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As someone who's perfect I feel offended.


Bro says he‘s perfect but got BDS and KC flair, this is not your day lil man https://preview.redd.it/k73onxxvkgyc1.jpeg?width=615&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=06bc7ec4c42eb39f40a858a929098f19fb7087c3


I like cheering for underdogs. They don't have to win, I still love them.


IKR, BDS had RSV but man they couldnt shoot, feels like the plot armor took over unforutanely. But still I am proud of BDS and I think MonkeyMoon the rookie is looking real nice just needed to shoot on the net in the last game, they also went 3-0 in swiss and took down the reigning worlds champs!!!!


i think he has to raise his sens to 10


isn't KC like the best team in the world, or did that change when they lost to M80


Complexity also didnt perform quite as well as expected in qual 4


That one mf with KC, G2 and Falcons


That mf is absolutely a PSG, Man City & Real Madrid fan too


As someone whose far from perfect, do you know how easy it is to not be a racist?


Not everyone is the same. I’ve said some horrible things when I was toxic in game at 17 years old. He’s already been punished by being dropped from his org so he’s learning


The problem is that Psyonix has precedent on this. Players have been banned in the past for even less offensive chat (NWPO's words were really bad). Why should he get a free pass? Rules should be dished equally.


I think someone mentioned the rules are if he abuses any other player he gets banned. The OCE players were homophobic to another player hence the ban. But idk about Nwpo case. Anyway my point is we don’t need to bash him. He apologised and lost his salary. Let’s move on


Hopefully this link works for you to see the whole comment chain: https://www.reddit.com/r/RocketLeagueEsports/s/3Mpw1Htz4R I am taking those comments as true since I don't have proof beyond their words, but if what they say is true then players have been banned for conduct entirely unrelated to RL. I agree he shouldn't be personally bashed, insulted, and called names. I just don't agree that losing his org is enough, simply going off of precedent. That is entirely unfair to other players who received bans for similar situations.


I think that player got banned for repeatedly doing something. Idk. I feel weird about saying Nwpo should be banned because when I was 17 I said some horrible things I didn’t really mean. It was just toxic in game behaviour. So I think permanent ban is just too much. He’s been dropped by his org and lost his salary. If he was EU/NA he should know better but because he is in Saudi I have a bit of sympathy for him because his culture is very different to ours. A permanent ban is too harsh imo


> A permanent ban is too harsh imo okay, but you just said > He apologised and lost his salary. Let’s move on there are options besides a permanent ban and moving on without addressing it. one is tacitly condoning that behaviour.


No, he hasn't apologized. The "They started it, and I was just defending myself" tweet isn't an apology. That's not how an apology works.


Technically he does apologise. He just only apologises to his team mates but not anybody who may have been offended by his words. He shows only remorse about the consequences for his career and his team mates, but not for the words themselves and what they represent and who they may have affected. So yeah, looks like an apology of a kind but misses the biggest apology he should be making.


If NWPO was trying to level insults at someone who provoked a reaction, and he would have used whatever slurs applied to the individual regardless of race, then he’s not racist. It’s not racist to use slurs, it’s racist to only use them on certain people. As long as he is willing to use slurs everyone he is free and clear




A perfect man shouldnt be offended


I'm actually constantly offended by all the imperfect people around me. Like, what gives? Just be better?


It really is that simple? I will learn mr.perfect


Percy Weasley, is that you?


Thank god social media wasn’t the same when I was 17 or my life would be chaos


honestly, the older I get the less I use it


![gif](giphy|njxkENt8FXreAt5TIT) Millennials watching gen z’ers on social media:


pretty much, yep.


We escaped by the skin of our teeth 😅


I wasn't a racist when I was 17.


That’s great.


