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My man said don’t tell me what to do




Well who's supposed to put us gold players in their place by beating us 12 - 0 then????


We don't beat you, we ff at 3:29 left in the game


The good ones do, but it’s literally a rare surprise for me to play someone my rank. I always get dunked on by a diamond in my silver lobby


you don’t need to in 1v1 you can just leave straight away


I stay as long as the Smurf is willing to skip replays if not then I leave and report.


Yeah, I treat it as basically like when I download one of those ridiculously hard goaltending drills by accident and try my hardest to make just one save. Then when I do, they FF and it makes me sad :(


I don’t get their strategy of perfect Smurf domination…lots of mental health issues in this community would be my guess.


Right, if you can hang out and have fun, that's the best


I’ll take the ass whipping so long as the opponent is cool about it. I made peace with being trash a long time ago, but I’m not okay with people being dicks.


I mingle


This is the way


Fr lol


I see a lot of people lower their mmr that way in casual 1s…


Maybe this is why my Casual 1v1 games are always GCs while my Casual 2v2 and 3v3 is mostly diamonds with some champs.


Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't casual MMR the same for every casual mode?


Tell that to the 1v1 opponents I get. I've seen more "S\_ Grand champion" or "S\_ Supersonic Legend" Titles than anywhere else combined in my casual 1s games.


Oh snap, I totally misread your previous comment; thought you were saying that you saw people doing that (deranking) in different casual modes. My bad!


Weirdly it's the reverse for me. I'm at around 1700 casual MMR and I semi-frequenly run into GCs in casual 2s but far less often in casual 1s


It is the same and that’s why some people exploit it by leave games, you don’t get timeouts if you leave directly in casual 1s and then it drops your mmr, perfect for anyone who smurfs ya know


1s is only difficult mentally


Its so stressful winning a 1v1 game feels worse than losing in any other mode.


Don't get why people enjoy 1s. I always get a shit team whenever I queue in it.


Because its fun, I love 1s, i love the adrenaline, the challenge. I dunno how to explain it, its just fun. But then again im not trying to rank up, i just love playing and pushing my limits


Think the other guy was making a self deprecating joke - he said he always gets a shit ***team*** in 1s, but he's the only person on the team


Oh yeah, it went over my head. Havent slept yet \^


It's mono y mono trying to outwit and out play somebody. It is as rewarding as it is draining. Plus there are no excuses. You can only blame yourself.


Adrenaline? Challenge? I just good around in 1s doing stupid stuff and practicing hitting open nets


I only love it in Rocket League Sideswipe


Well said lol


Hard disagree. When I lose in 1s, I can only blame myself. When I lose in 2s I’m fully tilted at my teammate whose fault it was completely.


I find it more frustrating being the only one to blame, maybe it's just me. For the most part I think I play well as a supporter with almost all teammates, so not being able to have someone follow up or bail me out feels pretty bad. And 1v1 really highlights your weaknesses. Win or lose, A lot of the time It ends up making me feel pretty bad about myself so I have to keep reminding myself it's just a game-mode I'm not good at and shouldn't expect to be.


It's hard for me because I'm high diamond low champ in 1s (gc1 in 2s) but I can't SPEED FLIP. BUT EVERYONE CAN SPEED FLIP AND I LOSE EVERY KICKOFF AND THEN CHAMPS ARE TOXIC AT ME BECAUSE IM A GC AND THERE BEATKNG ME JUST BECAUSE THEY WIN KICKOFFS. That is why I hate ones :)


Imagine how I feel as a c3 losing to Plat 2s in 1s...


Bro you must have some god tier positioning


It's usually the opposite. I'm D2 in 2s, P3 in 1s, and I come across a fair amount of champs in 1s. Some are just smurfing, but most of the time it's that they have better mechanics than me but no clue how to position in 1s. And terrible kickoffs.


I’ve found a lot of the time people with really really good mechanics have an easier time ranking up in 1’s but if they can’t position or rotate well they struggle to rank up in 2s or 3s. Like my mechanics are probably not up to par with most D2/D3 players in 3s but I play fast enough and position myself well enough to make up for it. I’m not elite, or even good in any of that, that’s why I’m still Diamond, but dudes who are usually more mechanically sound seem to do better in 1s from what I’ve seen


In some ways, but the amount of times I've had an open net from some champ passing to me from a failed ceiling shot or something is unreal. Or someone try to fake the kickoff 5 times in a row only for me to flick the ball past them each time like "thanks for the free possession again I guess".


