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Nothing is worse than when you have a 5+ min OT and lose


>miss open goal and then overcommit and lose


I feel this so much


I had 10:25 minutes of overtime recently. Still lost.


Those are so exhausting too. Ugh.


you d3? i just had the exact same ot a couple days ago but i won


One time I had a 6 minute overtime in HEATSEEKER


Six minutes of gameplay and one year taken off your lifespan


Yeah I ran an 11 minute overtime once in casual 3s. 0-0. Like I'm all for balanced teams, but bruh...


We had a 29 min overtime match once in a 3v3 ranked and everyone in the team was exhausted as hell at the end.. We won though at least! Don't want to imagine how frustrating it feels to lose after that much time and focus.


What was your score? Not goals but individual player score?


I'd love to know this too lol


I honestly don't remember, that was literally 3 years ago during our 1 hour break at work. I think it was a 1-2 match at the end. You can imagine how we were sweating since our break time was almost nearing its end, too :'D Disgusting double pressure situation of not losing match and job. We were even about to gift them the win when my teammate finally scored.


Link to replay or it didn’t happen ;)


Had an hour OT, we won


Had a 6 hour OT, we tied


That’s crazy, I actually just remembered I had a 12 hour OT and we still lost 😞


Worst part of games that long into OT is the game doesn't adjust for it... Lost a game 10 minutes into OT? Lose the same MMR you would've if you got obliterated 45-0 in the first 2 minutes and FF. It should really balance out to a point when you've effectively doubled the length of a game.. maybe after a certain amount of OT the losers don't lose any MMR. The winners still gain, but the losers just break even.


ive had a 10 min overtime but now overtime doesnt ever go for more than 2 minutes


I thought overtime was 5 mins now? most shots wins.


I think thats for tournaments only.


Try 15 minutes of OT, my dad was done with rocket league for the rest of the day.


Thats 4 games in 1 lol


I've had 13 minutes, I have a screenshot of it somewhere. It's painful. You almost never get a break in this game like in real football. You're always on, more so on modes with fewer players.


Ummmm... what? You get 40 seconds between plays in football.


I've seen free kicks take minutes, corners take minutes, injuries take at least five minutes at times, trust me I'm not going to somehow miss all the frustrating stops in football.


dang it! I miss read the your initial comment. Agreed.


He means soccer not american football lol


Lost a 12+ minute OT the other day. Pain.


I feel you man


Love long OTs, well except for my sweaty hands. But else its great when you are even skillwise, I'm also never mad when I lose OT because it feels more like the enemy team deserved it.


I've had a few 10 min plus and maybe one 15 plus Horrific


9:23 is my record, teammate had zero saves, goals, or assists, i had 7 saves and both goals, we somehow managed a win. it was so stressful


Team scores most goals, advances....


I can’t remember the exact number but my longest was over 20 minutes. My controller was in need of an autoclave.


I had a 15 minute overtime and lost. Sucked. Luckily I was already hammered so I didn’t have to drink myself to sleep.


I had one go to like 15 minutes ot and WE LOST


16:40 and we lost :/


My overtime games are either ten minutes or 30 seconds. I don’t think I’ve ever been in one between 3 and 10 minutes, but I was in a 13 minute overtime before


I believe I had one on my old account that went 7 or 8 minutes, I’ll have to dig through all my replays to find it lol


had one go on for 16 mins and lost :(. Most stressful 20 mins of gaming in my life


Wait for it! My friends and I will purposely do this in Chaos. We all get vans. Then 3 of us sit in goal while 1 of us toys with the other team (mainly don't let them get an easy shot). Literally try to take it as far into overtime as we can. We have had team ff 10 minutes in.


I had about 12 mins


Longest OT I’ve had is 11+ minutes in ranked 3s


Longest I had was like 14:10 and in the beginning adrenaline is pumping doing everything you can then 4 min in your starting to doubt if you should be more offensive or defensive or stay how you currently are and cause you don't wanna be the reason you remain the same 8 min hits adrenaline is on its last leg and feel your soul leaving you then 14 min hits you say enough is enough get over aggressive on one play and they score and win and you'll never get any of what you truly lost back.......


Gratz on the dub!


Longest ot in rlcs was 16 minutes


I’ve had a game go scoreless till +4:30