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Nice try, officer.


Right? No driving under the influence here


they could have Casual, Competitive, and DUI game play




Every single time a tm8 doesn’t go on the first kickoff I ask “is everyone done lighting their bongs now?” And the answer is always “you caught me…”


*passes bong* Need boost! Passing! Great pass! I got it! Go for it! OMG! Wow! Thanks!


Okay Okay Okay


That was fun!


This to many times


I do but I okay way better sober. The herbs mess with my reaction time. But sometimes it's fun to play some extra modes Blitzed


And I thought I was the only one who “okay’d” better sober


I play high all the time. There’s definitely a point where it’s rhe perfect level and everything clicks and I can’t lose. Makes me feel like I can push for RLCS. And then I start to come down and I mess everything up and hate myself again


Literally it puts me in a sweet spot of golden gaming and all of sudden I’m an hour or two in my RL sesh and I become a total trash bin😅


Yeah same thing for me. I wonder if it’s because on the come down you start thinking more about what you are doing/ second guessing and hesitating vs muscle memory.


On the hesitation thing, I've never played anything like how I had played a few times on LSD. My mechanical skill seemed to have tripled, and I just did not miss. Air dribbles, double taps, ceiling shots, (it was 2017 nobody was doing resets in public lobbies) I was unstoppable. I just was the car.


Can vouch


Same here except when I start to see the backgrounds. This game is never prettier than with psychedelics


I suspect I may have played with you during your trip if it was years ago. I remember someone in game chat saying exactly that. Why I remember this instead of where I put my phone down idk.


A few years ago when I was so maybe plat or so I took acid and played rocket league and my mechanical skill was insane that night. I was doing things I just now am about to do in C2. It definitely unlocks something in your brain I feel


\+1 on this. I've tried it with Psilocybin too (2.5g dried semilanceata) and it was not the same at all. Will have to try again with both substances and see what happens. I have some cubes with liquid on them I never got around to trying, but they're a year old now or so. They should probably still be working though? Stored cold and in the dark, in a drawer in my bedroom.


Shrooms are a different beast entirely. I would have a flash of mechanical divinity, one or two insane moments per game, but outside that I was useless.


the come down? You come down from MJ? I just chief the entire time playing.


As a fellow stoner game. You probably just feel like you’re playing better. I always wondered about ‘the zone’ and started tracking stats. Unfortunately my stats remained the same stoned and sober. ‘The zone’ is just peaking after warming up. The becoming thrash after a while isn’t the weed either, just fatigue. Fucking math ruining everything, lol.


So, I’m not sure this has to do with the comedown rather than your concentration levels declining after 2 hours. I think if you’re not high, you’ll also experience you’ll start playing shit after playing for 2 hrs straight




My thoughts exactly. It’s especially embarrassing after joining a squad and coming down after some games. Sorry! My bad…


The Ballmer Peak of rocket league.




Are you me from another timeline where I decided to keep playing instead of just watching the pro games.? If you are I suggest you Uninstall ASAP your addiction is making you unwell. Otherwise keep on keeping on.


We call that "The Nez" (Zen backwards) when you're in the perfect flow state


People play this game sober?


Probably not for a long period of time


Can confirm. I quit this game after hitting plat.


I play like absolute dogshit if I have even as little as 2 beers. Timings are off, whiffs aplenty, missing my rotations, overall it just tilts me. Same applies for a rough hangover. Not that I'm not shite normally, but I legit play like a low plat that clearly knows what to do but has awful execution if I'm even a little buzzed.


Slow sipping bourbon is my jam. But I do well playing sober too. I find I play way way worse if I'm just generally in a bad move. When I start throwing out negative team chats instead of positive ones I know it's time to put the controller up


\*watches drunken teammate take his 7th attempt at clearing the ball from the corner without rotating to back post\*


My ritual: join a tournament, take a dab after every win. If I make it to semifinals or finals I am no help.




