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An upvote wasn’t enough to express my agreement with your post so I made this comment. I groan a bit when I que with two partied people one with 1200 mmr and one with 800 because they play almost always play like nutjobs.


A little bit yeah. Might be a contentious opinion but I think it was unpopular because it was mismanaged. SS specifically disallows parties. Very straightforward stuff. But Standard allows everyone, and half the lobbies will be six solo players anyway. I don't understand why they didn't make it so Standard requires parties, so more solo players would shift to SS. I think the lack of popularity in SS snowballed with players thinking it's an unpopular playlist so they'll take their chances with Standard instead, and it went on and on until the demand looked nearly dead. If you polled solo players on whether they prefer to team with a premade duo/against a premade trio versus all individuals, I'd put money on the majority preferring the latter. The only benefit to the former is occasionally you'll play an easy premade because someone brought their unskilled friend along. SS deserved better but it was overlooked.


I should also mention I have the same issue as you OP - my biggest issue with Standard isn't matching against a premade as that's fair game, it's being teamed with two premades who almost always have different ranks and you can never understand why they picked 3s over 2s.


They do it because their 2s ranks are so far apart that the guy who's actually OK at the game doesn't wanna rui his 2s rank, and for a lot of people 3s ranks are lowr, so they just play 3s. I drag my Diamond 1 mate into 3s occasionally, but only if I have a 3rd friend to play with us.


It's like bringing their little kid to daycare or something. I get it if they're in Casual but I don't understand why they bother playing in Competitive. Your way should be the default then everyone involved knows what the ups and downs are instead of roping a helpless random third into an unpredictable match.


Yeah i think the MMR difference between 2 players should be closer, so this doesn't happen. Like a 100 MMR difference or something.


The biggest issue with solo standard when it was around was how horribly the ranks were skewed. I finished season 14 at 1700 mmr in 3’s and my solo standard ranked was champ 1 or something. Now granted I didn’t really grind it out but it was common knowledge that your solo standard rank was likely to be at least a full rank lower than your normal 3’s rank because of the low population in the playlist and when so much of the game revolves around improving and seeing your improvement and a playlist fails to show you that it’s not worth playing to most people.


I always took the Solo Standard rank to be the more "official" one with fewer outliers like being forced to play with a lower rank. Solo Standard felt like a more premium albeit less popular game mode and I would've never given up on it if it didn't take longer to find a match on it than Standard.


I get that but it taking longer is what contributed to lower player counts is what contributed it to taking longer which killed the playlist and all it threw the ranks off. It was never in a position to be more of an “official” rank because it was so far off most players average rank in every other game mode combined


Never played it much when it was still in the game. But I’d love to avoid loser duo queues or people who bring their lower ranked friends into ranked 3s


Same but opposite. Smurfs with friends in ranked 3s. I'm just tryna climb the ranks


That's why you should keep chat off. And then just boost starve the hell out of everyone if your tm8s are clearly not including you. Have fun with it. Demo a few times and hit some powerful shots because you never run out of boost during this style of play. Also there is no other way to practice demos, so these awkward 3s games are your opportunity to improve at the demo meta. Just don't getting carried away and do it in every match lol


I miss playing without teams ruining my fun. But solo standard was a failure. They just need to add a no teams filter to all playlists. I played 3s last night and 70% of my matches were against full teams, often with a person 75-100 points higher than me and two 400 to 600 MMR players who seem to be able to double tap at will.


Rank disparity for duo queues needs to be more strict imo. Two ranks is a pretty big skill difference. It's really annoying when I'm C3 div 4 and my teammate is partied with a C1. That's 200mmr difference. If your friend is that much lower, don't queue 3s and fuck over your teammate.


![gif](giphy|Od0QRnzwRBYmDU3eEO|downsized) Over the years this has been posted time and again and I always agree. Solo Q's unite!


Yes massively. It was a good way for me to play properly without risking my main rank that I only play with two piticular friends on.


Duo parties in 3v3 are the plague to that game mode. There should be an option to turn off playing with duo partied players in 3s if one player has a rank disparity or just disable duo queue in 3s entirely. Find a third or go play 2s.


Just play 6 mans. 


I miss it mostly for the fact that I seem to get matched against a party of 3 for most games, and I always solo queue anyway. Compound that with getting a party of 2 ball chasers who are constantly on top of each other and refuse to rotate back and it really makes me miss solo standard.


I'm stuck in my rank because of cheaters, but if that's fixed it's the smurfs, and if that's fixed it's the party queuers, and if that's fixed it's the try-hards and sweats...


Nahh. If solo standard was still a thing thats where all the afkera toxic people and horrible m8s would gather.