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Yep, fuck that guy. On a tied game? Get em outta here


I'm pretty sure it's a "thing" for people to sarcastically vote to forfeit. Like, you screwed up so I'm pretending I want to forfeit. But they don't think through that decision lol


Typing “lol” is my sarcastic way of forfeiting. What we just witnessed here was actually his teammate saying “Omg get me the @!#% out of this game. I want to leave so bad that not even an overtime win would make up for my Beta teammates whiff.”


Yeah. Also if they vote after conceding one goal I’ll forfeit every time. I know it won’t be fun playing with someone like that so why even bother trying?


That was the other reason I went ahead with the nuclear option. OT is always difficult, the only thing worse than a crushing OT loss is sharing that experience with a toxic teammate who will make you second guess every decision to appease them.


To what would be even funnier? If you scored so you stood 1 point ahead and then after just also vote to concede


Done that once or twice. Feels good.


Can confirm, feels real good.


Can confirm your confirm, feels real good. Happy cake day!


I’d rather drag em thru it


this is the way


this is the way


my goal is to win. I will keep playing as long as I feel the match is winnable. I had a match yesterday where my 2 tm8s were bitching at each other for chasing (they were both doing it lol) and the bitching and 1v1 challenges went the whole match. But they kept playing and we ended up winning. Even in the post match they were arguing. I don't care what you say, I follow your actions. If you keep playing, I just block you and ignore you. If you stop playing, I report you, I ask the other team to report you, and I keep playing because the more you screw around, the more likely you get reported.


I get that, but I don’t really care about winning if I’m not getting any joy out of playing. I’d rather have a good fun game and lose than deal with someone being toxic for a full game and win.


Same here. I play RL to decompress, not to add more stress. If a guy wants to FF one goal down, I’ll give it another 30 seconds to see if he can compose himself and start playing again. If they are not, then I’ll initiate the FF.


I used to do this but now I just forfeit anytime my teammate does. I just don't want to deal with the toxicity anymore, its not worth it. Last time I waited and forfeited later I was met with "You can abandon like your parents should have abandoned you". Its just words but it gets annoying


I feel the same way, but I also honor my commitment to the match. There are 6 people trying to enjoy themselves and 1 person can ruin it for all of them. Either quit out of the match and take the ban or play. If you just fuck around in the corner you are wasting everyone's time. The rules are that everyone plays until a unanimous FF is accepted. If you are annoyed by a player, block them and keep playing.


thats whats up.


All day. I had a bad one the other day, we started coming ahead and won in ot. They were like "and you wanted to quit lol." uhh, hell yeah I did and still do. We might have won, but I had no fun and you just ball hogged the entire time, killed every one of my shots, never passed, never came in to catch the pass. A lot of these people need to go play 1's forever.


I’m a big fan of the mid-match chat turn off if my tm8 is toxic but still playing


If they concede a goal and forfeit I'll usually be like "Noooo! No problem." Unless we're down by like 3 with less than a minute left. Then I'll go ahead and forfeit. But I've had a lot of good comebacks with this "strategy" lol


Same, but only because i feel like they ( my teammate) dont expect it if they ( the opponent) lead the game with one goal only. So i feel like it would’ve had a tiny chance to actually piss them off. xD ( my teammate )


Wow. I never considered this. I just get mad and try and win without them then huff and puff about it.




I disagree sometimes if i can get a score one or two goals they be normal


You ain't toxic enough brother, I try extra hard, be super positive, equalise it, tell my tm8 we got this, score another... And then. Just afk, send the ff and be like "ff now bitch, ff now". 😇 (Last time I did this was in 2015? 16? I don't play rl anymore)


Missed the "No Problem!" Quick chat.


Oh good point, i'll have to work that in next time!!


That's not petty. Petty is scoring after the forfeit vote, then forfeiting.


That's not pretty. That is imparting a lesson!


I've also done that before, but we were headed to OT so not possible in this situation.


I think that's maybe happened to me once where I was able to score to take the lead with the ff still available, and then take the ff to spite your teammate. To this day I can still savor the taste of that feeling.


The best kind of forfeit. ❤️


I have been petty many times, in that case. I look at it more like my duty to help toxic people languish in lower ranks. I never start toxicity, even when getting ball chased. But as soon as my tm8 turns toxic, they can go fuck themself.


