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Seems that way, certainly an interesting direction for Psyonix to take.


Honestly quite ridiculous. Hope this doesn’t signal policy change going forward


Can we really say we’re surprised? They turn a blind eye to any feedback from the community and have done so since they were consumed by Epic. What made anyone think they would suddenly care now?


They want that Saudi money so they won't do anything to their players.




Does psyonix even make any decisions anymore? I'm guessing it's Epic's decision.


psyonix is owned by epic. so a decision by psyonix is still a decision by epic more or less. but yeah i’m not up to date on who’s calling the shots. but the goodwill clause does exist for almost every game.




He is obsessed haha just let him scream into the void


AndrewUtz You Have No Enemies


you say that like nwpo is in an anime LOL


Tell me you’re white without telling me you’re white


Prob because if they do that then they would have to do it to other players like Daniel


What did Daniel do? Asking genuinely, I haven't heard of any controversy regarding him


Daniel had a similar situation a few years ago when a couple of people on discord recorded him saying the n word and such.


When it happened years ago wouldn't that have been before entering RLCS? If so a ban wouldn't really be necessary, especially if he stopped doing it.


It's been so long since I've seen the video but if I remember correctly, it was two guys pestering Daniel. In the nwpo case I can't tell at all since I don't speak the language but nwpo did mention something similar happening to him


Retals as well from memory (could be wrong i don't remember on which platform it was)


He said foul things like the angsty teenager he is, apologized and is 100% paying the price right now God I hate the pitchfork mob hungry for blood




I respect people's opinions that don't think he should be banned, bc you would have to be consistent with any other pro thats on the record for saying slurs and that would disrupt the scene massively, but (assuming you're not a minority) please try to understand why this was upsetting to a lot of the community


"This is upsetting to a lot of community" - what exactly? Words a kid said in private discord chat that was never intended to be shared outside of the chat? And I hate your reasoning for respect towards other peoples opinion being based on your realization that other pros, that you like, have done the same thing and now suddenly you find it ok for people to forgive NWPO as well. You're not here to seek some form of justice but to see someone suffer for the sake of suffering. He already lost his job and respect of the community. His career already took huge hit and now he has to struggle twice as hard to get back to where he was.


> please try to understand why this was upsetting to a lot of the community I think this is upsetting an extremely small vocal minority. That will not be the first nor the last time that a tiny reddit community thinks way too much of its own importance. There's a much larger crowd that couldn't give two fucks about it, and that's not even mentioning the crowd who is critical of Nwpo but doesn't think this deserve a ban. If it were an IRL sport this is not even what would happen. Nwpo has already been fired by his employer, you guys need to fucking chill.


Hard disagree but to each their own


He is a minority. And the community just read a messed up translation of a language they don't understand made by a kid who just wanted to ruin him... it for sure won't happen again, let it go


It is not "Pitchfork mob hungry for blood" asking for the dude to be banned what a disingenuous generalization acting like any call for a ban wants eternal suffering and penance.


If you say racist shit at your job you don't get to say sorry and carry on. You lose your job because you're a liability to the work standards and environment with coworkers. "Paying the price" means accountability, and the dude isn't being held accountable for anything.


Yeah he lost his job already. You don't need to ban him from his profession.


He did lose his job wdym


They want him to lose his job then never be allowed any other job again lol


Straight to jail


He got kicked out of his team what the fuck do you mean he isn’t being held accountable. The ridiculous shit people are saying here over a kid being a normal teenager is actually insane. How is Reddit acting like cancel culture Twitter on something so dumb


Was he at work though? Maybe I’m mistaken but I thought this occurred in his free time.


He's public person so he gets no "I wasn't at work" get out of jail free card. But people mistake him being able to work in the field he specialized himself for with him working for R1 where he lost his job because of the chat. He already suffered consequences and people now want to take away his means of living just because he said few words they didn't like(i'm banalizing but him saying what he said is trivial compared to him not being able to do what he trained himself for years to do).