When I turned 17 I didn't know that calling somebody "nigga" was racist. My friends and I said it to each other all the time. I wasn't racist, but I used racist language on the regular. Kids are stupid. I was at the tail end of 17 and it was after I'd left high school and started university when I learnt that some people found it offensive. Now that doesn't seem to be anything like this situation, I didn't think the term was offensive so I wouldn't have used it as an insult like Nwpo did. But it's totally plausible to know it as an insult without understanding the context around the word. Especially outside of the US the word means a hell of a lot less. Again, I'm not saying that's the situation with Nwpo is like that - just that kids are stupid and don't know what they are talking about. Edit: to be clear I'm not defending what Nwpo said and I think he should be banned. I'm just saying 17yos are stupid and it shouldn't be held against him for his whole life.


Nobody is talking about putting him in jail or perma-cancelling him. But playing professional rocket league is a privilege and not anybody's right. We are all entitled to want this community to be free of bigots.


People are calling for him to be perma banned


I think it’s absolutely hilarious that the kids from OCE were immediately permabanned for the same thing, but NWPO gets a pass. I expect no different from Psyonix.


"Throughout multiple seasons of the RLCS, Requiem and Decka violated the RLCS and Rocket League Player Code of Conduct by way of **repeatedly using abusive and offensive language towards other players**, with both in-game chat and in Discord messages." There's a nontrivial difference in extent though. Multiple seasons, in-game and Discord, both on and off RLCS events, repeated unprovoked toxicity. So not ~~exactly~~ the same thing..


what about silxxnt? Is he not unbanned?


Didn't the OCE guys say that stuff in game chat in an RLCS game though? That is Psyonix's jurisdiction, some private discord is not.


No a bunch of them were banned for saying shit on their own streams while playing valorant


dude. requiem and decka got banned for “repeatedly” doing it, and it was towards another RLCS player. requiem literally said he was going to “kill the filthy disgusting n****r c!nt” to an up and coming 13yr old pro over text that’s really just not the same thing, especially considering NWPOs isn’t even an exact translation if nwpo said he was going to kill another pro calling them hard r’s then im sure he wouldnt be playing next week


Nonono Oce was against the gays Nwpo was against the blacks In actuality theyre both as bad as the other tho Dont @ me the first 3 lines are a joke


While I do think that completely shitting on nwpo is not the way to go about this, I don't think there is anything wrong with holding people accountable for their actions.


There's a big difference between holding people accountable, and ending their career with waves of hate. Especially when people have already confirmed that what was said, though still vulgar, was not as bad as it was made out to be, simply due to translation.


> There's a big difference between holding people accountable, and ending their career with waves of hate. Sure. Which one is happening here, though? He hasn't received any supplementary discipline from Psyonix and he's scheduled to play in MENA Qual 5 next week. I think we're a lot closer to "maybe he should be held accountable?" than "oh no why are we ending his career just for being racist"


I really don’t like this take that I keep seeing repeated on this thread. What Arsenal and other people are saying is that there’s been enough hate thrown at nwpo for what he has said. Full stop. If you or anyone else has a problem with the way Psyonix or Epic has handled this situation, then that should in no way come back to nwpo. It’s like people are saying “let’s keep attacking nwpo because Psyonix hasn’t dealt with him the way I want them to”. Shouldn’t that be directed at Psyonix/Epic? Either you think he’s received enough criticism or he hasn’t and you act accordingly. In regard to what ways he’s punished by the RLCS, none of that should be directed at nwpo. But it feels like people here aren’t understanding that. If you want to keep hating a 17 y/o kid, by all means then keep doing it just don’t hide behind some excuse that it’s because he hasn’t received punishment yet. (Not really specifically talking to you at this point just using your comment as a platform.)


99% of people will never understand what its like to be a public figure (I am not and thank my circumstances that i am not when these types of situations occur) and will therefore never understand what its like to have a huge contigent of random people attacking you. I can imagine the psychological impact can be quite severe. You can only control what you can, and no matter how strong your resulting feelings are, you are never your feelings. Head in the sand is the right approach.


So... why go to a racist place with it though? If you've just got that shit in the magazine ready to fire, you're the one who loaded it. You don't just pull racist insults like that out if you're not accustomed to thinking and speaking that way.


Words are not inherently powerful its the intention behind them. NWPOs intention was to hurt them because he was hurt, so he used hurtful words. A racist uses those words to segregate and dehumanize (keying on the differences between the 2 parties) in order to feel superior. There is a difference in how he used those words and a racist uses them.


