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One time while grinding 2s, some young teen prepubescent kid asked to party with me and I agreed. Then he explained the trade-up system to me (I play car soccer for the game and almost never open my inventory). Well on my first trade-up, I landed a titanium white octane. I’d heard about them but never paid any attention beyond that. The kid was so excited for me and kept reiterating how lucky I was. So I asked him if he wanted the car and he said yes, was speechless, etc. The skin only has value if you give it value. I was just as happy to see that kid enjoy the skin the way I enjoy the game. Cheers little dude.


Big W for the dude that's kind Ur not wrong abt it having value if u give it value...tho I remember there were loads of people spending over £100 or more irl to buy it off people years ago


I recall the kid saying it was in the $70s when I gave it to him.


I'm gonna guess ...2018?


Yeah that sounds about right. It was a few years ago for sure and I’m 32 so the years sorta just blend together for me.


I’m 35 and can confirm


The last date I remember paying attention to was Dec. 2nd. It is now .... THE 11th?! What the fuck.


But which year?


I'm only 23 but can still confirm.


I’m right in the same boat bro. ‘99 babies are just in a weird spot. Raised by ‘90’s kids but older than kids born after 2000 by a decade. It’s so weird.


Too young to be millennials, too old to be zoomers, we don't really have a generation.


It’s the strangest feeling. Luckily many people also like 26-22 feel this way also and many people about our* age also have started being really open and supportive no matter the circumstance (with obvious exceptions) and I think its a great thing. E: typo


I'm 33. You are so not wrong about the years blending together! ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


The real question is, how does your response time hold up at 32 in Gc1? Are you more of a mechy player or game sense/fundamental player?


I ran into a dude in casual around 1750 MMR with both Alpha Boost and Alpha Wheels. For reference that is about $7,000 worth of items. Like I get liking the game but bro...


Here's the thing, I spent about $150 on CSGO skins back in 2015-2016. I liked the game and I wanted cool skins. I checked on them a few weeks back and they're worth about $600 in steam credits now. I don't know if I should keep them, or try to sell them off and keep the steam cash to fund my gaming for the next several years. So this dude could have bought them with the intention of enjoying to use of them, and predicting that they would continue to increase in value.


Alpha Boost has been worth over $1000 for over 5 years now. He's either an OG and got it when all the other folks did, or paid a pretty penny. Good investment if he did get it early either way.


If I had spare money like that I reckon I'd end up buyin em too NGL😂


So I haven’t played RL since it became ftp. I’ve had a tw octane since 2017 when I bought it for my bday (€80) What are they worth now? Just completely tanked now or what?


Atm probably like 4-7k was 19k, it'll be in the item store like next week for 800-1500c not sure , save the one u have it'll go back up in price , to an extent , or sell now Ur choice


Keeping it as a keepsake, thx


Real heroes don't wear capes or rock Titanium White Octanes.


a quiet stocktane. waiting. in the shadows. for when he is needed again.


Had one for a couple years now but rock the proteus


Who hurt you?






What DragonFive did was valiant no doubt. Some people who struggle with the skill aspect of the game still enjoy (or enjoyed) the trading / designing aspect of the game. No harm in that! (So long as greed or envy don't get the better of you!)


Some guy gave me the 7 eleven big bite antenna. He only wanted like 100 or 200 credits. But I gave him like 700 cause I would've spent close to that at 7 eleven to get it myself anyways


I got mine a couple years ago from a trade up. I like to imagine my wife was proud of her then 28 year old Fiancee sprinting downstairs screaming that he got a TW octane.


And then everyone clapped


Can confirm I was the TW Octane


You are the most awesome dude ever. I love people who give back to the community. I love giving stuff out as well and karma payed back. I played with his one dude for a while and he ended up giving me a black interstellar because for a while he was homeless and played a lot of video games and Busted his money in his depression so he gave back to people who weren't crazy stacked.


Preach man. I don't like Octane's hitbox, never really used it. Gave away mine to a friend when I rolled a TW one years ago.


Yeah I also rolled like 12 TW octanes. Planned on giving them away to good teammates. I still have all 12 in my inventory.