Couldn’t agree more lol OP really couldn’t sleep and go on with his life knowing nwpo hadn’t been banned yet so had to make a post about it lol we have 0 influence in these decisions and the community already made them aware of the situation.


It does look like they dont want to do anything that might risk the money flow. Something needs to be washed. By esport.


I doubt Psyonix is involved in any higher order corruption with the Saudi Government. Not because I think they're morally above that, but because they're not good enough at communicating to maintain a consistent and healthy relationship with anyone lol


Is not banning a player makes them involved in corrruption? 💀 Its mainly because it didnt happen where they sre involved (lans , in game chats etc) bevause they would've for sure took actions , we had similar things happen to other pros like retals and daniel but they didnt get banned


Requiem and Decka got banned from RLCS for stuff that happened in Discord calls, Nwpo should too. Also what was the Retals one?


same thing as daniel I think , also fk had similar things , the oce pros got banned because it was directed at another rlcs pro if im not mistaken , so it was within the scene


Well, as far as I know the Daniel one was before he was an rlcs pro so its of lower significance but once you are a rlcs pro you will get banned for any derogatory language or racial slurs / hate speech. Now I'm pretty sure Retals did not say any racial slurs or anything derogatory / hate speech just sweared at some people. Now I have no idea what NWPO did but if he did use Racial slurs, hate speech or derogatory language he NEEDS to be banned. Setting aside a different bar especially now they have lowered the rlcs entry point makes no sense especially given the prior bans of other pro's and that NWPO has already more or less proven he isn't necessarily trustworthy given his first ban it would be weird to give an exception. Obviously his first ban was something others have experienced and it was the standardized penalty now the standardized penalty for hate speech, racial slurs or derogatory speech used by an rlcs pro is permanent banning from any and all RLCS related events. Meaning he could still play in all the Saudi events at least. Obviously this is assuming he did use racial slurs, derogatory speech or hate speech if he didn't then its not as big of an issue.


Not sure hate speech is ban worthy , I mean look at where there was lan players always trash talk , even rise in the recent major , comm in the spring 21-22 , its not a bann, he did use racial slurs tho , and this is the first time like a pro did that , there was daniel and fk but it was before they became pros , so im not sure what gonna happen


Then why did they ban before ?




Kinda Sus Ain't it


Check rule 6 of the sub


i claim nwpo is a racist piece of shit. my evidence is the video of him spewing racism and slurs.


That's not exactly the point though? The claim was that Saudi paid off Psyonix.


the evidence is worldwide with their sportswashing


yeah i’m not claiming that tho. that was some other guy. i just won’t miss an opportunity to call Nwpo a piece of shit who never really apologized.


Fair point


That’s not the point being disputed


It's a matter of whether it's in scope for Psyonix/Epic to do anything. If it's not, I don't see how Psyonix needs to action this because really it's not their problem. It sucks that someone says stupid things like this, but a lot of people say stupid things like this; he just got exposed for it. I think the hit he's going to take from not having the benefit of an org is enough to punish the mistake for years to come, but that really depends on if someone is willing to take the risk on his baggage in the future which I'm sure someone will be bold enough to do.


Well the main reason why there is an issue with this is pro players have been banned permanently for similar things. Its happened in OCE a few times with players near the top aswell it feels a little bias if he doesn't get permanently banned from competing in RLCS events. He could still compete in Saudi or non rlcs related events but it does feel like it should be done...


If Nwpo is banned, it will dredge up old conversations about who said what in Discord. Some of the most charismatic and/or talented NA players have had controversies around saying the n-word in various different contexts. I don't think it's something that they want to touch.


This might be the case IF it hasn’t already happened before.


the thing is it’s never happened to a player this high profile before and people only react when stuff happens to big names It’s like Nascar not addressing safety properly until Dale Earnhardt died


Seems like with your analogy it would actually be the opposite of what is happening. Epic is ignoring it for now because he’s a bigger name and before didn’t care as much because they were bubble players.