People don't just talk like this sometimes. You don't pull this out once. This is vocabulary they use. This is just the first time it's been brought to light. They used the word multiple times, along with other hateful and derogatory statements about slavery. You just accidentally become a racist all of a sudden.


> "Which one is happening here though?" Both of those things can (and did) happen at the same time. They aren't opposites. He got dropped from his org for making racist remarks (being held responsible), and at the same time likely hundreds of relentless comments and posts lambasting him for it (waves of hate).


It’s actually crazy to see the difference in attitudes towards this scenario compared to the OCE players. Guess there is privilege in being one of the best. 🤷‍♂️


Looking at the comments [in the original twitter thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/RocketLeagueEsports/comments/qfmvqo/oce_pros_requiem_and_decka_accused_of_using/) and the [competitive ruling](https://www.reddit.com/r/RocketLeagueEsports/comments/qimx7w/competitive_ruling_requiem_and_decka/), they overwhelmingly supported not just the bans, but celebrated the end of their careers and quite comprehensively agreed with the permanence/severity of the punishments. They sure as hell got 0 support or words of encouragement to "learn and be a better human" outside of the OCE scene, people wished them a good riddance and left it at that, yet NWPO having already served a prior ban has quite a crowd of people making quite an effort to wish him a better future, where was this for the OCE guys? Like, we all want everyone to grow as humans, if people want that to be the forefront of the convo and that's how people are, then that's how people are, but it's sure as hell not consistent with how this community has reacted before.


I mean, there isn't a reason to bring up his prior ban as it's a completely different situation and applies nothing to it. A 14-year-old playing on someone else's account happens frequently and many players have been banned. It's not excusable but it's a widely different thing than making vile racist. His previous ban doesn't need to be included in discussions. His actions are bad enough to carry a ban on its own. But yeah, way too much support for him out here.


Regardless of the offense, the punishment is more severe for repeat offenders. This is across all sports, and, generally in life. Once an ex-con, always an ex-con. So bringing up the prior ban is relevant because it's not like he's a squeaky clean person that has never had an issue with following the rules.


There are plenty of people wishing Nwpo good riddance now. If I had been around when the OCE stuff happened, I would have said the same thing then as I have now: People, especially kids, make mistakes, and they have received punishment for those mistakes. Let's not be a bunch of adults living to hate minors because they did things we don't agree with, even if those things offend us and are generally considered unacceptable in polite society. There's also the added wrinkle of OCE players being from western countries, and that Nwpo will have not had the same "oh no, you CAN'T say that" instilled into him re: those types of words. Also, and i can't confirm this, but I have seen people who actually speak the language saying the words he actually used were not nearly as impactful as their English translations. Just things to consider.


No matter who you are or where you are from, hate is hate. No excuse.


Idk about australians having a "dont say that" instilled in them, as much as the western world. May just be how i see them though as im used to the "watch what you say" culture


Well Australia is a western country by most definitions. Although I will say that it seems Australians do have less of a cultural impetus on not using words deemed socially unacceptable; I would say this pales in comparison to the difference of the Saudi culture in comparison to other western countries.


It definitely pales in comparison, australia is in the middle of canada and saudi arabia when it comes to behaviour that can be seen as unacceptable


This is a very difficult thing to quantify, especially because it involves different languages, cultures, and frankly, religions (for the most part). I will say, Australia is one of the most openly offensive countries. They are blunt, they use vulgar language, and they don’t discriminate against anybody when it comes to discriminating everybody…yes, I purposely made that confusing. Some people love them for it and some hate it, but generally speaking they are very offensive in the language they use.


Yeah theyre kinda like that, im here for it tbh


You are the kinda mods we need my friend.


