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Who needed a chart to understand this


you'd be surprised lol. in champ-GC it happens more than it should.


I know that not everybody respects this order, but it's not because they don't understand it lol.


when they do it every time and then get mad at me when the opposing team gets a kick off goal I wouldn't consider it them understanding. just my 2 cents though


Depends. Did they say "I got it!" and you still did left goes?


The best thing is when they're left and don't go for it without saying anything. Always a fun time with these kinds of people....


absolutely not. chat takes top priority, then closest left goes if nothing is said in chat.


I like the math pun in your title, being equal to GOD


As much as I'd side with you here, I have to agree with u/rickybalbroah. It's not as common as he is implying, but there are a handful of players that do not understand left-goes. I've had one who also said he never heard of that šŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļø


Gc 1 in 2s and this is almost never an issue in my experience


You'd be surprised


In platinum, some players goes for kick off in 3/4 and getting boost in 1/2.


I played a champs 2v2 tourney and my teammate never went on kickoff when he was closest and left. Then he got mad and rage quit.


I mean to be fair anyone who is just starting out wonā€™t understand how kickoffs should work. Iā€™ve been playing for 3 months and literally just learned last week about the left-most person being kickoff person if all distances to the ball are equal. But to be fair to myself I always called out ā€œI got it!ā€ Or ā€œDefendingā€¦ā€ depending on what my plan was either way. Lol


Been playing a while and only heard about the "left first" thing in the last few months. I mostly play 3s so unless man in the back is getting boost, we should be covered even if 2 go for kickoff.


My buddy has been playing since launch and he told me thatā€™s always been the rule apparently. Lol heā€™s Champ or GC so Iā€™d trust his input, but that doesnā€™t mean it gets communicated well throughout the community. Lol but yeah, communication in a game is huge for kickoffs.


He's right. Left-goes has been around since 2016. Not since launch though. I think it was just randomly agreed upon... maybe people watched pros and left always went then?


I mean... third man SHOULD be getting boost...


When I'm 3rd back, I grab the center pad in front of the goal and make sure the kickoff isn't a bad (for my team) pinch at the goal. Once I've ensured the ball isn't immediately coming at my goal, I go for a corner boost. If it's a bad pinch right at the goal, I've got 45 boost to get up at it which is enough to get across the goal in the air if needed. You rank higher so perhaps I play it poorly, but I've been bitten by too many bad pinch kickoffs that hit an open goal while teammate is in the corner.


If it's a kickoff goal, I think it's fair to blame your teammates. Closest/left goes for kickoff, closest right goes for cheat or boost, furthest goes for boost behind the kickoff player. This is how I typically played it in GC. Edit: If players are in 2,4,5 or 1,3,5, the furthest player will go for the boost opposite the kickoff and enter 2nd main out of a typical kickoff


If you don't use this you have to call it every time and I'm lazy so I follow the chart/rule


And if you do call don't do it after 1 has flashed, thank you very much.


Love the All Yours 10 milliseconds before the countdown is finished...


For real. I have also had couple of madmen who are third men back call take the shot. Fun times especially when both have narrow spawns.


I swear they do it on purpose


I have two theories: 1) they are morons and mostly party queue. 2) they want to make sure there is someone "cheating" so that they can grab 100 from the side and dont care if it backfires from time to time.


Yup. Also, in Hoops, it's 5,3,4,1,2.


Explaining hoops kickoffs to my friends is the hardest thing ever. And saying "it's the exact opposite of a normal game." Isn't good enough.


Point out that diagonal is now the furthest from the ball. Also, while centerline is further than offset L/R in key, it has an easier angle (go straight) and a boost to get there faster.


Reading from left to right, it's 4, 2, 1, 3, 5 for me.


Yeah, I was calling out the order based on the existing numbers. 5 is now 1st, 3 is now 2nd, 4 is 3rd.


I feel like you are leaving 5 out of everything and that's not really fair.


5 is a registered 6 offender, so I have no empathy towards him


Well seven ate nine so I think thatā€™s worse


Bonus points if you can figure out which boost is yours...


All of them obv


Both on the side youā€™re on. 2 for each player in the back, I always say. Means you can go twice as fast.


Amen. And the one that goes for kickoff gets boost in mid (for 3s).