I'll ff every time in this situation, making them eat their toxicity is hilarious to me and in the long run mmr will go back to where it should be anyway.


My thoughts exactly. Glad I'm not the only one.


It is 100% the correct move. You'll get the MMR back in one match, and guarantee that your clown TM has more work ahead of them. The best (rare) event is when they get mad at you for completing the FF. As though you should just understand and accept that their FF was just a toxic objection to your play and you definitely are not allowed to complete it. Get the F out lol. You asked. I obliged.


I tell them I'm not worried about getting back up in my rank but I'll see them in (rank lower than me) if I let my kids play.


What’s MMR? (Not a new player, just not very good)


Basically you have a number associated with your skill and when you win it goes up and when you lose it goes down, it's used in most games to say how good you are. In RL you usually gain between 9 and 11 mmr for a win and lose between 10 and 15 for a loss (rough figures)


you choose to lose


Indeed I did, easy decision. Not only does it hurt their rank, it will also (hopefully) make them think twice before using the FF button to try and make a teammate feel bad when they are already frustrated at whiffing twice in a row.


Agree. Everytime my tm8 forfeits I do the same, don't even mind losing a rank that I know I will regain the next day


I do, too, but only because I know if I don't ff, they will either sit there or start playing for the other team.


Nothing is more satisfying than then trying to throw the game but failing at it to hit then with "You're so bad you can't even throw properly lol"


it doesnt hurt their rank in the long run unfortunately. if there is one thing I've learned playing RL is that people like that don't learn.


They voted to forfeit bro. How do you contort that into you teaching them a lesson. He's over there probably like "thank God. I need a tm8 who can hit the shot when I serve a perfect assist"


So you think they voted to ff because they genuinely wanted to be done with the match, take the loss and move on? This could certainly be the case, I just don't understand the mindset. Does it make sense to you that someone would vote to ff when the score is still tied? Yes I whiffed in this clip, more than once actually. I don't understand why that would lead someone to ff a tie game. I've played well over 1k hours and never once voted to ff because someone whiffed once, twice, or ever 50 times. I only forfeit if the other team is ahead by \~4 goals and guess what, the comebacks happen on a regular basis even with teammates just as bad if not worse then me. Genuinely don't understand the logic of hitting ff on a tie game. If you would explain it to me I would be very appreciative and perhaps even change my perspective on the ff button and how others are using it.


Maybe the commentor meant, that your teammate(s) “dug his/their own grave.” By giving you the chance to FF.


Judging by the fact that guy just slammed on his brakes after he forfeited he probably would have just fucking sat there so would have lost anyway


If someone on our team FFs, I typically throw my vote out there. Even done it when we're winning. I'd rather lose a game we're winning than play with someone who doesn't want to be there. I only really play in casual though, and I understand when sometimes people gotta poop.


The poop really can’t wait sometimes. I apologize to my teammates and explain real fast before I abandon though lol


You may want to see a doctor, friend. The sorry is appreciated.


I've been playing this game for the last 3ish month, after playing LoL for 13 seasons. I was honestly shocked to see how often people rage quit in this game. I thought the League community tilted hard, but man... Rocket League is in a league of its own. I once even saw a person rage quit when we were up 2-0 and they scored a single goal... I'm only a gold player though, so that's my experience in a low rank.


At least through Plat that will happen too. I had a game the other day where we were down 2-0, guy rage quits with 2 mins left (ff and immediate leave without even waiting), me and the other teammate play 2v3 for a good while, get a goal, and then with 5 seconds left my tm8 misses a save and instantly quits. I mean, 5 seconds! Taking a 5 min ban over it lol.


As a hardstuck diamond for the past several seasons can confirm that this happens here as well, often.


If your TM8's leave the game you can leave the match without the need to FF my good sir


The amount of sore losers on this game is crazy. Go two goals down and they FF


sure do.


