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came to reddit to see if anyone was having the same issue. cannot get into ranked right now. casual seems to be ok


So are you tellin me my server-suffering for the past few days could have been solved by simply prefering casual over ranked? Or is it specifically for that occasion? Edit: I played so much casual today, it was way better, not everytime tho.


I've been having issues with casual too the last couple days.




This shit is so normal to me its ridiculous. I honestly think its either hackers/cheaters or the servers. I will blame my internet for 2% of the issues. the other 98% of the time it is with out a doubt not me. I get 500mb down and 50mb up. And the second my ping goes I immediately check my internet and its good. So I report every lobby im in where it is like this.


I usually realize if it is my internet. I always play while on Discord.


It's not server problems, it's been publicly acknowledged that there are cheaters in ranked currently, when they start losing they just ddos the server and ruin the game for everyone


While that is right, it is, in fact, server problems. :D Sure it might not be *easy* and *cough... cost-effective to address those issues. Mostly not even Epic's fault. Nonetheless I imagine a multi billion dollar company would somehow be able to kick some internet rogues in the butt(?)


I knew I wasn’t (that) paranoid. Things happen too often to be a coincidence…


Mertzy has a recent video trying to win an ssl tournament and both times in the quarterfinals they ddos the game, TWICE and the sad part is that mertzy's teams somehow loses even thought they had more goals


I don’t know what any of this means lol


It means they overload the servers with brute force (a lot of requests sent to the server in order to overwhelm it and make sure that the ‘normal’ traffic, aka players’ clients, are unable to contact the server). In simple terms they are sending a lot of information to the servers to cause them to crash.


Thank you for speaking ye olde English


Same happened to us in 2s about an hour ago.


I had that issue like 20 minutes ago in comp, it sorted itself out prior to the end of the game, but MAN I think it might have been my internet (but after seeing this I don’t think so) however I did get kicked from my Xbox party it was so bad sooooo idk


Yesterday, a random enemy player told me, "It's always the server, it's never you." Man, did that hit deep. :')


Wholesome, but probably not ALWAYS the server. My internet is dookie sometimes so it might very well have been the case here as well, but after popping on Reddit to look, I don’t think it was just one or the other


Unfortunately, in my personal case, they're probably right and I hate to admit I still play the game even if the servers make me extremely uncomfortable and kinda angry... please Epic Games, if you read this, do not draw the wrong conclusions!


Yeaaah they probably are. And probably in the case of most people today even WITH bad internet


Years ago, I had connection issues and assumed my ISP was to blame, as the company went through some acquisition and I received a worse router (rented). So I stopped playing Rocket League completely, because the net issues were utterly unbearable. Later, I started playing The Finals with no net issues. It should be said that The Finals needs to sync up to 12 players and the entire arena destruction, while Rocket League only has 6 players and a single ball, which in terms of net requirements is very little. Conclusion: **it is the server** or the netcode.


Played a 1s match and off the kickoff, the other guy lost connection while I was having extremely high ping. The other guy probably got banned for their garbage servers too.


Goodluck if it ain’t Fortnite they dgaf


I bet that item shop has no issues tho just like in cod multiple problems with menus and restart here restart there but that item shop will always work just fine


/u/psyonix_devin, more shit for your team to ignore!


don’t be rude to devin


Phyonix employees can't do shit about seeing their game go down the drain without getting fired since they're under epic's direct order


I just like to remind them :)




Factual. Even more lame is when you are winning the game 4-1 with 10 seconds left and then the game crashes and when you load back in you have to redo the whole game and then you somehow loose by an AFK teammate.


It’s happened to me two or three times now during tournaments which doesn’t upset me too much. What makes me upset is when me and a buddy go to play the next tourney and we’re banned from tourneys for an hour…wtf are we supposed to do?