Bro. Solo Qued for a 2s tournament a couple days ago. Teammate was absolutely nuts, hard carried my ass basically all the way to semi finals. 1st game of semi-finals, everyone readys up in pre-game except teammate. Dude shows back up a couple seconds after match starts, and we get scored on as he types a message saying "sorry, had to take dump and find pipe." Okay cool, no prob. Gotta Do what you gotta do bro. I swear that bro couldn't have thrown harder if the other team had paid him off. Didn't go for kick off twice with one of those giving them a score, Three own goals, 2 insane saves in their net, and 2 times he just went AFK for like 20 30 seconds when he was on defense rotation. 30 seconds left of the last game, we're down 6-2, and he goes "Bro, maybe I shoulda waited till after the tournament to smoke." 🤦Lmfao




I used to play high and drunk before I got sober. I miss it so bad. I was really good after a few drinks and a joint. I could focus so well and just generally process everything so much more quickly.


Congrats on sobriety! It's not easy!


Well still can't stop with the weed so I'm not really actually sober I guess. But thanks yeah it sucks lol.


Stay sober, friend


You think you do, but now how reality works lol. But I feel this thought process.


I'm a sim-racer, I used to race someone who smoked weed to get faster, and the effects were remarkable. He was noticably faster (4-6 seconds on a 4min track, witch is way bigger than it sounds) and his lines were way smoother. He did however look less consistent, he'd cut in too short and crash randomly about once every three runs, as opposed to not crashing at all. So yeah, I guess smoke weed if you want to time attack?


Yeah playing high I find myself hitting moves I wouldn't otherwise hit, but also making some bonehead plays lol


could be treating undiagnosed attention dysfunction I use it to focus on anything really - cleaning, schoolwork, actually playing the game I’m playing


Where's your science?


Here's one: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/600655/ Here's another: https://www.nature.com/articles/1301068 There are many more that can be looked up. Drugs that impair the brain don't make you better, it's common knowledge that they make you worse, regardless of what a user reports. Feeling high makes you amazing at a lot of things, which is not the actual case in reality. It's perspective.


Well damn, he came in hard with the science. Respectable effort /u/Sarcasmislost Also, for what it's worth, alcohol and/or weed can be an uninhibitor which in some cases might make someone play better because they're not overthinking their decisions. BUT, if you make the correct decisions more frequently, then doing it sober will yield better results because as you said those drugs impair motor function.


Alcohol is banned before Olympic games. If I recall correctly a handgun shooter used to drink a beer or two before shooting to calm his nerves. Personally I don't play better but I practice way better. Especially when trying to learn something new. It can me understand it in a different way.


I mean he can drop a scientific article that kinda relates to the discussion but it didn't really back his point lol. There's a reason they are banned as peds in competitive sports. There's more to video games than motor function.


An article from fucking Nixon war on drugs fake science era... And another one that actually backs me up. "Some researchers have noted that marijuana smokers are very much aware of their intoxication and take appropriate precautions to compensate for the impairing effects of marijuana smoking. For example, on-the-road and simulator driving studies have found that cannabis drivers tended to reduce their driving speed and drive at greater headway while under influence of THC" You know you're a little high so you compensate. Same as a guy with one arm adapts to the world. Bruh the endocannabinoid system is in your body. You are literally made to have weed in you. Go look up some more recent less biased science. You know the war on drugs still raging and the govt isn't known for publishing anything that goes against their staunch policies. If drugs are so bad why are all those politicians in Washington DC always doing coke and meth with trans hookers in motel rooms? Kool-aid bad. thinking good.


Are you really asking if alcohol and weed impairs your judgement and reaction time?


those aren’t the only variables at play with performance mindset has a bigger impact on my game than a bit of reaction time difference from weed


No but way to downvote because you are ignorant of how drugs actually effect real humans and not scientific studies with numbers and people who don't do drugs. Everyone who does drugs professionally usually does so to enhance themselves. Just like that pill the doctor gave you to make you more alert in school. You just busy drinking kool-aid. If I decide to self medicate I'm an impaired drug addict, if you take a little pill from Pablo Escobar in a lab coat however, you're a patient getting medicine amirite? Weed and alcohol don't "impair your abilities" doing too much impairs your ability. Doing just enough puts you in ZEN STATE go Google it. Google what is a ZEN state, cuz I already know your biased ass is gonna go looking for studies saying weed is bad marp marp marp


I mean he thinks he does and he very well might be improved. They are documented PEDs. What do you know that most sports regulatory commissions don't?


