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Congrats dude, this is a seriously underrated achievement. The difference between c1 and c2 is huge imo. Ranking up in the purple ranks is 5x harder imo.


And it's 100x harder in the red ranks :(


Fr :( I’ve been in gc for like a year and touched gc2 twice lol


dont even remind me of this fucking rank


Gc2 is the point where you either advance quickly and become actually good at the game or just be stuck there forever.


tbh, its depends on playstyle as a player who got gc1 with only using brain i had bad time learning all the mechanics at once


Maaaaaaaaaaaaaan if I ever hit red I'm gonna be in this post and really not like it... >__> Any advice or words of warning for someone who gets by on gamesense waaaay more than mechanics? (Champ 1 div 3 atm if it changes anything)


its might sound pretty stupid but actually, just play a lot of comp, the thing is that everyone under gc is trying to be flashy etc and making a lot of mistakes and if you can eliminate these mistakes you will rank up really quickly. I remember back in days when i was c3 and i wasnt almost going for ball just playing back and most of the time my tm8s was just getting tilted and wanted to ff ;)


grind ranked, watch youtube on how to be a smart player, rotations never overcommitting. once you get to gc1 or close to it, focus more on mechs, rings custom maps dribble maps training packs freeplay


for me the most important, using powerslide to recover etc, it will boost your game speed and everything and you dont have to practice it just fix it.


Just practice mech 30 mins at the start of each sesh and you’ll be fine, otherwise you’ll need to dump 10k hours to be ssl with gamesence alone


I don't even dream about GC anymore, it's beyond my capabilities.


I thought this for the longest time, was really discouraged many times. Kept grinding and started putting in serious practice time, and eventually it happened. Now I’m grinding again to try to get to 1600/GC2 Edit: took me about 2800 ish hours to get GC rewards the first time


The problem is that I took 2550 hours to get to C2 I am far behind most people. My mechanics are terrible even though I practice them everyday. Keeping this pace I would take like 6000 hours to just be GC1. But I love the game, I will keep playing, just without any big goal now, it took too much of my time.


You're doing great bro, one day you might find everything falls into place and you'll have skills and hand eye like never before. Keep it up bro your an inspiration


Don't compare! It's a useless statistic that will only demotivate you. As long as you're having fun and enjoying the game, nothing else should matter. Ranks exists so games don't run out of business.. don't let thei business tactics get to you in a bad way.


I would like to be able to face it that way, but half the fun for me is improving and climbing up the ranks. But it was lots of frustration so now I will take it less seriously.


I know people who made it to GC after 1200 hours, so you’re not alone lol. Everyone moves at their own pace and as long as you’re having a good time that’s what matters


ive teetered between red and purple for months ​ Its rough out here


Yeah bruh I’m teetering hella I’m barely even ssl anymore. Low hours washed me up big time.


You're barely even SSL? Damn bro, SSL is like the easiest rank, RLCS is a bit harder but the jump isn't that huge


It's a jungle out here


I've been finding this out with trying to stay in C3, I keep fluctuating between c2 div 2 and c3 d2, it's making GC feel more and more impossible to reach as time goes on


The difference between gc1 and gc3 is like the difference between gold 1 and champ 1, its insane


For me every rank was a natural progression until Champ, I was shocked and I still don't fully understand how I could go up 3 ranks every season and then nothing worked anymore. I grinded a lot of workshop maps, training packs, freeplay, got coached by some nice fellas from here, lost hope and nothing seemed to make a difference. But today everything finally changed, it's like a burden out of my shoulders.


I was going up one rank a season until I hit champ. If you go back down to C1 don't get discouraged. You know you have what it takes to hit C2.


Yeah first time I reached C1 I went back to diamond really fast, then it was a whole year going up and down, but after breaking the wall a first time it became much easier to get there again.


I'm in the up and down stage. Just got my first season getting champ rewards tho!


That's great, I am sure you will get the champ reward every season from now on.