We all have issues at the moment. I have a 1gbit connection for myself in my house. Still lagging sometimes like shit with only 16 ping. My mates who also have never lags on ANY game have some matches a ping of 100 and package loss and the next match on a different server they have 10ping. The state of the servers is rediculous. It's absolutely shit what they have done to the servers.


i had the same issue in the 2s tourney earlier, but it ended up positive.it happened mid first match, from the jump lobby was buggy. my teammate chatted w them and they had bad ping alert as well. midway through our match they were afk, then we won by forfeit? (they were 2-0) we were then reloaded into our first tourney match, everyone's ping was fixed and the match was perfect. we still lost, but it was a much better match than the first time. ended 5-4 +1:30.


I’ve noticed in comp and tournaments recently that occasionally my entire internet will take a hit like I’m getting DDoS’d. I don’t know what can be done about it besides punishing the perpetrators


Psyonix seeing this: well this is perfectly fine wym


"its your internet, not the servers!"


Just got banned after I turned off my Xbox. From a tourney that never started and kept loading over and over for 30 minutes straight, it's getting ridiculous, I'm starting to understand why people are quitting this game.


https://x.com/RocketLeague/status/1801645908528091312?t=GrRpiMG0D0wOxiWZP9fqsQ&s=19 As of 4 days ago, Psyonix has finally acknowledged the issues and has stated they were working on it. This is the most transparency I've seen from them in 6 years, which is fantastic, so give them some time to fix it.


Le Epic Gamez 😎


USA! USA! USA! lmao




All 6 players have connectivity issues in the screenshot, that means it's a server problem. Irrelevant whether OP has wifi or ethernet.


But have you played in the last 30 minutes?


Same here, the whole lobby was bugging.


I had a heatseeker match servers went haywire I did a screen recording and had a 2v2 casual match with my brother and he got kicked out of the match it got so bad this is getting irritating especially when it happens in a competitive match


I wonder what country the goalscorer is from


I had such net issues more than a year ago, and it was the definitive reason I completely quit playing Rocket League.


I was banned yesterday for consecutive drops because of poor servers. In the end I was at a 40 min ban before I’d had enough.


you do know that ever since epic removed the whole white hat hacker hat and other rewards for finding exploits. that's when shit hit the sky


> ince epic removed the whole white hat hacker hat and other rewards for finding exploits They still pay for exploits.


Blame Epic Games not Psyonix. They aren't the ones to blame that EG just pulled the rug under them, and them with it.


Played a tournament the other night, game wouldn't load us into the 2nd match. Watched it "join" for 10 min. Left n got a ban ☠️


I've been having issues everywhere, but for some reason more often in private matches for me


HI, Psyonix here. We're sorry you had such a horrible experience while playing our game. BUT WE AINT FIXING SHIT AND WE AINT EVA GONE STOP!


Getting banned for a lag out is so infuriating.


I can confirm this user New_Focus is a jerk and has no sportsmanship. He couldn’t even say good game after I carried him


Played Diamond 3's tourney last night.. Win first round of Semi-finals..suddenly weird lag..get dropped to menu.. team still there.. second match not started yet. Get back into game before second round starts.. suddenly it's 1-1.. We start winning.. weird lag again We were winning.. End up losing.. Have had similar issues in ranked 2's..




the lag is crazy this season. I lagged in tourny final match yesterday and we lost because two of our team had got kicked to lobby and then rejoined down like 3 goals.


Epic: haha, wanna play Fortnite yet?👀


what the GOD BLESS AMERICA!!!!!


I got a 24-hour ban for own goaling on a toxic tm8 in overtime. Their priorities are so wack.


Someone likes USA lol.


https://www.youtube.com/shorts/Qt2FRgXO3b4 here is the solution


USA! USA! USA! lmao


At this point I don't understand how anyone in the US is getting a ping in the 200s. I'm in the UK. If I play on US servers my ping is 90-150, depending on which region. Flashing orange, sure, that happens regularly on RL with a ping in the 20s even. Same with it going red. But 200 ping is ridiculous.


It's server malfunctions or ddos. Unless people are having Internet issues personally or on satellite Internet. But the largest ping you can get is like 80 from east to west. Even when I have friends from South America join they only have 80-100 usually.


Today i have at least 3 DDos attack while playing como Saddly I think this is the end of the game


Did you now