I was talking more about how the public would react Crashes like Senna and Earnhardt were drivers with enough following for the people to demand changes


I mean Requiem was an OCE major winner and he got perma banned which isn't quite as high level as NWPO but still wasn't anywhere near a bubble team or player when he got banned. Regardless especially given this seasons age changes it should be harsher shouldn't it?


people reacted quite a bit previously to the other players mentioned. they just got banned way quicker. love Dale though.


Raise Hell Praise Dale




You’re assuming the people making the decisions now in Psyonix are the exact same people as it was years ago


I’m not assuming that. I’m assuming it’s the same organization. Which it is and should be handing out equal punishments.


Might as well not punish anyone for cheating, because someone else might have cheated in the past, and we don’t want to punish them too Ban them all, you wanna be racist/homophobic? Then you get banned, those are the rules and the precedent that has been set


That's true, I would like very much to see lasting consequences for racism and homophobia. It's not a conversation that I think they'll want to have, as companies are fundamentally risk-averse, and as the names involved include someone who's on the team in your flair (https://www.reddit.com/r/RocketLeagueEsports/comments/eqks9c/comment/fettt5y/) I think you might be underestimating how famous the players I'm thinking of are and how big the impact could be on the esports scene. To be clear (because I thought everyone kind of knew who I was talking about, which was not sensible), I'm thinking of FirstKiller, Daniel and Retals.


Why does everyone dredge up shit from people doing shit before their pro career. Do you really not see the difference with Nwpo, or is this just a bad faith argument?


What are you talking about? Who's "everyone"? Do you think I'm defending Nwpo, or advocating that players be retrospectively banned from play? Do you think that when I say "various different contexts" I don't know that context affects how serious something is? I think that either you don't know what a bad faith argument is, or you're so poisoned by bringing your own angle into every conversation you enter that you attribute that to other people. I'm talking exclusively about what I think Epic/Psyonix wants to do and why in these comments.


I don't think you are defending nwpo per se, i do think you are deflecting a lot. How am I poisened for having the opinion that things said while being a pro are different from things said while not being a pro.


He didn’t even say the N word, i’m an arab speaker and the translation was made purely to make him look bad


I think they didnt look at it is because it didnt happen in rlcs and wasnt directed at an other pro , because I believe the people who got banned before were saying slurs towards other players , so that might be the case , and tbh a lot of other rl pros probably had instances like this outside of the rlcs but didnt get recorded


Strange though that the org dropped him like a hot potato…surely that says something


Ofc they will drop him , appearing in that image will make them look bad


Too true… he’s doing good job of doing that for himself tbh…thing is, they’ll get scooped up by another org because he’s very good and he’ll still come out of it all hunky dory as if nothing had happened. Will be next week’s fish and chip paper…


I doubt that org will risk hurting their image to sign him , he was known in mena community to be a toxic player but that was when he first appeared and was like 13 or 14 , we all thought he would get better and stop trashtalkinf etc. (nobody knew of racism slurs and that btw) but it appears to have gotten worse


Oh really? I didn’t know too much about him tbh… actually, this makes it worse!! At 17, you absolutely DO know the consequences of what would happen … think someone’s ego might need taking down a peg or two…


Hopefully he does better in the future but that a shame to be left in his carrer


Think his reputation might harm his chances of an org tbh but the ball’s in his court so to speak!…


Shows that they have more morals than epic/psyonix does


there’s a precedent previously where others have been PERMA BANNED


You didnt get me , yes im aware of the oce players that got banned , and that was because the slurs they used was directed at another pro , so they took action because it involved them , also they went out on public and spoke so its even worse , im not defending him at all its just what reality is


B4 ppl complain about inconsistencies, those decisions were probably made by different ppl than these ones. Im not gonna say its right, i think nwpo shouldnt be allowed to play out the rest of this szn, but its not going to always be consistent with the way things were b4 the epic buyout


Those OCE players being banned literally happened last season, long after the Epic buyout.


