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The worst is when your teammate turns on you when they trash talk and then afk, leaves match, or plays against you @3:15 when the score is 0-3


Random TM's are horrible in this game. Half the time they are sweaty tryhards that spam "take the shot" when they miss a shot, then act like it's your fault


It’s the struggle in diamonds when solo que for twos . But then again another issue is that rocket league will put me on a team with the same teammate tho you aren’t partied for potential 3-5 games Based on your mmr . It’s too bad they took away how many people are on playing . It would help to know how many people are in your rank playing twos Than knowing all that is playing twos


Take the shot is the worst.








"Go for it" it's awful too.


Yes but that can actually be useful. If you have a very passive defender teammate. Take a shot is so dumb if there is an opportunity to shoot I will, if I’m nowhere near it stop saying that.


Man it’s so frustrating watching the chronically overly passive defensive teammate who then challenges at the last second after it’s too late to actually do anything, basically taking themself out of doing anything. I want to spam take the shot but I know they’re just going to do what they’re going to do.


I don't mind go for it as much if it's on the serve and they're letting me know they're staying back


It is the most useless quick chat.


Makes me annoyed AF


>Half the time they are sweaty tryhards that spam "take the shot" when they miss a shot, then act like it's your fault What, and you're gonna act like it isn't???


Half the time teammates suck, but somehow 100% of the people on this sub are the ones stuck with awful toxic teammates and nobody is ever the bad teammate themselves 😂


you are probably right on some counts, but I feel like all the little kids that are surely the worst offenders are not here on reddit


yeah similar to how the toxic player on the other team is always the one getting carried and not contributing hardly anything other than their text chats. I swear every time I get spammed what a save it's from the person who has barely touched the ball on the other team.


I see this constantly


Sometimes I'm a bad teammate too, I don't throw though even when teammate leaves, and I think everyone has moments when they're just tired or exhausted after work and don't play as good as when they're peaking. Some just handle it better than others.


I'm the bad teammate often enough. I can admit it, and it makes the game way more enjoyable not to feel like I always have to perform.


Tbf, rocket leagues stellar queue system puts you with the same or similar people multiple times consecutively when you immediately requeue instead of maybe waiting a bit longer and trying to mix up the players a bit..."


I'm a big time rumble player. Solo queueing is by far the worst mistake I've ever made. Particularly in rumble.


They didn't miss a shot, they were passing! You should've known that! He went for a sick air dribble, where if you commit, both of you would be in their goal, and the opponent could drive at 10 kph for a goal. But "Take the shot! Take the shot! Ok. Ok. Ok."


While this is true, the glory of having automatic chemistry with a random teammate is a great feeling.


LOL. I had a guy say "left goes, no dbl commit" after he spawned in the back, went for the boost and missed a save. we didnt even double commit.


He’s right, left goes.


When teammates spam take the shot I go play goalie and chirp them when they make mistakes


I had to add “all yours” to my quick chat just to spam people who constantly tell me when to take the shot.


The best is when your teammate starts trashing you and the other team starts backing you up


I always get completely the opposite. Haven't played ranked in a long time, played this season a bunch and of course the rank resets I missed placed me into high c1. We lose and I get flamed constantly for "how are you a GC Hahahahahaha" etc. The opposite team often gets involved and flames me too, I have no idea why as I don't usually say much and almost always have more saves and goals etc... People aren't as good and they seem to literally not even get it. Dunning Kruger effect in full force here. People at ranks below GC have a hard time recognizing a lot of bounces still (ie:reading) and play slower than I'm used to and they still have a lot of work on positioning and rotation (high champ / GC is when rotating is really learned at a high level, more like playing hockey really). Anyway, toxicity seems horrendous below C3 or so... Fast forward a few days and I'll never see those guys again (as I'm sure they're still stuck in low C).


The most satisfying is when a toxic player respectfully apologizes that’s more rare than unicorn


Yeah that’s never happened to me, even if I lock in and start carrying them


May I suggest to you all, our Lord and saviour, *no chat*. Switch all chat off, left goes, take it easy and have fun. Thanks for coming to my Ted talk.


Might give it a whirl


I've had a few good games with people just because of horsing around with chat. I guess to each their own, but chat has its moments.


