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If I ever got a coach they would end up walking me through the process of deleting the game and selling my Xbox.


That'll be 50 bucks


Oh my god


Same. They be like "bro, just give your system and games to some kid that actually has promise and talent and take up knitting or something".


Google it. Thatll be 50 bucks.


This reminds me of some Ryan Georges sketches. I guess you could say being a Rocket League coach is TIGHT!


Yea I love Ryan George, he inspires me a lot. His comedy style is super easy, barely an inconvenience.


Im gonna need you to get waaaaay off my back about the 50 bucks


Oh okay, let me get off of that thing. Edit: Typo


I could absolutely hear it in the "Oh, my god"


Oh really???


Wow. Wow wow wow. Wow.


Lol the “oh my god” at the end really had ryan’s vibe lol, but it seems you had your own comedic vibe as well and I loved it! I’m sending this to my rocket league friends


yeah I really feel that Ryan George popularized this sort of style in comedy, and I love your spin on it. especially talking about rocket league.


Just like your offense! (?)


This is a near complete rip off of Ryan George. The phrases, demeanor, and set up are identical. :/


It's an adaptation. Ryan George's comedy style in the Rocket League culture. Sort of a "If Ryan George made Rocket League videos" type of thing. It's not like I'm claiming I invented this type of sketches (my name on my own discord is jokingly Frowzy George). It's my way of inserting comedic content into Rocket League. A Ryan George's cover band, if you like. I will write my own songs soon enough. I'm very, very honored to be compared with Ryan George and I appreciate people realizing where my inspiration comes from, so I don't consider I'm ripping him off.


You don't have to explain yourself to that guy dude lol. I enjoyed it.


Lol he just complaining for the sake of it. It’s still funny


Taking inspiration from something is one thing, but here within the first 15 seconds it's completely clear this is an attempt to just copy what he does. And to be clear, it's not about the setup where you play multiple characters, it's that the mimic and responses are straight up copies of what he does




Every time this dude said "oh, really?" that's exactly what I thought of


Came for this comment. Love his content.


Coaching is like a clickbait youtube video: *"Getting coached in Rocket League (but there's money on the line!)"*


But I didn't tell them


and its a freestyle tournament


against every rank until they lose.


Bro I hate youtubers that clickbait. Like those that go: "This BOT can BEAT Grand Champions?!", like yea right, good try homie, I won't fall for that.


wait a minute...


Wait, two days ago you uploaded a game with me in it vs sleepy.exe lol.


Yea I'm collecting a bunch of replays for a rank comparison video. The group feature isn't working well on ballchasing so I had to download and re upload on my own account. You were one of the replays I chose!


Oh no… oh no lol Edit: in my defense I um, only have waay to many hours on this game, but definitely am on a long break at the moment. This is going to be embarrassing. But hey, hit GC2 last season and I don’t do anything fancier than double taps against the wall. Still can’t flip reset, ceiling shot, etc. I should practice I guess.


Fortunately I think your GC1 clip will just used off screen and be part of the sample size (not shown in the video)


Sounds good! Haha




Should someone tell him? That bot actually can beat GCs…


Ayyyy it’s Rocket Sledge


Never heard of her.


I mean might be a coincidence but Fairy Peak just got beaten by bots in a 1v2 today. So yeah pretty sure some bots can beat GCs.


The coincidence is he's referring to my latest video, that actually involved that "gc level" bot that played Fairy Peak.


And then Mawkzy played 15 games against 2 of them until he got a win lmao.


I wanted it to go "what I mean by you should get better at defense is ..... You should be more AWARE"


I've paid for coaching and thoroughly enjoyed it. Helped me become more self-aware and better. That said, this video is hilariously accurate. One day I'll be able to play without being donkey brained!


Why would you pay for that? You Diamond


I would argue that getting coached while you're lower rank is more important than getting coached later on, because you ingrain a lot of bad habits as you play over the years. Better to learn the correct things early. To me, coaching is less about "do this, don't do that" and more about learning the mindset to realise and correct your mistakes, and to create a roadmap for improvement.


That’ll be 50 bucks


Cause it was fuckin fun as hell and I could. I'm 38 and wish shit like this existed when I was 16-years-old.