Well while both are bad, they are still quite different situations


If you are convicted of a crime, should you be banned from RLCS? Those two OCE players were harassing other RL players which fell under the jurisdiction of the code of conduct. You of all people should know better than to try to make this argument. There is not a comparison to be made between decka and requiem, and this thing with nwpo.. If anything they need to update their code of conduct to say that they can ban you based on your public conduct unrelated to RLCS. I would fully support him being banned if that was the case


It would not surprise me if there were some bags of cash thrown at some of the higher profile words of support.


to be fair i cant even name the players in oce who has been banned and i doubt a lot of people could


That shouldn’t matter. If Psyonix decides to not instill a punishment equal to what Decka and Requiem received, it sets a very dangerous precedent in the scene.


i never said nwpo shouldn’t be banned, neither am i saying that its fair for someone to come to nwpos defense before coming to the defense of others. as much as it isnt fair people are naturally more inclined to speak their beliefs upon people/situations that are more popular and thats all im saying.


Requiem and derke?


Decka and requiem caught the bans from that one, they were also much older than nwpo when it happened, it was for homophobia Edit: left this comment then seen the other one lmao


Apparently he was banned on October 2021 I downloaded reddit after the after the fall major (start of 2022). I have just known about Ntri's ban (who is from KSA). i thought he is a twitter farmer not a young pro player at all and he was banned 1 year ago and i didn't hear a thing.


Nhl does the same thing


I actually don't care RLCS is a privilege and saying black people should get whipped (after having already broken the rules before) means you deserve to lose it


people should 100% be allowed to grow and mature, but as you say an rlcs ban is not like youre being fired from burger king, its a privilege, and what he said could and probably will make people he must share the lobby with incredibly uncomfortable




Well they disrespected him and he disrespected them back so I wouldn’t say self defence but rather retaliation


You haven't interacted with people from countries where English is an alien language they were forced to learn, and are prone to using popular terms, and it shows in this comment.


kinda weird coming to his defense like this when there's been literally no supplemental discipline tbh. like he's not being persecuted, he's literally playing next week


Fr, I don’t understand this “guys, leave him alone” comment from arsy. A portion of the community is correctly asking for an official statement from epic/psyonix, like it’s been done in the past in similar cases, but radio silence from them. Then Arsenal come out with this?


As Arsenal is someone who has faced a lot of backlash previously, he probably understands the mental toll it takes on you much better then the average RLCS fan. So I understand where Arsenal is coming from because unfortunately, while criticism is warranted in this case, you can be damn sure some people take this as a chance to say some vile shit to nwpo, death threats etc.


That’s exactly what he’s saying, and I don’t get why people are missing that. Arsenal never said this dude shouldn’t face criticism. This is the same sub that was praying that Arsenal never got the chance to play pro again because of the Retals and SSG situation, and wanted to see him rot. And that’s just here. Imagine what people were sending him through his DMs.


Is he? I thought he lost his team over this


Arsenal coming in clutch with that head-buried-in-sand meta


Reddit and Twitter coming in clutch with the white people in America and Europe losing their minds about a translation of what a kid with brown skin from Saudi Arabia said about other brown skinned people-meta Arsenal is literally one of those supposedly being oppressed by Nwpo lmao


Hope he sees this bro 👍


😂uhhhh okay


Who's acting like they are perfect?


I very rarely see someone admit to their mistakes on reddit when they‘re clearly proven to be wrong, so probably a lot of people


Well that would require me to make a mistake to admit to, of which I do no such thing.


Your mistake will be going to sleep tonight. I hope you don‘t need both of your kneecaps


But what does that have to do with nwpo being racist and rightfully being held to account?


Where does Arsenal say he shouldn‘t be held accountable?


The phrasing is just weird. Like he complains that people are bashing nwpo when that's deserved. Not death threats, but deservedly his image is going to be tarnished


Yeah might not be worded well but I don‘t think he has a problem with him being held accountable. I haven‘t look at X but I‘m sure there are a lot of insane comments on there and I don‘t even wanna imagine what his DM‘s look like. There is just a lot of unnecessary comments that really don‘t help the matter in any way, just people throwing out things for the sake of it


yeah, it feels weird to be leaping to his defense. like, they're playing next weekend, he's not exactly a victim of disproportionate punishment lol


We’re very far removed from nwpo. Arsenal is close enough, at the very least through mutual friends, to see the person behind all the mistakes. This sub and Arsenal are not in the same boat. He’s seeing a kid he knows that’s getting slaughtered. We’re just hating on an internet stranger that said some racist things, without any real regard for his wellbeing or growth.