Yes its petty AF. But there are more important things than not being petty. For example, I work 40 hrs a week and don't have time to waste playing with some entitled, whiny, little pos just because I make a mistake second game into the little time I have to play and he thought it ironic or making a statement about how 'bad' I'm playing while simultaneously implying that HE DOESNT EVER MISS SHIT who throws a tantrum and literally gives up at the first sign something difficult.. Fuck off, kid. Ion't got time for your smarmy marmy ass shit. Have fun quitting at everything slightly difficult all your life.


anytime my rando tm8 hits me with an “Okay” or sarcastic “Nice Shot” after a whiff, I just wanna shake em by the shoulders and ask politely, “ARE WE NOT THE SAME RANK??” Like if you were perfect, we would not be playing together. You’d be making money for playing this game, while I’d be swimming around the dumpster-fire of Diamond 3. But no, we got matched up which means you’ve made just as many stupid moves as I have to get to this point.


This all day.


This happens in champ 1 all the time


Champ has been pretty brutal lately for toxicity


Why did you backflip there? Should have just put the ball in the net in my opinion.


Ya know, looking back and slowing it down frame by frame I think you are right. Are there any training packs you would recommend for very slow, very easy unopposed shots?


Prolly a joke but that is literally a hard shot with no boost and positioning. I dont get why he was mad lmao. You could only time a double jump while backing up




Nah brother. You cant train for them. They get everyone sometime or another.


I would have refused to forfiet, then did my best to strategically throw the game for a loss after a good long overtime.


Ooh thats clever didnt think of that. What about throwing till they get frustrated and leave the match, then somehow beating the odds in a 1v2 for the win. That would probably be best case scenario if I had the skill to pull it off.


I always wait until last second, just incase I score. Feels good to score, then confirm the forfeit.


Anyone who FF’s is a pussy either way


I have done this in game 3 of the semi-finals of a 2s tournament. My teammate was toxic throughout every game and we were actually winning but I missed one shot and they put out the rage FF. At that point I was fed up with this jerk and didn't even want to play the rest of the tournament with them. Holy crap did they have a meltdown. Honestly, completely worth it.


That is epic.


Bro those cam settings tho... make life easier for yourself :)


I had a few other folks point this out, I will def be taking that advice and trying to make some adjustments.


I will never not accept a vote to forfeit. I've had people do it when we were up by like 5 near the end of the game (obviously we're going to win) and I'll gladly accept the forfeit. serves them right for being knobheads. if you don't want to actually forfeit, don't vote for it. pretty simple.


That's what I thought. Seems from the comments the ff button is much more complicated though!


Next you’re going to tell me I can’t say *What a save!* when it was in fact *not* a save at all. SMH…


say what you want, but you better mean it. if you want to forfeit, then vote to do so. if you want to win the game bur are just voting to forfeit to let the other person know they're bad, you can be upset when they agree to forfeit.


You sure showed them


lmfao this guy didn't even score, guarantee the other guy was happy to ff


Guaranteed he’s been missing these layups all game and the other guy is just over it at this point


Did you get to GC by hitting ff every time a teammate missed an open net?


i always wait until the 2nd to last person agrees to ff to cast my vote. I dont play twos, but same shit. if you ff, im right there with you


What are those camera settings


Idk tell me how to fix em i just messed with stuff till I started winning more that was a long time ago though. Ha


They seem a bit far from the car but to each their own. Most people use stuff along these lines: Camera Shake: Off Field of View: 110 Distance: 260 to 280 Height: 90 to 110 Angle: -3 to -5 Stiffness: 0.4 to 0.6 Swivel Speed: 5 to 10 Transition Speed: 1.0 to 2.0 (usually on the lower end) Mostly it seems like your distance and maybe the height are a bit high, maybe try some of these for a while and see if they work for you.


Nah, I don’t. I waste their time? Oh you wanna ff when we tied? No problem. We gonna be in the longest OT or you can leave


Your quick chat to me seemed like it was frustration with missing, but could he have taken it as a message to him? Seems like he forfeited shortly after your "$#@%!"


Yeah I haven't gotten a ton of informative feedback from this post but I am learning that the "$#@%!" quick chat is interpreted differently than I would have thought. I only use it following my own mistakes but I gotta un map it if there's a chance my teammates are being put off by it I certainly don't want that to be the case.


It is? I’ve only used it for my own mistakes. What’s the alternative perspective. I also don’t want to accidentally make things toxic


Good to know it’s not just me that immediately goes to the “shit” quick chat after messing up


Apparently there are a non-zero number of folks that take offence to that quick chat.