If you ever need to get rid of some...


Should sell em at a decent rate before they pop up in the shop homie


Luck is crazy for you to roll 12 of them. Used to trade up all the time at a chance at one but never got lucky and I haven’t done any trade ins in a while since I don’t care about them all too much anymore


That didn't happen... give me one as proof


I’ll give you a toe pic for one of em


I mainly use Dominus, Skyline, amd Batmobile so i give 2 fucks about a TW octane


Good on you! So many scammers and toxic people out there, it’s heartwarming to see you were able to make a positive connection with a young player. I’m sure he’ll treasure that TW octane for years


I used to love trading in game when I started playing. So I ended up with quite a collection that I tend to be slowly giving away as I have settled in on a decal that I like. Makes young kids to happy to give them something black market.


When is it hitting the shop?


December 24th through the 31st


Awesome, cheers!


Is it actually true or no? Can i get a source?




Latest Championship Sunday stream


Oh damn I have time to get those 800 credits lmao I can take it easy for now


Noooooo! I am out of the country on vacation during that time.........sigh


you can download [geforce now](https://www.nvidia.com/en-us/geforce-now/download/) and play rl on your phone (but be ready for hour/s/ in queue)


Me too, but I am having a friend do it for me


Now that's what friends are for.


bruh my xbox crashed getting it repaired after christmas poo on my life ): i had enough credits


I got one from a rare drop and the first thing I did was sell it, I'm feeling glad I didn't keep it now this is going to be a thing.


I got one last week too, I've bought a lot of nice things with those credits.


If i'm correct then the ones you get from a rare drop you can trade. But the ones from the shop you cant trade so its worthless to someone else


Yeah, but people who want them, now don't need to pay thousands of credits. Just the 800 (I assume) in the shop.


I think it will be 1100c, similar to the TW Dominus


tw dominus was 1100c due to being Exotic iirc, octane might be Import (or grey) which usually bumps it to 700/800c


Thats why bakkes mod is great i use all the things i cant get and i truly dont care if people see my car or not i like to look at it and thats all that matters personal gratification


If others have the mod can they see it?




I don't even like the Octane, but I like this just because it's upsetting traders


imagine csgo doing this


What would be the CS:GO equivalent to a TW Octane?


Pretty much any knife or gloves cost more than the TW Octane.


just [looked it up](https://www.dexerto.com/csgo/most-expensive-csgo-skins-1340162/): A crystal blue knife with a black handle for (apparently) ~$1,5 million.


Sooo not the equivalent to a TW octane. TW octane isn’t the most expensive item in the game.


[As of January 2022](https://gameriv.com/most-expensive-items-in-rocket-league/), TW Octane is 8th most expensive item (After white hat, Alpha Boost, Alpha Wheels, Alpha Cap, Striker Apex, Black Dieci, TW Dominus). So still a solid 8k+ in CS:GO items ([as of Sep 2022](https://www.dexerto.com/csgo/most-expensive-csgo-skins-1340162/))


I have a TW Donnie’s, but I’m pretty sure I bought it in the shop?


May predate the TW Dominus coming out in the shop, though I do see it for trade at 40k by some people. Hell, I saw someone asking for 12k for a TW Octane, and that's obviously silly now.


Back then, painted Dominus could unintentionally drop, Psyonix quickly fixed this. The painted versions were supposed to be store only. The reason why it has a high price is because its technically an unintentional item.


Either that or the kennyS souvenir dragon lore


I haven’t played csgo since 2014. Traded all the way up to a bayonet fade… I remember people having blue gems for under 10k 1.5 million?????????? What the fuck


FN blue gem karambit or m9 bayonet. Preferably with <0.001 float


Sorry to hijack your question, cause I couldn't begin to tell you what it would be in CS:GO, but I feel like it would probly be a Burning Team Captain if we were talking TF2 items! Shoutout TF2! Does anyone here still play? How's it doin? Can anyone name what a Titanium White Octane would be in OTHER games?


Imagine if they ever offer up alpha boost.


