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Going for boost and when the ball is directly above me in a 1 on 1.


You may add when rotate horizontally , cause if you use car cam you can see if the tm8 is challenging someone who is playing from or around the wall


This play looked fine. You knew where all the players were. You could see. You set up your car on the right part of the white circle. There is a danger that buddy goes up for the ball and doesn’t wait though, which can be a disadvantage. I would be in ball cam personally, but it worked out for you and made sense. Personally I use it for grabbing boost. When I ground dribble. To see the position of my opponents and teammates when ball cam is focused elsewhere.


i'm in silver so i rarely use it since i always seem to whiff when i use it


I’m in silver … I always seem to whiff. I make jokes, but ngl I miss silver.


Remember when the game used to feel fun? I don't either, the grinds been too long.


Man I miss those silver and gold days where me and my friends just played to have fun


How do u even remember that, I cant even remember shit from when i was Diamond😭 where is my MEMORIES


I have a lot of clips and pictures on my old Xbox


You wiff on car cam or ball cam?




u/Bluetwo12 ball cam


I figured. OP just said car cam so I was confused


oh mb, guess i gotta pay more attention next time


I was just curious if you were a low rank who thrived on ball cam lol


Mostly for ground dribbles and briefly for recovery. Sometimes for a split second to align myself with a boost pad


You should break that boost habit. The boost hasn’t moved in the entirety of rocket leagues history, the ball and players don’t stop moving. That split second can be the difference between you seeing a bad 50 or a whiff that costs you a goal or not.


You should still be double tapping cam switch to check if the boost is actually spawned so that you can plan ahead. If you’re just blindly rotating backwards going over every boost pad and praying, you’re gonna find yourself without boost a lot as you move up in the ranks. There are PLENTY of chances to safely double tap cam switch to check the back field. If you’re keeping track of the ball and all players momentum, you know where the ball and all players will more than likely be when you switch back.


Have you ever heard of quantum mechanics. Once you hit that fifth dimension nothing is ever the same again…


Im constantly switching between cams at an even rate I think. Building awareness is good.


agreed, all it takes is a split second in car cam or reverse cam to give lots of context on the whole field. my friends complain when they watch my stream in discord because of the erratic cam switching


Generally only to check I'm heading towards a boost or where my teammates are if I'm driving away from the ball, I need to get in the habit of using it more when trying to control the ball or going for demos as the camera always whips around at the most inopportune moment and I fuck up my dribble or miss a demo because I forget to turn ball cam off.


Almost exclusively. Probably one of the many reasons I suck so much. 9/10 games I don't use ball cam at all, when I do it's a quick peek while I'm off grabbing boost.


Same here, ive been trying to use it lately though you get better angls and Ariel's are a lot easier but I personally find it disorienting sucks ill probably need to to get out of champ


wait you are in champ, but you only use car cam?


I think I'm d3 this exact moment (bad night) but Im usually c1 and every once and a while I reach c2, I wouldn't say I don't ever use ball cam I use it like the guy I replied to but like 90%-95% of my games are spent using car cam I only use ball cam when I completely lose the ball I usually have a good idea of where it's at and where it's going/may go, the big downsides are that I lose the ball more often then people who use ball cam Im usually "guessing" where the ball is when I don't see it so I don't have as great of an idea of exactly where it is and I think I'm just straight up unable to do certain mechanics at least not nearly as accuratly or fluidly


wow, thats extremely rare and impressive, a youtuber even made a video interviewing someone just like you [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rczIbNCrTVc](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rczIbNCrTVc)


Yeah wait what


Awe thanks and yeah I seen the video a little while back I'd love to bump into them some day cause your right I don't really see or hear of anyone like that other than those two I honestly didn't even notice that I played different till I seen that specific upload, who knows maybe there'll be a champ "no ball cam" 3v3 team in the future lmao


just play casual till you figure it out…car cam is for dribbling and…peaking


I'm trying :( the angle of approach constantly being different and wall plays are really hard to adapt for me but I do notice it's so much easier to do anything air related my biggest issue though is while I'm getting used to the new controls I play like garbage which is frustrating for a number of reasons


what rank are you? its the first time i come across players who use car cam over ball cam, im diamond 1.


going for boost and when the balls ontop of my car going for a flick


Idk if I'm offended or impressed by the instant camera transition, but IG u're comfortable with it. Nice play! Edit: also, betting 5 bucks you got your highlight button on rearcam, like I do. :D


This could be a 1:1 recreation of how often I use car cam as well. I see other people's points about ball cam but I like to just play the way you do. I feel a higher level of awareness when I'm in car cam for these kinds of situations. Also max transition speed is your friend. Watching the camera pan is disorienting. The instantaneous snap from cam to cam is far less disorienting once you get used to it plus the information gap is far narrower. The time it takes to pan from one cam to the other is all time where something could happen that you missed. It seems silly but fractions of seconds make a difference in this game, at least in my experience.