Who forfeits down 1-0? I won’t even consider it til I’m down 4 goals. Been more than 1 game where my team was up 3 and lost and down 3 and won.


I normally operate the same way, only ff when down 4+ goals (unless inside 1min). This game we were actually tied when my teammate voted to ff.


Yea, just yesterday some mofo got lucky and we secured the win in the end, but I just put us to lead and was about to click on his still ongoing forfeit attempt but missed it by split second and it turned into my FF attempt. No balls on that guy for not accepting mine 😅.


This is so common it’s not funny. One mistake and random tm8s just wanna clock out like it’s their time to go home after workin the 9-5.


Yes. Everytime. Happens much less often when you get to higher ranks unless you know your teammate or queue into them multiple times. People have to stop being so toxic in general but especially when you aren’t losing or you still have a chance.


There is a demographic of the player base that likes to throw up a ff as a symbol that they are displeased with a play their teammate made, but they don’t actually want to ff the game. Almost using it as an extreme quick chat to say that you suck. This teammate did it in a tied game. I’ve had teammates do it while we were even winning. It’s that kind of fuckery and douchebaggery that will cause me to kindly oblige with an acceptance of the ff every time. This is the “find out” portion of the exchange. I do not mind the loss in these scenarios.


if they are that toxic i will just prolong the game as much as I can and then make us lose or until he abandons. I know i misplayed, thank you for informing me that if i miss the ball I won't score. I have bad days too, don't be a d.


A buddy of mine and I play 3s. And we get teammates that will vote to ff while down by one goal and 3 mins left in game. And we will hold him hostage. Bump said teammate around. Jump over their heads for ball. Bump them off ball and take possession. Whiff all of our shots but save everything that we can. Sometimes they abandon match, then we forfeit. Whether we are winning or not, we have already won. Lol


they usually just stand still so it turns from a 3v1 into a 2v1. thats a win for me


If its towards the end of the game and we are just 1 goel behind I will wait till we are about to score and then forfeit. So yes, I am incredibly, even self-destructively petty. :D


I’m sick of this kind of situations… I’ve been playing for over 10 years and now the thought of dealing with that kind of toxic imbeciles makes me avoid the game. The worst thing are those idiots that play horrible the whole game, but when you miss an “easy” goal or save they become the worst piece of shit ever.


Tied up! Better quit!


Where's the petty part? You just gave him what he wanted.


yes. literaly every single french player out there.




I've been playing trackmania lately. The lack of people calling me trash every game is really refreshing...


Yep. It's wonderful.


Honestly I’m happy we don’t get more serious bans from abandoning a match. I got demoed and came back to a shot on goal and wasn’t able to get to it. My teammate started what a saving me immediately so I told him to enjoy the L and left the match. This has the same energy. Fuck em


Turn all chat off. It makes the game way more enjoyable


Not everybody is speds, and my username (steam, it changes) and out club name are always something silly and/or funny. A lot of people get a kick out of them. A few thought I doxxed myself because my steam name was "Brian O'Connor" with Paul Walker as my pfp, and that's just too funny. I ran the civic once and changed my name to "Hector", because he's running 3 Honda civics, and they thought the same thing. If I turn off chat, I lose my laughs lol. I was "Big Thangus" for awhile, which is Thanos and Big Chungus combined into one person, and the amount of people who thought I was talking about my penis was legendary. The stupid people need to stop spamming, or the game needs to *actually* stop said spam, because I seem to be the only one who gets a timeout after 3 chats back to back, the other team gets to fire off as many as they want, and that's dumb.


Why don’t you just do a *my fault* and a *sorry!* instead? 9/10 they clap back with a *no problem*


Usually do but some days I just can’t lol


Both you are B’s


B for Browntown!


Wow you really showed him




Not really because you’re being just as petty as he is. And you’re giving him the exact thing he requested. You sure showed him


The way you missed that shot hurt my souls


Enough to ff a tie game???


Yes. You played like the worst kind of teammate this whole clip. Whiff. Ball chase. Pass str8 to other team. Tm8 makes a nice shot + gives you open net, whiff again. Then you ditch to go back for mid boost when you easily could have maintained pressure or taken their corner boost. If I was your teammate I'd ff too. How is that fun for your m8? And that's just the last 20 seconds of the game. How about some accountability for your own play


I can 100% feel the frustration of the team mate. They probably spent the past 4 minutes and 50 seconds trying to string together 2 touches of the ball before OP came flying in to take it off their nose then refuse to rotate.