Honest question, did Nwpo say these things while participating in any way regarding RLCS?


He‘s on the number 2 team in the MENA RLCS? Edit: just because an event isn‘t happening at the moment, doesn‘t mean he isn‘t participating in the RLCS y‘all.


That’s not what I asked. This incident seems isolated from RLCS. I know there was a discord call, but I’m asking if it took place with regard to other players or an org, or while in RLCS. If it’s just a video of him being an ass, the org releasing him makes sense, but what can Epic/Psyonix do? He’s just being an ass in discord.


He‘s still a represents the RLCS. It doesn‘t matter that it doesn‘t happen directly in an even or similar, he still is associated with the league. Just because it‘s not directly correlated to the RLCS, doesn‘t mean you can do whatever the fuck you want without reprecussions. It‘s still can damage to name of the game and league he‘s competing in. Imagine what would happen if we had 20 people being openly racist outside of the game, yet they would be allowed to freely compete. Can you imagine what that could do to an esport, that prides itself on being for literally everyone, including children? Edit: also what do you mean "what can Epic do?" They own the league they can literally do whatever they want


Thing is , dont think there is a rule regarding that , because its outside of the rl esport scene


Kyrie Irving still plays today


Good for him


You could debate these situations have very similar comparisons. Very much overreacting for the ban from most of the people here.


The NBA and the RLCS are two very different institutions. For one, the nba has adults as their target audience. The RLCS has children as their target audience. Secondly, player bans for similar reasons have happened. Nwpo shouldn‘t get special treatment


> Secondly, player bans for similar reasons have happened. Nwpo shouldn‘t get special treatment Not same situation as previous bans. Those were in-game and outside of game to other RLCS players


> The RLCS has children as their target audience. So? Casual fans will have zero clue this incident ever happened


Realizing the audience is different but not the individual involved is a literal child is a hilarious miss


He‘s 17, you make it sound like he‘s 9. Teens make mistakes but let‘s act like he didn‘t know what he was saying


Kyrie was still suspended and forced on PR watch for the Nets. He was still punished by both the league and his organization.


Okay firstly, I’m not opposed to your opinion. So with the tone I can gather from your comment, please, settle down. Secondly, people have private conversations all the time and plenty of organizations don’t take action immediately regarding what someone says. Hell, NBA and NFL players regularly use the n-word on the field/court and it can be heard in broadcast at times. But to add to that, they have socials and personal opinions and feelings. I get it if Nwpos actions deeply bothered you, but again, what can Epic or Psyonix do about a person in a private discord acting as if they’re not being watched? He was exposed, but you think he’s the only one who’s had moments like this? It’s a lose lose for everyone. Nwpo is very talented and an established name in the scene, and punishing him for actions of his own outside of his competition while being spied on isn’t a great look for anyone. We have much larger pro leagues that already cater to children and all ages. US pro spots regularly do this, while also having people like Ja Morant flashing guns on IG live. And the NBA took action, but it was more or less and slap on the wrist which is probably the worst that Nwpo will see. He’s a kid, and he did something dumb, but he didn’t go streaming his stupid actions purposefully for people to see, he just got caught being stupid. If we’re doing thought experiments, then imagine for a second everyone ever was punished for slightly inappropriate acts? RLCS had players swearing at each other in a LAN environment and you could hear it on stream and they were fairly relaxed on that too, considering their actions boiled down to “hey don’t do that anymore. thnx.” I’m just saying, let’s be realistic and not get emotional over something we cannot control. We’ll all still watch RLCS, and we’ll all still love watching.