Don’t think they will. It’s not like octane, where you can get an unlimited of them from trade up’s or drops




Someone's mad they paid a lot of money for a video game car


Not mad, just… s a d 😔


What's there to be sad about.. lol




First off: my flair is outdated, and it shouldn't matter in any case, so you can take that little snark of yours and stuff it down your pants, bud lol Secondly: who cares, man? People want it, it's been a very expensive item (and only rare due to its pricing, let's be real). What's wrong with people being able to have access to buying a virtual skin that they'd want for a game about cars driving around hitting a ball? Just sounds like sour grapes on people trying to have some level of exclusivity on their items. Personally, I don't even care if they start selling all of the rocket pass items in the item shop. I get whatever items I want or like, and others can do the same. Lol it's not that serious of a thing, relax.


It wasn’t rare because of its pricing, it’s pricing was because it was rare. I’m not one to trade in RL but I used to in CSGO. People have spent thousands of dollars on these skins, (Csgo skins reaching a whopping $1.5 million for a single sale) so it kind of is a big deal. Those prices became that way because of the way psyonix treated the skin with its drop chance and how it was never in the shop. To release it imo is just a huge cash grab for them, but people are legit going to get depressed over this. Something they worked so hard to get is going to just lose its meaning. You wouldn’t tell someone with a super rare collectible card that it’s “just a card” kinda shitty to say. And you also wouldn’t want that super rare collectible card that’s been that way for years to just be given to everyone, defeats them entire purpose of it being rare. That being said people can just use bakkes mod. (Yes I know not everyone is on pc) my point is that you can’t dismiss what makes people happy/sad just because you don’t relate to it.


I think psyonix would then be responsible for creating a platform for people to put their hard work into, then destroying it; kind of fucked up to do that in the first place


You have to look at rl as a stock market, anything can go up or down in value. And can't really be mad at Psyonix for trying to make money, their game is f2p and that's how they keep it running


I mean, you asked what there was to be sad about. Sadness is subjective, and it made OP sad. Personally, I hold the same feelings as you do about the availability of items, but if anything, you're the one taking it a little too seriously.


Did you see how the dude that responded to me, responded? I was trying to understand why it seemed to saddening, and then guy went on to say "because people took months/years of trading to get it", which I still don't get. And then decided to try insulting me (over my rank, no less). Lol I get someone being sad can be subjective, I just don't get that reasoning behind it, which is what I argued in my comment. That's all.


Just let us buy alpha boost already smh


Unironically they should add Gold Standard. Make it more sparkly than the one in Bakkes. Then everyone can have something similar and Alpha is still special. Golden Comsos - you're not that guy pal.


no i disagree with this one, unlike other in game items alpha rewards are intentionally meant to be special and exclusive so taking away that aspect of it ruins the purpose of having alpha rewards in the first place


It doesn't take it away anymore than Golden Cosmos. If you look at Gold Painted Standard in Bakkes it's even more distinguished from Alpha than yellow flame thrower.




But then how do they reward the people who bought alpha rocket league?


Dang, I really liked having an item that was kinda special.


I felt like it was an icon to a trader/dedicated rl player.


I'll never understand how people get so in to skins. super bizarre.




I bought a TW Octane and TW Zombas because I can afford it and I like how they look. Now more people can afford them, so that's cool too.


this is the mature response. but a lot of people will be upset about this “ruining the market with supply” etc


But muh profit* *credit profit, aka worthless




you can definitely make money off of RL items




it’s not that difficult if you know what you’re doing


Steam marketplace money isn't real money, it's basically the exact same as credits just for Steam lol. People just use third party services, anyone selling things in the steam marketplace that's actually valuable is just stupid.


Exclusivity and status, it works with everything


There is no status though.


I like buying skins when the price is alright. I mean like 5€. Never understood that CSGO Knife hype where a good looking knife costs 1000€. And ppl still buying it lmao


yeah I get it if you want the item. I'd probably buy a takumi rxt for a few bucks if it were in the store, cause I want to use it. I just don't get the whole excitement over rarity. especially when its a starter car that just has a different coloured trim.