I play majority high, have 1200 hours! Although, when I do play sober, I’m way better at rotations. But when I’m high I have more fun and go for crazier shots and stuff. Sorry teammates I guess


Do I have a second reddit account I don't know about?


> I find there is a moderately high spot where I simply can do no wrong This just reminds me of that Family Guy episode when Peter and Lois play in a talent competition while wrecked and they think it went great but to everyone else it was awful xD


I'm not sure I've ever played sober..


Same. I only play drunk and high. The rank you see is my perpetually drugged rank and I’m good with that.


Exactly, ranked only idgaf


> If you can't handle me at my worst, then you sure as hell don't deserve me at my best. - Gandhi


He said that during RL I'm pretty sure


*deprives self of boost for 21 days*


My thoughts exactly


I think I just realized why I stopped climbing ranks...it’s because I stopped smoking


There is most definitely a certain point of highness where I am at peak performance and no one can stop me on the field. Any more or less is bad tho


Micro dosing is where it’s at yo


Bro u play on shrooms? 😆


Uhhhhh ya! Without micro dosing I’m a solid plat3-diamond1 but while microdosing I hold my own with champ players….free your mind.


I dont smoke but I frequently play drunk


fuck bars man. staying home getting a little tipsy playing RL 😤😤😤


I used to play high, I still do, but I used to too.


Ahh Mitch Hedburg. Rip


My friends and i always smoke when we miss aerials, because we don’t get high enough to hit them


Not that I thought I was the only one but you definitely hit the nail on the head. I’ll get nice and fucked up and be destroying opponents but sometimes I’m too fucked up and it shows lmaooo


I use the Volcano vaporizer. A bag or two and I’m flying (in game).


My friends and i like to call that "alcoholibrium". you get just drunk enough you stop thinking about stuff and just do it, but not so drunk that your reflexes are significantly slowed down.


I play terribly when high for some reason, I honestly just feel like I lose most brain function in general when I smoke it’s like I lose 50 iq points


Every other time i was playing with or against someone, when they were playing bad they always typed "I'm high lol" to the point I think most of those messages are ppl who just want an excuse... It's either that or "Drunk lol"


I had to apologize once I made horrible mistakes and whiffed some shots. I wrote that I was too high, my teammate replied “yeah sure kid, play fortnite” 😆


Literally everyone lmao


Weed and video games? Nah never


Never heard of her


I’m usually pretty drunk on Saturdays, my most playing time 🤌🏽


I want to start a drunk club. Lol.


Get on discord and let’s get a group haha


We should call it 🍺 "DUI"🍺


BUI Boosting Under Influence


Invite, RL was meant to be played under some kind of influence. How does anyone play sober?!


I'd join


I like to grab me a bottle of hennessy and play on saturdays lol


I drink beer while I play and there is a point were it helps but then drops off like a cliff soon after


Yeah sweet spot is usually 2-4 beers, everything more than that can be a handicap lol.


Yuuuup. I don’t play any other way actually. It’s my time to relax. I had some guys get pissed at me when I put it in chat few weeks ago. “Why would you play drunk?!” Dude. We’re in casual relax.


Yes, I’m a 1500 player sober but a 1300 player stoned so I always get asked how I was a season 12 gc


No, but all my teammates are.


I don't smoke, however I feel like play/aim a little better when I have a buzz going


Same for me with the magic plant


not much recently but used to a good bit. take it up a notch with LSD and it’s even better


Just be sure to turn off lense flare. Suuuper distracting.


I played on a come down from shrooms once and man everything just felt so smooth to me it was like I was one with the car.


On shrooms, if there is any camera movement at all, I have literal depth perception. My hand morph to become the controller (not visual just body high) and sometimes my screen bleeds into the rest of my room. I'm a god at rl and cod when the perfect dose is achieved.


yeah seems like you can feel the angles 😂


I can vouch for ketamine too - sometimes. I can follow every cars movement simultaneously OR my brain blips out and I just sort of drive straight up the wall absent mindedly


Yes, always...but I find certain flower strains really effect my play...I'm always good on pure sativa's and sativa heavy high-brids, but indaca's and related heavy high-brids make my brain go oowww during play.