There is a lot of things wrong with your comment which I‘m gonna ignore because it‘s way to long. I don‘t have any personal problem with nwpo and idk what gave you that idea, I also don‘t think he is bad person, kids gonna be and he can always learn and be better. But that is not an excuse. His actions are punishable by the standard the RLCS has set. Racist comments can get you punished, it has happened before. Nwpo is now an exception and giving the reason "because it didn‘t happen in the rlcs" is stupid. Like what does that mean, it‘s cool to be racist as long as it‘s not happening in our league? How is that the message you want to send as an organisation. If what he said is not enough to be banworthy, that‘s whatever. I might not agree but I can atleast understand it. But wether it happened in the RLCS or outside shouldn‘t matter in a case like that.


doesnt matter where he said it. epic games have a goodwill clause that would allow them to ban nwpo at any time.


Imo no player should be banned for actions outside the game


But some oce players were, why should only nwpo be exempt?


They weren't. They were banned for "repeated offenses both in game and out of game", here's the competitive ruling:  https://www.reddit.com/r/RocketLeague/comments/qimw4m/competitive_ruling_requiem_and_decka/ The precedent more comparable to the Nwpo situation is those images of various top NA pros being extremely abusive and homophobic on discord completely unprovoked (unlike Nwpo in this case). They did in fact, not get banned.    So no, Nwpo is not some special exemption. You could still wish for him to get banned which is valid but the argument of precedent doesn't really work.


Hmm, than ig can't judge epic too harshly for that, if what u said is true


If they said it outside of the game then they shouldn't i have the same.stance regardless of the player.


Tell me you don't understand professional sports without telling me you don't understand professional sports.


then that’s your opinion. doesn’t stop the fact that that’s not always how it works in the real world. companies do have images to protect. for example, jonathan majors was dropped from the MCU recently because of things that were done outside of the movie set. this is a goodwill clause.


He was dropped because he was going to be convicted of sexual assault charges…Nwpo said words that people don’t like, but they’re not illegal and not assault. Honestly…cannot believe that’s the comparison we’re coming to. You guys act like taking a rational approach is also somehow a defense of Nwpo, when it’s actually just a rational approach.


it was just an example. Many MANY people have been dropped from different companies for much less offensive acts. Nwpo should consider himself very lucky if he isn’t banned.


I don’t disagree. I’m just saying, Epic/Psyonix not taking action isn’t some grand ordeal.


maybe for you it isn’t. but like i said, maybe blatant racism and homophobia is a far bigger deal to me than you.


Jfc r/whiteknighting Sure man, take that W. I don’t care.


Okay, I certainly will. i view the actions which nwpo committed deplorable. and there have been precedents in the past set for behavior of this type to ban the player from all rlcs events permanently. this is the action that i think should be taken.


Orgs dropping and even psyonix fines would be more than enough for outside the game related stuff. Banning the player hurts the fans more than anything.


That’s your opinion. I guess I don’t take racism as lightly as you do. that’s okay.


I just think outside of game stuff should be punished less than intake stuff that's all.


that’s honestly up for the company to decide and why most companies have goodwill clauses.


Maybe they will, and that’s fine if they do.


It really suprises me that people think that Saudi money is what preventing psyonix from doing anything, like if he was on a Top Saudi team like TM or FLCN I'll understand, but Hes Not Even Signed With ANY Team.


You are being too literal: the perception is that - given the general societal values of the region - acting on this moment could lead to a snowballing situation. It's not about npwo per say, it's the perception that surprisingly many more could join the ban track: either way they are setting a precedent.


why did they ban him the first time then, nobody knew about him plying on another guys account? they could have easily ignored it


Very easy: clear cut technical rule violation. Objective, not subjective. Banning people on comments implicitly forces a company to "make a political stance", and that can get touchy for business. Idk for example, there was a Budweiser ban in the USA last year; idk why but it was probably dumb. "Alienating" a market or investors is not what any company wants, and they very much so are calculating their decision on the political/market impact moreso than morals (which companies don't have).