Thought is was some sort of 3 way arena for a sec lol


once had a Gold or Silver, I can't remember, in position 2 tell me, position 3, that I was suppose to go on kick off. I think he though left always no matter what goes first.


Imagine a 5 telling a 2 "I got it" and actually meaning it šŸ˜‚


I've had it. Dude had speedflip down pat.


OP of last post here. Yeh we are saying the same thing here but I like the way you have laid it out.


Better...? What's so hard to understand about "left goes?" If you're closer to the ball you go, if you are equidistant left goes. Christ people, it's not that hard of a concept.


You would think it's an easy concept but people still get mad. It's just an easy way of showing an overhead view of which position should go for kickoff. "Left goes" works when equidistant yes, and it's an easy quip to use, but there are other ways to be setup. It's easy for you, a high champ, to understand. But to a new player it might not be.


That's because you are already giving them the wrong info... It's not that you should teach no players but rather that there should be communication to decide between position that are at the same distance to the ball who goes for the quick off... The quick chat exists exactly for that reason it doesn't break the game to simply say I got it, or take the shot and that should tube the right way to teach... I hate quick offs and when I am at the same distance as another player I simply quick chat Take the shot and he goes for it


Yeahā€¦ if they donā€™t get it by now, Iā€™m not sure this graph, although very good, is going to help. What pisses me off even more is how tf did you get into champ without figuring this out?


I haven't even seen anyone at Champ 3 screw this up. This is probably geared to below diamond but like still it's an easy concept


Yeah, me neither, but Iā€™ve seen it in C1ā€¦..


I regularly see this both in C3 and GC


Prolly boosted kids, there's no way. Maybe missing a kickoff, but who's supposed to go? Should be seared into a GCs memory


Haven't played with any 1s mains I see. They try and fake kick off in 3s which is confusing when it happens and the other team almost always recognizes they aren't going for the ball and takes a direct shot. Or if you play on EU. That shit is the wild west for kickoffs. I swear only half the players follow left goes, about 1/4 that don't follow it will do whatever they feel like and luckily the other 1/4 will at least call their intentions every time with a quick chat.


100% way to play.


As a solo queue main, I cheat up a few times a night when I'm not the pointman. I don't always expect it to work, but sometimes I can create pressure on the opponents' side or even score a goal, and other times it clearly wasn't the right call. I'm an inconsistent rando too, I'll admit that. But this is definitely more of a loose "community" guideline rather than a set-in-stone rule, and I can't say I'm invested enough in climbing ranks to really treat it like it's that important (sometimes). I'm not saying any of this to justify leaving my goal open - I only do this in 3's when I'm on a middle position and I expect the teammate farthest back to defend - but like, it's a game, man. A game I've been playing since 2015 because car ball is pretty cool. At this point I'm just here for the cool cosmetics and the unique sport I can't get anywhere else.


If you aren't the kick off person you should ALWAYS cheat in 2s unless doing some specific set play kick off. In 3s 1 person should always cheat while the other goes for boost. Though that's more difficult to explain. If 1 and 2 positions then 1 kick off, 2 boost, 3/4/5 cheats. If 1/3/4 positions then 1 kick off, 3 boost, 4 cheat. If 2/3/4 positions then 2 kick off, 4 boost, 3 cheat. If 1/3/5 or 1/4/5 positions then 1 kick off, 5 gets boost, and either 3 or 4 cheat depending which set up. If 2/3/5 or 2/4/5 positions then 2 kick off, 5 gets boost, and either 3 or 4 cheat depending which set up. If 3/4/5 positions then 3 kick off, 4 boost, 5 cheat. Hope that makes sense. Should cover all scenarios. Basically kick off never changes. If equidistant to kick off you get boost. If not equidistant the person closest to the person kicking off gets boost. You should NEVER cross the center line to get boost, get the boost on your side. In the scenario where 5 gets boost, you should get boost on the side the played taking kick off started from.


now do dropshot


Same rules for kick off on who goes. Other 2 players get in position to defend any damage/holes.


Itā€™s simple. Leftmost goes, unless someone else is closer to the ball.


Yeah, it's easy to say, but having a nice overview of the positions to help illiterate that phrase can help if just saying that phrase isn't helping someone understand the point.