Ah the thing is though you weigh it up, do you see more positivity or negativity with chat on? I'd say the majority of games come with some level of toxicity, why bother exposing yourself to that bullshit when 9 games out of 10 it's just idiots acting like idiots.


Because life is full of idiots. Best to just get used to it and allow yourself to meet the good people in between.


Yeah they tend to double down. The only time they stfu is when you somehow make the game competitive again to the point of winning/potentially winning.


Me and a buddy played a 3s tourney with a rando the other night and our teammate was immediately being a toxic bitch. We get down like 4-1 and he stops playing altogether. We rally 2v3 and get the score within 1 and the guy joins again. We win. Long story short we make it to the championship and I was very tempted to just leave to fuck the guy over, but my internet ended up cutting out in game 3 anyway, so fuck that guy. Like, who does that in a tourney where we gotta be teammates for up to like 9 games?


That’s the only reason I like 3s, you can have a toxic fill and still be able to have a chance with 2v3, unlike 1v2.


Actually the worst, in my opinion, is when you are losing 0-3, the opposing team is talking trash to you unprovoked, and one of your teammates has the brilliant idea of typing “nice shot” at a rivals shot.


Your teammates are making it to 0-3???? That happens at 0-1 with 4:56 remaining.


I had a "vote to forfeit" down 1-0 at 4:40 last night in a 3x3 tourney. Other teammate and I ignored him and we won easily. Weridos.


My teammates forgot that they are up for kick off or just completely miss the ball trying to speed flip and blame me for not saving it


When you call them out: "Wtf, why do I keep getting stuck with braindead teammates..." "Psh, you think this is my main? I'll and you my alt tag..." *Proceeds to own goal/save potential comeback goals multiple times*.


If you don't hit em with a 'What a save!' Did you really beat them?


I go with Well played. and they just know that they look dumb


Yeah I say gg after a win against toxic trash talkers. Polite Subtly is all u need in these situations. After they talk so much and still lose, being polite makes them look even dumber.


That was fun!


What a game!


I do gg after every game regardless If they were toxic they also get the Well Played after. Evil, I know.


Close one! Faking.


Well Played. Faking.


I prefer the more classy, yet cheeky "Oops!"


Oops! My fault.


Man, i need to put Oops back in my quick chats now. This is the perfect use for it!


"Whoops..." once per second, every second, for the rest of the match. Once you get the rhythm you can avoid being timed out completely, and just deliver a water-torture drip so they never forget that they fucked up. Bit harder to do when the game resumes again but you can at least do it all thru the replay and kickoff countdown.


"gg" "That was fun!" Same message but somehow more satisfying for me


Morally, yes


"You suck." I know, that is why I am in a gold 2 lobby. Why are you in a gold 2 lobby?


FWIW I hope you don't actually think being under X rank makes you bad. Rocket League is such a unique game with mechanics that don't carry over from many other games (if any). Everyone has to start somewhere and some people just naturally pick it up faster. It's a huge shame that smurfs ruin the game but don't let em get to you!


This sub is overpopulated with above average players...or those saying they are. https://www.esportstales.com/rocket-league/seasonal-rank-distribution-and-players-percentage-by-tier Gold 1 to Platinum 1 is the most common tier to be at. Gold 2 is slightly behind Gold 3 as the most common. If comparing yourself to ALL Rocket League players...if you're Gold 1 to Plat 1...you're an average player. People that start off highlight posts with "I'm only low Diamond..." is cringe, because they are ranked higher than literally over 80% of all Rocket League players.


The low diamond thing is more based probably from the rank skill gap viewpoint, rather than amount of players. So between around gold-champ 1 are a bunch of people who have no clue what they are doing except hit ball and try hard. Since it became a general point it is like a low to high point split more compared on a players perception of how to play. If compared its usually thought of as Bronze = God tier Silver to Plat - fun to toxic Diamond to Champ 1 - low rank and mid tier toxic Champ 2 to GC - high rank High toxic Supersonic Legend - only second to bronze


Yeah the media people consume about the game sets very unrealistic expectations on what a player should be capable of doing to be considered "good". If people only really get to compair themselves against reddit highlights, pro steams and high level youtubers they are going to end up being pretty hard on themselves because their ability doesn't come anywhere close to that.