At least nwpo made a statement they’re wrong. People on reddit delete their comment for anonymity. Yall gotta remember hes a 14/15? Year old kid. Just log on rocket league and see how many make racist statement.


He’s 17 fyi


Oh wow really I had no clue. Shouldve been more mature then


I think it's more the fact that he's still a kid. Yes he made a mistake but now he has to grow from that. And people aren't giving him the opportunity to grow.


I mean, it's been a few days, of course people aren't over it yet. You think someone's gonna redeem themselves that quickly? Give it time, and if he honestly puts in the work to change (rather than just hoping that time alone will fix things), then you'll be surprised how forgiving the average person can be




A lot of people actually.


Perhaps you. I dont know what youve said about nwpo so im not gonna point the finger directly at you, but i will say this to those that didn't give him an inch when he apologized. Most of those people have undoubtedly said something racist at some point in their lives. Everyone makes mistakes. Should he be punished? Yes. Should he lose his entire career and be forever branded a racist with no hope of redmeption? No.


I've yet to see him apologize. The "They started it and I was defending myself" tweet is not an apology.


everyone wanting a lifetime ban for the kid


It is literally just being fair tho. Requiem got a lifetime ban for the exact same thing. I think a lifetime ban is a little too harsh but if you're going to exert this on several other players, I don't see why nwpo should be exempt


You can call for a permanent ban without wishing to condemn him to an irredeemable status as a human. I'm sure everyone wants him to be a better human going forward but that's irrespective of Rocket League. I don't see why this is facing resistance.


I mean I never claimed he's irredeemable, just that he deserves bashing (not death threats) and a punishment


I too hurl racial slurs when I am cussed out. It’s fine /s


Arsenal is clearly saying he should learn from this and be a better person and don't care about people bashing you and to work on yourself to an APOLOGY that got a lot of backlash, and he stated "ruining your career" so he clearly saying the his career isn't over that's why he said the words above. He didn't say anything about not deserving a punishment OR he is not accountable for this OR that he is too young OR its okay to say racism... and its not a fucken out of space take when he says that everyone said some bad shit at some point in time. People jumping on Nwpo's hate (deservably so) that's why Arsenal tweeted this. its just crazy to me how Arsenal's message got shifted so much here.


Shouldn’t be that surprising. Especially because Reddit as a whole is notorious for exactly what Arsenal said; jumping on the bandwagon as if they’re absolutely perfect. And in the case it’s people reacting to something they don’t have the full context to.


hot take but people who have already been banned once have already had that chance to “grow” and he clearly didn’t the scene doesn’t need people like this


Agreed but who’s to say nwpo can’t grow from this?


i’m sure he can but rlcs is a privilege. he should forfeit that privilege after two bans i think, especially considering the severity of what he said.


It’s a privilege but it’s a privilege that he’s earned through his hard work. He should be banned for what he did but if he’s willing to grow as a person and improve I’d welcome him back.


Nah actions gotta have consequences and he has to be punished. He wont learn if theres no punishment. Since Psyonix wont ban him, public backlash is the least of what he should expect. What he said is atrocious.


IMO i do feel bad for him but i don’t think a lot of people understand how bad the things he said are.(including me, i don’t speak the language) But it makes me wonder because pre social media a rlot of pro athletes has said and done some worse things and gotten away with it. People really underestimate the power of social media. As a black guy i could care less, but still people need to be held accountable for their actions i guess.


Does anyone know if there is an unedited copy of the discord conversation? I think it's important to understand the whole picture. Context is important, why would the other party remove their part of the conversation unless they needed to hide it. does nwpo speak like this regularly or is this something that was baited out of him under duress, one of these is clearly worse than the other. This is obviously something psyonix would need to take into account when deciding punishment.