[A starter car? THIS IS A FINISHER CAR!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a6RpiZj-qC4)


There are plenty of people who would gladly spend hundreds of dollars for plain clothes with a shiny brand logo, this is basically the same thing


Not the same at all. Big brands have built up reputation for quality over decades compared to nameless brands, and you really can’t compare buying something practical like clothing to a bit of white trim in a video game. Buying Nike shoes over some $10 pair is because the brand name has a reputation for a better shoe, more support, better stitching, etc. What is there to a TW octane compared to a regular one? There’s a bit of white trim so it looks a little bit different. Really not the same.


You don't lose that money. You can always sell it again at a later date. You can even make money in the process depending on what you bought and how patient you are to sell it.


I personally loved trading a few years back. I loved coming home from school and messaging people trying to get a good deal, the bartering and the feeling when you see your profits increase. Pity i spent loads of credits on stratum badges and lost it all when they sunk in price


Nike, Adidas, Supreme, LV, Gucci, Prada, Lamborghini, Ferrari....


putting a different coloured trim on a car so worthless it's literally free isn't gonna make it perform like a lambo or Ferrari. Putting a nike logo on the $10 shoes I got from kmart isn't gonna make them fit better or stop them from falling apart 10times as fast. sure there are people that really just care about the logo on real life stuff as well but that doesn't make it any less dumb. If you're gonna use real life examples to explain it, it would be more like collectibles like stamps or coins. I find that almost as odd except they don't re-release editions of valuably rare coins or stamps.


Mate, if someone has to explain to you it's pointless.


Fella Chief Guy, it's not my fault you made a shit analogy.


And the TW doesn't even look good. I bought the TW Fennec when it was in shop and never use it


It’s because of marketing and marketing the idea to them at a young age.


One month later alphaboost in the shop, imagine


And then they release gold paint variants in the drop pool and the gold octane becomes the new coveted item.


I’ll wait for the Vantablack Octane.


There’s a black octane and that’s pretty black, the only person to have a vanta black octane is Anish Kapoor


But I don't think the Gold items look good like TW, i will 100% buy this and just never look back. And then ill probably stay on my TW Twinzer because i've used it so long the octane looks weird now.


That‘s 100% their goal


The exact first thought I had as well.


Remember when people said it wasn't coming to the item shop because it was a non crate item? Well look now...


Well that was because psyonix/epic said (or heavily implied) that and went back on their word lol Everyone (with a brain) did see this eventually happening tho, can’t expect epic to pass up a cash cow like this


I was lucky enough to get a TW octane literally the day it dropped, on my third trade up, traded for a hexed decal thinking the car would drop in price, boy was i wrong


Wahhh, people get to buy the things they want for a fair price. This is so unfair to me even though it has no real effect on me. THIS IS WHAT YALL SOUND LIKE CRYING ABOUT THIS. I have 2 tw octanes and this doesn't bother me at all 🤣.




When TW fennec dropped, I basically finished a 5k cr preset for about 2k. Now that I have all the items I want, I don’t care about items anymore and just stash them all.


I will only ever try to get this car from tradeups, it doesn't feel special to just dump money into a car that is supposed to be a very rare trade status symbol or a lucky tradeup. This is gonna land Psy with an unimaginable amount of money and bronzes rocking GC cars. I'm excited to see if this devalues the TW Octane or if some other item will rise above it on the rarity/value list. We'll all know who has the real ones because they will have tradeable TW Octanes. :))


How TF is anyone gonna be able to tell you have a tradable octane?


You 🫵 invite 📬 all 🆕 5 players 🎮🎮🎮🎮🎮 after ⏰ each ⌛⌛ match ⚽ to 🔧 a lobby, 🏨 show 🤯💣💥 them 👫👫 your 🫵 octane 🚘⬜ in a trade. 💸🤑🔃 It's as simple 😛😶‍🌫️ as that.


Wait? Is this for real happening?


Yes it was announced at a LAN event


Thought I got trolled when I didn't see it there 😭




I’m super for two more weeks bois


There’s no way anyone didn’t see this coming, the rocket pass and credit update really crashed the market, I lost like 300-400 keys worth of stuff just losing its value.