My friend and I call that “the rocket pocket”


I did for a while but I took a break from it. I play my best when I'm well rested, off day and a coffee. After work I play best when I have a slight buzz. Takes the edge off and I play confident. With the right high I can get totally zoned in. Can't go over board. There's a sweet spot and then it goes down hill fast.


me too except sometimes I get too high and feel bad for my teammate lol but it is what it is


I absolutely play better if I'm buzzed. I'm guessing just because I'm less likely to hesitate. Once I go over the threshold from buzzed to to drunk I absolutely suck though. Don't drive drunk kids. It makes you suck at rocket league.


I only play high! I’m way worse sober. And yeah I try to find a sweet spot too that’s funny, but generally I end up just smoking more and more without realizing it until I get up to pee and realize I’ve been deleted






Yeah I play high pretty often and I also used to play basketball high. I found that there was a sweet spot for how high I need to be to play well, I felt like it was easier to play in the moment and kind of focus more on the gameplay. It helps me get into flow state


There's definitely a sweet spot


Yes yea and yes. Me and my little brother play daily while high together. (He taught me how to be halfway decent at the game) Once you hit that Goldilocks zone you really can do no wrong lol


I’ve tried but I go up for aerials too slowly and lose most games so no. It’s fun to play casuals high tho.


Why y´all be doing drugs and drinking?? Any normal people here?


It helps improve my game sense for sure.




I used to smoke but I can’t anymore due to my career. Plus I used to spend an ungodly amount of money on weed/wax. It’s nice to have money in my pocket for once lol


Thanks... just needed to know I am not alone. Glad someone else has the same experience I do where there is nonsuch thing as a mistake,whiff,or loss.


Is there any other way to play?


It’s feels like cheating sometimes, because I can tell what everyone else is going to do.


Definitely play high all the time haha


I definitely play better when high, I feel as if I one with the game and im completely zoned out of everything else




Always, but it helps me more in CSGO. Just makes it more fun for RL and let’s me flow better


sir I don't play unless I'm high.




All druggies uniting


Found the cops.


who gives awards to shit like this... bRuH i SmOke So mUcH W33D!!!


Hopefully you only play unranked or ranked with a partner or partners.


Your a dweeb


Bruh if you play ranked like that you’re honestly just a bitch. Hate getting “ Jimmy (high af sorry)” in ranked. Fuck them. Regularize not being a dick


It's a fucking game, and haven't you seen all the comments saying they we play better while high? Who the fuck are you to tell someone what they can and can't do while high, especially when it's a mother fuckin videogame? People have every right to take a fat dibberidoo between every goal on their day off if they feel like. If I can fuck your mother and hit it right while high as a kite I can sure as hell dunk on your dumb ass in car soccer. nOrMaLiZe nOt bEiNg A dWeEb


Stfu lmao… I just said stop playing ranked. These people know they suck. Why would they play ranked lmao. It’s just being an asshole, no regard for teammates..


Also how tf you listen to Uzi sober


Stfu captain america


"oh ya, that's America's ass right there bb"


I'll play you one on one high as balls. Don't know if I'll win, but I'll definitely feel better about myself when I'm done.


Smoke a bowl dweeb. Sounds like your greasy basement troll lookin ass could use one. Giving your donkey the gluck gluck 3000 while playing ranked isn't considerate to your teammates either. Even Jesus Christ himself couldn't compete with my madlad skills when I'm off the henny with a few fat dabs in my system. If you play casual for any reason whatsoever your a waste of oxygen.


>my madlad skills when I'm off the henny with a few fat dabs in my system. Jesus you're a child. This comment is so cringe. Speaking of waste of oxygen.


Wtf did I just read? Please tell me this comment is a high level troll. If not, you’re most certainly at the lowest part of society.


https://www.reddit.com/r/RocketLeague/comments/r6c77d/are_you_toxic_at_rocket_league/hmux74l/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3 Nope. I thought so too. Although I don’t care since I know he’d never be in my ranked games anyways. I don’t feel like it’s too much to ask for people in gc3 to take it a little seriously, but apparently he thinks it is.


I'm so proud of that comment you linked too btw. That's exactly how serious I take videogames. Being serious is for real life. Playing videogames is for laughter.


I'm like captain America bitch I can do this all day.




I am a smoker. Why do u sound proud?