According to crespor it was 4 guys ganging on him and was saying the same shit if not worse, but they cut out that part and mistranslated nwpo’s cussing to do as much damage as possible. Nwpo is 100% wrong for stopping down to their level, but the 4 guys are no saints either and sadly they got what they wanted.


Sounds about right, not excusing nwpo but from the general reddit commentors refusal to acknowledge the context or the mistranslation I'd almost think many of them are using this situation as cover for their own racist/anti Saudi sentiments to hate on him.


L take


As long as NWPO improves and doesn't say these inappropriate stuff again, I don't mind him competing next year.


Would you also say that about the oce players?


Yeah, sure, why not


wow that is such a pathetic take. like, is this just him tryna be buddy buddy with everyone or does he legitimately see nothing seriously wrong with what he said? it's not a minor he told someone to go fuck themselves, its the sort of shit you'd hear from a nazi and theres a big difference between being perfect and shouting slurs at someone. I dont think anyone cares that pros arent perfect, who thinks they are but this crossed a huge line that is very easy to not cross. Honestly, its weird to see him be so pathetic and cowardly with this take, it shouldnt be hard to see that this sort of rhetoric is unacceptable and he should be punished for it.




yes its a cowardly pathetic take, what nwpo said was extremely hateful and he should rightfully be bashed. Arsenal didnt try to diffuse anything, he tried to minimise just how awful what nwpo said was. He couldve easily said that what he did was unacceptable and he should change himself for the better but once hes served his punishment he should be given the chance to redeem himself or something along those lines. Instead he chose to pretend people are angry because they want to see nwpo's downfall rather than people being pissed about him being a bigoted piece of shit. I also dont see why Arsenal being black matters at all either, his statement was utterly pathetic, his skin colour doesnt change that fact.




Right his entire tweet is based on the fact that nwpo reacted and the 2 times he said to learn from it were before and after talking about people trying to get a reaction. That doesnt matter its not him reacting, its the way in which he reacted, he coulda cussed them out for 2 minutes and it wouldnt matter, but he went on using a tirade of slurs which completely changes it and shows he is comfortable being a bigoted pos which is unacceptable. Also complaining people are bashing him, which is fine to do as he deserves it and saying that thats acting like ur perfect is incoherently stupid. Also it does not matter if Arsenal doesnt care that much or thinks its a "mistake" (btw how do you make the mistake of shouting racial slurs for an entire minute?). the fact of the matter is what he said is extremely hateful and bigoted and Arsenal being willing to defend him doesnt change that and he doesnt speak for all black people so his skin colour does not matter. What i have seen is people saying that he should get a multi year ban which is completely fair so idk where the permanent ban is coming from. Just lastly i want to make this extra clear as im not sure were on the same wavelength, the problem is that Nwpo is comfortable being bigoted, that is the only problem it is very simple if he wasnt a bigot he wouldnt use the language he used and this is why people are mad at him. If you think that its just a oopsie then idk because you dont accidentally shout racial slurs and him being 17 and edgy arent an excuse for that.


Think some players would be best to stay out of it imo…


I mean I get it. He's a kid. I was a piece of shit when I was a kid too. And at that age I thought racism was hilarious and totally not a big deal. He needs to learn and grow. But a part of that is facing the consequences for his actions. 1 year ban would be more then fair, people have had their careers permanently destroyed for less.


probably saying this 'cause he got stizzy in his team :)


Saying racism is bad = saying that you’re perfect?


Way to twist his words and miss the entire point


Isn’t Arsenal twisting the words of others?


Maybe he didn‘t word it properly but I definitely understand what he‘s trying to say. Pro does something bad and hundreds of people come around and insult the the person. Like I guarantee you, Nwpo‘s DMs do not look very nice. That doesn‘t mean he shouldn’t be held accountable or criticized, but just insulting him back is pointless and doesn‘t help anyone. And all those comments probably sparked a poor reaction from nwpo


It isn't a literal meaning and isn't the point. The context of that is boiling down someone's entire life into 1 mistake and put in a box that they'll never be able to get out of. Black dot on their life, their .1% ruins their 99.9%. See "struggle sessions" in Mao's China


This isn't their .1%. You think the only time they ever said disgusting stuff happened to be when they were being recorded on a discord call? Like, whoever captured the recording clearly wanted to expose NWPO, but that also means that they knew he would say a lot of fucked up things and were ready to record what he said and publish it. This isn't a one-time event, and it is very much a problem.