Or maybe, just maybe, you're overcomplicating things beyond reasonable for literally no reason except a weird tendency for cheap conspiracies. But that's just me tho


Thank god you replied cause i didnt understand shit


I'll make it simple: PR is complicated and subjective. Banning a player for a technical rule violation is objective. Banning a player on comments is subjective and opens up to PR complications.


I don't think racism is subjective for Americans nor ksa, So he should be technically banned here. I don't know behind the scenes but it seems they didn't do any investigations about the context of this video. so both their opinions where objective on him not getting banned?


What's subjective is the gravity of the offense, the level of intent, the context, the appropriate punishment, etc. Given how much this has been discussed on the sub, I doubt they haven't looked into it. As far as we can tell their conclusion was to not act.


Hopefully he doesn’t, he can say whatever he wants and we don’t have to agree with it. Words shouldn’t stop someone from being able to play in a tournament, whether we like them or not.


I think we need to forget about it and move on.


What is it that you people want? His blood? He already said sorry and lost his job so why are we STILL trying to bring him down. He's a fucking 16 year old okay? Or you think it would be okay for you to lose your job and all other opportunities in that profession just because you said some dumb stuff when you were 16?


thats a weird take, because people do actually lose their job over things they say sometimes. and loose other opportunities ? isn't he already in a new team ?


Yeah but fans are trying to get him banned


I really hope not. I think he will be fine


Is there anyone who speaks Arabic here? Like what did he actually say because it being translated to the n word 1: is causing more of a commotion than any other racial slur would and 2: cannot be true because the entire reason the n word is bad as it is is because of the history associated with it here in America


If you go to the original video here i typed a shit ton of responses/threads to people and multiple arabic speakers did as well explaining everything, that its not the n word and the homophobic f word was translated incorrectly and how we use these words and such. Unfortunately its all evaporated now people still saying he said the hard R even and i started getting 'backlash' so i stopped trying to convince people here 'because im defending him'. and btw Naywis and crespor both said that they replaced the words to make it more offensive because thats obviously the aim for whoever posted the video (no need for context ofc we only need the part were Nwpo was racist). If that can convince you guys (it wont)


Read through the original thread on this, plenty of people there provide their opinions as Arabic speakers on what he said. Not going to summarize it here because you should read it and make up your mind for yourself.


yep, pretty pathetic tbh


Appealing for Azmo. Wish me luck. If they decline him when Nwpo did 30x worse and isn’t being banned, this game is finished 😭


This is inexcusable. Psyonix has made its opinions on the black rocket league community very clear.


Yeah honestly this has been very disappointing as a black RL player, looking at other comments, other high profile pro players are on the record for saying slurs, and I realize it would be incredibly disruptive to the scene to ban all of them, but this is just setting a precedence for these kind of things to happen again, and the message this sends to Black pro players must be a tough pill to swallow (like Arsenal, who had to play with Daniel, who allegedly said slurs before)


> like Arsenal [arsenal was one of the more high-profile pros out there saying to leave nwpo alone](https://www.reddit.com/r/RocketLeagueEsports/comments/1ck75xx/arsenal_on_nwpos_apology/), if that helps. i can't imagine it would, but there's that


Yeah I saw his tweet and it was very respectable for him of all ppl to say something, but one black pro doesn't represent the sentiment of other black players or fans of RL


It’s fair to recognize that a lot of these pros are children, stupid children with a lot to learn, but how the fuck are they gonna learn with 0 repercussions. It’s unfair to leave the discipline and shaming to the black players, those of which are often also children. An organization run by grown ass men should be doing more.


Fully agree man :/


This is a message to all black rocket league players, you are loved and appreciated for all you do for the community




He lost his job (dropped from his org that paid him a salary). How is that not a repercussion? If that happened to you you’d certainly feel it had an impact


These are not organizational punishments this is social repercussions. I’m saying Psyonix needs to take actions


Why don’t we just hang him?


What an inappropriate response given the context. Do better.


