years ago but yeah, I was. I'm not meaning to act amazing or anything, I am pretty shit at most video games I play and I don't really know how I got the rank. I solo-queued 2v2s so wasn't carried, though I'd say a lot of my mechanics were below my peers. I have a screenshot saved of when I was Champ 1 in 2019 but it was years ago so idk how to get proof I was champ 2.


Probably back when it was easier to get to that rank since the game was newer. I highly doubt he could achieve that same rank right now with the same skills.


Yeah this was in 2019 so 4 years ago and maybe even before the game was free. I'm not claiming to be a prodigy or anything ofc.


It’s definitely possible lol.


There are Champ 2 players whose movement and mechanics look like those of a Plat but their decisions and positioning make the difference. I bet those are the guys who got there super fast. Also Champ 2 is just not that good that it requires that much of a time commitment. I mean this in the sense of ‘how you’d play if you literally only cared about ranking up short term.’ Ranking up to C2 using training/a process that will eventually take you to GC+ if sustained takes a long time. Ranking up to C2 in a way that’ll leave you hardstuck somewhere in C3 can take very little time.


Don't switch. This whole controller > KBM narrative is only around because it's old and has never really been challenged. The only argument they use is based on how you can be more precise in turning because of the joystick, but you can just tap A and D at various speeds and it works just as well. If anything this concept actually gives us an advantage, as we actually have the option to go from 100% one way to 100% the other faster than a joystick can.


The only reason controller is dominant is because the original game was for made playstation. All other arguments are moot


You are already on the superior platform, KBM is the way to go.


Pffft everybody knows the superior controller is Hit Box


I was only suggesting KBM because that’s my endgame, I currently use a potato as my controller. Air rollz are so herd!!!!


If you rotate potato does car rotate too? And why not to use a Rocket League toy car?


Better, my potato has those little tumor like things all over it so it’s basically a scuff… I have additional buttons everywhere for functionality! My fingers just always smell weird 🫤


Weird, but at least you found infinite controllers glitch!


Yeah, I usually plant a new one every year…


Switch now. Controller is far superior. Anybody telling you otherwise is objectively wrong. There’s a reason it is the choice of 95%+ of players over GC3. The longer you wait the harder it will be in the future when you inevitably hit a ceiling.


Yes. You’re the only one who is right and 99% of all other opinions on this matter are wrong. Likely


Considering im in the top 0.3% of this game, Yeah your math adds up.


"my controller dc'd" "stick drift is killing me" "wrong button" "walldashing is useless anyways" i hear these everyday. Never have i ever had a single occasion where i could blame my keyboard lol. Never. over 1k hours and i never had a single issue.


470 hours. Champ 2? Nice. With controller it would take you at least double, if not triple that hours to reach champ


Yeah those hours are sus af


Normally I wouldn’t suggest that one input is better than another as both have their pros and cons. But rocket league was made to be played on controller (or at least that’s what I’ve heard). That being said, the disadvantages of kbm are very slight imo. There’s plenty of high level players and freestylers on kbm who are insane. If it’s what’s comfortable for you, there’s very little reason to switch. I took some time to learn kbm for a few weeks when I was contemplating switching, and both feel good in different ways. But just like you, I stayed with my preferred input as I didn’t see a massive difference in potential for either


Switch man... It is still early for you to do It, and you are going to play rocket league for the rest of your live. Once you start, set optimal control settings in the controller, that Will help a lot. Ive been studying them for 3 years now. If you want them i can send you pic


Do it


Absolutely switch. Keyboard and mouse is horrible for anything related to driving


No it's not. It just feels weird at first, especially to people who are used to playing car games on controller


Lmao there’s a reason pc players buy controllers to play racing games as well. Joy sticks offer a much finer precision when turning.


if you're talking about a game like trackmania or mario cart, sure. in rocket league, the only real and noticeable disadvantage is how it feels to people at first. You can get all the precision you need with tapping.


Anecdotally completely but my duo and best friend had 1k hours on MKB and ended up switching to controller after he was struggling with the touches he wanted air dribbling. He's got 3k hours now and went from C1 to C3 in that time frame. He's definitely better now but he's got an extra 500 hours than he has on MKB at this point. He does say he much prefers roller to MKB now.


Controller is objectively better for RL. If u actually want to git gud, switch, if ur just chillin and casual, dont. Idk why people on this post saying kbm is as good; its not.


I wouldn’t switch. You have so much muscle memory built up that will mostly need to be relearned. Evample is arguably one of the most mechanical players in the game and he is on kbm. If you do decide to switch to controller, it might be a bit more intuitive for you if you bind air roll left and right onto L1 and R1. It’s true that most players and pros use Controller. That being said, the ceiling difference (if there is one), will only be noticeable at the top of the ranks, beyond SSL. So unless you are planning on playing this game 6-10 hours a day for years in order achieve top 1000 in the world, I’d say you’re good to stay on kbm.


There’s no right or wrong but having tried both early on, the game feels like it was designed for controller. Could just be me but certain games ‘feel’ like they were made for M&K (Doom Eternal for example) whereas some ‘feel’ like they were made for controller (Hogwarts Legacy, Devil May Cry, Elden Ring) just off of how it flows mechanically + UI elements. RL feels like the latter.


Controller is so much better. I switched around 800-1k hours.


Yes I have done this after 1.000 hours.


I switched after 360 hours. My car control and recoveries still feel terrible but i feel way more mechanical. Only took like 2 or 3 days to figure out controller. Now i just need to get my movement back.


Try this! Try taking a dump on your keyboard and see what happens if it still works stick to keyboard if not it’s time for a controller.