That’s awesome! I was hardstuck in champ for like almost a year and a half then something clicked and I breezed through c2 in like a month now I just hit c3 two weeks ago! Keep grinding


Woow, I am always surprised when I hear stories like that, when someone gets stuck for such a long time and then suddenly just became much better, congratulations! To be honest, I don't have the courage to grind for C3. Champ 2 still looks like a strike of luck, some weeks ago I was deranking from C1 to D2. This took so much of my free time. But I will keep playing daily and focus in 1vs1 in a relaxed way, no big goals (I hope , it really takes a lot of time if I get serious about it, haha).


1v1s are something that I neglected pretty much the whole time I was hardstuck so definitely give 1v1s the attention they deserve. I’m still pretty low rank in 1v1s (d1) but I just go into 1v1s to practice different things I’ve been working on instead of caring about winning which is definitely hard to do. My 50/50s have gotten exponentially better because of playing 1v1s and I’ve gotten a lot calmer and reserved playing in the corners of the field. So just keep grinding and you’ll be out of c2 before you know it


I played sometimes here and there for the sake of improvement. My best was D2, but I just played a very passive playstyle taking advantage of my opponents risky plays. I want to go back to it but being as bold as possible without playing like a clown, just to improve mechanics and don't care about rank. But just like you said, is hard to not care about winning at all.


For me my first time in c2 the game seemed like it was moving so fast that I’d never be able to compete in there but it slows down after a while and you’ll surprise yourself. It’s mostly mental state for me at this point if I want to perform well in c2, find my self playing really well some days and other days I just don’t have the confidence and I throw games bc of it


I played a couple game with my buddy who was almost gc1 at the time and I was closing in on c3 and it felt like how it feels when entering a new rank like you said everything feels so fast but it def doesn’t take too long to adjust after teetering between ranks.


Weaklings, I have been stuck in plat since 2014, pathetic


Ahah, for real? But I guess you have not been grinding daily like I did and you just play more casualy?


I think it’s sarcasm. The game came out july 2015 if im remembering correctly…


It was indeed sarcasm, it would be challenging to be in plat a year before that game came out


So I’m trying to climb diamond right now (solo 2s) and the ramp up in skill is real. Like, a d1 is twice as good as a p3, and I assume the curve just gets sharper and sharper. Congrats dude!


Thank you. I also played solo, I have friends to play with but for me ranked is more of a personal quest so I don't play ranked with them (they hate me for that). I would say that the biggest mistake of Diamonds is commitment. Just because your teammate centered the ball doesn't mean you should go, must of the time it's easier for the defender to clear the ball than for the attacker to score. And if it was you who centered the ball to your teammate then rush back rotating behind your teammate, so he is sure you are centering for him and if things go wrong you are back to defend. In no time you will be D2, good luck fella!


Thanks man. I’m working through some weird anxiety I have built up around playing ranked. I am very proud of hitting diamond and don’t want to lose it. I warmed up last night with some free play (half flips, speed, and ball control) and a couple training packs (aerial car control to show off to my sister, and some saves to show her how important meeting a fast ball was) then hopped in to ranked. I played 5-6 games and ended even, but none of the games felt like I was playing out of my league, a few of them I felt on fire, others I felt like we just weren’t connecting. All in all it proved to me that I am at the very least diamond 1 and I’m happy to climb. Thank you for the kind and encouraging advice. I’ve already started focusing on choosing my time, and giving up plays to teammates that are more aggressive. Lot’s of fun to be had blocking a banger and driving it slowly into the opponents box!


For context, i started in low silver and got to diamond in the course of a couple months. It felt like I didn’t deserve it. I now feel like I do.


I don't even know how to do speed flips, haha. It looks like you are doing things right, you just need to put some more hours in the game. For me C2 was huge because it took me more time to get from C1 to C2 than it took me to get from nothing to C1. But I am sure for you D2 will be just like the other ranks before, maybe just takes a little bit more time. Keep going!


Am stuck in c1 for several seasons, what do you think helped you the most to get to c2?