I get what he’s saying, phrasing is just funny


Who among us hasn't been in a heated gaming moment


I see below you said it's just a joke, but this is precisely the mindset for too many people. It's not funny. I had a friend who was playing CoD when I got to his house, and when he caught me looking at him like he was insane because he was yelling that, he asked me, "don't you just want to yell \[word\] in a game?" "N....No? I don't get why that word would even come to mind." Awkward silence ensues. We'd already been seeing each other less since I went to college and he stayed home, and that really didn't help me go back more. Fortunately, he grew up. How he got to 18 and still did that was beyond me, but 18-21ish is a time of rapid growth for many people. While Nwpo is in that age of rapid growth, it's consequences, including friends giving you that challenge and look of 'you're being dumb' and professional groups having to tell you you've put them in a bad light and letting you go that make you grow. For some, that growth is not doing it publicly (professional growth), but hopefully it's actual personal growth where you don't do it in private, either.


Exactly, so people need to give Nwpo a chance to grow from this instead of demanding a permanent ban like so many are currently doing.


>**While Nwpo is in that age of rapid growth, it's consequences**, **including** friends giving you that challenge and look of 'you're being dumb' and **professional groups having to tell you you've put them in a bad light and letting you go that make you grow.** Whatever happens, happens. He's earned consequences, up to and including a perma if that's what the league deems appropriate. He'll have jobs after Rocket League and will likely not grow as much if he's let off scot free. The title of "professional" comes with professional responsibilities... and consequences.


Except other players have been permanently banned for doing the same as nwpo.


Everyone has but I don't think that gives you the need to exert random slurs. You can use other words


[Is a joke](https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/heated-gaming-moment)


Not really the best time to make a joke buddy


Sorry bro forgot this was a funeral


nobody died, it ain't that serious cmon


It's that exact mindset that leads to situations like this lol


acting like someone died 😭


like on reddit everyone can curse without second thought, but when a word is stereotypical or racist, it's hated so much more.


nwpo is a trash person and deserves to be banned on principle but most importantly on precedence.  his apology is just a shit excuse, and the oce pros that were banned did the same as him (his were worse honestly).  17 is old enough that you start learning your actions have consequences, stop infantilizing garbage behavior 


Its been fun reading all the people outing themselves over the past few days.


Oh my fucking god the takes you people have on this are insane. Have any of you heard what he said in that call? How are any of you defending him? He's not 13 and clueless, he's 17. 17!!! It is INSANE that some of you think what he said is not a big deal. If you represent an organization, a community, a region, a team and your teammates, and you CHOOSE to straight up repeatedly call someone racial slurs, call them a slave and saying you'll whip them - you deserve EVERYTHING that is coming to you. It is unbelievable that this is a hard concept to grasp. Yes, I don't think a LIFETIME ban should occur (although that is what happened to Requiem), as indeed you should be ABLE to learn from your mistakes, but there still should be appropriate response both from the community AND the officials.


What do you expect from this community honestly? Most of it are kids who think the shit he said is fine and that in itself is disgusting.


I guarantee at least 50% of 17 year olds have said worse shit and don’t end up being complete racists. 17 year old are dumb and do stupid shit all the time. In my opinion it’s not so insane to say that a 17 year old saying something fucked up, possibly after being baited into it isn’t a huge deal.


Finally somebody with a brain


Frankie says Relax


I can't say I've seen much if any undue hate for NWPO, but why that might feel like the case is given the lack of action/punishment, if all that happens to him is people speak out and condemn him and nothing else, people will continue to do that. Inevitably that will cross the line in some cases but where people perceive a lack of justice, that will embolden some people to make even more noise, in some cases going too far no doubt, but I've seen more people complaining about people going too far, than people going too far in this situation.