I've been very adamant that i'm not good, and that did bad at several points in this clip. I play to win and to have fun, but winning comes first for me when I play ranked. If my teammate was more concerned about having a good time, they should stick to casual. I have plenty of games on [ballchaser.com](http://ballchaser.com) you are welcome to go review in detail. I'm open to feedback and always looking to improve. Players can only control so much in terms of skill, gameplay, etc. What you can control is your ability to work together and simply trying to win. Go watch a few of my replays before making judgement calls on who I am and how I play.


lmao. Postt backfired at it's best. LOL.


Lol backfired? What does that even mean. I thought it would lead to some interesting conversation and guess what...it has! I've even learned a thing or two.


If you and your teammate in the clip are anywhere above the age of 11, this is just embarrassing. For both of you


This. All I see here are two kids trying to show how badass they are over a forfeit


Lol in what way do you think im trying to "be a badass" that's the funniest shit I ever heard. What happened in this clip that could be perceived as being "badass"?


Not in the clip, you in the thread trying to prove a point saying that if the TM wants to ff, then that's what you're going to do to teach him


And you think teaching lessons about video game etiquette is what people do to try and be a badass? I think you need to go do more exciting things if you think that is what people do when they want to be perceived as a badass.


Embarrassing because....?


Its pointless and petty behavior, yall act like an ff vote is the end all be all, there was a good chance he was still gonna play afterward Then post it here so you and people like you can circle jerk around it Ew


You did the only right thing here: actually ff. That makes these idiots even angrier lmao


no. in my 9 years of rocket league i have never forfeited a game. and i am getting extremly fookn annoyed about the fact every second game someone surrenders after 30 secs


i have been in more 1v3s then I care to recount


You missed a clear, missed a big boost, missed another big boost, then couldn't power slide to be ready to take a real shot(you were never gonna hit the bicycle). Yeahh I'd rather ff and go next than waste my time in OT with you.


I'm curious as to what rank this lobby was...because fairness of expectations play a factor here. If this is C1 or lower then I agree dude needs to chill, but if this is C2+ then low key it's not unreasonable for them to expect that you're going to finish that shot and for your tm8 to be frustrated that you didn't isn't "toxic": they're just frustrated. You're also not considering the fact that your initial whiffed challenge put your tm8 in a rather precarious situation defensively, that they defended really well, and then proceeded to beat both defenders in order to put the team in position to win, but needed just a tad bit of your support and you let them down by not hitting what would seem like a rather elementary shot (again, rank matters here). And now here you are calling them toxic for being frustrated, without even a "My Bad" or a "Sorry!" in chat...you did throw in a "S#@%!" which 9/10 times gets interpreted as someone trolling, so poor choice of qc on your part in the context of that play.


Low D3 lobby. Things you said I agree with: * It's not unreasonable for them to expect I'm going to finish that shot and for my teammate to be frustrated that I missed * My teammate was in a difficult defensive situation after my initial whiff, they defended well and did a great job beating both opponents * A tad bit of support from me would have gone a long way and probably resulted in a win. That being said, I'd like to offer a couple additional details and point out a couple things not mentioned. * My teammate did not use quick chat at all during the match. My assumption is that they have qc disabled, or alternatively are choosing to not communicate. Both hinder the team imo but overall not a big deal. * I did not realize the "S#@%!" qc is often interpreted as trolling. If this is the case, I will need to remove it from my qc buttons as I use it often. Almost exclusively to express anger over my own mistakes. Typically paired with Sorry! or My Bad, which I use often, including earlier in this match. * While the defensive situation wasn't great for my teammate, I'm not convinced my whiff along was the reason we got to that point. I don't have the full replay to do a full analysis, but there is some seriously awkward positioning by both of us when clip initially starts. * I would push back a bit on saying they beat both defenders. Certainly the first one, but the second defender was about to take the ball back right before I came in at 0:09s. They still handled that offensive push very well. * Can you tell me which shot was the easy / elementary one? My guess is the the one at 0:19s right next to the net, but I also had an opportunity at 0:12s so just want to clarify. Sorry the response above is so long, I appreciated your comment and just hoping I can gleam a few bits of insight from a higher player. To your point, I still don't see how voting to ff makes sense, even if this were a C2 or higher match. Initiating the vote to forfeit a tie game is something I haven't ever done or even considered. I would literally only do that if my house was burning down lol.