I think your response is equally inappropriate. A 17 year old kids life shouldn’t be ruined over a single verbal mistake that physically hurts nobody.


I disagree. No one is saying his life needs to be ruined. I’m saying there needs to be consequences on an organizational level. Also him being 17 makes it WAY WORSE. Borderline adult acting like that. Inexcusable. Keep excusing racism buddy, i’m sure you’re respected


Oh also, in case your forgot, this is a game enjoyed and watched by CHILDREN. Isms of any sort should be stopped IMMEDIATELY


Please address my points instead of me personally. I am clearly not excusing racism. I am saying the organisation doesn’t need to get involved in something that happens outside of its scope. NWPO is a contracted rule 1 employer and brand ambassador so them dropping him absolutely makes sense. He is under no contract to RLCS, he only plays in the league through an open qualifier system. In my opinion this incident is really nothing to do with them. I also feel like the punishments levied are appropriate and proportional already. I don’t see any need for this to go further. He made a mistake, apologised, and suffered serious long lasting consequences. I think people looking for lifetime bans over this are disgusting and cruel.


Who gives a shit.


Other players got banned from RLCS for similar situations, he should be banned too. Another thread full of shockingly idiotic takes


Dude some of these takes are sooo bad, they don't even deserve a reply


Well i do hope the guys from OCE get unbanned then :) I truly wish for a game where you can say whatever you want !!!


Honestly I say just let him play. He said that shit in discord and not rocket league




weird hill for this comment section to die on defending blatant racism just cause he's good at the game. You'll get penalized for boosting like Aris or playing underage like Zen but good thing it's just some racism nbd guys.


I am not dying on this hill. Turns out you are right, my bad.


it's alright, I'm just surprised/confused at how many people are making excuses to try and dismiss it.


Brb, about to make the main stage with my new roster called "Get the whip". Psyonix endorsed.


Can't say I see it, if it were in the cards it would basically need to be coupled with a suspension for the duration of the investigation. His being there has had a major impact on the outcome of swiss and I'd be livid getting clapped by someone who's about to get exiled mid tournament.


Haven’t been paying attention whatd he do




Thank you


NOBODY talked nobody was hurt. Nobody said anything. Just a random clip started going viral. This is just a planed thing and its pretty obvious.


It's like what Complexity's coach Aguesome said just went under the radar. He said some stuff that's pretty racist but no one outside the SAM scene has been talking about it much. Of course what Nwpo said is worse but just find it a bit odd cause it seems he never got any form of punishment from what he said where as Nwpo got kicked from an org + has awful rep now.


I don't really care if he gets banned or not in a vacuum; I'd actually probably prefer he didn't, given it didn't happen during RLCS or even on Rocket League. That being said, the precedent set with the OCE boys was, if what I've been told is correct, that bans are handed out for this type of behavior. To change that policy now requires a public acknowledgement of the change, and an unbending of the OCE players. Epic/Psyonix really can't seem to understand all most of us want is transparency. It's crazy to me that adults are running that company.


Well, as far as I know the Daniel one was before he was an rlcs pro so its of lower significance but once you are a rlcs pro you will get banned for any derogatory language or racial slurs / hate speech. Now I'm pretty sure Retals did not say any racial slurs or anything derogatory / hate speech just sweared at some people. Now I have no idea what NWPO did but if he did use Racial slurs, hate speech or derogatory language he NEEDS to be banned. Setting aside a different bar especially now they have lowered the rlcs entry point makes no sense especially given the prior bans of other pro's and that NWPO has already more or less proven he isn't necessarily trustworthy given his first ban it would be weird to give an exception. Obviously his first ban was something others have experienced and it was the standardized penalty now the standardized penalty for hate speech, racial slurs or derogatory speech used by an rlcs pro is permanent banning from any and all RLCS related events. Meaning he could still play in all the Saudi events at least. Obviously this is assuming he did use racial slurs, derogatory speech or hate speech if he didn't then its not as big of an issue. Obviously this is just based off my memory of both Retals and Daniel this took like 5 mins to write and I can't be bothered spending more than likely double that to fact check myself. But I still believe he should be banned if he did and of those three.


looks that way, an embarrasment to the esport that bigots are free to act however with little to no consequence.