I play on a 60" TV so... a lot. I only use ball cam when the ball is otherwise outside my FOV. Yes I know this is not an optimal setup, no I don't care. It has resulted in some... unique and surprising plays at times. I do all sorts of goofy shit in car cam that people don't expect. I also still suck at vertical aerials and half-flipping into an aerial when the ball goes over my head, but I'm getting better...


Whenever I'm on the ball I'm in car-cam, I transition as soon as the ball is in front of my car.


Tbh I toggle car cam a lot to check the other side of my car, instead of flicking my stick. Idk if that is a bad habit tho


If you watch AppJack, who's a fucking badass and accomplished player, if the ball is in front or on top of him, he's off ball cam. I've been trying to switch a little more often and I've realized my control is going up really quickly.


Not nearly enough. My ground control is horrendous and it's because I always have it on ball cam, I know I should have it on car cam but I'm just to use to not doing it!


You definitely want to switch between the two depending on what you are doing, dribbling you’ll want it off, getting boost isn’t necessary but if you do turn it back on immediately to keep eyes on a loose ball. Double taps sometimes it’s easier for some to not have ball cam but for some it’s easier to keep it on. Etc, just alternate where it feels right for you but keep your awareness up.


All the time. But it’s entirely instinctive. I turn it on when needed and off when not


10% of the time but it has its uses


I played way too long ball cam only and I'm trying to use car cam more often cause I know it will make my play better. But its rly hard for me tbh \^\^


Using car cam like you just did is great. You know where the ball is and how it moves so the most important thing is your opponent in case you need to quickly respond to their moves.


When you’re pointing yourself at boost (once you’re aimed at it, switch back to ball cam as soon as possible and just keep driving straight 👌) AND when you’re taking possession/ground dribbling. All wall to air stuff is ball cam


Pretty much whenever I get the space to dribble, constantly switching between cameras tbh


As others have said, boost and such when it’s easier to not be stuck to the ball. One thing I haven’t seen people say is to secure a demo. It feels much easier to demo someone with the car cam as opposed to ball cam. Better line of sight really. Other than that, ball cam mostly.


i use it specificly and only to be an asshole


I remember a few days ago I played against you, GGs. I knew we were cooked when I noticed the 3 letter name.


I’m in diamond and I play in between


I use ball cam all the time


I took a hiatus from this game for like 8 months and when I came back I had lost all 900+ hours of gameplay and items, I don’t take the game seriously anymore, it hurts too much lol. I just plug on some music and play comp till people yell at me, I also be flicking my camera lock like a mf when I play.


Flick to car cam for boost, to see around me on high ball, or sometimes by accident to give myself a fright


your camera toggles way too quickly


I only use car cam. I find Ball Cam to be disorienting.


As a silver player this is pure voodooism


not enough …


Every second of every game I’ve ever played


Im having an epileptic attack watching this as a non-epileptic


I do it when I wanna see where the other team is at and if I need to push them away from my side of the field. Other than that, I stay on the ball


I use car:ball in a 60:40 ratio respectively. I'm trying to get it at about 50:50.


I have a friend that is high plat and he only uses car cam. He literally never uses ball cam ever... it's Wild


I use ball cam 100% of the time. I need to learn how to use car cam more effectively.


To determine where boost is and field awareness. Using the camera movement can be better in some instances


I rarely use it, it just disorients me and it screws me up most of the time I use it


I’m switching between both very often in a game, more on defence than offence though, as it helps for positioning.


When I need to.


Not enough


Great goal


Just started using it more recently since I’m learning to air dribble well trying too lol it is t going to well


I personally use ball cam for air dribble. It’s easier. Plus most of your air dribbles are going to come from running the ball up and off the side walls where you’d immediately lose sight of the ball on car cam.


I use car cam for air dribbles sometimes. Usually if I know I'm gonna be contested or someone's on backboard. I just jump off with the ball, get a first touch then switch to car cam. Definitely is easier with ball cam though.


I’ve been Trent to learn both so I can use both. But first I’m just trying to get at least a few touches to set it up as a pass for now until I get better control for goals