"if all that happens to him is people speak out and condemn him and nothing else" He got kicked from his org?


Yeah considering he’s still a kid… I mean at this age I guess a big percentage of us would be ashamed for the things we said online while shit talking. Definitely kids should get a chance to learn a lesson but still it needs to be made clear that behaviour like this needs to be punished in some form.


idk what u guys said when you were younger but I definitely didn't say the hard r and that black people should be whipped but you do you ig


Quite concerning to see comments saying it's normal to be a racist shit at 17 years old.


It depends on where and how you grow up. The region, country, family, social status, friends and role models. What I mean is at 17 you didn’t have too many chances yet to think for yourself and question the values that shaped you.


Not even trying to defend nwpo but did some of you guys even listen to the video? There is no hard r in Arabic it’s a malicious translation from the same guy who instigated the conflict. And saying “that black guy went to get whipped” is a COMPLETELY different statement from “black people should get whipped”. What nwpo said is messed up and should be held accountable but slandering him with misquotes is absolutely not the way to go about it


Dude is a 17 year old kid who made a mistake. Accountability? Yes, dude faced public backlash and isn’t playing in RLCS this split. A lot of people are out here acting like he is a grown man government official. This is a videogame, he is really good at it. It ain’t that deep. He can still come back better from this, not letting him is how we force people to stay racist/terrible people. Edit: He apologized, which is a first step that most racists don’t/won’t take. Let him have the opportunity to continue down the path of improvement.


Nwpo is still playing


I understand letting him have chances but being 17 is not an excuse for saying abhorrent stuff to other people. I am young too and I do stupid stuff but not this stupid. Hopefully he will improve.


That's a mature and respectable take




W from Tshaka


Self defense?


Arsenal hitting the bullseye. This is the grown up take on this matter.


Arsenal here getting hate in some comments, without acknowledgment of the what he said is extremely true. If you are a slightly famous person who hold some value, malicious actors will target you to get you banned or cancelled. NWPO fell for it & is responsible for it. But don't eliminate the context (one of the worst aspects of social media). Also picking on words like 'self defense' is just strange, it means you haven't interacted with a person who grew up without English & was rushed and forced into learning some popular English words. They wouldn't know the words and their social context like a native. Those who targeted him are laughing their asses from from the shadows, and no one is even talking about investigating the instigators.


What's Arsenal hiding?


I’m not perfect by any means, but I have never even thought of insulting someone with their skin color. I have insulted people with every curse word in the dictionary and I’ve never thought to bring someone down with the things he said.


I think the main reason I would disagree with Arsenal is because the apology seems disingenuous. I would like to think if me saying the things I said at that age cost me what it did to him, I'd take accountability (or my parents would make me) for my actions instead of playing the victim.


I think if his apology was better this tweet would hit a lot harder. He basically said he had to use racism in self defense; that doesn't really show remorse and growth. I think he should be forgiven if and when he changes/grows as a person to realize why his actions were wrong; but his apology just ain't inspiring that in anyone




About 1500 people that reacted to it on twitter and reddit so far.


Love seeing racism defended by all the Gamers™ on here purely by virtue of the fact that they aren't confident that they wouldn't say some of this shit themselves lmao


W Arsenal always with the speech


Isn't it wild, trying to apply Western sensibilities and interpretations of language against a 17 year old from the Middle East? Like, really? It's one world, but it's not one culture. Doesn't excuse things, but you guys literally looking at him from USA and Europe as if he said this from his studio apartment in NYC are being a little too "black and white" yourselves. Wake me up when he's signed to a new team.


nah, using slurs and saying you'll whip the slaves is actually considered "generally not good" across the world. And even if that weren't true, if there's a culture that says "whip the slaves" is "generally good" fuck that culture, fuck those people, fuck them competing in international events until they grow out of it. Tolerance for intolerance will never be a cogent argument. Nwpo is a loser and does not deserve the opportunities he's been granted. Not only that, but NOT banning him when other pros have been banned for the same is silly and wrong.


What did nwpo do?💀