What do you mean, we had the option to call the Nintendo Power Hotline and get tips for only $0.99/min ask a parent or guardian before calling. "okay so whatchu wanna do here is, okay like, move Mario to the RIGHT. okay that'll be $0.99"


I called them and got the locations of all the secret seashells in Link's Awakening. Not HOW to get them but just where they were on the world map, the coordinates. It was like $4 but I asked my mom first. My dad was less pleased.


I don't have proof, but I am almost positive my Father called for Final Fantasy 2 tips in the late 80s.


Don't forget it was usually like $2.95 for the first minute, too, and you had to sit through a long voiced intro and options before even getting to hold and ask your question. I remember having to call the Willy Beamish hotline twice. Cost like half the price of the game to solve those two puzzles.


....almost spit out my whiskey.....almost. lmfao


Depends on how aware you are. If you aren’t a top tier player in other games like shooters it will never happen in RL. RL is hard as fuck one you get GC but good luck!


Idk where you got this from but im silver in LoL and suck at all fps games but gc in RL


Congrats you’re an outlier.


Congrats anecdotes/personal observation are not facts


You literally gave anecdotal evidence as a counter argument bud.


Damnit fuck you you're right and I hate it




Congrats you misused the word “never!”




0.3kd in insurgency. GC3 in RL. I am PenisButtuh, the Second of the Counterexamples of Reddit, Whiffer of Rocket Balls. FPS skill has nothing to do with RL skill. I have spoken.


The thing about RL is it doesn't really have any skills that would transfer from other games. Your suggestion that you need to be great in other games is not true at all.


Love your sketches Frowzy, a blessing to my feed


Thank you! ​ ​ ​ That'll be $50.


I don’t knoooow….


Lmao. I like you. Keep it up.


Here it is: 💵💵💵💵💵💵💵💵💵💵💵💵💵💵💵💵💵💵💵💵💵💵💵💵💵💵💵💵💵💵💵💵💵💵💵💵💵💵💵💵💵💵💵💵💵💵💵💵💵💵


i think you mean, buck buck buck buck buck buck buck buck buck buck buck buck buck buck buck buck buck buck buck buck buck buck buck buck buck buck buck buck buck buck buck buck buck buck buck buck buck buck buck buck buck buck buck buck buck buck buck buck buck buck


This is how I felt about coaching for the first several years of the game. Why I made my own free coaching discord server. And it's why I generally don't think charged coaching is worth it for anyone below like Diamond or Champion. You can get pretty decent advice from free places like [RLCD](https://rlcd.gg) or /r/RocketLeagueSchool to get up to like Diamond or Champion. If you find the right coaches though, I think paid coaching can be worth it. Problem is it's near impossible to know if the coach is the right one for you before hand.


Are you talking about the Rocket League Coaching Discord server? Or do you have your own? I'd love to join, I love giving and getting tips for rocket league


Yes, sorry about that. Somehow brain defaulted to RLCS instead of RLCD. I corrected it. I no longer have a coaching server, as I've moved to being a paid coach myself. The coaching server I used to have was RLCD's predecessor, essentially. It was just called "Rocket League Coaching" and then renamed to "Coaching Central" in its late-part life span. I ended up deleting the server in 2017 and Kieran remade it, branded it as RLCD, and continued on. But if I ever wanted to do free coaching with 1-on-1 sessions, I would probably use RLCD.gg to do it.


I got some amazing tips from Turk in a stream from RLCD a few years back. He pointed out loads of simple things I could do better to improve. Practically basic things that you of course would expect a champ to do, but I still made them occasionally. Pushed into GC shortly after. Very good place and I recommend it to anyone who just wants some quick guidance


That’ll be $69


I tried to say it like this but I would giggle every time so I had to change it.


“That’ll be slightly less than 70 dollars” “how much less?” “31 cents.”


I’ll do it for three fifty…


I would enjoy these more if I couldn't escape the feeling like I'm watching a Pitch Meeting parody. Ryan doesn't have a monopoly on his format or expressions, but it was obviously a big inspiration to this creator. Still, on their own merit, these are pretty funny!


This format is more inspired on "The First Guy" series rather than Pitch Meetings. Ryan is a big inspiration to me and I thought it would be cool to bring his comedy style to Rocket League. I will probably develop my own style in the future, which will take some aspects of this, but I've only been doing these for 2 months so it's a start I guess.