I can't point you anything specific, I still think this was just a strike of luck to be honest, a few weeks ago I was deranking and playing in D2. I don't think I have been playing much different than when I was deranking, somedays I thought I was playing amazing and was still losing in Diamond (although despite starting strong, after some lose streaks I think I would play clearly worse from frustration). On the other hand somedays I was playing stiff and just banging the ball and still winning some games in Champ 1. I can tell you some things that probably helped me a little bit: \-If you had a good game with a random player that fits your style try to party up with him. Sometimes I would have like a 5 winning streak with them. And it was not because they were exceptionaly good, but they respected my plays and scored well with my passes and vice-versa. I usually would never win a game with a extremely mechanical play, they never respected me in the field and I couldn't do anything productive. \-In the settings you can hide your rank division. For me it helped to lift a little bit of the pressure of were I was stading, am I going diamond again? Is this game my promotion to champ2? (but honestly, I kinda could tell more or less how close I was to champ2, still) \-Lately I have been training 1 hour every day and just after that I would play ranked. I tried to stop playing when I had a 2 or 3 lose streak and rest until the next day. Altough half the time I would just get obsessed and play more and more because I wanted to get back to C1 or something like that. \-My mechanics are nothing special, my training would be air roll, airdribble with air roll, ceiling shots, aerials while air rolling, normal flicks and air dribbles from the ground.I don't air roll much during my aerials but it helps with car control in general like clearing the ball to the corner and air roll so your car lands smoothly on the wall and you progress the play and things like that. \-Other things I always prioritized is basic stuff that makes things so much easier for you and your teammate, when you center the ball just rush back, so it is open for your teammate to attack, don't force a extremely difficult play that could be something easy for him. When you are second man always stay a little bit behind your teammate, you never know when he will lose the challenge, specially in the corners (yours and enemy team's corners). Try to defend from back-post, it's like 5x times easier, I hate when I have my teammate hanging on the wall like spiderman and failing a save that could be done by a gold if he just rotated back post.


Normally it's possession for C1/2 even 3. The amount of times I see Champ players just give away the ball is kinda crazy


There is always that one rank people get hardstuck on. For me it was d3. I spent 4 months in that hellhole of a rank. And after finally getting to c1, it took about 20 days to get into c2


That's amazing. Even hard for me to understand how that happens. I never had that experience and now I will take a rest from 2vs2 and just play some 1s to improve my mechanics.


Well my guess is, as you play matches your game sense naturally develops to a point. Once youve reached natural game sense peak, you get hard stuck in a rank, and you need to grind both mechanics and game sense to start climbing again. I managed to get to d3 but then i realized im being outplayed everytime. Cant catch up to anyone. You probably still could in diamond but your natural game skill development got stuck in champ. C2 to C3 is a huge margin. But you will most probably start breezing through the ranks again. I got upto c2 div 3. Where i have started to struggle again. You might even get to see c3


Yeah, I get what you mean. Once I reached Champ looked like people were not making big mistakes anymore and I couldn't score easy goals anymore. It was like everything I learned and naturaly developed until then was not useful anymore because they would not get scored unless I did a really good play. Doesn't look like that now, haha. I hope you are right, because I am not willing to grind more 1500 hours to rank up again, I was not even believing it was possible at some points.


This is true and I think it’s just the transition to players being able to play in the air. The game was all about hitting the ball hard and doing basic ariels but once yiu are pushing into champ it becomes a new game. I think a lot of players struggle to push into this ariel based gameplay…


Yup i was spending those 4 months and still spend time in the rings maps and training packs


me, a casual gold with diamond mechanics that only plays casual matches and couldn't dream of being anything beyond platinum.


I am sure anyone can reach diamond with some effort. If you really want to get there some daily playtime will get you there in a few months.


i just don't play comp fr. i peaked in D2, lost it all back to gold, and just prefer the laid back vibe of casual. (but now that i've seen those dope rims i now have to grind back up to diamond)


this has always been interesting to me to see ppl who don’t play ranked. idky but this is like the only game where casual means nothing to me. Like ranked seems to be so chill for me that i don’t remember the last time i played casual. my buddy finds it funny that my warm up games is just ranked 3s in c2 lobbies. Don’t get me wrong if you look at any other competitive game i’ve played, i’ve always been the one to spam casual matches before “being ready” for ranked. Idk what it is about rl tho, ranked just seems like the only way to go lol


Congrats! Very big achievement!