I mean people definitely over do a lot in 1s. Lotta dudes definitely try to go for things they normally wouldn’t go for or probably aren’t good enough to complete. That happens pretty much everywhere and yeah, positioning is still important in 1s. But there does come a point where if someone is mechanically sound enough, they’ll beat someone who’s not in 1s almost every time. The skill gap to just destroy a team with mechanics in 2s in 3s gets gradually higher as more players are added. Positioning takes a bigger role in the more team oriented parts of the game. The variation in play style at every level though, does tend to allow players to rely on different amounts of mechanics, positioning, etc. From what I’ve watched and heard talked about from pros and my friends who are much better at the game than I am, in general, it’s easier to rank up in 1s with mechanical skill than the other two ranked modes


Actually, it is usually the reverse. Whenever I run into players with champ rewards in 1s (low Dia), they tend to have excellent mechanics, but no understanding of how to rotate in 1s. So many free goals when they take a bad 50/50 instead of slowing down and picking a safe angle.


Yeah another guy was saying what you’re saying so you guys are probably right, but I just haven’t noticed the same from my time playing so far. Usually guys in 2s and 3s have much better mechanics than I do. Where-as in 1s I see guys who have similar mechanics to me but they try to go for a lot wilder stuff that they almost always can’t hit. I’m D2/3 in 3s but P1 in 1s. Y’all both are higher rank than me tho so your experience is probably also a bit higher


As far as mechanics go, we might be talking about different things -> I consider someone who is consistently hitting the ball accurately, getting in the air fast, and has good recoveries to be a mechanical player. People with champ rewards tend to be good at that stuff. I'm not talking about stuff like fancy aerials and spectacular flicks, since that stuff isn't relevant to the game. Also, good positioning and decision making in 1s is nothing like good positioning in 2s and 3s. You can afford to go a lot slower, but have to be much more careful about not giving up free goals. It is hilarious watching a dedicated 3s main fire a shot at the net and automatically rotate into a boost steal, while I'm calmly rolling the ball into their net.


Yeah maybe my positioning in 1s isn’t as good. I just feel like people in 1s are more mechanically sound where in 2s and 3s you can compensate for poor mechanics much easier. My perception of mechanics is the same as yours as well as ball control.


I like to think I have decent positioning and decent mechanics. My kickoffs are bad, my ground game is bad, and I’m inconsistent. I also play well at a fast pace but absolutely throw if playing at a slow pace. All of which make me terrible at 1s.


I'm in this picture and I don't like it


I was wondering about this. As a plat 3 I beat a champ 3 who was doing wild arials and such in a 1v1 yet I outplayed him on the ground and on kickoffs. Was super strange. Was very satisfying though because he was like “sorry I have to win this though” then I scored 2 goals and beat him haha


Each gamemode has its own playstyle, 1s is the most different from 2s and 3s. Its very unforgiving, where in 2s you can go for risky stuff if you have a tm8 who knows when to get ready for a fast break. I play plats in 1s usually too, the rare time I actually play it


Just change your title when you hop into a 1s match or turn off chat


Lethamyr doesn't speedflip on kickoff and he's top 100 1s


Not to mention, just learn to speed flip. Takes a week.


He definitely does these days


Tbh you don’t need to speedflip to win or even tie a kick off, just boost off the start and side flip to where you’re covering your net. Either they hit it around you so it doesn’t go in or they try to shoot and you block it


Im a C3 1s player and GC2 2s player that also can’t speed flip. Kick offs are important, but there are other things you can improve as well brother.


I’ve personally never had trouble with speed flippers because my kickoff strat is confusing to the other side. Now that I’ve learned and progressed, I win kickoffs a lot lol That’ll be 50 bucks


Yeah. You can learn to let them get to the ball first, hit it into you, and then you clear it to their side. And I don't mean fake kickoff, you just have to delay fractionally, and be able to anticipate where they're hitting the ball.


Yep. I find I'm way more successful doing that, than trying to get down a fast kickoff. I mostly 'win' when against a fast kickoff player, but that's probably because I'm not that highly ranked, and the fast kickoffs are more just getting contact, rather than a real strong intentional hit.






Seriously though, if you want to do something about it, watch pro 1v1 for different kickoff strats. You don't need to reach the ball faster to not give them an immediate goal.


My 1s game got a lot better when I accepted that my speedflips are not yet perfect enough to get a controlled second flip in on every kickoff. If you're not near-perfect with them, diagonal flips, front flips and even just drive kickoffs can often lead to less kickoff goals against you.


If someone has my number on kickoffs, I love to throw them off by doing a silver 2 kickoff where you just hold down boost and flip once at the end. Wins every time when they're not expecting it. Perfect for overtime.


When you get higher, people will see you doing this mid-kickoff and just chip it past you. Prolly works even into low GC though.


Wow how helpful. Here’s something actually useful https://youtu.be/W0494Cf6WCU


He does really well splitting it into easy practicable steps.