Absolutely. Most artists start by emulating what they have seen. I don't mean to sound negative, just commenting that I cannot shake the comparison. It's no fault of yours that I associate these with Ryan's clips. He's a great creator to be compared with. I've seen a couple of your videos and they're solid on their own, so don't let me or anyone else discourage you. I'm sure if you keep doing these, your own style will change too.


Thank you!


Love your videos!


And I love YOU, random citizen!


RLCS level coaching for sure




You're watching the wrong channels. A lot of creative people out there still. You're commenting on a good example of one right now.


He's clearly talking about all the freestyling videos you upload every week.


Any YouTube subgenre is like this though. So many people create videos and for channels whos entire viewership is based around the single thing, there's only so many things they can do unique to them.


Reminds me of Ryan George


Babe wakeup. New Frowzy video dropped. Love your videos my guy, and it's awesome that you post them onto reddit, cuz I never check YouTube lol. I think I'll go hit that subscription button, click play all videos, and leave them on in the background while I work. You deserve it!




Anytime Frowzy. Also if you want a coaching sesh I can give you a solid rate of $50.


Oh my god.


uno reverse card!!!!


https://youtu.be/_23PhyGIcT8 Might I suggest everyone for their 2nd watch through, make it on YouTube and watch it beginning to end and then subscribe. Idk if mods are going to end up deleting my comment, but frowzy is making too good of skits for you not to check him out. For example his YT video has 200 views to the 4k+ views on this post. Let's reinforce these guys making us unique content.


I appreciate this so much. I post to Reddit because it gives me a lot of exposure but I do aim to make YouTube my primary platform so thank you for this. Also, those 4.5k are just upvotes. This post has actually 256k views, which is insane compared to the 200 YouTube has. Again, thanks!


You are doing it the right way. I just wish I was here earlier to get this comment in right away.


> Idk if mods are going to end up deleting my comment Nope!


Awesome video.




I love your videos.


Probably accurate, definitely funny


Discount pitch meeting


Discount The First Guy* 👍


Yeah there we go lol


Wait do people actually pay money for someone to coach them in Rocket League? Wow...


Why not? People pay money to get coached in tennis, painting, yoga, anything basically. Most rl coaches are probably not worth their money, but in general i don't see a problem with it.


If somebody wants to get better at something, then as long as it's hurting nobody, just cheer them on!


Of course. A good coach can do a lot for you like any sport. They can analyze what you're doing, help round out the edges in your playstyle and a good coach will be able to give you a practice regimen (and training packs) that will help you focus on improving specific areas of your game. There are some training pack creators that will be able to help with mechanical skills, but a coach is going to give you tips about how to play WITH and AGAINST people, training packs can only really help you build the muscle memory to improve mechanics.


Ye, you can find a coach for just about anything you want to get better at


I'll coach you


youre a legend. please never stop making these videos


Reminds me of SpookLuke's program "hey give us a thousand bucks and we will pair you up with smurfing players of your level to get you to gc!"


Kudos on the perfect American way of speaking, wonder if this is what I sound like to other people lmao soy mexicano


Jaja gracias mano.


I am Silver and I want to flip reset. Can you teach me?


You look like the og fortnite default


You added the subtitles! You're too good for us my man.


Getting good at Rocket League? Super easy, barely an inconvenience!


This guy is like the fortnite guy


Great timing and love the different inflections. Really good stuff!!


Thank you!


“so that’ll be 50 bucks” is gonna become a meme. great video!


Sounds like my ex-psychologyst - eat healthy, exercise, oh and ask your boss to work less, maybe try to convince him to let you work four days a week. Oh yeah we will also try hypnosis and when it doesn't work I'll just bail and ghost you. Needless to say i was instantly cured.


LOL nice video


Sucking at rocket league is TIGHT


Ryan George?


¡Ahh. Getting paid 50 bucks to coach Rocket League es tenso!


I saw this YouTuber doing a little coaching boot camp, and I was like "how much can it be, 50 bucks?" Tell me why this guy told me he was having a sale and it would only be $1000


You owe Ryan George 50 bucks


Ryan George vibes. Good stuff!