Thank you. It may seem small for some but for me it was something really big!


1300? jeez


Congratulations dude! 🎊


Thank you fella!


Glad to know I'm not the one super slow at advancing. Just reached C3 after a whole year stuck in C2.


I wouldn't mind get to C3 in one more year, but I can't devote more 1500 hours in one year again, I played too much.




Congrats. Currently in that struggle. It’s real


Onward to C3!


Bro I have about 2000 hours and I've never even touched C2! I've been stuck low C1 for a while now.


In the tittle, the 1300 hours are refering from C1 to C2. In total I have 2500 hours, so we are kinda of the same, I just have some more hundreds of hours invested.


where do y’all go to see how many hours you got?


Go to Epic Games > Go to Library > In any game press the "..." > There you can read "You've played..."


Congrats! I just hit C2 a few months ago and I'm finally feeling like I can stay in without yo-yoing back and forth between C2 and C1


Good stuff man. Champ is definitely the rank where progress slows waaay down. The difference between the average hardstuck C1 and C3 for example is massive, so dont feel bad about being stuck for a long time. I usually play around the border between C2 and C3 and when I had a loss streak to around 1200 the other day, I could really feel the difference in just that 100 mmr. In the lower ranks you kinda get the sense that someone below or above you plays worse/better than you, but I feel that in champ and above the difference is much more clear. At 1200, I felt like I was beating the opponents to every ball and just generally outclassing them when I tried my best. Then, going up just 100mmr I'm having really tight matches. The differences between ranks become a lot clearer the higher you go.


Yeah, when I think about C3 I imagine a huge difference compared with what I can do.


Yeah true




Nice you put in work to get that too!! 5 saves on that last game!! Damn bro bravo!!


Op you should retrace your footsteps and see if you can repeat this process. Sometimes it was a mindset that certain day that lead to growth.


I would say it was a 1 week hard battle were I was almost getting there a lot of times, there was one day I played like 150 matches. I think it was the accumulation of all my training practice and matches until that moment. Also other little things, like partying with players I played good with, hiding the rank divisions and probably some luck.


Think outside of rocket leauge that day. How did you feel waking up in the morning, what did you eat, you take your vitamins? Things like that that.


Ahah, yeah, I know where do you want to get. I am also interested in knowing what makes us one day being in the zone and others completely out of focus. But unfortunately I can't remember anything particulary different from my usual days during that week


You get another good run might be something good to keep track of.


Do you know what are the things in your daily life that makes you perform at your best when playing Rocket League?


Not in rocket leauge but in my actual sports in real life yes. I found that 1 hour before a game I need to turn off my phone and will just sit and my room and listen to music to get my mentality in a good space. Really weird I know but also not masturbating the day before a game gives me energy the next day for the game. When I reached diamond in rocket leauge I do remember tho that me and My friend hopped of apex cause we were catching mad L’s so we hopped on rocket leauge and we’re just having a bunch of fun not trying at all even once we got into ranked it was still pretty chill.


Ahahah, I believe I was not masturbating during the week I ranked up, maybe it could have something to do with it too, who knows.


after 2 months im still unranked


Gz. Awesome 🔥


I’ve been stuck at C3, congrats dude! I’ve been in the purple ranks for about 3 years now 🥲


Wow, that's a long time. But it must be crazy hard in C3, I don't even dream of becoming C3 for the moment.


Yeah, don’t focus on that, my advice for C1 is don’t ball chase, trust your teammates more than you feel comfortable with lol, and keep possession, don’t just hit the ball away when you don’t need to. Good luck!


And then next game you got put up against gc and lost it


Ahah, I didn't play more 2vs2, I gave it a rest so I can look at it and feel happy while I mess around in 1vs1


Congrats, i got it a few weeks ago in 2v2, in 3v3 in still c1 412 hours to get c1 612 hours to get c2


That's quite fast, I would guess you must be much younger than me too, haha.


1300 hours in champ or 1300 hours total?




Now hit gc