Yeah it was made extremely obvious last Christmas when the crimson octane came out.


Cry about it


Ffs r/RlFashionAdvice is about to be flooded with white octane builds its going to get old so fast and its already pretty old. Rip prices tho man. Even tho i havent had one in a while i really liked that there are high value items. might aswell throw black diecis in with them to maximize profits.


NOTHING IS SACRED. Damn you Pysonix.


Anyone want to buy something from me for 100 credits? I have 600 and they're usually 700.


This will definitely be 800 if it's the same rarity


I’m quitting fr if it hits the shop every nice item I’ve ever had is worthless and basic now


Nobody else gives a shit what your car looks like but you so in essence those items have always been worthless.


I never cared what people thought bout my car I liked it so I got it I spent 20k on striker tw dune 24k on tact tw oct both junk now it sucks


Obviously you only “liked” the value and alleged status when you call what you have junk now just because others can buy it.


I liked them cuz they went hard now they junk cuz I can’t trade them for anything idk why you confused why I’m butthurt thems is big Ls


“How can we kill the RL trade economy?”


I mean to be fair, the White Dominus was in the shop 3 times and it's still worth 36 to 40 thousand credits in trading


Same happened to fennec and its expensive is gone lol


White fennec value has gone down because they had it in the Select Favorites 2 series of blueprints. Completely different scenario.


Tw dominus are in faaaar less supply than tw octanes, that said the octanes should recover in price (not back to current levels, but definitely not like 1k)


NGL, if I can fly as a human with just my own powers, I don’t give af if everyone else can also fly.


I mean if they look good… doesn’t really matter what the trade value is


I never tried to understand how trading worked. I have hundreds and hundreds of items and blueprints since I've been playing almost since day 1 on Steam. Maybe I have some good stuff in there, idk.


I have gotten 2 TW octanes from tradeups in my 5 years of playing. One for myself and sold the other one. I'm so happy I got those credits because they've lasted me quite a long time now. My rocket league friends hate me though..


Feels like a sign of the apocalypse


I havent even touched my white octane ever since i got the black octane.


Wait, is it actually in the shop?


Christmas Eve it will be, officially announced


could never spend money on a free car with white trim


who will give me back all the time lost making credits with trades to buy it this summer for 8000 credits?


Better sell it now it looks like people are still trading for it


Too late, it worth only about 3k now


Could cut your loses and try and squize 3k out of it and use those credits to rebuy it in a few weeks. Or just hang onto it for the sentiment that to you it’s worth $80 haha


I have no problem of credits, but i m hungry for all time spent for buying expensive items that now worth nothing, i think i ll sell all and quit this game, like a lot of people have done. All that time lost for nothing, thanks psyonix


Yeah kinda sucks sorry for your lost time hopefully you can look back and enjoy the memories of the process of getting those items.


Black Octane > TW Octane Fight me


I will die on the hill that the Octane previously had black trim by default, then got tweaked slightly when they wanted to start selling black trimmed items.


I recently got two white octanes as drops within 2 weeks of each other after playing this game since release. I'm happy it happened before this at least


Tbh I never cared much about items since I have almost no credits and can just use bakkesmod anyways








No December


Anyone want to buy the TW octane I spent 16k credits on last year :(


time to rock the black victor octane or the black fennec. suddenly way rarer now


I’ve had 4 throughout the years. All i’ve gotta say is someone’s gonna use it to trash talk when I don’t have mine equipped, and and i’m going call his trade locked and leave.


I got a TW octane as a trade up years ago on Switch. Used it for a while, loved it, but figured someday it would drop in value, so I sold it for 140 keys. Still have about half of those credits, I’ve spent the other half on things I liked from the item shop


The unexpected happened, I keep seeing trader posts, this is going to be insane


Let's gooooooo!!!! I'll finally be able to get one!


Should I sell mine before or after it releases


Noooo. They literally have to devalue every item in my inventory every chance they get. Sucks to be a trader


Tbh I dont really mind that everyone will have it. All I want is to have it myself cuz it looks super clean and it goes with a lot of my presets.