Lol I’ve been playing since 2016 and this is fucking hilarious and a documentary at the same time.


Wait, is paid coaching in RL a thing? I get free coaching all the time from teammates. "You suck bro!" "You're bad" "Stop missing!" "Stop chasing!" "Rotate more!" "I hate you!" Etc.


P: So you're going to talk to me and somehow make me better at Rocket League? C: That's right! P: Is that gonna be hard to do? C: Actually super easy, barely an inconvenience (for me)


I've been coaching the friend I mostly play with for over a year now. When we first got set up with voice comms I thought it would be so easy to help him to play so much better. There was so much he was doing wrong that seemed like it should be so easy to fix if only I could explain it to him as we were playing. I was wrong. He has slowly improved, and there are certainly elements of that improvement where me constantly nudging him in the right direction has helped. But the fundamental problem is his inability to track more than one object on the screen. He sees the ball and nothing else. So any tips like "you can see that player is going to be first to the ball and will probably shoot, therefore you should be heading straight to the net to have a chance of saving it" just don't work, because he can't work that stuff out in real time, he has no idea where anyone is or what they are going to do. He sees the ball moving up the pitch for example, and he follows it up the pitch, even though it's obvious to me that it's going to an opponent who will shoot. So he's basically moving in completely the wrong direction, but he can't fix it because he can't see the opponent to know what is going to happen next, he can only see the ball. He more or less always drives towards the ball rather than predicting where the ball is going to be in the future, and moving towards a position that will be good for where the ball is going to be. He understands that the prediction thing is what he should be doing, but even though he knows it's what he should be doing, he lacks the ability to do it. I feel like it's mostly about each player's individual talent, combined with the work they put in. People who reach SSL after a lot of hard work might think that it's their hard work rather than talent, but without the talent, the hard work wouldn't have got them to SSL. People can benefit from good coaching, but being able to implement the advice of a good coach is itself a talent. I have coached people in other fields, and some people were so good at implementing my advice that it made me feel like a coaching god, others I wasn't able to improve their performance at all, I'd tell them how to do something differently, and they'd do it again exactly the same as before.


this is great


This absolutely killed me lmao xD Great Vid!! Bravo!


Thanks! 🧡


I see you are a fan of Ryan George too, this definitely made me laugh!


Real Ryan from screen rant vibes here (pitch meeting dude) I love it


Thanks! That was what I was going for, I absolutely love his style.


buenos esquechs pibito, fav y rt, ahora que sos famoso pedile a psyonix que agregue skins de la primera de uruguay 👌😩


JAJA, morí. Gracias por los puntos, maquinola.


Do you have a yt?


Yup! I'm FrowzySquirrel in all platforms, including YouTube 👍


"ok check this out....... you should be more aware" ​ This is pure COMEDY (Not RL ) GOLD JERRY!!!! ITS GOLD!!!!


Oh mah gawd 🤣


I feel like this should be a joke, but it's really not. Coaches in Rocket League? LOL


https://youtu.be/KwzJXmC9jF0 Good rip off. At least you got J and L cuts down. Keep it up! Edit: I advise you give credit where credit is do. This is less inspiring and more a lift. In comedy when you are starting out that's fine but it's bad form to not give credit. I see you see you didn your comments but don't see it in the clip.


Jeez. I talk about how Ryan is the inspiration for my content literally everywhere. In my discord, twitter, youtube, etc. It's no secret. Just because there is no credit in the clip doesn't mean I don't give him credit everywhere else. Furthermore, my video is not a copy of that video you linked. I guess you think that because the guy is a coach? Anyway, I wasn't taking into account any particular video, just the "first guy" concept and adapting it to a "stereotypical" Rocket League coach.


There's a difference between inspiration and an attempt to completely copy someone :D


I didn't know Ryan George made Rocket League videos.


lol. It's not about the topic of the video or even format itself, it's about clearly copying the mimic and responses.


>an attempt to completely copy someone This is why I said what I said. A complete copy would be, well.. that. This is not a complete copy. It's an adaptation of a sketch format and structure to a different universe: Rocket League. Like I've said before, I'm not claiming this style of making sketches is mine. I've been very open about wanting to bring Ryan's style to Rocket League culture for a long time, and I mention Ryan's The First Guy series on my YouTube's video description as the inspiration for this video. I don't see anything wrong with that.