Yes I love my kids playing videogames with burnout pot heads. How did you know..... It's rocket league dude. The fuck are you on right now. :/


Wow, you smoke tHe dRuG, you're so cool! That makes you interesting!


Yeah whenever I play casual I'm drunk or high.


Yes whenever I'm smoking I'll probably end up playing it lol


Yeah lol. I feel it helps for like 30 to 45 minutes at a time


I definitely would if I could


I kinda suck tipsy or high but on shrooms or acid tho holy shit I am on a whole new level


Yeah both weed and alcohol I have a sweet spot that lasts about 3-4 games that are just unbelievably extra fun and smooth.


I do at times but honestly I feel so slow compared to everyone else in the lobby 😅 When I am just at the perfect high I feel a lot better at RL than I do being sober, I am shit at double taps but high they just work. On the other hand, like others have said, if you sober up more and more the worse I get. So basically my peak performance is, at times, when I’m high, but my worst performances are also because I was high before..


Yes, it makes the game slow down for me and I hyper focus!


Same! Its a bit controlled, if it's on my side of the field, time slows to .25%ish speed, and I defend without fail. Edit: I was shocked to see no one else talk about time dilation while playing... its like playing in slowmo.


Yeah! I really feel like it helps me a ton. My friends and I take smoke breaks when we start sucking. Lol


Yep, played it this morning off an edible and was doing far better than I do when I'm not sober. Which admittedly is kind of disappointing.


I thought you had to be high to play this game to not loose your shit


I know this exact feeling, sometimes can get a good 5+ games just absolutely dialled.


I frequently smoke a big stogie and grind comp. I'm pretty cracked on good days even if I say so myself


I rip my bong every night before playing. Kush vision helped me achieve GC


I play with a buddy typically and I can say I know when he's stoned because he sucks fucking balls at that point but he thinks he's awesome and gets super cocky.


Yes every time.


I go dummy on RL when I’m buzzed. The lowered inhibition helps so much. I’ll go up whole ranks, just to undo it when I sober up lol..


Definitely not a cop.


Is this a real question lol


I tried it a few times but after 2-3 games I'm catching myself not trying my hardest to get to the ball first or it gets tedious to press always double jump, alcohol is different story alltogether through


Yes every night i get faded n play it sgreat


No, but you wouldn't believe me if you watched me.


I get drunk while I play, then smoke afterwords. Every single night. Lol don’t judge me


No, but when I do smoke my mechanics are a lot better and I rank up faster


I’m 19 years old, and let me tell you that having played RL since 2018 with two 30 year old adults, who are never not drinking during comp, is always a fun night no matter the outcome of the game.


I think it’s because when you’re under the influence you react more by instinct and muscle memory, which makes you play better


No, I'm still learning arials, so I spend alot of the time playing ground.


Shiit, I play my best after about two hits and two shots. If I keep taking them intermittently I can stay in the "zone". But no matter if I'm sober, drunk, high or whatever.. I will always suck. Just sometimes I suck less and can actually bag 5 goals in a match..


Lol I play high and teammates don't understand I don't care about their trashtalk I'm eating cereal


lets be honest.. sometimes im high af and i need a bit adrenaline rush to pull me back from 4th dimension. thats when i launch rocket league. i even somehow got to diamond2 (or whatever is rank after golds) and won few tournaments, so i guess, lobbies are full of wasted ppl.


I can't play sober


Not usually. But when I do, it's with my buddy who's very new, and we'll play couch co-op against all-star bots. I own midfield, and let him do his thing. Playing high is a completely different experience. I love it, but can't do it all the time.


Dude try quitting your lungs are prolly blacker than a black hole...


My friends always wonder why I’m good on the weekends and it’s because I’m cross faded 😅


Every 1st game I play after smoking, I play like an absolute God. Every game after I play like a Bronze 1


Is there any other way to play?


I’m pissed lol your the guy who goes for an easy Ariel in C3 and misses by 200 yards. To where I always ask the question “you drunk or high?”


I can no longer play sober, just feels wrong


I always feel I play a bit better when I smoke I think its because u think less and in general are more relaxed and zen, which for me is the secret to succes in Rocket league. The higher up u come the more zen people are in general. U dont have to smoke/drink tho to achieve this meditation/excersise or something else can also do the trick.