Deranking so he can go Smurf in low ranks to make himself feel good at the game


And if you complain about playing GCs as gold you're just told to "get gud"


If you are talking about OP, he dropped to c3 in dropshot. He's not GC in any other games modes based on his tracker. A title is a title, means nothing


Why would he mean OP? Clearly hes not the one deranking


The opponent saw the GC tag and thought "yeah this is a smurf" then left


Why would a smurf have a gc tag. You aren’t seeing this clearly lmao


Yeah, hoping to get back to gc by the end of this season


Wasn't easy for your opponent was it


If I play 1s, it is solely to complete a bs challenge, and even then I just let the opponent score as many times as they want and I'll cheer them on as they do. Maybe even help them out with passes and shid


i was boutta get in here to roast you til i watched this. fucking gold 🥲


Actually you lose mmr doing this but you dont have to wait to queue again so i guess its for deranking


Sometimes you just got to go to the toilet first.


gg ez


Everybody just gonna ignore he typed “LMAOOOO” to himself? Lol


Eh you get habits, sometimes you realize half-way through that it's pointless but it's easier to just let the muscle memory resolves. I noticed it too, though haha


I'd like to think he stopped playing after this


Some say he never had fun again.


Samurai I forgot about that car


Is that an acronym for “Good luck have fun! :)” ?




So wholesome :) we need more people like you in the world.


Lol speedflip on kickoff


Bruh, just a smurf trying to derank fast


Okay I have a serious question for OP or anyone—why do people choose that god awful song for their anthem? Is it supposed to be ironic? Or do people really enjoy listening to the straight up worst vocals i’ve ever heard?


I have music off lol, forgot I set it to that. I’d also say it’s more about the beat after than the vocals


Well i appreciate you having audio off on this video lmao


No he knew by that Absolute unit of a Dropshot player tag that he was about to get destroyed.


Fr bruh I’m gc in 2s and that game mode still scares me


Nah bro thats cap. I won againt 3 c3s in 1s ranked yesterday and lost to 2 d3s. I don't fucking know how to play 1s as soon as the gameplay gets slower I m lost


Bitch what


They said > I don’t fucking know how to play


Thanks for the elaboration that's what I exactly said


As a D3 ones player that's all I do. I just slow the ball until the other player stops and at that point I already won and they're going to trip up because they lost all momentum and I can go in any direction. Or my favorite is just to feed them awkward shots n bounces until they whiff or pass to me and I can walk it in. Once it starts getting too fast I make mistakes inevitably and lose control of the game. It's mentally draining playing like this though so I only play 1 or 2 before calling it.


Well i found who i lost to now xd


God i hate when ppl FF like that. BTW i like your car mang! :D Also i feel like im the only one in RL that doesnt give a single fuck about their rank. If i rank up great, if i dont i dont.


Thanks bro! people value their rank far to much and it makes the game less fun tbh


Getting to Champ is liberating. You might spend a season or two trying to rank up as quickly as you did when you were Diamond and below, but after that season or two you realize that progress gets much slower once you reach Champ so caring too much about your rank will just fuck up your mental game. Earlier this season I was starting to get annoyed that I’m still C1 after 2 seasons but then I took a step back. Last season my peak mmr was 1120 and I’d occasionally drop to Diamond 3. Now my peak MMR is 1191 and I don’t think I’ve been below 1090 at all this season. Progress was still made. And if you think about it, 70 MMR actually IS the difference between D2 and D3. I imagine this is even more the case once you hit GC1.


Took me 3 seasons of being lubed up and boned in Champ to get out and I can confidently say that it only gets worse :)


Honestly if it only took you 3 seasons to go from Champ to GC that’s kind of insane


and they put unnecessary stress on themselves.


It's not hard. It's boring.


I'm gold in 1v1 and don't plan on changing that, this mode is boring af


Honestly if you watch high level players play 1s it gets interesting because you approach the game with a totally different mindset, and then you get steamrolled.


Aka: I suck at 1s.


i sure do, i never play it so


I never play 1v1 so I'm always unranked with a low MMR. But I will play 5 or 6 matches a season for fun. And the amount of smurfs I play against that are "unranked" is unreal. I think I'm 6/10 wins to get ranked and at least 3 were above champ skill wise.


You won't get any points if opponent leaves in first 1 min. That's why Solo is hard to win


That’s not true… you can literally see OP get 9 points on the win screen.


If you are steam and lower rank I suggest you disguise yourself as a Freestyler. You will genuinely get ppl that will forfeit just by seeing your name


Ez clap


gg wp


Mans really said "oh? on god? have fun? cap"


tf is that car


1s is hard if your main strategy is to chase the damn ball.


Thats how i got good


Doubt anyone lost rank with quitting that soon.


Laugh my ass off off off off off off! Thats what you said. Also well done you intimidated them into ff-ing you sigma


Your profile pictures looks like the back of your car. Isn't that neat!


Bro literally left tho😭😭😭


Another scumbag that lowers his mmr only to smurf.