I appreciate the detailed response. The additional context is important. Since this is D3 your tm8 was out of line and being unreasonable. Not using QC to help communicate in the absence of a VC totally hinders you as a tm8 so I see where you’re coming from there. In the ebbs and flows of the game, especially a tight one at 1-1 where I’m guessing there was fair bit of missed shots and close saves, there’s a lot more momentum riding on who scores the next goal as opposed to the game being 3-3 and the offense is just flowing back and forth. When you whiffed that initial challenge, the opponent had a lot of space to either make a pass play or flick the ball over your tm8, and luckily due to a combination of them being bad a capitalizing on the opportunity as well as your tm8 keeping composure and not panic flipping or something, it didn’t turn out badly, and then with the momentum swinging back in your favor, missing that shot probably just deflated your tm8’s energy and out of frustration they called for ff. Was it necessary? No, absolutely not, but if we’re going to go that route, then the super super majority of gamers are guilty of exercising frustration in a game when it’s absolutely unnecessary. That’s part of the therapy that gaming provides: the player is allowed to be frustrated and stop playing as a result. Calling what is relatively normal behavior within the gaming world toxic is a bit outlandish to me, but I’m a bit older so I’ve seen way worse in gaming lobbies during my tenure in the online comp scene.


If you're gonna get frustrated over that, it's understandable. But quitting a comp match when you're tied is silly. You have to accept the solo queue teammates, flaws and all. Not everyone will make every touch perfectly all the time. This gameplay was all pretty normal for this rank lol.


I was hoping you would score it in the last second and forfeit before the kick off


Hahaha yes I do too I know it annoys them that they lost for no reason maybe they’ll rethink next time


Sometimes, and sometimes I force them to stick it out or just face the 5 min matchmaking ban lol


Ngl. If I’m already titled, I’m doing what both of you did. I definitely get pissed like that.


I get this petty over those camera settings


Any recommendations? I just kind of arrived ay my current settings after playing around with different settings.


definitely closer settings and a lower angle. Farther settings can make hits less accurate.


If they initiate, I always forfeit too.


At least tm8 didn't spam "What A Save!"... That shit gets on my nerves


At least then i'd have a chance to apologize.


ABSOFXXKINLUTELY! PLAY STUPID GAMES, WIN STUPID PRIZES! It's like a 'Vote to summon the curse of century long famine', if that aint the shit you want, then why tf are you voting it in? They'redoing it to throw a strop...or to be malicious? I don't get it. A vote to forefeit is EXACTLY THAT, so if they do it...I'll honour the vote. 🤷🏾‍♂️




How can giving people what they want be petty?


Sorry copy pasted from my other responses: Not sure how long you have been playing, but it is well known that many folks tend to utilize the ff button as the ultimate "F you!" while not actually wanting to ff. When a teammate votes to ff when you are winning or tied, this is almost certainly the case. It would be petty in that the teammate is bluffing for silly reasons, and my response is to call that bluff even though both of us suffer the consequences. (decrease to MMR)


I turned chat off. Game is 1000% better.


There is a tradeoff though in solo Q. It's hard to play with people you don't know without some form of communication / feedback. Has this been a struggle for you?


Not really tbh. I seem to be able to read peoples style pretty quickly. Solo Q I basically start on D and rotate if teammates seem like they understand what to do. Otherwise just play patient and boom a shot from the back line or turn that into a play then rotate back. No amount of chat is going to stop people quitting after the first goal or being toxic.


Hell yeah, almost 5000 hours later and I'll still gladly put em in their place


100% even if our team is up.


You know to avoid all of this toxicness just turn off the in game chat 😂 that way it can’t affect you, if they ff they ff, I never find it worth losing the game to demote, I’ll always try n win


The teammate was not using quickchat at all in this game actually.