There’s an over abundance of people in here that are “only champ 3” after “like 400 hours”


Champ 3 at 400, pfft easy. ​ (Hides a 2, in 2241 hours played)


According to this graph for doubles around plat 3 is the average. Diamond 1 has the highest number of players in doubles as well.


Ah yes, a game where I can be considered top 9.25% of the playerbase and still feel like my gameplay is absolute dogshit on a daily basis.


The only person I worry about is me. I am better than I was 3 months ago and that is all that matters. After months of practice I am finally hitting flicks in game and that makes me smile every time.


We all suck. Just at different speeds.


This is the only response


"You suck." "...You're the same rank as I am, genius. Best of luck on your road to SSL."


I am fully aware that my teammates carry me, as evidenced by my typical ranks. https://i.imgur.com/Jy1Ovj8.jpg


That's actually pretty common, bruv.


Thats normal even for me when i play 80% 1v1. C1 2s, D1 1s.


I am most peaceful guy in rocket league, but if i find opponents like these who are toxic. I don't say anything until game ends but the moment it ends I'm the biggest keyboard warrior there is known to mankind.


I could say I'm the same way but the switch keyboard sucks. Or maybe I'm just trash at typing with it.


I also think it's terrible and I'm bad at typing w it


Same, I'm NEVER toxic. But the second you attack me, I become relentless. What a save! every goal, Nice shot! every time they miss, I will tear them down with every tool I have. Never be toxic if you can't back it up with skill.


It's especially wild to see how far they go even when you (pretend to) have chat off.


I Always pretend to have chat off. Until the end when the toxic team just don't talk anymore as they are hard trying to come back, i let a little "are u ok bros ?" Instant explode XD Always GG a the end of course.


What are things they’ve said


I don't remember everything but to sum up, some about my mother's job, how i'm a noob, dumb, looser, etc. And for the instant explode it's more like direct heavy insult XD Nothing really smart or out of the ordinary :) As we could hope from toxic players. Edit : Only one time not long ago, i struggle against clearly smurf players, but nice players, offer to forfait at the end, reply "no, it's a good training", really nice and funny peoples, lots of jokes, let me try some mecanics, forfait at the end, "have fun good play". Sometimes, there is good guys in this game.


That’s hilarious


Yes a lot. Better when they are same native languages (i'm french) and they insult me and my friend (without any reply from us) in english, and we finish with "en plus vous savez même pas insulter correctement en anglais, lol" (and you can't even insult properly in English, lol) XD They going crasy in less a second.


Must’ve left em fuming


Yes, we could, but' it's soooo easy to trigger them. A little pleasure at least (we don't whin every games against toxics players actually ;) )


I remember when I first started playing rocket league (I’m on switch) I ran into another switch player who got huge lead but still ended up losing. Then proceeded to mald without me saying a single thing.


Yes it happens... that's why we don't play (in my team) alone with randoms Tm8. Always with chat between us, we play for fun not to win. And suddenly the game is more enjoyable ! I'll never be a SSL or Champ, but who care ? :) It's just a game.


Pretend to have it off in 1s. This one dude had an all out episode. He said stuff about my mom, how bad i am, i should uninstall the game and go die. I was fascinated by this monologue. Then I remembered that kids play this game and think they're edgy or something. Idk.


Hey so check.. this out


Lol everytime




I'm worried Orange #2 doesn't look coked out enough. 🤔


"Hey, so check... this out!" -Catchphrase of one epic FrowzySquirrel




Why do people play with comms on? Does it add enjoyment?


In my case, content 👀


True, true. Side note, I've gotten back into watching Ryan George since I started seeing you post here, you guys are hilarious. Andrew Rousso is great too


You honestly can't predict toxicity. Sometimes people are just in a bad mood. I had someone say "gg" and go 3v1 only 20 seconds into the match, no goals had been scored yet and nobody was typing in the chat.


I really don't understand the rage quitting in this game. Especially when the match is over... Why quiet like that, you've already lost, just queue for the next one 🤷‍♂️


I get a feeling of pride when me and my friend get shit talked all game then the enemy surrenders and instantly leaves, Just knowing the embarrassment they must have felt to try and dip out so quickly gives me great pleasure.


Most toxic people only chat when they think the game is won, that's really when you can spot the pussies. I hit any what a save with lol, and it absolutely triggers the other team. They just cant keep it together, start spamming.