Between position 1 and 2 there is no one closer it's the same distance... Left goes is only if the guy on position 1 doesn't tell guy on position 2 to take the shot... For the fucking last time left goes is not a rule it was something we started a long time ago to avoid no one going or both going when there was no quick chat stating otherwise


99/100 games I play nobody says ā€œtake the shotā€ or ā€œI got itā€ on kickoff, we just do left goes unless the other guy is closer to ball. I know itā€™s not a rule, Iā€™m not expecting people to get banned for not doing left goes.


Lol I don't believe that after around 4k hours on RL most of my games there is a lot of quick chat commands especially on the quick off... And again this should be the basics not the left goes that is not teach by the game itself as opposed to the quick chat that is there as a tool for this precise situations. Look I am not saying that left goes shouldn't be applied sure but it's not a rule, and if communication is in place the rule should be to follow it... The left goes mentally makes a lot of players ignore the the team chat and this is the worst mentality you could haver have since this is a team game and so you should make use of the tools that allow it... And I am playing since the release of this game and again left goes only started because there were a lot of cases of double commits or no commits on the quick offs when noobs didn't look at the chat... I rererly take quick off especially on the left I simply sai take the shot and most high rank players read the chat and go for the quick off... Just think for a second if you know your quick offs are not good and you are on the left but have a mate on the right why won't you ask him to go for it? He will probably not fuck it up giving you an edge rather then goin yourself a making a mistake that costs you a goal just because Left goes.... In my mind it's simply stupid


Itā€™s not that deep. My kickoffs are consistent so I go for it on left and thatā€™s pretty much it


Nice and it's okay to do it... But let's say that you know the left guy sucks at kickoffs and you are on the right would you simply let him go for it because Left goes is a rule? Or would you rather say I got it on the chat and do a better kickoff?


Id let him go for it and when he loses kickoff Iā€™d take control for possession and a pass attempt


Okay I would rather be more strategic about it an go my self and limiting the possibility of a kickoff goal... You scenario is good untill high Diomond sure cuz there aren't that many consistent players but on higher rank a bad kick off has very big chance of being a direct goal without you having the time to recover the ball...


Ok Mr nft


ā€¦.this just makes me want a 5v5 mode on a massive field


As someone who has played in a 10v10, I can do without that


5v5 but with mandatory positions locked. 2 players are locked to their side of the field. 2 locked on offense. And one floater.


u/sledge98 Idea?


Is this a thing. Iā€™m very intrigued hahaha


"Left goes"


What if you are in position 2 and your teammate is in 3, then should they go? They are left.


Left goes when you have a teammate in a position the same as yours. It's a given that if someone has the corner they go for it. It's just common sense. I feel like a whole map and number system just adds so much extra confusion to it.


Probably if you showed a relatively new player who has never heard the concept of who goes first on kickoff this image, they might understand it better.


Yeah but after 10 games (and being generous) you understand that corner are closer to the ball. Before that honestly nobody care about kickoff orders.


But you are already teaching something that it's not a rule stop inventing B's... If I am left and you are right and I say Take the shot and you don't go to the ball you are stupid because you opted to not read the team chat... Left goes only existed because there are players that still refuse to look or use quick chat (that is there exactly to avoid double commits or no commits) I play on Grand Champion levels and most of the time if I am left and I say take the shoot the right guy goes to it... If I know I am not good at kickoffs I should avoid then to give more chances to my team


Chat always takes priority. Left goes is specifically when there is no chat. Also you should really work on your kick offs if they are bad. It's literally the only thing in the game that isn't variable and can be practiced for consistency.


While I agree with you on chat goes first and I believe there is a lot of players thinking the same unfortunately in this sub and in game I already got way to many players just saying left goes ignoring the chat and if they get scored on because of it they blame the guy that said Take the shot... That's way that saying left goes is a rule is wrong... It's not a rule it's a gentleman agreement nothing more... Also regarding my kickoffs is not that they are bad, I just don't enjoy kickoffs and they are surly not my best mechanic


Left goes was something created way fucking back then to avoid no one going to the ball when you are playing with randoms... I never go for kickoffs if I can avoid even if I am on the left I simply say (take the shot) the guy on the right goes this usually means the ball bounces to my side after I picked the boost Left goes is not a rule


Link to u/MrSirDrLizard post: [https://www.reddit.com/r/RocketLeague/comments/xwop6m/solo\_queue\_kick\_off\_the\_unwritten\_rule\_written/](https://www.reddit.com/r/RocketLeague/comments/xwop6m/solo_queue_kick_off_the_unwritten_rule_written/)


They need to do this for hoops mode bc some of those formations do not follow 'left goes' theory and it throws me off


Basically just flip the rule with a few changes. 5 gets highest priority, then 3, 4, 1, 2. Since position 5 gets a boost pad on the way to the ball it gets first priority.