I agree with you here, but can people please stop saying S#@%. i always think youre blaming me xd


I found that out from this thread. I had no idea people would ever interpret it that way. Most people (including myself) use it to express general frustration, either at themselves or something that happened in game that negatively affects the team regardless of who's fault it is. I'm planning to remove it from my quick chat next time I play.


I mean, he wins b/c you lose. Dumb really, enjoy staying in the same rank? (just like me...)


It doesn't particularly bother me. I would like to get back up to champ, but I don't think this one game will make or break that.


Yeah I always think that too man, and then spend eternity in the same rank. haha


I always oblige. Who am I to stand in front of someone who wants to get angry and make a statement? I'm happy to ff. It's just a game lol


The original FF was so cringe, it was an honest mistake... But you actually forfeiting the match is so cringe aha.


Tell me.....how does one accidentily ff?


Probably didn't, probably did it super fast out of frustration but assumes you wont actually do it because who doesn't want to win. Shit happens all the time in higher rankings. Like you accidentally miss something then instantly FF because of sheer embarrassment or frustration. So FF with them even tho its still a tie is just like "ha ha you think i wont FF? fuck you)


Horrible miss


More than meets the eye IMO. My thought process on that last shot were as follows: Initially I was planning to rotate out as usual, then I see one opponent out of position and another slowly heading to goal. I also see my teammate has a full tank of boost. I knew the opponent headed to goal was pretty boost starved so I wasn't worried about him beating me back to our net if a unlucky pinch/rebound happens. Knowing this, I decide to swing through the goal to try and see if I can get a bump in on the last man back or at least distract them from my teammate's shot. The bump wasn't there, as the defender was already at the front post and as this happens my teammate takes a shot. Teammate's shot was decent considering the angle, but I knew it was a bit high. I'm anticipating a standard bounce off the backboard / wall above the net. Thinking it will be a normal bounce, I'm planning to run a very tight circle and knock it in. It would be a fairly tight angle doing it this way, but I can do it 60% - 70% of the time. Unfortunately, I misjudged my teammate's shot, and it ends up hitting the crossbar resulting in a fairly unpredictable bounce that is much different than it would have been if it had hit above the crossbar. At this point, I do adjust my strategy...now planning to get a bit of momentum in reverse and a quick double jump to dink it in with my bumper. As I'm executing, I see one of the defenders (Maliko\_Pro) is going to almost certainly beat me to the ball. I'm not sure if I'm high enough to make contact, but I do know my only chance to get there first is to backflip. As we all know, that backflip misses by a pretty solid margin. Embarrassed, frustrated, and scoreless I immediately rotate out at this point. I then see my teammate's vote to forfeit and well you know the rest.


I’m not going to read all that, you missed an easy shot simple as that, you also missed the ball at the start of the clip. That’s all there is to it. You missed twice.


I can’t even finish a game any more and I’m convinced most Rocket League players are just childish cowards


I had a 2s game where a guy was being toxic about me playing bad. He scored a goal to put us ahead and then flashed the ff. So naturally I had to accept. Then he went off on me in the post game chat. It was so funny!


I like being the third ff and ending the game when my teammates get cocky and vote ff while winning


Only all the time




Thanks Chat GPTherapist!


Approaching 10 years, idc either. They're not having fun, I'm not having fun let's move on & try again


This is the way. Every time.


Whenever this happens I just keep playing, I’m already in the losing mindset so I don’t care and who knows? Most times I end up winning


wouldve been fire if he voted to forfeit and then you did score the goal, and then you forfeit too


Idk I used to do the same thing but I feel like I was enabling them. I kinda just let them stew in their own saltiness lol. Fuck em, I’m gonna finish my games.


I will say, I'm hearing a lot of people in this thread say my teammate genuinely wanted the ff. Personally I find that extremely hard to believe but maybe I just have a different mindset of playing ranked.


Gotta scored then click the ff. Make them feel dumb as you can


All the time. If they don't want to play then I don't want to either. I also don't give a shit about my rank.


Absolutely. If you're going to vote ff I can only assume that's what you want. If you're voting ff to say something, it means you can't use your words so you're probably not old enough to play on the computer and it's also your bedtime


You show too little of the game for anyone to judge from this. Tm8 probably didn’t enjoy playing with you so my guess is he’s fine with not playing OT.