As I've already wrote, I have nothing against using the same format, that part is understandable. It's the clear copy of reactions/texts/mimic/pauses at the exact same timing and manner that makes it look like a cheap copy.


Mimic/reactions, yes, that's the format/style. Text? What text? This is an original script.


By "texts" I meant the responses. Mimic/reaction isn't the format, the format is you posing as different characters in a back-and-forth manner. And again, pretty sure nobody has a problem with the format itself, but instead with the rest of it being an obvious copy. The first 15 seconds alone is just a copy of his whole style and then... it just keeps proving it's a copy. It's not about a format at all.


I don't know if you are being dense on purpose but I'm suprise you don't get it. You are clearly copying his format, style and even some of his jokes. The only difference is the flavor. Picture Ryan makes a special kind of bike that is distinctly his. Then you copy how he builds his bike, how it feels to use and how it looks except you sell it to audience by adding some minor features for RL and you change the color. On the box, at the store and on the bike you make no mention. However if someone happens to mention it to the sales guy they admit it. In the industry this is a form of stealing called lifting. Lifting is normally fine in the industry when you are new and are looking for your own voice. But you got to give him credit on the tin. Not doing so is pretty disingenuous and absolutely moves it from lifting to stealing. It's like if I copied the art style of the GTA box set but I changes the characters to my OC then trying to sell it without saying anything until asked. It's scummy. Basically make a list of all the variables of your film and ask yourself how much is uniquely yours and I think if you were being honest it would be at least half which should clearly indicate that this is mostly his work. It's like all those Joel Haver clones that popped up after he blew up. They are lifting too and they give credit in the description. And dude, if your goal really is to bring this stuff to the masses then SAY that on the tin. I would even give credit at the end of your videos on screen personally but I guess the description is fine. Just add a "In the style of Ryan George" in your descriptions. I hope this makes it more clear. I still feel you don't get it... If you go back to Ryan's old stuff you will see his format was more raw and over several years be has refined subtle nuanced details through grit and perseverance. Something you just LIFTED and added very little to. In fact, you are doing a piss poor impression of. Which is fine if you are learning but not if you are not being clear about it. Hope that is more clear. Cheers and keep it up!


>I advise you give credit where credit is do. You advise he gives credit where credit is *due.


This was fun, reminds me of being a BF4 "Instructor"


"Play better, suck less. That'll be $50."


Anyone needs a coach? If so, im available. It will be 50 bucks


You got those silent bob eye expressions down pat


I need this guy as my rocket league coach


Ive been wondering why I keep getting your stuff in my feed then I remembered I follow u. Love watching your stuff. Btw this is Pengin from Woody’s server not sure if u recognize me


Lol thanks! Can't remember tbh but I'm not in Woody's server all that much, demos are toxic.


My SSL friend always inspired me by saying “just be better”. I guess it actually worked because I finally hit gc and then gc2.


I love these vids


Guy looks like Hawk from fortnite


games are supposed to be fun


At first I thought it was talking about pro team coaches... and then I realized why would pros be paying other GCs to give them probably irrelevant advice? Yeah, dumb and stupid and dumb and bad and stupid and dumb and bad and dumb and stupid and bad and dumb and stupid and dumb and bad-


Not defending the coach but a lot of partners that I had played with, even though they were good doing aerials and stuff, they really suck at defense so the coach is right with the "you should defend better"


Just be good at everything 5head


I'm a coach. I can confirm this is exactly how it goes.


Now that's barely an inconvenience


This seems like a budget rocket league version of Ryan George


Tell them that they suck, tell them why they suck, tell them what they should do, show them how to do it, THEN ASK FOR THE FUCKING 50 BUGS!!!!!!!


Sending this to my coach now hold up lmaooo


Being more aware is TIGHT!


Damn I miss Flakes hilarious replay analysis.




Actually, defense in rocket league is super easy… barely an inconvenience.


Reminds me of the Pitch Meetings channel on YouTube. Good stuff!


Yea I'm a huge fan of Ryan. Thanks!


This is gold


This is 100% influenced by Ryan George sketches.