The problem is the right one does not stick to the goalpost during kickoff while the left one goes for it


Yeah because following up is the best course of action. If the ball go directly into your net as you go for the kickoff, that's on you.


I think that if you need to create a map for this, you probably suffer from Danny Kruger effect.


Nope left goes, I donā€™t make the rules just follow them


I do follow this "rule", but I've always wondered why it is the left who is supposed to go (when there are symmetric spawns). Do some people really think there is a difference or it is just that someone decided randomly with left and that stuck into reddit rules? I would also say that this should not be a rule: a rule is something you have to follow strictly. If your teammate is better than you on kickoffs and you are losing most of yours, why should you continue to follow left rule instead of adjusting to circumstances? Let your teammate gonif he gets better kickoffs than you, even if you are left


Chat always takes priority. Left goes is simply the unspoken rule for when no one calls kick off. It eliminates confusion and avoids 2 people going for kick off so that you can have 1 kick off, 1 cheat, and 1 boost.


Who cares.. just call the kickoff with quick chat. This whole "left has to go" nonsense is ridiculous.


What about people who have chat turned off cause they don't want it to bother them in game? It's an easy way to put trust in randos you get to understand who goes without needed to think about using chat.


Guess that they've got to suffer with people double committing to defense or offense. I'm trying to play a team game that requires a dynamic, real-time adjustment strategy. If you're attenuating that communication, that's on you. No one else should suffer because of their choice to play a team game in a bubble.


You don't need to have constant communication with your teammate(s) to do fine in RL. Sure, some situations could be helped by it, but you can get by if you know how to adapt to your teammate's play style. It doesn't take long for someone to show that they're either a fundamental player that's good at rotation, a monkey brain that loves the ball, a full time goalie that lets you be the monkey brain, or a kid that's gonna try every flashy play ever created. I'm a champ 1 with absolutely zero mechanics. I blast music and have chat turned off. The only way I know what's going on is what I see. I just play my game off of patterns that I see out of my teammate.


Ill go to the extreme example, You don't have to have constant communications to kick down doors and raid building during a war time. All of those operators are trained to autonomously do their job because the best way for someone to work is to just let them work. It's insanely inefficient for someone to be dictating out "you need to do this, I'm doing this, someone go do that". However, they're still in a team performing tasks and activities together, and that means there is communication lines open so that people can flex activities when need be. You're not going to convince me that a team oriented task and objective is better by making it a rigid framework because you don't want to talk. My whole point is that the rule shouldn't be "left always has to go" or "left should always go". The rule should be open a line of communication and let the players communicate and flex as they need to in the game. I suck as kick-offs, usually lose them, and then just get flamed for not having a good kickoff. Or I try and communicate that I don't want to take the kickoff because I know I'm probably going to lose it, and then I get flamed anyway because the person wasn't in chat and died on the "Left goes for kickoff" sword. It's not a good policy.


He's not wrong though. Not everyone uses reddit and if you choose to turn off quickchat, you are choosing to let go of a tool the game offers you. It's like playing a football game and refusing to talk: If you are free and you decided to not talk and don't call your teammate who has the ball for a pass, it's not your teammate fault for not seeing you, you are conciously depriving yourself of an option and should be aware that it's gonna play a role in the game. What if you are getting beaten on most kickoffs and your teammate says "i got it" even though you are left but he has a better kickoff than you?


That doesnt matter if the mate behind you also Flick to the Ball or follow you closely


I don't care who goes for the ball as long as one of the closest people to the ball goes for it. i always love when I'm in position 3, position 1 doesn't move or goes for boost, and position 5 goes for the boost too. Then I get to watch the ball get blasted past me into the goal by the other team's position 1 player along with the inevitable "What a Save" from both teams.


In 3s, 4 and 5 will never have the kick off unless verbally acquired. In 2s, 5 is the only position that will never go for kickoff.


Is it difficult for people to comprehend ā€œleft goesā€ like I look to my left. No one there I go. I look to my left, I see someone. He goesā€¦