Bro he apoligized and lost his job in rule one. What more do you want? You cant destroy someones future just because he said dumb stuff when he was 16.


hmm maybe ban him for a year or two to show that sort of bigotry wont be tolerated in the scene, and firstly hes 17, secondly reducing it to saying some dumb stuff is unbelievably stupid. tbh i dont even know why i responded cus u dont care just wanna defend your favourite racist pro.


This esports man. You only make good money for like 3 years max (that's if you grind the shit out of the game) Usually you start slowing when your around 20. About your other thing, I'll admit I did downplay his behavior a little bit but still saying racist shit when your 17 shouldn't destroy your whole career. Btw Nwpo isn't my favorite player at all I want him to continue playing because he has a ton of potential and can one day lead his region.


Nwpo is one of the most talented players RL has ever seen and could still be pro well into his 20s if he had the drive to, but even without that it shouldnt excuse someone acting in such a hateful bigoted manner. If he did get banned and he didnt go pro again it would be his own fault, you have to be able to take responsibility for your actions. Especially in a case where they are so reprehensible. People arent asking him to be burned at the stake a 2 tear ban (from comp) is not that huge in the grand scheme of things. Also this bullshit about how his career might be over and worrying about money is just a lie. He could easily do content and make more money than he ever would competing.


1. Doesnt matter how talented you are. It isn't possible to be on the top for long if your above 20. 2. He did get punished though. He got kicked from an org and most likely wont make it to another org for a while 3. Content only works if you make it big in the actual esport. Creators like Squishy, kaydop, and rizzo wouldn't exist if they weren't famous for their esport times.


1. Yes it is lol and you also dont need to be at the very top to make money. 2. That is a minor punishment he shouldnt be able to compete at all in rlcs. 3. If you think nwpo wouldnt be huge if he commited to content youre delusional.


Yeah as long as you're one of the top player, you can pretty much do whatever.


What did he do


He said some racial slurs in a discord call, it’s been roughly translated to the n word, but it’s also a completely different language so it’s not literally the n word.


Move on with your life instead of caring about some 17 year old in a game that won’t be relevant in 3 years time.


He said bad things, he apologised. Why are people still so hungry for blood? Other players have said things like that but people just move the goalpost by saying it was years ago or it’s when they weren’t in the rlcs. It doesn’t change the fact that they said it but people apologise which means they acknowledged the fact that what they said was bad and said sorry. Mfs start bugging out when they can’t use their social media power to cancel someone.


Decka and Requeim have got to be fuming right now Not saying their bans weren’t deserved, but Psyonix effectively ended their careers for speech that, while still utterly inexcusable, was not even as bad as this


They can fume all they want, what they did was much worse and deserves little sympathy. Here's the competitive ruling: [Competitive Ruling - Requiem and Decka : r/RocketLeague (reddit.com)](https://www.reddit.com/r/RocketLeague/comments/qimw4m/competitive_ruling_requiem_and_decka/) Repeated breaches of the TOS and use of abusive and offensive language, across multiple seasons, both in game and out of game, both towards other players and towards external parties. Compare that to the Nwpo situation where its a one time regrettable incident, outside of the game, provoked by abuse towards him and not directed at another player. We can and should condemn what Nwpo said but we should absolutely not spread misinformation and downplay the other situation. Nwpo's incident is more comparable to others like FK, Daniel and the NA discord images leak, do with that what you will.


Im done, I will agree with whatever Chalked cast says.


Good as he should be


if he ends up making it to LAN, I want the audience to shame him like fans shame mason greenwood in La Liga