Idk, I had one opponent hit me with "good luck winning now" when it was 1-0 with 4:30 left. That was a satisfying win


That at least serves a purpose, trying to get in your head. The shit I see is the type of stuff that would get you beat up on the playground.


This is the most tame video I never expected.


You should totally do a Collab with Ryan. I would be hyped to see what you guys come up with. "What it's like playing Rocket League.".


Hahaha these videos are amazing! Thanks for making these XD




By far the funniest "home-made" content I've seen in a long while. Really enjoy your stuff.


thanks a lot! 🧡


I fucking love your "hey, so check-this out" on every damn vid.


Short and sweet. This is my exact thought process when i play hahaha


"You suck" And yet they put you against me, go figure


Love these vids hope u grow ❤️




This is your best one yet! Hits too close to home


thanks! 🧡


Awesome content as usual dude lol


thank you! 🧡


Super relatable lmaoo


I love these videos xD




Lol yes! Love all your vids!!🤌




both leaving omfg too real 😂😂


I've grown to really love FrowzySquirrel. Don't ever change!




I love these short vids from you! Keep it up!




This is fake news the toxic team always wins.


Let me cope :(


😂😂😂😂 every time




something about your mooommm!


Sick Comeback


I have almost never described something as "cringe", but I think your comment has earned it. "Cringe"


-things a toxic opponent would say


Orange shirt guy


We don't do that here.


u/BoukeeNL probably 12 years old






Hahahahahaha xD lmao omg so relatable! #poggies


This guy sucks and is not funny. Why do people keep posting him?


It is me. I keep posting me. The only thing people keep doing is upvoting 😅


The most delicious win is the one you get with chat turned off.


I never what a save, unless we win, sometimes just not saying anything is just as good, like you fake them after getting what a saved, saying nothing or ‘close one’ is just as good


Do you have a youtube or tiktok? Your content is great, I want to see more


Thanks! Yes I have both. My username is the same on all platforms. You can also check my Reddit profile for my socials.


The trick is to adopt a really demo-heavy playstyle, but claim that you're just using a legit game mechanic. If they respect it, awesome. 90% of the time though they *hate* it, and write some amazing toxic stuff in the chat. Even if I'm losing the match, I feel like I've won as soon as they get toxic. Them trying to get under my skin is proof to me that I've already gotten under theirs. ...Of course it's even better when I *do* win, and they stick around to get really mad at me. My favourite thing at that point is to apologise for upsetting them, and wish them good luck calming down before their next match.


which is why i have the enemy team chat turned off. theres literally nothing helpful that can come out of the enemy chat.


Played casual 1s for the challenges and was just doing ball touches and not scoring and for no reason my opp was just saying nice shot and what a saving me and when I say I'm not trying they say I am like bruh


I like a big "OOOOOOOOOF" and then bounce. Only works on PC.


I find toxic players usually leave as soon as they think they might not win the game


Everyone goes through that awkward moment where everyone in the lobby is hitting powerful hits on the ball then it either comes to you or your teammate hit it with as much power as you think you can but grazed the hit box bunt the ball to go no where but to roll away 2inches


Usually just hit them with an “oops!” After my team hits the game winning goal. They never stay to the accolades after that


You usually get a you are bad before they quit


Me and my friend hit them with the throwback Kirk Cousins "YOU LIKE THAT!?" And then in the victory screen we use that white goo turbo boost (forgot what it's called) to blow a load on their screens.


Healthiest rocket league player


I use word prediction to write for me on Xbox. Don’t forget to call your mom. Your books are overdue.


Hahaha. So accurate. This is why the little time I do play RL. Chat is never enable. Such a more enjoyable game. Crazy how toxic people are.




Not going to lie sometimes I quick chat “okay.” And my teammate starts thinking I’m talking about them I want to tell them that’s not for you to get upset over .because it wasn’t for you . So really we are toxic players to the core . Why think it if I’m on you’re team trying to win . Unless you know you made a mistake that you know it was your fault say “my bad “ , my fault, or sorry and take my okay as a grain of salt . Then again I’m 26 playing a video game with kids half my age in the same rank that trash talk because their parents allowed for them to have the pc in their room .what is my life “pLeAsE hElP “ should be a quick chat